Seven Deadly Sins


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The Seven Deadly Sins.

What happens when you put the seven deadly sins all in the same room? How will they interact? Lets find out. The setting is now, in an old apartment building. There are two couches three chairs and one lazy boy, there is also a mini fridge filled with snacks and drinks. Oh and there is two bathrooms available. There can be more then one of each sin, but lets try and keep it balanced out.

The sins















Name- Blythe

sex- female

sin- lust

personality- outgoing, loud, very very sexual, over all friendly and flirty.

history- part of a very conservative family, ran away from home in order to be herself.

etc- Curly blond hair, bright blue eyes, curvy sexual body, lusty red lips.
name- Nessa

sex- female

sin- Wrath

personality- easily angered and annoyed, the slightest little thing could send her off on a tantrum.

history- she was sent away to an anger management school when she was 7, but at 16 she escaped.

Etc- short, choppy red hair. Brown eyes that turn black when she's reeeaaally mad. She tends to wear ripped skinny jeans, combat boots, and band tee's. (Such as Black Veil Brides and Asking Alexandria)

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name- Arabel

sex- Female

sin- Envy

personality- Easy to get along with right away, but people normally find out sooner or later that this girl literally has the green eyed monster for many. Flitty and a bit pushy.

history- She was raised with a mom and dad who was able to provide her with everything. She was grateful...most days. It was always hard for her to be satisfied, knowing that there were people out there with more than what she had! The little girl on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Veruca? That is basically here. When she was younger her usual communication consisted of "Daddy, I want___, too!" And well, she usually got it.


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Dark brown hair that is layered around her face with bangs that go across the forehead. She has green eyes and a wide smile. Her outfit consists of red skinny jeans, brown knee high boots, a blue shirt and a beige lace vest.
Name: Isabelle Ria Lightwood (Goes by Ria)

Sex: Female

Sin: Pride

Personality: Ria was born into a rich family who had a name in society. She was named after her dead mother and regretted it terribly, so went by her middle name. She was always very prideful and pushy. She's a loud person who always gets what she wants, and if she doesn't, throws a fit. She always wanted the newest, latest thing and when she got it, she went around and showed it off.Etc:

Seems like you need a male so. xD

name- D (It stands for something but he’s too lazy to explain it or care.)

sex- Male

sin- Sloth

personality- Lazy, laid back, relax

history- D has always been the type to just get by, and most his effort when it came to school and others was bare minimum. In fact the only time he would spend putting more effort into something was the effort to try to get out of it. Known usually as the kid who sleeps in class, gets C’s or not because he’s not smart and can’t do the work . . . he’s just to lazy too. The one thing he does like to do is listen to music from time to time but that doesn’t really take any effort to do.

Name- James Smith

Sex- Male

Sin- Greed

Personality- Highly motivated but only for wealth and material goods that define who he is. He is highly selfish and cares only about what people worth and what they own.

History- James is a corporate banker and he lives in a large house and he has lived a privileged life since he was born.

Name: Fate

Sex: Female

Sin: Lust

Personality: Aggresive, play girl, dominant

History: Fate has always been admired and wanted by anyone she's met. She doesn't care about gender as long as you're hot to her than you can be her prey. Fate is more popular with the ladies because of her boyish charm. It also helps that she is child of two of the most famous models and they're rich but Fate doesn't brag about it.

:: So, not to undermine the creator of this thread or anything but do we have to wait for them to begin? I think we have a good chunk of people to get going. But I don't know how it works on this site. I'm still fairly new. I don't know if it's bad etiquette to start without the creator here. Let me know. :) ::
name-Kai Revouuse(K)



personality- Hard to tell since he doesn't speak,but he usually seems nice.

history-K Never cared about anything even when he was little,he'd just sit outside in the grass in his backyard and stare out into the woods.No one could ever get him to do anything else but sit around,and he never spoke back when spoken to. Some thought it was because he was raised in a poor home with parents that didn't care about him and acted as if he was never there,so now maybe he didn't care about himself ether.

Etc-He's mute thanks to his parents,or more like doesn't know how to speak.

:(Has light blue eyes.)


Waking up on the floor of a strange apartment is not how i usually like to start my day. But that's indeed what happened, sitting up I look around and notice I'm not the only one here, boys and girls litter the furniture and floor.But one girl catches my eye faster then the rest. A girl laying on the couch her red hair messy and in her face. With a flick of my hair I stand up and walk over to her swaying my hips as I go though I know no one is watching. Standing over her I admire how peaceful and happy she looks when she's sleeping, but that didn't stop me from leaning over and planting a fat one right on her lips. Startling awake she reaches for the thing that dare wake her up. Quickly i go a hide behind a chair where another sleeping body lay. Due to my giggling it wasn't long before she found me, and proceeded to tell me off. Yelling so load that the rest of the people in the room began to wake also.
Kai laid on the lazy boy about to slide out of it,he had woken up a while ago but had no intention of getting up. So he just stayed there with his eyes closed so the ones here with him would think he was still sleeping,he didn't care why he was here or how he got here as long as he could do as he always did. Sit. But the fact that there were quite a few other people here meant he'd be bothered sooner or later and they'll want him to do something,like talk which he wasn't going to do and he knew that. He soon heard movement from another but didn't open his eyes to see,that would just state he really was awake and ruin his plan.Then he heard more noise and yelling,he couldn't help but sigh since it was rather annoying but he still didn't move or even open his eyes.
Ria's slender body was slumped against the side of Kai's Lazy-Boy, peacefully asleep, but startled awake by Kai's leg hitting her arm. She sighed and sat up straight. She was dressed simply but nice still. She wore yellow skinny jeans, a blue midriff with pink hearts dotting it, and pink hightops. Her arms were littered with bracelets and rings. Her hair was straightened and carefully arranged around her shoulders. Earrings dangled down, the pink bright against her pale hair. Her hand reached up and pushed Kai's leg away before she stood and planted her bum on the armrest of the Lazy Boy. She raised an eyebrow as she watched the girls chased each other. Her hands rested on Kai stomach and she leaned back. He wouldn't mind. She was the richest and prettiest here. Who in here wouldn't ​want her hands on them?
Kai groaned as he was touched,who ever it was he wanted them to stop touching him now.But he wasn't in the mood to move so he just told them,sitting where he was,still as if he was sleeping.He was in no mood to deal with people and had hoped he wouldn't be bothered so quickly,but turns out it happened a lot sooner then he thought and he really wasn't happy about that.
James groaned groggily pushing himself off of the floor. What was he doing here exactly? He had an incredible bed back at his Penthouse and it was something that he had not regretted purchasing. His eyes narrowed as he pushed himself off of the floor and he looked around at his surroundings.

"What a dump." he grimaced finding the surroundings not worth his time and before anyone could answer his attention fell to his poor suit. It was wrinkled and he frowned and attempted to straighten it out intermittently brushing the sleeves of his suit as if it was covered in dirt from being in these surroundings.

After a few moments James felt as if he had fixed his suit enough and glanced at the Armani watch on his wrist, "I'm late... who's going to drive me? I'll pay well. I'm just closing an important deal today so I can't miss it."
Arabel slowly opened her green eyes and looked around. How did she end up here? Who were these people? Her gaze was suddenly redirected and she looked up at James as he was adjusting his suit. Her eyes flicked towards his watch. Oooo, pretty! she thought. Her body suddenly awoke and she sat straight up after James had asked for a ride. "I can! Let me look for my keys," she said as she automatically reached for her purse. She dug through it. Nothing. She dug through it again frantically. "Who the hell stole my keys?!" she yelled outraged. Standing up she shook the contents of her purse onto the ground. Various things scattered and rolled. "Ugh!" Confused and defeated Arabel calmed down just a bit. "Sorry..." she apologized to the group. "But seriously, I don't have my keys anymore or I'd give you a ride," she admitted sadly. She looked at James with a bit of longing and then turned away.
Name: Margo

Age: 18


Margo is a fiery young girl with a libido most men are frightened of. Men or women, she doesn't much care, as long as they satisfy her. Which, sadly, many don't. Her long, curly, dark auburn hair always smalls like roses and her cat green eyes could break a heart. And they have, several times. Her wicked grin matches the mischief in her eyes and her sometimes aloof nature makes her a bit unapproachable.

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Margo woke up with a frown and assessed the people in the room. "I don't remember getting drunk last night." She mused with a stretch and fussed with her hair. "But, waking up in a room full of strangers with a killed headache is a pretty dead giveaway." She said with a smile, wondering if anyone would get her sense of humor. Anyone who could understand her jokes was an instant turn on. Of course, she might have already slept with all of them.
Fate's dark red hair tickled her cheeks as she slept upside down on a chair in the corner of the room. She dragged her hand against her face in an attempt to scratch her face. "Uh...," Fate grunted as she stirred from her sleep. She looked around the room to see people that shes never seen before. "...I'm never doing body shots again," she said while her head pounded with the ultimate hangover. She sat and used her right hand to grab her head, "Did a girl kidnap me again?"
"Again?" Margo asked with a laugh, then regretted it while she put her head in her hands. "Where the **** are we? Do any of you live here?" Margo asked, looking around at all the groggy faces. "Well, to whoever lives here, I'm getting a water." She muttered and walked over to the fridge and opening it, fishing out a gallon of water and poring herself a glass.
Fate slowly lays back dow, "Hm? Yea the first time was with...Angel in France. I woke up in a tux and she had a french maid outfit on. I can tell you that she was not an Angel when she pulled out handcuffs." Fate watched the stranger walk towards the fridge. "Well, I'm Fate. What's your name and can you get me some water too?"
Margo laughed at her story. "If I had a nickle for every time that happened. Though I'm usually the one in the french maid outfit." She snickered. "My name is Margo. And sure you can have some." She said, handing her the glass she'd just poured and pouring another one for herself.
She takes the glass from her. "Thanks Margo, it feels great to know that I'm not the only one that its happened to. You'd look great in a maid outfit. So...does anyone know where we are or why? I don't mind being in a room with cute girls but my headache is killin' me."
"Me too. Wonder if they have any drugs up in here." Margo said, digging through the cupboards to find some Advil. "Nothing. They get us drunk then they don't even bother to offer a remedy." She sighed.
"...That's great. This day can only get worse from here. you remember what happened to you last night? I think that I blacked out after 20 or 30 body shots."
"I don't even remember drinking anything. I must have been drugged." Margo said and rubbed her head. "Wonder if there's a bed we can nap on." She mused and started to explore the apartment.
Fate lazily watched Margo leave the room. "If you can find one please tell me because this chair is torture to on my neck." Fate looked around at the others and hoped that they would be easy to get along with like Margo.

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