Seven Deadly Sins

"Cry baby." Margo laughed and opened a few doors, finding a bunch of different bedrooms. "There's a couple beds. Grab them while you can before these suckers wake up." She chuckled and ran into one of the bedrooms.
"Am not," Fate growled. She stood up to stretch and walked towards one of the doors. "Hello lucky door #1." She opened the door and peeked inside. The first thing she noticed was Margo sprawled out on the bed. "Hm...guess I'll try another even though I kinda want to stay." Fate began to close the door as quietly as possible.
name: Cherico Alexander

sex: male

sin: pride

personality: Self centered, sadistic, hot headed, very cocky.

history- He grew up in a small town where dreams where inpossible. Now that he is in the music industry, all he cares about is himself and he loves what he does. He always likes to be on top and has been for the past year or so.

"You can stay." Margo smirked, turning on her sex kitten voice. Male, female, it didn't matter to Margo. As long as they were cute, and even that was negotiable when Margo got a few drinks in her. "I sleep better with a warm body next to me anyway."

OOC: Join on in Bri. :)
Fate stopped in her tracks when she heard Margo's voice. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She shot Margo a charming grin. "Really now? I do to but I tend to hug anything close to me in my sleep." Fate's silver eyes darkened at the unspoken challenge.
Cherico walked into the place with an unlit cancer stick in mouth. He smiled and surveyed the room. "The Cherico is here!" He announced. He smiled a toothy grin and ran a hand through his hair. Cherico needed to talk to someone so he could compare his high status to their low one.
name- Valery Hawthorne

sex- Female

sin- Sloth

personality- She would rather not waste energy on pointless things, but becomes rather quick in her actions when angered. She is very intelligent, but she never feels the need to demonstrate it. She would rather be thought as slow than actually do something to prove people otherwise. Her sharp tongue is the only thing she does not mind using on a regular basis, though she is usually well-mannered and friendly.

history- Coming from a well-off family, she never had to actively do anything in order to get what she wanted, which resulted in her general laziness and lack of motivation to do...well, anything. She quit school because she grew tired of having to walk around to get to classes, and chose to be home schooled.

- 5'3", skinny but adequately curvy. Wavy auburn hair that comes to her lower back. Dark chocolate eyes and full, although small, lips. Rather pale.

Margo smirked and nodded. "I sleep naked though, so I hope that wouldn't bother you. It might not be fair for us to hog the room all to ourselves. I mean, there are quite a few of us poor saps out there and only a few beds. Think a stranger or two would be interested in joining?" She asked her, flashing a grin. "I mean, as far as we know we all screwed each other last night anyway." She laughed.
Kai stayed in the lazy boy and had moved the girl's hand off,he sighed and just listened to all the annoying talking and noise everywhere.He couldn't take it but he had no intention of doing anything about it,not like he could do anything anyway. But the conversation irritated him a lot for some reason and he wasn't too happy at the moment,since the fact that he couldn't sleep anymore already bursted his bubble. So now he just sat there thinking to himself as the annoying conversation continued on,trying to block it out with his thoughts.
"That doesn't bother me at all but I don't think that we all slept together." Fate walks towards the bed and lays down beside Margo. "If we did then I would be mad that I forgot about." She tries to remember what happened but she's too tired to focus.
Margo sighed and shrugged. She always had a bit of energy left for a little fooling around. She never ACTUALLY slept with her conquests. But she figured she might as well make an exception some day. She nodded and stretched out, burrying her face in the pillow.
After Fate went to sleep her arms snaked across Margo's waist and pulled her close. She nuzzled her face into Margo's hair while her grip tightens enough that Margo couldn't escape. After she sighed happily she fell into a deep sleep.
Cherico smiled when he saw a guy. The guy seemed annoyed. Cherico headed over to him and stood by him so he could look down. If Cherico could look down on people, he felt powerful. "You don't look so hot bro." He told the male as he slipped his hands in his pockets.
Margo woke up and rubbed her eyes, slipping out of the girls grasp and then slipping out of the room. She closed the door quietly behind her and went back into the kitchen to get a drink of water. She heard some noise and turned around to see some guy in a mohawk looking down on yet another guy in an arm chair. "I see more people are awake." She grinned, leaning against the kitchen counter and sipping her water.
Naturally being a deep sleeper, Fate remained asleep when Margo left. She did notice that the thing that was in her arms was missing. She began to feel around for something to replace it. She smiled when she found a pillow to replace her and she relaxed once again.
Cherico heard something. This kid seemed like a debbi downer. He turned his head to see a female body. Cherico ran a hand through his hair as he walked over to her. "Cherico hasn't seen you undressed yet." He grinned and stood next to her, keeping his gaze on her body. He slipped his hand in his pocket and the other behind her. "ya know I'm a rockstar babe." He bragged with a smirk on his face. "Ya like rockstars?"
"I don't like men who talk too much." Margo noted, but did move closer to him and trailed her fingers down his chest.
kai watched everyone,not moving from his seat.Seemed everyone was awake now except for a few people,he sighed as he slouched down lower in the seat as he looked to be in a daze.He wondered what they were all doing here and why they were all here together,it was weird but he figured he wouldn't get an answer so easily. Some of these people were really strange looking and acted funny to him,he didn't like it.
Cherico grinned. "I can talk the talk babe. But um, can you walk the walk." He bit his lower lip. He moved her hand off his chest. "Dont wanna ruin the merchendise." He looked at her breasts then at his shirt.
In Fate's dream she was a malamute puppy and she was chasing a cat that continued to get farther away. While she was running in her sleep she began to inch closer to the edge of the bed until she hit the floor. She lifted her head slowly and tried to see through her spiky mane to find out how she ended up on the floor. Fate carefully stood up until she realized that her black and red plaid button shirt was open and exposing her red t-shirt. She started to think about what happened until she wanted something to drink. Fate pushed the door open and walked out to see someone new. She walked past him straight to the fridge for some juice.
"Fate I found another fool." Margo grinned. "Thinks very highly of himself. I'd like to knock him down a peg." Margo chuckled. "Sleep well?" She asked her.
Fate just chugged her juice and grunted. "Sure, go ahead." Fate sat on the floor beside Margo and leaned on her. "Where'd he come from?"
Margo chuckled. "Still sleepy?" She asked her and began looking around, wondering if they had anything stronger than water.

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