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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

Name: Alexis Montclair

Gender: female

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Assassin/demi-god

Appearance: (attached below)

Personality: she's a silent person unless she's comfortable with people. When she does speak she tends to self-deprecate. She can be friendly and she always looks out for anyone she classes as a friend. Once she has a goal in mind she adopts obsessive behaviour until jer goal is achieved.


extremely quick go react and is very good at sneaking.

Good with swords, daggers and throwing knives

Can effectively blend into groups of people to avoid detection.


She tends to self-deprecate and go silent

She can sometimes be too obsessive and forget to eat and drink

Isn't that good in teams 

Backstory: Alexia is the product of a God falling in love with a human woman. 9 months later Alexia was born and almost instantly her father disappeared, ashamed he'd loved a mortal woman. Alexia's mother brought her up the best she could but at the age of 10 Alexia started pickpocketing people. For a while Alexia had managed to provide for her mother. At the age of 16 Alexia killed her first person. A resident of the slum they lived in who'd burst in drunk one night and had his way with her mother and killed her for screaming. Alexia stabbed him repeatedly and left him gagging on his own blood. Ever since then Alexia has been taking contracts for people so long as they pay. Alexia knows her father is a God and sees herself as lower in status than normal people.


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Gwendolyn Francisca Tressa 
The Airwalker








Adventurous, callous and introverted. Gwendolyn is a woman of many talents which compensate for her lack of civility and appropriateness. Her cool and sensual external appearance is far from her internal immature spirit. She is spoiled in many areas, relying on her best friend Sibyl when it comes to the endeavors of common folk but extremely in independent when it comes to her specialties. 

Commonly accused as a sociopath, it comes as a wonder to those who make her acquaintance how she manages to gather any loyal followers.

General Stealth and parkour (her speed and ability to grapple and glide may be attributed to her lineage)
Tracking and detective work
Hand to hand and close combat
Escapology (the practice of escaping from trapping devices)


Extremely bad at anything involving social interaction (Charming or talking to other people)
Working with other people in general (not including Sibyl)
Hunting and Gathering 
Common household work


Gwendolyn Francisca Tressa, is the sole surviving member of her once proud and noble house. When she was 13 they were all killed by a disease which spread throughout her community, rained down by the selfish Gods. She only lived through the blood of her father the God, Aether who once had relations with her mother when she was younger. Gwen was raised by her mother to be strong and to be distrustful of the Gods above which irresponsibly used their power to oppress the weak and murder any humans who came to power.

When the disease came, with determined eyes she waited for her mother to pass away in her arms. They knew this day would come, that the Gods would no longer bless her family--When her father disappeared forever like the winds he so desperately tried to control. Her house knew that the limit to their lives was not at the mercy of time. "Gwendolyn, I am sorry that you have to be alone...mother is so very tired..", without a tear she looked down at the withering body in her arms as thoughts of murder and anger swirled in her mind. "Do not worry mother...when you pass on to the next life, I promise the world you will be reincarnated in will be just and kind to you." Death was a blessing she could not afford, as even the Gods deprived of her the luxury to die with her loved ones.

As she left her empty town and traveled to the next, Gwen traded in her riches and silk to work with like minded men who sought to destroy the Gods. Quickly, her talents started to exceed expectations and even her comrades turned against her in jealousy. The red haired assassin then turned to a life of solitude at the age of 16, constantly tagging along with her was a young orphan named Sibyl. 

Due to her lineage, Gwen has been recognized not only for her beauty but also for her talent in parkour, grappling and gliding. The winds would always be at her favor, although she cannot directly control it. She now travels all over the continent with her companion, looking to join any groups that were in line with her cause. Anything to be rid of the Gods. 



Sibyl Idell

Defender of Antisocial Red-heads 










Headstrong, loyal and competent. Sibyl is the type of woman who would stay true to her word even if it would cost her life. Travelling with Gwen had forced the young orphan to become acquainted with various talents in order to survive such as cooking, fishing and trading at local stores. She is handy and reliable in all activities related to adventuring but shies away from academic endeavors. Optimistic and charming, she would not hesitate to chat up a man who strikes her fancy. When it comes to matters with Gwen, she is serious and protective. Like a mother to a daughter. 

General Survival Skills (Hunting and Foraging)
Social Interactions (Persuasion and Charm)
Hand to Hand and Close Combat 
Weapon Combat

Cannot read nor write 
All of her knowledge is limited to experience
Would do anything to protect Gwen
No knowledge of academic subjects or context taught in institutions

Easily misinterprets new things due to lack of education 



Born in the wilds with a group of travelling nomads, Sibyl's parents were skilled fighters. One night during the coldest of winters, the young warrior of only 7 awoke to the freezing embrace of the white snow. Sibyl was alone with blood splattered all over her clothes and she could not recall anything, it seemed she was drifting in and out of consciousness as she struggled to escape from whatever it was which bathed her brown robes in crimson. 

Barely alive, she was taken in by a group of merchants which spoke in a language she could barely comprehend. A few days of fever had passed as she shivered and rocked around the walls of the small horse drawn caravan, slowly regaining her strength as they cared for her. Weeks and months had passed with the foreigners that knew her name, but without their language. She could not even ask for theirs. Although as the summer of the next year rolled in, she was made aware of their plans when they sold her off to an adventuring guild to work as a servant. Recognized by one of the warriors as the daughter of her parents, the guild members quickly killed  the merchants and rehabilitated the traumatized young girl. It was then revealed that the merchants were the bounty hunters that had slaughtered her family. 

At the age of 10, a young girl named Gwen arrived into their guild. Excited to have a friend her age, the young orphan who was thought to be mute began to talk. Taking a liking to the red-head, she followed her around and observed her from the morning till evening. Training with her and chatting with her. Sibyl was ecstatic to work with her and did everything to make sure she was well settled into their make-shift guild family. 

When Sibyl turned 12, Gwen decided to leave the guild as she got into a heated argument with one of the older members. It was something related to Gods, something which Gwen possessed an unpopular opinion of. Sibyl decided to follow her friend out, as Gwen would surely not survive without her. Slowly over the years they had been together, the young orphan quickly grew into a beautiful, confident and competent young woman. Taking care of her red-headed sister as they traveled the continent together, searching for Gods to slay. 

"If you are called The Airwalker, Gwen. What do you think they call me?"

 "I do not know, the defender of red-heads maybe!"

"Antisocial red heads no doubt, otherwise we could be talking about any other plain red-head out there ya'know."

@Katie Jensen In the RP, the Assassins have just brought in a girl from the forest. Your character could be the on to question her, if you want.

@Syra  There are still some assassins in the forest, and a few hidden gods, though they are not currently fighting. Your characters could attempt to attack the gods, and be discovered by the other group of assassins.
I should probably make a CS for Farley. I thought he was just going to be a side character at first.

Name: (General) Dominic Farley

Gender: Male

Species: Human/ military general


Personality: Harsh, fierce and opinionated. Stubborn and dull. This guy lived up to the General stereotype. He verbally abuses most of his crew and enjoys shouting, way too much. He is always on alert, although he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. He's strategic in the heat of battle and is capable of taking on the largest of brutes.

Strengths: He's alert and serious. He's an excellent shot and he is very strong. Hand to hand combat is his strong point. He runs the AGA (Anti God Agency) with an iron fist and can't stand it when his men talk back.

Weaknesses: He's not one for planning and runs head first into danger. He's not the smartest, or the best when it comes down to it and he doesn't enjoy taking orders from anyone else. Hard-headed. Severe PTSD that he hides the best he can.

Backstory: Dominic Farley was a young man with a wife that lived at the Canadian coastline, in Newfoundland. He worked in the military as a private. He had a wife, that perished because of breast cancer while he was away on a two-year mission. He was struck hard by her passing and found refuge studying the strategies of the previous Generals. When the war against the Gods started and disease swept the land, Farley was lucky enough to be immune and fought against the Gods in the world's moment of weakness. That was the time when he killed his first God. It was the God of the Wind, who had been creating dreadful storms to worsen the state of the humans.

Farey killed him with a round of shots to the heart.

After that, he was given the role of General of the AGA.
Name: Jennifer (Jenny) The God of Forestry and Growth.

Gender: Female

Species: Goddess


Personality: Kind, fierce, stubborn and gentle. She's friendly to those who respect knowledge and nature and fiendish to those who destroy. She's never afraid to state her opinion. Bookworm.                  Strengths: The ability to harness nature and growth. She can make mortals young again, or old beyond their years. She's an excellent marksman but falters in most else. She's an amazing storyteller.

Weaknesses: Fire (Doh), she cannot stand loud noises and fails at any kind of melee combat. She's still learning to harness her powers. Unlike many of the gods, knows the pain of loss.

Backstory: She was created to sustain nature, just like her father before her. Sadly, her father, an immortal, knew the cycle of life must go on and allowed himself to grow old and thus, die. She took up the role and is still quite new to her powers. She hates Farazia for allowing her father to die, having control over all death. 


Ealoseum, God of Space








Collected more often than not, Ealoseum maintains his sophistication as a warden of the universe - very much like his fellow brother, Coactus. He can be rather mercurial withal, stress and anxiety seem to find their way his head every now and then - creating the more moody and irritable side of him. 



-Spatiokinetic Combat: Uses spatial manipulation to aid oneself in combat (creating portals, teleporting, shifting battlefields).

-Spatial Attacks: Various attacks involving spatial manipulation (spatial crush, slicing, distortion).

-Amalgamation: Merging two or more separate matter into one, overlapping their spaces and removing their boundaries. 

-Pocket Dimensions: Creating extra dimensions out of beyond the existing space. 


-Space Physiology: A blessing as much as it is a curse, Ealoseum is the very embodiment of Space itself. This means that any damages done to the fabric of space-time will affect Ealoseum directly (at the same time, this would mean that spatial attacks would have no effect on him - he would also be able to easily counter attacks such as black holes, phasing through objects, etc.)

-Vulnerability: As aforementioned, damage done to the space-time fabric will affect Ealoseum himself. The space-time fabric is exceptionally vulnerable to anomalies such as extreme focuses of energy in small areas (Gods fighting and trading immense energy blasts of sorts is one scenario), alteration to the space-time contiuum (someone time-travelling or even Ealoseum's own spatial attacks - only major ones withal, such as obliterating an entire city as turning a room upside-down will not kill him).

-Glass Cannon: Since Ealoseum is vulnerable to his own attacks and spatial alterations, he is restrained from pulling any stunts too destructive as it will damage the space-time contiuum itself (and himself, of course). 


Ealoseum and Coactus have been the wardens of the universe since they came to be since space and time function as one. Very much like his fellow warden, Ealoseum prefers staying out of battles and fights as he sees no point in harming himself. 

Unfortunately, since the humans stole Coactus' time capsules, the very fabric of space-time has been going haywire and has been causing Ealoseum a lot of  inconveniences (similar to muscle-spasms and body-aches) and even tamper with his tangible body in dangerous ways - impairing his body (equivalent to the failing of organs) and if that was to go on, the existence of the universe would be in severe jeaprody. Since then, he had no choice but to participate in the war - to save himself and universe. 
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And yes, I have messaged @Wick personally, asking his permission and as he said before, I promise not to godmod or cheat with these abilities... Well, not that I can... Cause... You know... My character would just die and the universe would cease to exist.. But do tell if any improvement needs to be made!


Veiðimaður - God of the Hunt, Harvest and Fertility

Also known as The Horned God










In human terms, the God stands around the height of 6'5" with an impressive broad-shouldered physique. Sharp, high cheekbones accompany a sturdy, square jaw -underlying two silvery, white orbs that act as his eyes. The top of his chest usually exposed, with swirling patterns embedded into his skin. A headset of antlers is worn as a crown around his brow, of the first animal he dared kill - the mighty stag. Over this, a fur hood and cape, accompany his very primal appearance; dressed in skins and leathers, holding a notched bow and spear. Around his waist, a drinking horn. Neck, adorned by a Celtic style torque in the fashion of two wolf heads meeting at the hollow of his collarbone.



Veiðimaður is known to be a playful yet sincere and quick to anger God. Although generally a very relaxed and laid-back character usually found napping during the spring and early summer seasons or smoking his pipe beneath the folds of an oak tree, Vei is a force to be reckoned with when angered by mortal or God.  Veiðimaður is also recognised as the Huntsman of the Gods, and the Father of the Forests. He can call upon the Wild Hunt to punish those who defy him or curse the being with Lycanthropy. 

Often seen as the most honoured huntsman to walk any plane of existence, and as such is often looked up to by other hunters, fishers, and trappers. This includes the early assassins and primal tribes whom saw both man and beast as prey. Many still worship him, to achieve his blessings for the hunt.

Vei, also the God of the Harvest, ensures good weather and luck to the farmer's crops for when the time to bring them in is nigh. The Horned God is a benevolent soul, if not prideful, and will often be gracious with his blessings, making most small communities who still give offerings and prayers unnaturally exceeding their neighbours with the amount of wheat and winter stores.

Alas, his job doesn't stop during the Autumn months, (which are the best to reach him by, and have more impact due to hunting season and harvests) as a God of Fertility, he is also called upon by those who cannot conceive child or crops who fail repeatedly. The trait makes Vei almost fatherly toward the human race, and often comes to aid those in need, or suffering deep woe.



- Calling upon the Wild Hunt: Brings the beasts of old to his side, such as mythical creations like the sons of Fenrir (a god-murdering wolf), to the griffons, minotaurs, hydras, and many others who bow their knee to him. This includes werewolves and other lycanthropic creatures.

- Spear and Bow: Created from the bones of ancient Gods, as well as deeply imbued with the wild, raw power of every huntsman who has ever passed.

- Drinking Horn: Filled with mead, created from the Golden apples of eternal youth. This concoction, although unhelpful to Vei, who is already eternally youthful and forever living, can heal wounds in small amounts, and bring back the dead - alas it cannot work if the being has been dead longer than five to six minutes. Of course, it can grant eternal youth and has been sought after by many meddling mortals. Yet, it is only Vei who has knowledge of where the Golden tree is.

- Commune with nature: He can speak and listen to both creatures and plants of the wilds. He is commonly associated with either deer or wolves, in his depictions.



- Vengeful: He will find revenge in whatever form, and exact it brutally. A reason why many have been known to stay remarkably loyal to him, and not overuse his blessings for their own gain. If one manages to achieve forgiveness, it is the highest and rarest form of compassion he offers.

- Impulsive: Often known to follow his instincts, rather primally, and without much forethought.

- Pride/Stubbornness: Like a stag he cannot bear to lose a fight or argument, and will often mope for days or find himself in a foul-tempered mood. Is adamant in the way he conducts his business.

-  Compassion: Oddly warmhearted toward the human race, Vei has spent his entire life making them a betterment. He has helped them harvest, birth sons and daughters, as well as feed their families. This parental affection is hard to dismiss, which makes his weakness towards children and families rather a soft spot to attack.



The son of nature herself, she granted him the Spirit of the Hunt and the autumn months from September to November. Thus, he became involved in the Harvests as well as his role of leading hunts. Wherever a prey and predator is involved, Veiðimaður follows. Blood adorns his name, from human to wolf, as men seek out men, and wolves seek out wolves. Vei became a spirit of Fertility due to his father, whom was a tame God of the Working Men and Farmland - which involved the growth of spoiled crops and granting those who were barren another chance. Both died many millennia ago, due to Farazia's domination of the heavenly realms.

It is said, upon the 30th of November each year, he rides a mighty buck throughout the mortal plain, making the last of the leaves fall - ready for winter; accompanied by two wolves at his side, whom eat the animals who have not yet hibernated or not hidden. 

Many sightings of Veiðimaður have been confirmed over a thousand times, making him one of the most open Gods to interact with humanity and assist with their troubles. He will often shelter those whom get lost in the forests, especially children - who will retell the tails of being saved by an antlered spirit. 


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@HumansArentReal I'm not quite sure about the part with him being the ruler of the forest, mainly because we already have a deity of forestry, but otherwise, he's accepted!


the opportunity has passed, sorry. *-* 
@HumansArentReal I'm not quite sure about the part with him being the ruler of the forest, mainly because we already have a deity of forestry, but otherwise, he's accepted!


the opportunity has passed, sorry. *-* 

Hes not the ruler of teh forests, sorry you got that idea xD 

I dunno where I put it, but the nickname Father of the Forest generally doesn't stand for anything else but being a male spirit involved with the woodlands :^)

Just point out the changes though, capt'n, I'm happy to make them and also blind so liek yas 

Its alright! @Emberskull, I was late to the party. I have time to read although and might catch myself up instead.

@MatTamMax *gasp* Daftpunk as a God? I'm shook.  Pleased to see you here! 
@HumansArentReal XP Okay... Well, you don't have to change anything if we make the two gods that are related to the forest kin, if you're up for that. 

Sure ^^ I don't mind making them relatives or anything, but if you do want me to change anything, just say  my dude :DD
Name: Dracke Bloodyspear God of Battle, weaponry, and war

Gender: male

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): God


Personality: Dracke is a wise God but also a dangerous one. Do to being God of war his personality often changes by the month either being a stern warlord or a wise general in the blink of an eye. But he often takes on the role of the General of the gods being stern and very serious marking him a dangerous one. But he is also respected because he is the living embodiment of battle and war, for they skill in fighting would be nonexistent without him.


   -Master of all combat

   -berserker (can suffer more injuries than another God can)

   -Embodiment (is the living version of battle and war)

   -Weapon summon (can summon every weapon at will)




   -has a major crush on farazia 


   -distracted (can be at any battle in the world and is usually hard to bring to your battle or fight)

   -Leadership (he doesn't know who the leader is)

   -has no true side in the war but is usually helping the gods (if they can convince him to move)

   -Demonic Presence (it is said that Dracke comes from a different world and presence so he has an unnatural feeling about him causing many to fear and distrust him) 

Backstory: Dracke Bloodyspear is possibly the oldest being alive, some may say the God/dess of space or time may be but what about when an atom fighting a to gain a spot in a certain area or when your mind fights with your muscles to move? A battle is happening there meaning Dracke is being worshipped. But it is also said the God of time may of accidentally made a rift in time making a mortal for Dracke to come out of a demon world where war is everywhere and is everything. Do to this many gods and goddesses of good fear him marking him as the purest of evil even above godship. Physically and magically (depending on the God/dess) he is the strongest of them winning the fight in a slight movement. But do to that he is incredibly bored most of the time and often rests in space to get away from the boring fights where he unintentionally spoils the fight always shouting out how to win or do this and that. That also means whenever he is awoken it is for a purpose or he has collected a great amount of dark magic to where he can summon the powers of lesser gods or small powers/fraction of power of other gods although it is usually very rare for that to happen. But now he has awoken because his fellow gods and goddesses have a plan to rule the world which he wants in with.
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Oke, I'm not trying to kill characters right away, but I am fairly certain that a God of war would be a Primal god as Death, Time, Space. I do not think that atoms would even exist if not for time and space. The combination of those two are the very aspects that bring about existence. Death is of course another primal power, because with the existence of Time and Space gods, they are capable of dying, so Death is indeed existent along with Life and a few others that I cannot currently recall.


I'm not trying to bump you out of the spotlight here, and I am certainly not claiming that Time, Space, Death, and Life are to be OP major spotlight hogs, I'm just stating facts o,o 

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