Seska Academy

Lily shook her head and said "No, not a wig, she is suposed to have long hair, It will go with the look. and also i have to much hair it wont fit, we tried for a play." she said looking at the drawing and getting up "Follow me" she said grabbing his hand and practically draging him to the Textiles room and looking around intill she found a bust that was her size. "Okay now we have a design and all we need is Grace." she said dialling someone on her phone. and talking or a minute "She is on her way. Trust me Grace, is Awesome, she made half my fathers costumes." Lily told him
Sitting there looking at him speak and make this small thing different, was kind of cool. Laughing she saw him melt the robot thing and took his hand."can you make me something tim?" she would love a trinket from him it could be fun to havE something to remember him by. The robot brought her a flan and she smiled,"they make these like my nanny did~"

"okay then no wig..your hair needs to be blonde though.." he looked away for a moment after he showed the drawing and was taken to the textile room he had a smile laughing a bit. Waitin as she looked around she had something,"that works." he heard her talk to someone, grace he thought to himself,"cool maybe he can make my rabbit costume..
Lily nodded "Yep, and make it stylish too" she said Grace was her best friend, he way gay but she didn't mind "Oh, just a warning, He's gay do ignor the flirting" she said to him as grace walked in "Lils!" he said hugging her and she smiled "Hey Grace, We need this, donw, and a rabit costume" she said handing him the paper "And we need it stylish, rock n' roll" she said and grace nodded "Sure, Chika, I'll get right on it." He grinned at Itou "I'm Grace". Lily rolled her eyes and said "He's Itou from my fathers latest band, he's sneaking me in." she said and Grace nodded "Ok, Rocken alice? good Idea," he grinned at Itou.
He nodded as he walked in moments later. A little taken back but didn't mind he seems cool enough. "uhh yea well Lill's words inspired me for her song wonderland came to me in a dream actually." he showed him want kind of outfit he wanted,"I don't want to be a odd white rabbit but I do like the jacket he has whatnot. So a rock out style of that for me, march hair, mad hatter,Chesher cat too." Taking some paper from a table he drew them all out the images in his dream he wanted to create them."in that dream I had a Alice and was going to add a extra female. It hen I heard her just now. She fits." he smiled at her
Tim looks and the flan for a quick second, then pulls out what looks like a normal watch a small puff ball and a couple out, he covers it all up with his arm and gets to work on the gift. Some sound can be heard under his arms. "Could you close you eyes right quick?" Tim asked shyly with a red face. He never gave a girl a gift before, he hope she will like it.
She was eating her flan and saw him get to work, thinking to herself how much fun it would be to play with this one. Perhaps not shoo him away but rather take him under her wing make him as twisted as she was. Spacing out as ate her flan he was red asking her to close her eyes. Noddin placing her fork down she closed her eyes,"no stealing kisses now Tim.." she teased
Grace smiled at the two, he ws normally protective o her but he seemed nice, He's just keep an eye on him "I can do that." He nodded starting on the costumes "They will be done tomorrow." he said smiling.

Lily smiled right back and said "Thanks, Itou." she said smiling "But blonde hair .. . How blonde?" she asked "Because the colour, wil be too bright if we do it the nigth before." she pointed out. she didn't mind dying it but cutting it, she did. "Oh and grace, we want sexy but not hooker" she added, so he didn't go overboard.
(last post then I shall sleep)

Itou was glad, his band mates should be happy,"oh and we wanted to add the ears and tails too.." he chuckled a tad him in bunny ears and a cotton tail did seem kind of silly,"no too blond natural looking..I did my white hair last month been keeping it up, higher ups rules." he didn't mind so much but blue eyes n white hair."my eyes pop that's for sure..."
She laughed and said "Of course, maybey we should do it now, I mean I wont see my dad untill you show him. .. " she trailed of playing with the bottom of her braid. Lily smiled and Grace nodded "Sure, now shoo!" he said working on his latest mastet peice
Tim brighten red after the kiss remark. Tim reached out the Merina's shoulder, and dropped something on it. "Its just a prototype, and it breaks easily, but I hope you like it." On her should was a small circular metal spider, " just twist the under belly and it'll do simple tasks for 30 seconds." Tim scratch the back of his head, and giggled a little. His face wasn't red any more but his checks had a little bush on them still. His grin was wide and strong.
Merina opened her eyes a small spider sat on her shoulder. Taking it in her hands she smiled,"Tim its so cool thanks~" such a cute little machine she would keep it for ever. She bite into her flan watching it move around,"it's so cool"

Itou felt relief knowing that he was getting what he wanted,"let's go practice dancing then we can dye your hair after." takin her hand leading her to a dance studio it was big and had his albums on the wall."my personal dance space there is a changing space in the corner." pointing to it he hit play his newest song played he listened with his eyes closed.
Lily nodded and spun in a circle, looking around the room "wow" she whispered. Lily didnt walk around with dance clothed on her but she kept some shorts and a singlet top in ger bag, in ase if a change in weather she headed over to the change area and sliped them on. She listened to the music and made her way over to him. "what first?" she asjed sudenly zapping him, to scare him

. She grinned and steped away
He jumped looking at her,"first thing first you need to learn the steps to all the songs. Then make some for your dog when it's done." he put it back and hit play,"watch me and follow along." he stood there the music went off and he started dancing. They way he moved about was magical. He loved music and the moves singing all of it.
Lily watche him dance and was confused as to why his parents wouldnt let him perform. he moved with a grace but style. he moved perfectly to the music. after she snapped out of her daze sh watched the moves and joined in not dancing as good as him but h got te moves. She loved the danciny it fit in with the song and did what dancing was suposed to do tell a story

And she loved it
He watched her as she joined in,"good but try to think of it like something you naturally like breathing or walking. A happy feeling.." he continued helping her when he could holding her waist he lifted her up gracefully"hold your hands out.." she looked pretty.
Lily smiled and did as he sad "Alright" she laughed she hadn't had this much fun in ages. She continiued the dance this time it flowed and she looked gracefull even if she was dancing to a rock beat. She smiled and blushed a bit when he lifted her by her waist. She had never had that much male interaction before and never really though she should. she wasn't a wh*re and didnt want to act it.
Out in the courtyard, Adam was studiously practicing Latin, all over the walls. He enjoyed the thrill of breaking rules and having to escape authority. However, the thrill wasn't as strong here due to the lack in threat. Robots would just clean it and no one would notice. "Hmm, Shoulda thought this through better," he said to himself with a sigh. And continued the Roman legionary thrusting his spear into a barbarian.
The music stopped resting he had water leaning against the wall, she seemed skiddish of really knowing the full extent of her history with males."your getting the hang of it..I should call my band can relax or dye your hair." taking out his phone he called his mates they all agreed to meet in his studio in the building. He grabbed his bag and left leaving her some alone time she seemed like she could use it. His studio was on the top level of the building with restricts access to prevent any unwanted people coming. Guards at the elvator made it hard for fan girls to get to him. He was changed and showed now sitting in the studio getting the music down and playi with the instruments."maybe this would work." he wanted to have the sheet music ready for his bandmates

Merina sat at the table feeling a bit bored she stood up,"I think I'll take a walk around outside..find me when you are ready to go to our home~" smiling she left thinking she wanted to get some attention, she made for the courtyard. The flowers and trees made her feel like she was back at home. Spotting a boy she sat in the grass and watched him,"how handsome he is.." the spider crawled around on her legs as she stared.
Adam stepped back from his gigantic mural. "I'd be more accomplished someone was watching...." he sighed again. He looked around and saw the very thing he loved. An audience. He jogged to the girl and gave a melodramatic bow, "Hello, and welcome to the greatest show on earth," he said with a wink. "For our first act I will enchant a female I've only just met, I'll need a volunteer from the audience, anyone?"
Lily nodded and waved she rested on the wall untill she caught her breath. She went down to the cafe and ordered dome water, which she skulled and then she walked to the shop, which sold things the kids may need like toiletries and such. She looked for the perfect hair dye. She found the perect tone, it was a light blonde, not to blonde but it looked the right colour. she went through the rest of the isles picking up things she might need through the week and then the robots scanned her and she left. Lily headed to the bathrooms and put the dye in her hair. She waited the time it said on the box and washed it out, washing it afterwards. she then dired her hair and agmired the colour. Lily smiled and her phone went of, it was her father

"Hello, father." she said

"Hello, Lily, have you met Itou?" he asked

"Yes, he is very plesent." she said, hoping this would satify him.

"I don't see how him being pleasent fit into this, I'm glad you aprove because you will be marrying him, and would be wether you aproved or not." her father said in his steely tone.

"Yes, father" she repied and they said there goodbyes and she hung up. she sighed and went back to the music room.
Merina saw him make his way, he was cute. Listening to him she thought maybe he could be a fun play thing for the time being as her match was too shy to play. "I'll do it~" giggling she gave him her cute smile that few would resist. Her eyes were different but she hoped it wouldn't bother this one.

Itou awaited there arrival, the door opened"hey guys thanks for coming here is the new music." everyone took a sheet and looked it over,"you did this Itou?" he drummer looked very impressed sitting at his drums he felt it out. The guitarist play some chords nodding in approval. "no..this girl I was matched with once more. She did his and I like it." they all played through once the door left open.
Faith walked about the school, wondering where she was supposed to go. she had received a letter from a firm saying that she was to take her fathers place in the family business. she had never met her father, and whats more, she didnt even know what kind of business he ran. so here she was, a school for rich kids, a school for people who were supposed to be leaders, run businesses. there was no way she would make it. she was far too shy, but it seemed she didnt have any choice, with her mother gone she barely made enough money to take care of herself, and she also knew she could get a great education here.

Emerald stood in the gym, soccer ball at her feet. she stared at the wall before talking off with the ball. she kicked it as hard as she could and it slammed against the wall. she was a sore thumb at a well bred school, a tomboy whose only feminine features were her slender body and cooking abilities. she wiped the sweat from here brow with a bright smile. though she stuck out she did in fact belong here, she was the daughter of two highclass chefs who owned a resturaunt chain. she herself was a great cook, but prefered rough housing and hanging out with the boys.
Lily decided to check on grace but he wasnt there on the bust was a beautifup dress it had sweetheart neckljne it was black with bkue pictured on it with chains and blue charms hangng of it attavhed was a note that said "done try it on and show Itou the rest it in the box" sg tried it on and yyen wejt to find him invtye studio. syr told the guards whi sh was and on exorted her to see itlf she was telling tye truth. "hey" she d after they were done
Adam sat next to his pretty new friend, reached behind her, grabbed her hip and pulled her closer. He stared into her eyes as if examining her very soul. Her eyes were different, odd almost. But weird was his favorite game. He looked at her smile, cutest damn thing be'd seen in a while. Her curves were perfect, filled out in all the right places. She was beautiful, and when Adam Lee never turned down a good time with a cute girl. He COULD use a nice cold Coke, but that would make today too perfect. "So, what is a beautiful little thing like you doing in a beautiful garden like this?" Adam put on his dreamy, flirty look, " Or are you a forest nymph, come to grant me my wildest desires?" Adam ran his hand up and down her thigh, brushing away the spider that had claimed it.
Itou was interrupted by a guard,"sir a girl to see you..holding clothes." he left to the elevator,"I'll be back guys our costumes are maybe ready." the groaned and continued to practice the new song. The elevator went down he hummed there stood a mad girl he laughed waving her over,"she my future wifey~ it's cool." his smug smile shown thru.

Merina was pulled in she had a smirk on her face as he turned on the charm. Touching his hair that was soft her eyes stared into his,"I seek a male to play with that knows how to please a nymph of the water..." she induldged his fantasy feelin his hand touch her thighs a kiss was planted on his lips ever so slowly. The spider sat there motionless staring at the scene unfolding. He was very cute and didn't mind making this a regular thing. "do you seek to please this nymph with make out sessions? Knowing it be Against the rules?" in the back of her mind Tim lingered in her thoughts holding this guys face she spoke a rule."if you only rule is to not tell Tim and do not ask about my eyes."

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