Seska Academy

merina stretched her arms as she thought,"itou's building is fun..virtual reality can be cool being in different places without leaving." fixing herself she picked up the spider and placed it in her pocket,"i thought i lost that..its rather cute.." her face smiled before she glanced at the boy.."what is your name merina~" her eyes gleamed a bit."my dad works for Intel and my mother is a dancer.."
Emerald stopped and felt around her back. her shirt had ended up tucked under her bra. she promptly yanked it out and turned to the guy in the tree. "hey thanks man! that woulda look pretty silly huh?" she smiled. she was completely unembarrassed, as awas her tombot nature.
I'm Adam, my parents run Security Solutions. It's a mercenary company that provides troops, training and guns to countries struggling for independence. I had a pretty weird childhood, growing up in warzones," his tale was riddled with gunfights and death, he was glad to be out and at this school. It was safe, he felt that with Merina as well, she made him feel like all that killing was miles away. He felt safe, more so than he ever had. "Beh, playing in a VR deck would be fun," he looked her in her wonderfully weird eyes, "shall we be on to our next adventure? The guards should be showing up about now to admire my aptitude in Latin and graphic arts."
Lily twirled on the spot and nodded "Its perfect, you ganna call thr rest of the band?" she asked beconing a robot over it glided towards them and she said "Yor are doing a show, we need over there blocked off" h told it
Faith sat in the library with a book in her hands. it was a favorite of hers, "Swiss Family Robinson" she had a love for classic books. she closed the book, got up and checked out. she wandered out into the halls again, as lost as ever. she missed her home in the country, where she was surrounded by flowers. she felt lonely here.
he took out his iphone and sent the text, soon they would all come to set up."i can barley wait..the costumes are being brought covered so no one peeks. Should call in favors to get a section blocked off and a tent for us.." His mind went in to work mode placing calls to people he knew around campus. his band showed up in carts with various things they would need,"help us out..we got the speakers, stage, and other things to set up." the drummer spoke his black long hair was up in a pony tail as the two twins took down the speakers,"where do you want them girl.." they forgot to ask her name and felt bad setting it down the introduced themselves,"im tetsu and this here is Yuui...were twins but not many people would guess." yuui shoved his face and looked to itou,"place them over there..the stage will be in the middle. the tent off the the right i think."

he smirked a bit, most girls would be very red and blushing at that moment. for her not to signified that she wasn't the girly type. he would check his theory later on after he made his way to the library. the commotion from the famous playboy Itou and his band was disrupting the silence he loved on top of his hill. book in hand his eyes narrowed as he passed the group his tone annoyed."Please remember that the courtyard is meant for quiet time not romping about like complete fools.." he saw speakers and other items on the ground as he passed. tch a annoying..he thought the library thankfully wasnt too far a walk as the wind blew in his face he felt at peace."homework..unlike most still important teachers or not.." the fact that it was student ran they forgot to do homework and study. They had tests more often to check and make sure that they were doing well. those that failed would be punished...what it one ever dared speak of it as the head master that no one ever saw was a mysterious man. or woman...

Merina stood fixing herself there seemed to be a commotion off a ways. she got out of the bushes to look more clearly,"oooh Itou is there~! with his band mates and everything how rare!" even though she was excited her tone never seemed to change from the calm soft cute voice. "we could go see what they were doing....Ive always wanted to get my hands on him~" she belonged to no one and everyone knew that quiet well. never going all the way she restricted it to pure make out sessions. every guy dying to get her into bed she was always on her guard...her eyelids lowered the wind blew on her long white hair. The way she looked at that moment..there was a hint of wildness to her."...."
Emerald tilted her head as he walked away. "uh ok." she mumbled when she got no response. she shrugged, tugged at her shirt once more to make sure it wasn't tucked under her bra and resumed her jog. the wind blew a bit as she took her usual route around the school, cooling her warm face. she wiped a bit of sweat from her brow and took a deep relaxing breath.

as Faith continued to wader she felt herself drawn to the library again, she thought she might check out more books fro later, but at this point she had been wandering so long she didnt know where she was.
fuyu reached the library doors looking up he felt relieved."at least no one can be loud and noisy here..." book in hand making his way inside he spotted a girl who looked utterly lost."can i help you.." he didnt mind talking to her unlike the his match the tomboy. of all girls why her he thought to himself, who not this girl.
Adam knew Merina's type. Just like the mercs that raised him, deals with everyone loyal to no one. He admires the gall it takes to lead that life. " Hey, first you say you don't want me feeling uo any other skirts, then you say you want to pounce Musicboy over there," he said as he walked and held Merina's hip, "not asking you to choose but know," Adam leaned close almost kissing her ear, "I don't wear leashes." He refused to be controlled while she ran free. He did as he pleased and liquidated anyone who denied his freedom. "Look, you're sweet, young, but you know what's up. I'll play with you, you play with me, deal?"
she had a smirk as he held her hips,she spoke softly grabbing his head with one arm looking at him. "i Dont expect you to be leashed silly...I just want all of you when i feel like playing with you.." she took out her pocket a small notebook with dark decorations held names. taking out a small purple pen she wrote his name down among other things."your in my book now so consider your self worthy Adam..not many make it in so soon. last time was....two years ago i believe..former CEO's son for my dads rival company..they asked me to steal his heart..." she paused stepping forward staring at the scene below, no change in her soft voice but a hint of humor as she spoke aloud."..then crush it corrupting his decision making..they got bought out eventually." looking back she laughed,"he was never the wiser..he graduated last year..I dont see him as much anymore...ill play with you Adam when ever it peaks your fancy. but know that when im in the public eye...or around work and family." her eyes grew cold and distant as if no one could reach her."You Dont exist to me.."
Adam heard this lecture a milloin times before. Adam spanked Merina, "we're not so different, well I was told to befriend a Korean general's son and kill him in his sleep," he too laughed, "God, my summer trips are fun. So shall we part before you reunite with your kind? Or do you want my company? I have some damage to cause to private property."
""uh i was hanging around the library." Faith said quietly. "all i know is i received a letter from my father who i have never met, a few days later a fancy car picked me up and here i am......i dont know what my dad does but apparently im rich." she said timidly
Lily nodded an intiduced herself "I'm lily nuce ta meet you" sh smiled and then said "well Im going to get changed Ill be right back" she ran straight to tge bathrooms n did her hair and got dresses. she got allot of wolf whistles as she ran back to the courtyard and she sawvthe stage set up, she went up to the band "hey guys, we almost ready?" she asked

Lily nodded an intiduced herself "I'm lily nuce ta meet you" sh smiled and then said "well Im going to get changed Ill be right back" she ran straight to tge bathrooms n did her hair and got dresses. she got allot of wolf whistles as she ran back to the courtyard and she sawvthe stage set up, she went up to the band "hey guys, we almost ready?" she asked
"then you get where im coming from then..good." her hair got in the way so she held it in her hand,"i have no where to be it does not matter to me..we can do what ever.." her mind was blank as always her studies did cross her mind but she never thought about that outside of her special rooms,"i do have something to do...i cant put it off any longer so this is goodbye for now." she forgot about the auditions she had in a weeks time, walking away slowly she passed everyone as they stared at her whispering,"say what you will fact is guys come looking for me not you..prudes.." she laughed as men yelled in agreement. the doors to where her work areas where opened taking out a key card she swiped it in the elevator and it went up immediately to the 4th floor. it was a white hall with black trim doors marked in black numbers, hers was three thru nine."..i think it was room five.." she opened it and the dance studio shown. she changed and played the music for Carmen.

"do you have a schedule? i can look you up in the computer file.." he had his arm crossed not annoyed but trying to not look like he cares.

itou nodded helping them out,"hey Syko..where is summer.. shouldn't you have told her about this. maybe she can sing a set as well." he looked at him not realizing and laughed."yea your right ill text her..she should be singing in the music building," he took out his phone texting her 'hey want to sing a set?' the twins called out to him and he ran. everything was going well when lilly came back,itou emerged from the tent,"come get your make up done in here."
"no i dont. i got here about an hour ago." Faith frowned. "if its not a burden, could you help me? i used to live in a very small town so the business and noise makes me uncomfortable."

((by the way, students live outside the school right? no dorms or anything?))
Summer sat at the black grand piano playing and singing 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz when her zebra cased iPhone 4S rang. She stopped for a minute and opened the text from Syko. She pondered it and shrugged before texting back, 'Sure. Where are you? I need you to help me pick between songs.' She pressed send and then grabbed her blue book bag and pulled her black hoodie sleeves down. She pulled her beanie back in place and headed out of the music hall. She turned the corner and saw Syko being yanked into another building. She hurried in and came up behind her match, "Hey," her dark red strands of hair hung around her shoulders, making a cpntrast between her hoodie and white shirt. She had red skinny jeans and neon DCs on.
((i wasnt doing anything not selling or anything just practicing...people redraw picture to get better..why does it always feel like im being picked on..i lose every time..and im not bitching! i quit this site...))
((i dont like the hostility..i didnt know i couldnt post pictures i altered with i thinks its best i leave before i say anything else to get me banned))
((Ducky, it was a little misunderstanding and I understand where everyone is coming from. Esme was just worried about legal issues with the site. I'm not trying to be mean but just get over it.))
(( :( i was really starting to like this RP too. thats sad that you cant find a good site. i really like it here.))
that is my talking to this person who wanted to know what was going on an everyone goes around reading and i continuing on that a clearly saying i suck at rping..which is TRUE

whats to like...i first had this in the last one only 10 joined....

here it was wat less then that...its cool you like it but its a big flop..
is not! this many people is just enough. too many and i cant keep up. your characters are cool too! i mean, you RP giant paragraphs where i can barely get a few sentences! whats so wrong with that? i like the idea of a school for the rich.

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