Seven Deadly Sins

Fate nodded her head against Margo. "Its too early to be up, let's go back to sleep," Fate said while tugging on Margo's shirt
"You just want to get me to bed." Margo chuckled at her and ran her fingers through Fate's hair playfully.
"You're not very subtle." Margo chuckled and braided her hair lightly, resting her head on Fate's shoulder and breathing in the smell of her. Girls were just so wonderfully soft, it was so easy to have a little girl crush.
"I'm very subtle...and it's only natural that I'd want to sleep with you. It's better than sleeping alone." Fate loved the way that Margo smelled like roses all of the time and it was relaxing. She laid hed head on top of Margo's and wrapped her arms around her.
"You're crap about subtle." Margo chuckled and nuzzled her neck. "I'm betting that guy is real pissed that I just picked you over him." She chuckled.
"Of course he is but who wouldn't choose me, I'm adorable." Fate catches Cherico's eye and then she stuck her tongue out at him.
Cherico watched the other girl. He smiled but then watched the scene. "That's why you didn't want me! Ah! Makes sense. You like the pies, not the twinkies." He laughed and pulled himself onto the counter. "And you hunny, are NOT adorable as far as I'm concerned. I didn't want you now did I?" He crossed his arms and shook his head. "I have converted lesbians before. I can do it again." He smiled.
"I'm not a lesbian." Margo said, rolling her eyes. "I'm a lover of all sweets, as you'd say." she laughed. "They obviously weren't real lesbians if you were able to 'convert' them." She said. Mand. They all thought they were gods.
At the site of everyone else getting along, i decide to join in with the flirting. There's nothing i love more then a fun time with some fun girls. So ignoring the angry girl yelling at me i turn to the girl who just claimed not to be a Lesbian. "Lover of all sweets huh? Well doll face I think you'll find i can be bitter sweet." Leaning in close she kisses her on the cheek, then sits back to watch her reaction.
"I'm cuter than you'll ever be, you idiot." Fate glared at Cherico until she shot him a feral grin. "Oh, I see now. Poor little Cheri is jealous of me. She looked at Margo with puppy eyes. "Do you think I'm cute?"
"Yes." Margo laughed and eyed the new girl too. "I'm sensing a party is going to happen soon with all this free love going on." Margo laughed outright. "What's your name?" she asked the new girl and to the boy as well that Fate was angry at, realizing she'd never gotten his name. "You might become a very lucky man tonight, me thinks." She smirked.
"Sure but he'll be unlucky if he wakes me up." Fate released Margo and walked back to the room. She glanced at Cheri once more, snickered, and closed the door. Fate fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed again.
Kai finally sat up a bit just to turn in the seat so he could sit more comfy in the chair,his eyes were closed as he sat there as if he was sleeping again.But he wasn't,it was too loud for him to sleep.A buzzing sound in his head wouldn't go away,he could hear talking all the time, and something was banging softly and it all irritated him so. He wished it'd all just go quiet but he doubt that'd happen,so he figured he'd have to just put up with it all for now. He's been in worse situations where there was yelling and loud banging and breaking sounds,so he was sure this wouldn't be as bad.
He rolled his eyes. "Not saying because you wont be yelling it later." He shook his head. "Lesbians." He moved past the girls and grabbed a monster from the fridge. He walked over to a seat and sat down. He looked around. "So many ladies that don't want Cherico?! How absurd."
Kai shushed the man that seemed to be talking to himself,he was too loud for Kai and he wanted him to be quiet.Though he couldn't say it shushing him should do the trick,or just make it worse but then he'd have to do it again since he didn't want to get up and he couldn't say anything so it was all he could do.Kai hoped he'd just be quiet so it'd all be over and he could go on with his nap.
He heard a shush. "Hey bro. Learn something. DONT EVER SHUSH CHERICO!" He shook his head and took a drink. "Maybe getting off your lazy a** would help more than 'sh!' what are we? Third graders?" Cherico shook his head and took another drink.
"Oh leave him alone, will you?" Margo said, rolling her eyes. "He has a hangover. And you attitude is certainly leaving something to be desired. Lucky for you, you don't have to talk to please me." Margo hinted with a smirk.
Once again Kai shushed him,peeking one eye open to see who this dude was.He sighed as he saw how whacked out this one looked,what was with these people.Did they not look in a mirror before going or or what,Kai couldn't help but smile as he thought about it. Since he never looked in a mirror he wondered what he looked like now,maybe just as bad as them but he sure hoped not.Though he knew he wasn't as bad as this guy here,that was a fact.
Cherico shook his head. "Whatever miss thang. I get more a** than a toilet seat." He took another sip. He was shushed again. "God. If I wasn't someone Id kick the crap out of you." He stood up and went into the bathroom. He sat on the top of the toilet. "They don't like Cherico? Really?!" He shook his head. Who was he to be confined to the loo? He got down and pulled out the cancer stick. He slipped it in his mouth and lit it with his lighter.
Kai sighed in relief when the noise stopped and he smiled,a very light one but it was a smile no doubt.He said something about 'If he wasn't someone he's kick the crap out of me' right? Was he someone? Well yea all of them were but he must have mean something special right,so maybe that's one reason some of these people are annoying.Kai stretched his arms up over his head and kept them there,his stomach growled but that didn't seem to change anything for him. He just laid there tired like always,trying to sleep.
Margo sighed and rolled his eye. This guy was really thick. He didn't even get that she was hinting about sleeping with him. Oh well.S he had plenty of offers.
Cherico came out with smoke in mouth. "I hope you all a**holes don't mind. Even if ya did I wouldn't care." He laughed a bit and went back to his spot. We had a girl who gave away free love, a guy who was very lazy and another girl who seemed a bit cocky. He took a drag.
"Naw babe. Just good ol' tar. I got another type of stick though if ya catch my drift." He smiled and took another drag. This time he blew the smoke into lazy boy's face.

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