Seven Deadly Sins

Fate tossed and turned in her sleep as she smelled something awful. She realized what it was and sat up quickly. Then she stormed off towards the door, yanked it open, and walked up to Cherico. Fate took the cigarette out of his mouth and crushed it in her hand. "Don'," her voice deep with sleep. She plopped down on one of the couches to see his reaction.
Cherico stood up. "Really? F****** really?! I needed that to keep from flippin' out at you all. Damn.'s not like I have just one. Oh and little miss cocky princess." He put another in his mouth, lit it, took a drag and walked up to her. He put his hand on her face and pulled her close to his face. As he blew the smoke in her face, he said "It's not always about you hunny." He grinned and stepped away as he contiued to smoke. "My necessaties prioritize over yours darling."
"I'm cocky?" Fate jumped off of the couch and walked up to him. She put her hand around his throat. "You really don't want to mess with me you cocky bastard. Even though I don't know you I'd hate to break your arms so that you'll never smoke again."
He looked at her and chuckled. "Haha....stooping so low....knowing I don't....hit princesses." He spit his cigarette at her before spitting on her. He pushed her off of him and shook his head. "Don't be so touchy princess." He chuckled and fixed his shirt. "Gunna ruin the merchendise."
When Cherico blew the the smoke in Kai's face he just blew it away,now opening his eyes as he figured he wasn't going to be able to sleep.He stared at the annoying smoker,he didn't like him."Pathetic...."He huffed out,he didn't know what it meant but his parents used it all the time so if must be the right word for this man. He hoped he said it right,but he was sure he did.
She used her sleeve to wipe her face. "Speaking of stooping low, spitting really? Your pathetic. Who the hell are you anyway?" She punched a hole through the wall beside her and sighed. "Now that I feel better, you know where we are?"
Margo watched the whole thing unfurl with a kind of amused grin on her face. "So I guess this means we can't have a threesome, huh?" She asked with a laugh and jumped up on the counter, swinging her feet and snickering. She brushed a bit of her long red hair back behind her ear and stretched. "Though I bet it would be really fun, angry sex." She laughed again.
Cherico smirked. "I'm The Cherico. Lead singer and guitarists for my band." He lit another stick, uncaring to the others. He sat down. He didn't care what they thought. He was straight forward. But a part of him was hurting. The man he used to be. Before the fame. The man who had a decent girl and a family. For a split second Cherico frowned. A sadness filled his eyes.
Kai huffed,was it worth moving some where else? A more quiet room perhaps?Or he wondered if he could go outside,he doubted it but he wished he could.He'd surely get up for that,then an idea struck him and it was something worth him getting up and finding out. And that's what he did,he slipped out of the chair and flipped his shoes and socks of into it. Showing it was his now,and he walked on scratching his head and stretching a bit before opening a door. He looked in it and it was just a hallway,he looked down it and started walking keeping the door behind him open. He went into another room and it looked old with just a wooden bed and stand in it,He sighed and figured this would work.
"Why do you talk in third person?" Margo asked him, raising an eyebrow. "And I've never heard of your band. Play me something." Margo told him. "Or sing. Since it doesn't appear that you have a guitar." She smiled.
Fate raised an eyebrow andturned towards Margo. "Yea, its never gonna happen. So do you wanna tell me what happened while I was sleeping?"
"The sleeping kid got up and left, and Cherico claimed he was in a band then looked sad." Margo shrugged and pulled Fate up to her, kissing her cheek with a laugh. "It's dull here without you."
"Of course it was," Fate grinned. She looked around at the other people that were still laying around and sighed. Fate pulled Margo down so that she was sitting on her lap. "How long have we been here?"
Kai suddenly started doing a lot more,coming back for a second he grabbed a drink and went back out. Set the drink on the floor of 'his' room now he started going to the others and took there wooden furniture back to the room,after taking about five he shut the door and didn't come back out. though lots of noise came from the room like things breaking and dragged against the floor.
"I have no clue." Margo sighed, then heard banging. "What the hell is that?" She asked, walking down and looking in the rooms, noticing a lot of the furniture was gone. "What the ****?" She asked.
Fate got up to see what causing all that sound. While she was walking down the hall she noticed that all the rooms were empty. "Jeez and I thought that I was fast," she mumbled. She continued walking until she found the source of the noise coming from a closed door. Fate just stood there while she tried to think of what was going on.
The noise slowly got quieter,not as much breaking and more sounds from something hitting the walls. After about ten minutes it all stopped and grew quiet,all that could be heard was a 'who' sound like an owl. Though it was human made and that was obvious,it would stop and start over and over as other sounds joined that would be heard at night.
Cherico sat in the bathroom. He wasn't going to show anything. He was tougher than that. He sat on the floor with his legs to his chest. He took a drag and stared at the seat. 'Who are you kidding? You're a no one!' the little voice in his head told him. It was a voice he heard many times before from a man. His father. Cherico shook away the tears. The bathrrom began to get foggy. He stood up and headed out. He sniffed then looked around. "Um...the hell?"
Margo shrugged at Cherico as her emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of smoke. "Apparently lazy boy stole all the furniture and hoarded it up in one room." Margo shrugged. "I think he left some beds though. But we'll have to share." She chuckled.
He smirked. "I'm fine with it. I don't think princess is though." He chuckled and slipped his hands in his pockets. "So ms thang. Ever wonder how you got to be who you are now?"
Fate decided to leave the mystery door and she walked down the hall when she heard Cherico talking about her. "Well, you're half right Cheri. I don't mind sharing as long as I'm not with you and can you stop callin me princess, it's annoying." Fate crossed her arms over her chest.
Kai had now opened the door,which didn't seem to open all the way anymore since he had to slip out. He went back to get three cokes of different kind but all in cans and two glass bottled drinks,then he he started looking around through everything. After looking around a bit he sighed in disappointment and ran back to his room,slipping though the door again.

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