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Fandom Seven Deadly Sins AU OOC

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi animegirl20 animegirl20

Forgive me all of you. I had a family death and I fell out of reality. If your all still interested we can continue. And Kinzu Hekmatyar Kinzu Hekmatyar if they are still in I will discuss demons with you.
Hey, don't you dare apologize for that.
I had the same situation happen to me a few years back and had to definitely step away from a lot of things, for a long time until I returned to them. RPN included, I understand how you're feeling and what you're going through.
Don't apologize for that.
All I care about is if you're alive, and in good health.
EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy

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