Shards of Immortality

Oh god. Rance? Really? HIDE YO WIMMINZ HIDE YO ...wimminz. Children are safe. Unless they're wimminz. Men are safe unless they're in the way of wimminz then he kills them too.
Good Lord, it may well end up that the ENTIRE community ends up enlisting to this...

Captain Hesperus
Marketing indeed. Let's hope the two of them can manage that many players.

Captain Hesperus
But now comes the time of waiting for everything to get set up and ready. Let us hope it passes fast, I am eager to grasp of a General and go about the interactions between each of the Generals as it already seems like a very interesting blend of figures.
...dammit, just read through the characters so far and one of my concepts might be too similar to Venore. Dunno. We'll see I guess, still got lots of pondering to do. Still got the halforc spirit shaman chick WHO I JUST REALIZED IS ALSO PRETTY SIMILAR TO SOMEONE'S CONCEPT goddammit everything I love burns. or maybe great minds just think alike. I think I like that second explanation better. >_>

REALLY looking forwards to General interactions, though. Lots of really cool characters.

....though I'm curious to see if the percentage of people with "no/little armor" as a flaw continues to come near 100% as the topic grows. >_>
In my defense i'd been working on my character before I even saw knight's up. (Since wizard started harassing me to join... 5 minutes after he put it up. ;) If it's me you're talking about, that is.)
Err, was that at me? If so I was just not-really-seriously complaining that both the concepts I had been considering people have already done, and probably better.
Well, since nobody seems to have posted my exact concept and people are posting characters of mixed quality in enormous quantities, I'm going to go ahead and just say what kind of character I'll be submitting soon (almost done with a rough draft).

He will be an Elf, who isn't quite as elitist as the rest of his kind. He focused on enchantment magic during his time in Alye'Kel, then left due to personal reasons and focused more on combat training and group coordination, though not neglecting his earlier education. He worked for the overlord as the leader of a first strike force - a group similar to (not entirely sure on the name of that, haven't gotten this far just yet) special forces groups in modern armies. This group had its own research arm that was wholly dedicated to shadow enchantments (it was small, but did have unique discoveries and applications). His goals and motivation mostly involve teaching his kind some humility through any means necessary (he does not wish them harm but will not hesitate if it comes to that) and while working for the Overlord he was fiercely loyal to his cause despite joining for more pragmatic reasons.

This story does sound very stereotypical for a single stereotype, so I'll be doing what I can to prevent that. Obviously its not fleshed out very well, and the description above is a poor example of what the end result will be. Just wanted this out here in case somebody tries posting an exact clone of it, which statistically isn't that unlikely with the number of new characters being submitted.
[QUOTE="The World Is Flat]In my defense i'd been working on my character before I even saw knight's up. (Since wizard started harassing me to join... 5 minutes after he put it up. ;) If it's me you're talking about, that is.)

Really? He took that long? He was harassing me hours BEFOREHAND. Rance resulted. Besides, everyone wants Rance to be their overlord.
Looking forward to how Rance turns out, yes...

Also yes, gotta say that I too was hit by the tide of the overlapping characters...seems like a common theme here
I'll be enjoying reading this roleplay with the vast set of characters available. Good luck MizWiz.

Already have that first pic. Second one is amazing, and is getting editted in now. You are braver than I, for delving into the -boorus. A thousand internets upon ye.
Thanks to everyone who has joined the game!

We do not have a limit to characters yet and any one may be submit one. I would like to remind everyone that submitting a character to this thread does not mean that you are instantly approved.

Also I have run games larger then this, it won't be a problem :) !
Gender neutral pronouns. Ey is the equivalent of he or she, eir is the equivalent of his or hers, em is him or her, and emself is himself/herself.
I've seen pronouns such as those before, but generally I see fantasy characters (or people in general) referred to as "he" or "she" to avoid confusion so you don't have to explain a term to an entire group of people and help streamline things.

Having skimmed your character's story and such though, it looks like using a gender-neutral term might actually make some sense, just don't expect roleplaying characters to refer to your character in those terms!
Honestly, the ey/eir things make it a lot more annoying to read, l0l. Always preferred xe as gender neutral pronouns went. Probably doesn't matter ingame though.
Very interesting concept...I think me and you are going to be very good friends in-game, looks like we compliment each other quite nicely!
I'm going to hold my cards for now.

Wizard knows that I am into exceptions... I must see how things play out in the beginning before I decide to join.

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