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Fandom Seven Deadly Sins AU OOC

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi LadyOfStars LadyOfStars animegirl20 animegirl20
Okay, so we need to decide on the order of meeting the sins, where we start in the story, which sin is the captain and the relationships in the story. Any ideas or shall I throw a few things?

From my bio, Cain knows Zayne from the situation in the forest, so they have some history together at least, I wouldn't know if Cain would be considered the first Sin to be inducted though, I was gonna let you take care of that part since you're the GM of the roleplay.
Though for Cain's story, he was called upon by the Kingdom of Liones itself, mostly by letter, and not by another member of the Sins. I'd assume Cain would be the first because of the fact he wasn't introduced by another person, and by the time he had been branded with his tattoo, set out to find other potentially powerful and interesting characters to become part of the Seven Deadly Sins.
What ideas were you thinking? Maybe we could combine our ideas to make the story even better!
Well, I like the idea of Cain being the leader, so we can stick with that. In regaurds to the situation with the forest, I like that too. In reguards to my character, Jason is on a never ending quest to best his father who is a God. I think it would be interesting that if they found him fighting Gods. Like maybe in the Necropolis? Also, I was hoping that maybe the princess and Jason would end up in some sort of relationship. How does that sound?

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi animegirl20 animegirl20 LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
Well, I like the idea of Cain being the leader, so we can stick with that. In regaurds to the situation with the forest, I like that too. In reguards to my character, Jason is on a never ending quest to best his father who is a God. I think it would be interesting that if they found him fighting Gods. Like maybe in the Necropolis? Also, I was hoping that maybe the princess and Jason would end up in some sort of relationship. How does that sound?

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi animegirl20 animegirl20 LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
I don't mind about relationship stuff usually, unless called for specifically. XD
I like the idea of how Jason and Cain could have met, that could probably help give Cain something to do. As stated, Cain's hyper-active nature tends to have him set himself with a goal, and act on it until it is finished with all of his being. Cain and crew could then help Jason pave his path to succeeding his father, but also keep themselves occupied with their own situations. Now the more important part is still left, where and when is this set? Like have the Sins been acquainted with one another for a long time now or are they just starting out amongst one another?

My idea for that is - Have them already be in service to Liones for a certain amount of time, that would get the boring part of "create friendships and close relations" with each member out of the way. It doesn't seem to be all too important, and the anime/manga also deems that so, showing off that each character has a certain amount of trust and loyalty to the other in a way. (Which is pulled off greatly honestly.)
Another thing to consider is, what role does the princess play?
My idea - Again, she's already become a member of the group, and has had some history with the members. Though the reason why she travels with the Sins could be expanded upon by you and animegirl20 animegirl20 , I initially like to believe it could be that she is not safe in Liones anymore.
Well I did start to think of a idea for her backstory and maybe even for part of the plot. I was thinking that her mother the queen died when Maria was like 5 so it's just been her and her father then later her father remarries to another woman with two older daughters and maybe a son, then later the father dies mysteriously or disappears (I think i might go with him disappearing.) Then the Queen becomes ruler and basically becomes a tyrant. She also wants Princess Maria dead. Cause Maria can take the throne once she turns 18.
Well, I like the idea of Cain being the leader, so we can stick with that. In regaurds to the situation with the forest, I like that too. In reguards to my character, Jason is on a never ending quest to best his father who is a God. I think it would be interesting that if they found him fighting Gods. Like maybe in the Necropolis? Also, I was hoping that maybe the princess and Jason would end up in some sort of relationship. How does that sound?

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi animegirl20 animegirl20 LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
I'm ok with exploring that.
Okay, so I like where this is going. I like the whole Cinderella thing animegirl20 animegirl20 suggested, but with that the stepmother would also have to have made the Holy Knights turn against her. That would be easy if she told the Holy Knights that the princess was in leauge with the sins. We can stick with the sins being blamed for the death of the Holy Knights Grand Master.

So, how about we start off with the princess, Cain and Zayne already together trying to locate Jason. They are trying to retake Liones from the twisted hand of her step mother. They enter the Necopolis and find Jason battling a god there. That way we can get a solid look at Jason's abilities and how much respect the other sins have for his skills right off the bat. Now, in the beginning there will also be time to get in information regaurding the relationships between Cain, Zayne and the Princess beforehand. Sound okay?

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
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This all sounds pretty good to me.

But just to clarify, The Sins are going to be targeted for helping the princess, correct?
This all sounds pretty good to me.

But just to clarify, The Sins are going to be targeted for helping the princess, correct?
Yes and no. Yes they will be targeted for that, but also for being framed for killing the Holy Knights Grand master by the stepmother. Everyone caught up?
Sounds good!

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