Seska Academy

(took some me time sorry all.. Oh yes Le Mis comes out Dec 2012 can't wait!)

The name echoed in his mind, a man he knew all too well. Someone he held very close to his heart."I do know him..quiet well he has been around since I can remember..he is..very special to me.." Fuyu did not want to give away that that man was in fact his father..the whole thing seemed to jot him slowly. The room spun he had a Thoughts that needed answering fast. "tell me when did you last see old are you Faith? " he was about 17 she didn't seem to far off.

Syko was done and going thru his drumming sets in his head and lines he had to sing. "did you want to pratice summer.." Itou was now going thru his steps with the twins,"Lill come practice.."
im 15, why?" Faith said noticing he his surprise. she wasnt sure what this guy had to do with her father, but she hoped he would tell her.
Lily got up and laugued joining in and dancing allot better, especially infront of the small crowd that was already gathering. She started singing along and she was proud that she danced in heels, and rather well too. Lily smiled and danced with less effort, it seemed natural, some if the girls gave her glared as she was dancing with Itou

Grace smiled and looked over at lily he pointex"The girl dancing with the band." he said watching her dance extrealmy proud and he called to her "LILY BREAK THAT DRESS AND ILL KILL YOU!!" as h saw her trip a little
Itou was feelin good everyone was on step and in tune,"yea haha were a band. Syko was looking around at the crown I the tent. Feeling the beat he could the girls staring a Lilly next to Itou and rolled his eyes,"stop staring if you practiced enough you could be just as good." the music was stopped as he sat there the twins talking to Itou about there stances."no it works we don't have to be that close.." a grin came across his face.

"15....that's two years.." Henie he knew where his father would go all those times, but the questiOn remained."Faith, when was the last time YOU remember seeing your dad. You see he is a very well known designer as well as an ex singer in his day...and the man who I call step dad.." his gaze was stern
"" Faith was astonished, "well i have seen him since i was three. so i usually just say i never met him, since i dont really remember much." she looked around a bit, "he is my real father. and it seemshe and my mother were very much happy." Faith smiled naivly
"...this is a bit..overwhelming i must say." he stood shutting his book staring at her her facial features has some resemblance of him as well."it would seem you mother knew that he was in fact seeing someone else or she wouldnt be that happy. tell me did she sigh when he wasnt around spaced off? telling you nothing but good things so he didnt look like a bad person?"
"no, never." Faith said, taking a deep breath, "logically, since im younger it would make sense that after your mother, he was with mine." she said, a complicated expression on her face. she wasnt quite upset, but her father had not only provided for them for a short time, but also sent the both of them lovely gifts.
"What he does in his personal life is no problem of mine, he is a great mentor to me and the man who gave half his DNA to create me." he never let on that he knew who his dad was, never changing the fact he was brilliant. His facial expression remained still, he wasn't one for showing emotions anymore."Your father is a great man in his professional career, your a product of love faith i never saw that man till 7 years old to be a professional designer." speaking in a teacher like manner as he stood there close sitting on the table at this point."My family is ran by my mother she is a very proud women i love her dearly along with my older brother Kio and the rest of my step brothers.." when he spoke about his family a glint in his eye cold be seen the start of a smile forming somewhat."That is all i will tell you though.."
((i thought you said Faiths dad was the step dad? check your previous post.))

"im glad to see you have such respect for him" she pulled back her sleeve, revealing a small delicate watch that graced her equally delicate wrist. "this was a gift from him to my mother, who gave it to me before she passed." she smiled warmly, "its so nice to know im not alone anymore, i may get to meet my father soon, and i have a brother. thank yu for telling me all this." she smiled and fidgeted a second before hugging him. siblings did that right? she had been an only child for quite awhile.
((haha sorry im here and doing hw and emailing rp replies with my friend haha i fixed it))

he let out a sigh, he would rather have been doing his homework then talk about a man he didn't respect as father but rather a Professional."As a professional only...that is a lovely watch very old brand." he had leaned in to look he was about to speak when she hugged him. looking down at her he was taken back, hugging with his brothers was one thing he did it out of love. This girl he had barley met, was all alone up until he had bumped into her. He wondered if it was chance or possibly more. His hands that were thrown back embraced her awkwardly at first"your welcome.." a laugh came out.
"im so glad, even though we arent technically blood related, i have a sibling!" her naivity shone through, though she was normally a smart girl. "now, i still need to get to the office." she grabbed his hand, "come with me brother?" at the thought that she had other older family not only did was she very obviously naive, but seemed to break from her mature shell a bit. with all teh help she gave to her mother she had never really had the time to enjoy being a kid.
Syko was resting in a big poofy sofa as the twins fixed their guitars they would be using putting sticker on it,"do you want your sticks fashioned as well Sy?" one asked watching him stare,"sure why not.." Itou stood excited yet nervous,"can't wait to see what they audience will do.."

Normally he wasn't one to like being touched, nor did he like being dragged around by clingy girls. She was a bit different. The innocent way she acted, was funny to him the world was cold and he learned fairly quickly that fun wasn't allows if you wanted to be on top in the fashion world. Even with the mob activities he was always on the go."I can spare some time:." he spoke as he was lead to the office.
"Well, uh, I'm gonna go look around a bit more, see you in a bit Grace," she smiled. She went around to the back of the stage and saw a seemingly shimmering guitar. "My chance to shine, even if it is to myself." she jumped to it and grabbed it, leaping back down and sitting on a log. "You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep," she smiled to herself, "'Cause they fill the open air, and leave teardrops everywhere you;d think me rude, but I would just stand and stare."
The twins looked at her as they fixed there guitars."I wonder if Itou minds.." one spoke. Psy glanced at her and listened," not bad...but maybe ask Itou to use it next time.." he had a half smile," maybe you should open up for us instead.." Itou looked back from where he was,"she should it's good.." he had a smile.
Faith walked into the office and saw a purple box with her name on it. she let go of his hand and opened it right away. there was a cream colored dress and a pair of wbhire flats inside. "oh how pretty!" she pulled out the dress and held it up to her. there was a purple envelope in the bottom of the box faith carefully folded the dress and then picked up the envelope. she opened the envelope to find a letter from her father. she looked at Fuyu, "it seems im to meet my father for dinner! we will talk about my living arrangements and a few other odds and ends."
"that is very great to hear, I should leave you too it then. You have lots to get done I take it." with a firm stance Fuyu turned towards the exit needing to finish his drawing before the deadline. In the Back of his mind he could not even fathom that he had a sister out there this whole time. If only he met her during his youth things would of been different for him. He did have a newer father figure since his mother left that horrible cheating bastard."..."
"i will see you later then!" she smiled. as he left her expression flattened a bit. she was eager to meet her father, but knew she would need to keep her excitment under control. it was her father, but she needed to behave as one of wealthy lineage would. Faith sighed, her moment to be a kid was gone and she tucked away the note. she walked out of the office and sat outside to wait for her fathers car to pick her up.
Fuyu made his way outside the path,"...i should lower the hem and maybe add some jewelry.." he studied his book once more, feeling like there was something missing to the whole thing. The path lead to the parking lot full of golf carts, his was black and red. he drove off to his home."should start making this....but what is it missing." he struck the wheel sighing.
Faiths ride arrived, she was brought to her fathers house where she decided to put on her knew dress before meeting him. she greeted him polity, and they sat down for dinner. her father spoke of her brother, her late mother and his company. she was told she could be a part of any of the programs she wanted since she was only the second child. this was a bit disappointing to her, but she didnt question it. once dinner was over she was informed that, if she was to have an easy way to scholl each day she should live with her brother. as the get together ended she was driven over to her new home.

(i hope you dont mind the living arrangement.)
(its no problem)

fuyu's cart was parked in its usual spot by his big home. it was a old greek style palace complete with rooms just like back then only it had clearly designed walls and such. he was sewing together the dress, still unsure as to what it was missing he decided to make it anyways. he cell phone went off, it was his mother."yes mother....WHAT..that ass**** thinks he can do what he wants...I dont even consider him a father....fine...i only see him when i need inspiration and even then its hard to not want to punch him." he hung up tossing his phone aside he stared at the dress,"...I do not even know her...why.."

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