[Shards of Immortality] We speak no evil

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]No traditional, we will have a nice chapter system in place for this system that will be able to accommodate a large amount of players but it will be one or few threads at a time, not 5465654156.

So wait, something like Birthright? (I actually never joined that, although I really did want to! >.<)
Waaaaait wait wait. Are we RPing people literally as they wake up? In the immediate aftermath? Wut?
Tabby said:
Waaaaait wait wait. Are we RPing people literally as they wake up? In the immediate aftermath? Wut?
If you consider 1000 years later immediate, then yes. Quite refreshing, having such a short nap~
Tempest said:
If you consider 1000 years later immediate, then yes. Quite refreshing, having such a short nap~
Yeah, yeah, after 1000 years of being dead.


man I would NOT want to see their bed head.
Tabby said:
Yeah, yeah, after 1000 years of being dead.

man I would NOT want to see their bed head.
The best part about 1000 years, is that the bodies would be skeletons. No bedhead here!

... Oh wait, maybe that's supposed to be a bad thing.
Tabby said:
Waaaaait wait wait. Are we RPing people literally as they wake up? In the immediate aftermath? Wut?
I think everyone will quite enjoy the beginning, you will all be waking up after 1000 years of death and will be starting at your awakening(Those will not be threads anymore but will be left up to the player for those who know) It should be interesting, because as you guys wake up you can totally describe your selves as still regenerating etc.
Tempest said:
Ne, Wiz. *Pokey* If you're wakey wakey, then y u no approve/critique Tyhria? I'm literally unable to sleep from anticipation and stress.
I have been unable to sleep, but I am not handling any more characters till Miz wakes up, I said I would not.
Maghda is what I imagine a lot of Fae to be like. Hopefully just not as annoying.

Anyway characters are reviewed at random by a dice roll to make it completely fair. However we will not be responding to this who have already been responded to until we get to everyone at least once. We are trying to handle this in the most fair way possible, speaking the sheer amount of people who signed up.
Say, should we imagine the Battle of the Tower as something like the Battle of Dagorlad, portrayed in I believe the second Lord of the Rings movie, with the Generals each being a Sauron?
If there's one good thing about not being reviewed immediately, it's getting to see what other people did right and wrong, and being able to fix your character sheet off of that knowledge.
Tempest said:
If there's one good thing about not being reviewed immediately, it's getting to see what other people did right and wrong, and being able to fix your character sheet off of that knowledge.
Indeed, seeing others mistakes is both comical, and useful! :D

Kidding aside, on a not so related note, I am working on a PC, but it probably wont be posted for a few days or so.
The blue pending tag is a temporary tag to designate who has been responded to at least in the first round of posting revisions.
Say, I have several questions-

  1. Were the Half-Orcs around as a notable race, traveling as nomads at the time of the Overlord's rise and expansion of power?
  2. Should I, in my character sheet, make specific names of any cities, or just leave them vague? (I only mention one...)
  3. How long was the Overlord's reign, and when did he start bringing Generals into his fold?
Tempest said:
Say, I have several questions-
  1. Were the Half-Orcs around as a notable race, traveling as nomads at the time of the Overlord's rise and expansion of power?
  2. Should I, in my character sheet, make specific names of any cities, or just leave them vague? (I only mention one...)
  3. How long was the Overlord's reign, and when did he start bringing Generals into his fold?
  1. The Half Orcs came about through the Rise of the Overlord really. There might have been a few here or there when the Orcs first invaded but it wasn't until the Overlord uneder the Orcs control did Half Orcs manifest. However over the Overlords reign Half Orc numbers grew and grew. Some remaining in the Overlord's empire and others becoming Nomad.
  2. You can bring up any specific cities you want as long as it makes sense with the Lore already given. I will look over any specifics you give however and might have suggestions on it.
  3. The Overlord's reign is rather vague to give you guys as much freedom as you desire but his rise and all that took centuries. However I do base that sort of information on what people have submitted for their characters and morph the Lore around that. It probably won't be until our first batch of Approvies that we will establish a set timeline with a good number of dates. I am working on a basic outline so far and I will get back to you on this topic once I have taken a look at more of peoples profiles.

WlfSamurai said:
Have they all been reviewed at this point, then?
No they have not. I don't know why wizard approved any character. However I will be focusing my attention towards those who have not been reviewed.
Ya! It wasn't my Old crazy Chineseman character...

But on that note, it hasn't gotten around to being looked at so.... We will see, probably messed up somewere, anyways.

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