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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation


As @Wick has just stated, it would be strange to have someone more powerful than time and space, but I'm fine with him being the same age/strength as Death, since war does harness death. Apart from that, he's a great character that gives us a lot to work with!
@Emberskull thanks, but I was getting at is that he is older or almost as old as the two. I don't really remember saying anything about being more powerful but I possibly typed that instead of age
Name: Buh'roham (Zach) Zachariah

Gender: Male 

Species: Human 



Personality: Courageous, a strong sense of Justice. 

Strengths: A knowledge and understanding of all firearms and how to use them. Along with the strange power to see three all deception. And fast reflexes, and eagle eyes. 

Weaknesses: For now he is still very human. Meaning a lot of things can kill him. His quest for Justice can go too far into a quest for Vengeance. 

Backstory: His mother and father were avid worshippers of Dar'vange and Melissa, and they lived in Texas in a rotten town that needed Justice. One day the couple was visited in their dreams by the two gods and they were told that their child would do great things in the world. They also warned them about the coming doom, and that they would be the first to die in the Human's rage against the gods. The couple accepted this with heavy hearts, but with hope too. Sure enough, the mother gave birth to a boy and named him Buh'roham. They watched him grow up and they taught him many things like how to defend himself and most importantly: Right from Wrong.

As he grew he noticed several things about himself. He always knew when someone was lying to him, he was a faster draw and a better shot than anyone who could challenge him. When he was 17 years old, tensions rose among humans as they started feeling they deserved more from the gods. At 18, humans grew even angrier and rioted against the churches and devout priests who had done nothing but help them, care for them when they were sick, aid in the birth of their babies, and comfort them in times of grief. And they were slaughtered, branded heretics against humanity. As foretold, Buh'roham's parents were the first to die. Buh'roham ran and ran. And this is where we find him. 

It's about to get monstrous in here. 

I'm posting this ref early in order to get the OK with @Emberskull before I release this creature into the RP. Spoilers below!


HOW TO SUMMON: Become one with the cold.

Notes: Hypothermeister is the creature locked inside the ICY ORB artifact. It is summoned when Annabelle becomes "One with the Cold", abandoning all warmth as best she can, including mental warmth. This leaves Annabelle at a very cold physical temperature and with a very hostile and cruel personality until Hypothermeister is returned to artifact form. In exchange for the soul bind with Annabelle and the negative effects it has on her body, Annabelle is granted immunity from perishing in the cold temperatures, as well as a shared ability.
Hypothermeister was created by the banished god of monsters as a god-killer. It can create temperatures so cold that it can make flesh shatter instead of simply being cut or bruised. 

SNOW-CREATE. Hypothermeister can naturally create harsh blizzards and freezing temperatures. It does this by forcing out ice and snow out of the grates on it's four palms. The worse the blizzard it can make, the stronger it's abilities. It can even create a blizzard in places where such would not be possible, like a tropical region, or inside a house.

SNOW-CLONES: Hypothermeister can create mirage-like creatures out of the snow it pumps out into the surrounding areas. They are, however, tangible. This means that snow-clones can attack and be attacked. More often than not, they are so compacted that they become like dry-ice, but this renders them brittle, despite their intense cold. It shares this ability with Annabelle.
GENERAL ICE AND WIND MANIPULATION: I mean, come on, the things a giant snow-machine-monster-thing. If it couldn't control ice, what good would it be?

HEAT: This seems funny enough, but put up enough heat, and Hypothermeister will melt and revert back to the icy orb. Yes, it will melt if it stays inside too long.
GLOWING WEAK SPOTS: Those bright blue eyes and pipes? Hit em hard enough, Hypothermeister will revert back to the icy orb.
SOUL-BOUND: If Annabelle is critically injured, she will not be able to keep up the energy required to keep Hypothermeister active, and will revert to the icy orb. Once Hypothermeister goes back into the orb for any reason, even if Annabelle summoned him, Annabelle will be at a near-death freezing temperature and will have lost most of her ability to function until warmed back up.

You'll get to see the effects this guy has on Annabelle in the next post. In the meantime, I've got a battle to prepare for.


“An empty stomach is not a good political advisor!”

Name:  Xerxes.


Nickname:  Devourer of Gods. "Nicknamed this because of his power." 


Physical Age: 23. Centuries of years old in actuality.


Gender: Male.


Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Manticore God/God of Consumption.


Human Appearance:


Manticore Appearance:



Personality: Xerxes is notorious for having a very sparkling and energetic disposition when it comes to conversations or something that he thoroughly enjoys doing. Despite having a multitude of things that he seeks contentment out of, Xerxes is considered to be an ‘acquiescent’ when it comes to Farazia therefore he’ll often be carrying out orders indiscriminately because of the tyrannical rule that she burdens over these Gods, somewhat militaristic when it comes to the actions that are being passed down as he usually does not question what is being asked of him. Even though he mindlessly does these things he isn’t what you’d exactly label as “Evil” as Xerxes will usually find ways to defuse a situation unless violence is absolutely necessary, being the charismatic fool that he is, in rare-situations he’ll even befriend his own enemy in order to make amends with them.


Abilities: (Note, some of these abilities will only work in his Manticore physique.)
(Supernatural speed and maneuverability is slowed down by an exponential rate when in Manticore form, in Human state, Xerxes is unable to produce poison or use pyric-exhalation.)
(There's quite a few considering he's a Manticore, Note: He's still extremely vulnerable to dying.


Divine Ingestion: - Also known as “Deity-consumption”. It’s highly eulogized for its tremendous weight that it poses against other beings that are considered to be a definite threat to those that spark acts of insurrection against Farazia. Xerxes can devour other beings of his caliber, ultimately breaking down their body into nothing but sustenance although this does not exactly give him capabilities of using his victim's powers but it does strengthen him even further. (Can only consume people if they're unconscious.)

Semi-Immortality: - Xerxes is not vulnerable to any sort of aging, despite having his years of experience increase, his deterioration on the other hand does not. (He can die from life-threatening wounds and being slain in heated combat.)

Supernatural Strength/Speed: - Self-explanatory. This being’s potentiality over his own anatomy is beyond ordinary! Xerxes is completely capable of heaving monumental creatures and structures only using minimal energy, especially when he’s in his own bestial configuration. Complimentary to his extraordinary strength his feats in endurance and stamina are jaw-dropping in comparison to that of a lesser god, deities such as Apollo, Hermes, and similar entities such as them are able to easily outrun him  

Poison Generation/Immunity: - His Scorpion-esque appendage grants him two types of fast-acting toxins that he’s able to administer onto his victims such as neurotoxins which specifically cause temporary paralysis in his unfortunate foes. Lastly is being able to spew flesh-dissolving acidic substances out from the end of his ‘stinger’, all of this is particularly deadly when you account that Xerxes can discharge dense keratin spikes that are coated in the nasty stuff.

Pyric Exhalation (Fire-breath): Dwelling inside of Xerxes lurks a devilish concoction which gives him full access to the projection of fire, limited to it being able to be released out from the bowels of his stomach and through his mouth.



Delicious nourishment: “Scrumptious meals for an empty belly is enough to keep me entertained!”

Celebrations or Festivities: “Food, Ale, and women? Ha! What else is there to enjoy out of these special occasions?”

Worthy Challenges: “Combative scenarios can be so boring when you’re facing off against someone who cannot keep up, someone who can bring you to the brink of imminent demise are enough to satisfy me.

Farazia (God of Death): “What can I say? Every person has to their own weakness and i’m not sure why but i’ve drawn a certain attraction to her. Sure she may be completely hostile towards anyone that so much as breathes next to her but something about that vindictive attitude draws me closer. Plus she isn’t half-bad looking.



Overly authoritative individuals: “Farazia is my only exception to this, she may have my attention but it’ll take a lot more from all of you to gain my own respect.”

Being Insulted/Judged: “Almost anyone would dislike being offended from someone who is judgmental of them.”

Killing: “Ending one’s life is not something I particularly enjoy. But I must do what is expected of me.”

Being Restrained/Caged: “What?! Let go of me, i’m not a pet!”



Overzealous Charm

Scent location/Tracking

Somewhat Compassionate




Unsuitable environments: Non-wide open areas such as alleyways provide excellent coverage for those going against Xerxes.

Immobilization w/Godly Items/restraints: Chains that are capable of holding down someone like Atlas are enough to immobilize him, having him stay still is the difficult part.

Excessively unyielding in combative scenarios: In a way, he’s completely headstrong and filled with emotion when he dabbles in his ferocious battles, often making him a humongous target for traps that have been laid out previous to conflict.

Reasonability/Gullibility: Speak to him in a persuasive fashion or confuse him enough, he should give you the opportunity to escape.



Xerxes had been conceived in the emptied abyss of space during the early period of when Gods and Goddess had begun their origination and eventual rise throughout the multiverse. His abrupt creation was considered to be out of the ordinary as he did not have biological parents that were there to raise him, instead it’s as if the cosmos had just spat him out in order to recreate some sort of balance in between these deities that had been simply running amuck, previous to emerging into existence. Primeval scriptures dating back to unknown times had appointed this abnormal being as a means of equilibrium as to not have the potentiality of overwhelming divine-beings disrupting the course of nature as it would cause prospective ruination in the inevitable future. Sacred testaments have labeled that this being or creature, came as a terrifying beast that resembled something truly cold-blooded, noting its cardinal colored eyes that were unwavering and its expansive wings that ‘pierced’ the skies above from its tremendous height, they labeled this creature as none other than the “Manticore.” Lesser specimen have been produced, not by him but throughout time itself but still not having the exact same prowess as Xerxes.


Eventually time had passed and he had been sought to figure out his own need, his own duties that he could live up to aside from tediously floating around through existence as nothing but a mere ‘presence’, so Xerxes seeked it, concluding his near endless journey after discovering the one who was known as “Farazia, Goddess of Death and Hate.” Well, more along the lines of the simplistic cronies that had been following the woman’s every whimsy, in conclusion, Xerxes ultimately figured out his meaning in this existence and that was servitude and execution of traitorous deities that backed away from Farazia’s generous offer. Being that Xerxes had immeasurable benefits because of his ability to nonchalantly consume powerful entities as if they were an appetizer, he was given a chance to work alongside Farazia’s oppressive rule.


Other Information:

Xerxes is completely neutral, he’ll usually listen to reason if he’s in fact persuaded by someone who doesn’t resort to violence straight off the bat. Although this doesn’t exactly mean that it’ll always work as he’s often sworn to carry out his own duties.

Xerxes does not partake in the killing of youth, deeming that they are purely innocent and are too weak for the likes of him.

Xerxes is somewhat of a "tool" of dispatching enemies as he's used as an executioner, consuming any traitorous Gods that are brought to him or that have been thoroughly sought out by him alone. 

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Demi-god (Daughter of Melinoe and an unknown father)


A taller woman with orange red hair, a freckled face, and hazel blue eyes. Her jawline as well as her brows are slender while her lips are wide. She holds herself in a very eccentric manner, her voice often stuttering and jumbled. She has a nervous scratch, and her wrist is littered with scars from this habit. Most notable is her messy hair style, which while well groomed, is very much as unpredictable as her personality. 



"People are so often, nothing remotely, nothing close, to who they appear to be, or who they seem to be. I mean, how could anyone ever find trust in a friend when by our nature, or nature entirely, they are destine to betray us?"

Her voice is often soft and erratic, her personality off putting to most. She sees the world through a contorted and often artistic sense, that while offering insight, sets her up to be an outcast. Honesty is her strong suit, but she often lacks an important filter, her blunt language yet again, off putting. In tight spots she sticks to her gut, but can be very brave in that regard. Passed from relative to relative, she is highly independent, and rarely settles down, let alone makes friends. 

She is very much in a sense a religious soul, having great respect and appreciation for the gods, remaining entirely opposed to the movement of challenging the Gods and rebellion. 

In service to Fazria she has taken to the Goddesses harsh nature, in that she sees humans as pawns or even lab rats if nessesary. While she can be kind and often motherly, taking from her parentage of Demeter, she can also be very much wicked. 


Optimism serves her well in the regard of strength and perseverance. She has knowledge of survival, farming, and general house work. She has been trained in the use of daggers primarily, preferring close combat, but she also has a passion for archery. She is lean, but what she does have, it nearly entirely muscle. 

Her abilities are passed from her parentage from her mother's side. She can create small illusions and light, and can delve into the darker arts, such as sommoning and talking to the dead, with minor success. Her abilities are often only parlor tricks to the gods though. Her most notable skill is her ability to teloport. 


With her size, she can find great trouble with larger opponents. As a demigod she is not vulnerable to disease, sickness, and infection but  still can be affected by weapons just as any other mortal. She can often be overly trusting, and can put her faith entirely into something. With this she can be naive and blind to mistreatment of others and herself. She can become very infatuated with ideals and to an extend almost mad or crazed. 


Born of Melinoe (Daughter of Persephone and Hades she is the Goddess of Ghosts and Nightmares) and a father who passed before her birth, she found herself in the mortal world under the care of a larger family. Later though, she was sold to pay dept.  She was well cared for and mostly found herself keeping up the grounds and house at her new home. After her owner's wife passed, she was sold once again to a noble family as a servant, working there through her teenage years. Her service ended at age eighteen and she moved out to the country, taking jobs where she could. At 19 she devoted her life to the Gods and began to study them intently. Due to her beliefs she found herself a target of hate and discrimination in her community and so left her home behind to seek a "spiritual path". Upon discovering her true parentage she took to serving the Gods. She now resides as a handmaiden, cook, and personal assistant to many of the Gods and Demi-gods, especially Farazia. 
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Name: Arianna Fackender

Gender: Female

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Goddess of wind


Personality: Kind, Shy Quiet. Basically the essence of air

Strengths: Can create strong gusts of wind and tornadoes with a flick of her wrist

Weaknesses: Earth Magic and Fire Magic

Backstory: When she was 14 she found she had powers. On her 15th birthday, her mother told her that she was a goddess. That night she ran away and as soon as she stepped out the door the house along with her mother went up in flames. That was her first run in with Alaha. Since then she has been running from him and others that want her power. Now she is 18 and still running.


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Name: Lilah Ashclaw

Gender: Female

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Demi-God

Personality: Lilah has always been outspoken, even if it ended up with her getting in trouble. While some might find her rude she merely considers herself a realist and often finds herself questioning authority figures if she doesn't agree with their reasoning. Fiercely competitive and stubborn Lilah never took a challenge lying down. Independent and somewhat prickly people often find it difficult to like Lilah but under the layers of walls she's put up to protect herself there is someone capable of a powerful loyalty and if you can get past her witty remarks someone of deep wisdom.

Strengths: Lilah is able to manipulate darkness and can camouflage herself until she is near invisible during the night

                 -Quick with throwing knives and fast on her feet

                 -Intuitive and street smart

Weaknesses: Lilah is afraid of fire

                      -Doesn't realise her limitations

                     -Doesn't work as well in the day.

Backstory: Being born of the goddess of night Lilah has been gifted with certain gifts that helped her survive the many troubles she found herself in. Growing up Lilah's father, a history professor  ensured she had a well-rounded education and tried with little success in teaching her to keep her head down out of trouble. While most of Lilah's days were spent reading books, her nights were spent learning martial arts, wielding weapons and honing her gifts in secret. While Lilah had hoped she could remain by her fathers side and protect him from harm he was killed in a fire. After this Lilah travelled alone, finding herself unable to trust anyone she lived a half life unsure of her purpose.

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