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Fantasy Setting Summer Dawn - OOC

OK, so, I often do a thing with my rps, just little character-building exercises to help people pass the time waiting for others to reply. Anyone interested? They can be a lot of fun and they help explore different sides of your characters.
It's time for....
Silver's super amazing character-building game!

Ok, tonight is a very special night. It's KARAOKE NIGHT! And your characters get to choose their very own song to perform. So my question is this:
Given you could pick any song ever written, which one would your character choose to perform?
Remember, this is Karaoke, so it's gotta have lyrics, and your character's gotta sing, otherwise, no rules!

Have FUN!

Zazz Zazz Chione Chione AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath idalie idalie Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II Brendanfp Brendanfp The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
P.s., you gotta post the link of the version of the song your character is performing and explain why you chose it.
For Desrick, I figured he's fierce-looking, but actually a pretty soulful guy, he'd choose something with a message or a feeling, and it's karaoke, so...
He'd sing "Here I go Again" by Whitesnake.
I feel Eir, the small healer with a big heart, has a bigger love for thrash metal.
So, this is a little of an odd one and may be stretching it a bit, but I think it would count. This is actually a nineteenth century Irish poem set to music. Only a couple verses are included in this version (starting at about 1:13) but I really like the tune and the way the verses are sung. So I think I could see Ciaran singing this tune, kinda in a laughing way, and stomping around with his hands like claws and making faces like somebody playing the monster in a kid's imaginary game. I think he would have fun just making mischief and laughing at himself. Especially if he could get in a conversation with somebody about how faeries totally aren't real.

The poem itself can be found here, but this is the particular sound I have in mind.

Oh, also, The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye , good choice! I don't listen to a lot of Celtic Woman, but that is one of the ones I do like. But my first introduction to them was on the Wii game Endless Ocean, which was a SCUBA diving game, and so now my main association with them is being harassed by piranhas in a South American river while "Dúlamán" plays, or skin-diving 600 ft down to meet a giant squid, or getting hit in the face with a shark's tail. So yeah, fun times...(x
Morning everyone! I’m going to attempt too jump into the roleplay today. I’ll apologize in advance if my post isn’t as good as the others lol.
This is a short story I wrote for fun last year, and I thought I'd share it with y'all. It's kinda vaguely inspired by "The Secret of Kells" but mostly just by my strange imagination. Have fun! (x


Brendan sat in the cheerless stone cell with his head in his hands. What kind of hideous torture was this? How could they be so cruel? What had he done to be locked up in such a way? It was more than unfair, it was inhuman! Days spent laboring in the hot sun, nights shivering under thin bits of cloth barely fit to be called blankets, subsisting on crust and water without ever a smile or laugh to lighten the mood… It was a prison, pure and simple, no matter what the abbot said about “being free from earthly concerns and entanglements”. Brendan liked his earthly entanglements. They were much more entertaining.

He looked up and peered through eyes bleary with boredom and exhaustion at the wretched manuscript sitting before him. Words, words, words! Was there no end to them? They twisted and danced across the page, jeering and mocking him like some sort of demonic chorus. Perhaps he should exorcise them with a bit of “holy water”... He glanced at the smuggled decanter hidden under his bed. No… he thought Surely the abbot isn’t so heavenly as to not recognize that when he smells it… Very well, then, he would have to slog through the pages sober.

With a dejected sigh, he dipped his quill into the pigment and tried to scratch out a few more words. However, despite his intense concentration and effort for a whole five minutes, none came. He heaved a grunt of frustration. He never wanted to be a monk! Who would want to? He enjoyed his comfortable life, still reasonably influential and wealthy, but without the responsibilities or worries of the one who actually had affairs to manage. All he needed to worry about was which festival he would visit next. If he had been the eldest, he could have inherited his father’s estate, or at least become a knight if he was the second son. But as the sixth, he was left with a mere pittance and forced into the monastery. He couldn’t even have been the seventh… At least that would have been lucky!

The pigment was beginning to dry on the quill, so Brendan knew he would need to get started again. Maybe all I need is a change of pace… At least the illustrations are slightly less tedious… That was true enough, but by this point, only slightly so. He had gone through every image he could think of from curling vines and frolicking animals to leering demons and licking flames. He had painted so many shining faces of saints and scholars that he couldn’t stand the sight of them and he longed for something more interesting to depict. Outside, the clouds parted and a shaft of light shone through the small window onto the empty spot he was considering. Ordinarily he wouldn’t have had this privileged spot, but the abbot wasn’t entirely without mercy and had graciously accepted Brendan’s father’s gold in exchange for his son receiving a room with a view. He didn’t know at the time that it would be the only view…

Slowly, creeping up the sill, a snail came into view. Brendan stopped what he was doing and studied it with a gentle smile. He loved nature and her creatures, which was exactly why he couldn’t stand being cooped up like this. Even though the little snail moved with agonizing slowness, at least he could go where he wished. Many wouldn’t think it, but Brendan saw a great beauty in the usually-detested creature, from the gently spiraled shell to the silver trail following. As he watched, a swifter movement caught his eye. Outside the monastery, whirling through the dripping grass, a boy was practicing with his sword. At least, that’s what he thought he was doing. Brendan thought it looked more like aimless flailing, but who was he to judge? He wasn’t supposed to know about violence any more than the life-water he’d been thinking about earlier. He chuckled under his breath. Maybe that was the reason for the lad’s unsteady movements....

The boy spun around the field, stabbing and parrying imaginary foes, probably at least a hundred in his young mind. After one particularly great swing, the snail retracted an eye as though it had been struck. Funny… It almost looked like the boy attacked him. From this distance, though, the snail looked like a great beast in comparison to the small boy. The coincidence dragged the monk’s attention in even more as he began to visualise the young knight-to-be facing off against a wild and fierce creature with an armored shell, tall stalked eyes, and entrapping ooze. He glanced down at the empty space on the vellum and grinned. He had an idea…

That evening, he brought the finished pages to the abbot for inspection. The grim old man looked through them, nodding his head slowly. “Yes… Yes… This will do…” Then he froze and brought the vellum close to his face. His eyes became hard and his face burned red as he addressed the monk. In a cold voice of barely controlled calm, he whispered “But what… may I ask… is this?”, pointing a bony and shaking finger at the image of a knight and snail beneath the holy text. Brendan looked up at him with an innocent and bewildered expression. “It’s a knight and snail, sir. Shall I fetch you a candle?” The abbot closed his eyes for a moment to remember the virtues of patience and self-control before speaking again. “I see… And what, my son, are they doing in the Life of Saint Abbán?”

Brendan suppressed a smirk. This was an even better reaction than he had hoped for. His eyes filled with serious honesty. “Father Abbot, Saint Abbán was said to protect men from monstrous beasts. As I worked on his manuscript, the clouds parted and the sun began to shine. A true enough miracle! I looked and saw a vision of a bright and glorious knight defending the innocent from this foul and loathsome creature. It was divinely inspired…”

The abbot closed his eyes again and pressed his fingers into the bridge of his nose. What was he going to do with him? He had tried everything he could think of, but the boy was incorrigible. He couldn’t be sent away. The boy’s father would have none of that, and none of the other monasteries would have him. Perhaps he should be taken off the manuscripts for a while. But where could they put him? He smuggled tavern songs into the choir services, harassed the silent monks with inane chatter when studying, tossed worms at the workers while in the garden… At least when working on the manuscripts nobody else had to deal with his distractions. Maybe whoever read it would be too interested in the lives of the saints to notice the bizarre scene hidden in one corner of the page. Against his better judgement, the abbot sighed and shook his head resignedly. “Very well, I suppose I can’t fault you for creativity… Just… don’t do it again.”

Brendan nodded solemnly and replied “Oh no, sir. I promise I’ll never draw a knight fighting a snail again…” With that, he turned and hurriedly walked back to his cell to hide the grin of delight spreading across his face. A hundred wonderful and unexpected new scenes were filling up his mind and a joyful zest for his work filled his heart. He couldn’t wait to get started again the next day. He was truly lucky to be a monk.
LadyOfStars LadyOfStars - "Quick observations of the fight proved that the creatures of the night were capable fighters if nothing else."
Capable fighters... Except the fairy hanging by his ankle from a tree root.... (x
SilverFlight SilverFlight Quick question- would you prefer another Sumennan to even out the numbers (I counted 4 Sumennan and 5 Cyndaran), or do the numbers not matter so much?

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