• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Naruto - Shadow of the Leaf! OOC



OOC for any out of character chat, questions for yours truly, or gif/meme spam.

Rules in lore thread.
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Jade Emperor Jade Emperor Lonerfemale Lonerfemale Its_Just_E Its_Just_E WoodenZebra WoodenZebra SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Lu-Lu Lu-Lu IiIiDeathbyChocolateiIiI IiIiDeathbyChocolateiIiI Left Out Left Out RotWorthy RotWorthy Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Bill Nein Bill Nein


Jeez that's a lot of tagging lol. That's everyone from the interest check thread.

So everyone needs to get characters up. If you posted a character in the interest check, that's great! Just copy/paste them over to the character tab and I'll get to work approving them. I will have everyone add a small technique list (gonna keep it simple) but for now just fill out what's there. The techniques section will be up tomorrow.

In other business...

AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Ganryu Ganryu KageYuuki KageYuuki Orikanyo Orikanyo Phayne Phayne The Silent Z The Silent Z Human__Ramen Human__Ramen Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe DeadLad DeadLad raein raein DoomyGloom DoomyGloom

I know this is random....

However I'm of the mind that more = better. I'm a maniac, I want a RP like back in 2013 when this site was popping.

All of you tagged in the second section... while not expressing interest on my interest check thread, were part of other Naruto RPs that didnt get off the ground or died off fast. Hell, a few of you just expressed interest in joining one of the RPs I was in.

I figured I'd extend an invitation. If youd like to join, great! I'll have a brief synopsis of the first story arch in the main section of the RP, and the CS (Still missing a technique section, my B) is in the character tab.
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[Name] Narita Jewel
[Picture(s) here] Mai Uzumaki (Mayu's Mother) *NARUTO OC*
Basic Overview
Age - 13
Height - 5 foot 1 inch
Weight - 100 pounds
Eye color - blue
Allignment - true neutral
Personality Overview

Defining strengths
  1. aggressive while fighting
Defining weaknesses
  1. scares easily (not sure if that counts)
Passions & Pet peeves
  1. having her own freedom (passion)
  2. don't like being told what to do or how to do things (pet peeve)
  1. being able to get away and go to her favorite place to relax

  1. authority
General personality
  1. wild
  2. feral
  3. smarter then she looks cause of how she managed to survive
  4. somewhat kind but it depends on the situation she's in
History & Background
Her parents died while fighting in the war, leaving her abandoned and orphaned at a young age, she lived on the streets of the village scavenging for food and water to survive but was finally taken to the orphanage to live almost like a normal person but she hated living that way but she wants to get back to how she was before going to the orphanage.


Agility - 5 (Taijutsu bonus)

Strength - 5 (Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 5 (Bonus to all)

Awareness - 5 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 5 (Gen/Nin Bonus)


Skill stats

D 1/2/3 - Taijutsu - 5 (0)

D 1/2/3 - Ninjutsu - 5 (0)

D 1/2/3 - Genjutsu - 5 (0)

Weapons: mostly uses her fists but sometimes uses a kunai knife and sword combo (if no swords allowed then) and shuriken

Here's Narita
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Jade Emperor Jade Emperor Lonerfemale Lonerfemale Its_Just_E Its_Just_E WoodenZebra WoodenZebra SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Lu-Lu Lu-Lu IiIiDeathbyChocolateiIiI IiIiDeathbyChocolateiIiI Left Out Left Out RotWorthy RotWorthy Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Bill Nein Bill Nein


Jeez that's a lot of tagging lol. That's everyone from the interest check thread.

So everyone needs to get characters up. If you posted a character in the interest check, that's great! Just copy/paste them over here and I'll get to work approving them. I will have everyone add a small technique list (gonna keep it simple) but for now just fill out what's there. The techniques section will be up tomorrow.

In other business...

AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Ganryu Ganryu KageYuuki KageYuuki Orikanyo Orikanyo Phayne Phayne The Silent Z The Silent Z Human__Ramen Human__Ramen Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe DeadLad DeadLad raein raein DoomyGloom DoomyGloom

I know this is random....

However I'm of the mind that more = better. I'm a maniac, I want a RP like back in 2013 when this site was popping.

All of you tagged in the second section... while not expressing interest on my interest check thread, were part of other Naruto RPs that didnt get off the ground or died off fast. Hell, a few of you just expressed interest in joining one of the RPs I was in.

I figured I'd extend an invitation. If youd like to join, great! I'll have a brief synopsis of the first story arch in the main section of the RP, and the CS (Still missing a technique section, my B) is in the character tab.
So you want are CS posted on this thread or on the CS thread?
I think they want us to post them in the CS thread, it might have just been a mistake.
Is it ok if I make NPCs of Hideyoshis family? I just like making Characters...
Jade Emperor Jade Emperor Lonerfemale Lonerfemale Its_Just_E Its_Just_E WoodenZebra WoodenZebra SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Lu-Lu Lu-Lu IiIiDeathbyChocolateiIiI IiIiDeathbyChocolateiIiI Left Out Left Out RotWorthy RotWorthy Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Bill Nein Bill Nein AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Ganryu Ganryu KageYuuki KageYuuki Orikanyo Orikanyo Phayne Phayne The Silent Z The Silent Z Human__Ramen Human__Ramen Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe DeadLad DeadLad raein raein DoomyGloom DoomyGloom

If anyone in this tag list that hasn't replied yet is planning on joining, please put up a post, even if it's just a word or two denotating your intention to join the RP. I just want to know how many people we are working with here at the moment.

This'll be the last mass tag that I do, so dont worry about being spammed.
I think we have a total of 4 right now... If you Uncultured Uncultured make a Character and I invite someone who normally is up for these things, we’d have six and even teams
I think we have a total of 4 right now... If you Uncultured Uncultured make a Character and I invite someone who normally is up for these things, we’d have six and even teams
That's a good start I guess, I just had really high hope for a capped out RP with all the people that expressed interest, but so long as everyone is active it can work.

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