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Fantasy Seiunita OOC

The same guy who used to be a Field Marshal for the US troops on your country during WWII?

Dugout Doug, yes, that's him!

Yeah, the same guy who screwed up our battle plans and thought he could face the Japanese on the coastlines, and he diverted some of our supplies in Manila and not towards Bataan and Corregidor where the Americans and Filipinos would hold out for reinforcements. We only started getting our supplies out when the Japanese landed here. And I don't think we got all of these supplies... only some of it. It might have been useful, but who knows what could have happened? I'm just rambling here, don't mind me.

Though I do have another gripe, the Japanese managed to destroy our airfields and wreak havoc all because MacArthur did nothing for hours after there were signs that the Japanese were invading. This was even if everyone in the Philippines was anticipating an invasion!

Fuck, and did you know during the Korean War he wanted to nuke China?

Good thing Truman decided to dismiss him, otherwise he would have turned the Cold War into a Nuclear War.
Dugout Doug, yes, that's him!

Yeah, the same guy who screwed up our battle plans and thought he could face the Japanese on the coastlines, and he diverted some of our supplies in Manila and not towards Bataan and Corregidor where the Americans and Filipinos would hold out for reinforcements. We only started getting our supplies out when the Japanese landed here. And I don't think we got all of these supplies... only some of it. It might have been useful, but who knows what could have happened? I'm just rambling here, don't mind me.

Though I do have another gripe, the Japanese managed to destroy our airfields and wreak havoc all because MacArthur did nothing for hours after there were signs that the Japanese were invading. This was even if everyone in the Philippines was anticipating an invasion!

Fuck, and did you know during the Korean War he wanted to nuke China?

Good thing Truman decided to dismiss him, otherwise he would have turned the Cold War into a Nuclear War.

That man was damned crazy.

So, anyone reading fiction books?
That man was damned crazy.

So, anyone reading fiction books?

Even crazier than Patton I assume... I wonder if MacArthur did do any good things that are worthy of any mention here.

And remember the time when he used tanks to suppress the riot of the Bonus Army? I think it was a protest of veterans marching on Washington for additional benefits or something.
Dugout Doug, yes, that's him!

Yeah, the same guy who screwed up our battle plans and thought he could face the Japanese on the coastlines, and he diverted some of our supplies in Manila and not towards Bataan and Corregidor where the Americans and Filipinos would hold out for reinforcements. We only started getting our supplies out when the Japanese landed here. And I don't think we got all of these supplies... only some of it. It might have been useful, but who knows what could have happened? I'm just rambling here, don't mind me.

Though I do have another gripe, the Japanese managed to destroy our airfields and wreak havoc all because MacArthur did nothing for hours after there were signs that the Japanese were invading. This was even if everyone in the Philippines was anticipating an invasion!

Fuck, and did you know during the Korean War he wanted to nuke China?

Good thing Truman decided to dismiss him, otherwise he would have turned the Cold War into a Nuclear War.
Good old MacArthur. Dude was a WWII hero of sorts then he off the rails during the Korean War.
That man was damned crazy.

So, anyone reading fiction books?
Thinking of starting LoTR soon. Asked my brother to get me the Silmarillion for my birthday.
You know, despite adding so many adjustments to the lore of the Light kingdom, I keep seeing the need for more improvements.

I suggest we create a page for additional lore on the Light Kingdom or we could use the Extras page which we already have. We can't do this in OOC chat, we mostly use this place for shit posting around 80% of the time.

First off, lets start with history. We do not know how the Light kingdom started in the first place... were they a bunch of nomadic tribes settling down in a river or something like that? Were they conquered by the summer faeries and forced to serve as vassals? Were they barbarians converted to sun worship? I need a general idea of what the Elysians started off like. Were they composed of one ethnic group or one race or multiple races and ethnic groups?

Second, I would like to point out religion. It needs a larger hierarchy of priests, the rank-and-file priests to do the paperwork and administer the sacraments, the junior priests to manage the parishes, the senior priests to take care of entire regions. Hmm, and I probably need to do a general outline of their beliefs and expound on the pros and cons of each one. Also, a lot of people are going to disagree with their doctrine which will fuel heretical sentiment, so there must be arguments for each belief and counter-arguments as well.

Third, we need to think about the physiology/biology/whatever of each of the races. What specific diseases that each race is susceptible to, what treatments must be made, how is this disease spread, how can other races get this disease, etc.

Fourth, we should think about the economy... even if I don't know how it works. Let's just... think about it, OK?

Fifth, I have been saying this over and over again, we should find scientific applications for magic. People here are probably going to use this a lot anyway.

That's all for now. I shall call this post the "Five Points" which we must concentrate on improving for now.
You know, despite adding so many adjustments to the lore of the Light kingdom, I keep seeing the need for more improvements.

I suggest we create a page for additional lore on the Light Kingdom or we could use the Extras page which we already have. We can't do this in OOC chat, we mostly use this place for shit posting around 80% of the time.

First off, lets start with history. We do not know how the Light kingdom started in the first place... were they a bunch of nomadic tribes settling down in a river or something like that? Were they conquered by the summer faeries and forced to serve as vassals? Were they barbarians converted to sun worship? I need a general idea of what the Elysians started off like. Were they composed of one ethnic group or one race or multiple races and ethnic groups?

Second, I would like to point out religion. It needs a larger hierarchy of priests, the rank-and-file priests to do the paperwork and administer the sacraments, the junior priests to manage the parishes, the senior priests to take care of entire regions. Hmm, and I probably need to do a general outline of their beliefs and expound on the pros and cons of each one. Also, a lot of people are going to disagree with their doctrine which will fuel heretical sentiment, so there must be arguments for each belief and counter-arguments as well.

Third, we need to think about the physiology/biology/whatever of each of the races. What specific diseases that each race is susceptible to, what treatments must be made, how is this disease spread, how can other races get this disease, etc.

Fourth, we should think about the economy... even if I don't know how it works. Let's just... think about it, OK?

Fifth, I have been saying this over and over again, we should find scientific applications for magic. People here are probably going to use this a lot anyway.

That's all for now. I shall call this post the "Five Points" which we must concentrate on improving for now.
1st doesnt really matter. 2nd makes sense but its not christianity and the comparison doesnt really need to be made. Its still a fantasy world. 3rd is actually more player dependant. No one wpuld have known that Archdemons dont heal very well unless I said so IC. And because I basically created the specifics of archdemons. Like its very hard for them to breed and what not. 4th Economy is one of my prerequisites for even CREATING kingdom. You should have that downpacked by now. 5th has already happened. Quite a bit. Pia using her light powers to create a functional greenhouse in a land that cant grow normal crops. Desh having water and seafolk use their abilities to fill their reserves to supply the kingdom with useable water while they build an aquaduct through the mountain to fix the mountain. So this is already solved as well. Its just no one has tried at the light kingdom.

Any other questions?
1st doesnt really matter. 2nd makes sense but its not christianity and the comparison doesnt really need to be made. Its still a fantasy world. 3rd is actually more player dependant. No one wpuld have known that Archdemons dont heal very well unless I said so IC. And because I basically created the specifics of archdemons. Like its very hard for them to breed and what not. 4th Economy is one of my prerequisites for even CREATING kingdom. You should have that downpacked by now. 5th has already happened. Quite a bit. Pia using her light powers to create a functional greenhouse in a land that cant grow normal crops. Desh having water and seafolk use their abilities to fill their reserves to supply the kingdom with useable water while they build an aquaduct through the mountain to fix the mountain. So this is already solved as well. Its just no one has tried at the light kingdom.

Any other questions?

*Scratches chin*

Hmm, on the 1st and 2nd I disagree with you, there has to be some sort of backstory for Elysium and its Church. We might not need it to create a story, but it will still give the story added depth and it adds to the immersion experience. But so far, I'm pretty much the only one who makes these changes, so I'm going to have to implement them. All I need is the green light.

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th, yeah, let's just leave it to the players then so I agree with you there.

Other questions? Nah, not really.
*Scratches chin*

Hmm, on the 1st and 2nd I disagree with you, there has to be some sort of backstory for Elysium and its Church. We might not need it to create a story, but it will still give the story added depth and it adds to the immersion experience. But so far, I'm pretty much the only one who makes these changes, so I'm going to have to implement them. All I need is the green light.

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th, yeah, let's just leave it to the players then so I agree with you there.

Other questions? Nah, not really.
You know, I know that you guys want to make this RP better and I respect that. But I feel that sometimes you and Ele take it a step too far. I mean with the amount of detail you are gonna cram into the LK, the other 4 will end up out of focus and break the entire meaning of this RP.
*Scratches chin*

Hmm, on the 1st and 2nd I disagree with you, there has to be some sort of backstory for Elysium and its Church. We might not need it to create a story, but it will still give the story added depth and it adds to the immersion experience. But so far, I'm pretty much the only one who makes these changes, so I'm going to have to implement them. All I need is the green light.

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th, yeah, let's just leave it to the players then so I agree with you there.

Other questions? Nah, not really.
Im saying on whats needed. Is thr history needed? Yes. Do I need to know how they came about from the very origins? No. Be nice to hear but purely for aesthetics.

The church is something that needs to be discusded at length because it still needs to fit the mold of my world, in which christianity doesnt really have a place.
You know, I know that you guys want to make this RP better and I respect that. But I feel that sometimes you and Ele take it a step too far. I mean with the amount of detail you are gonna cram into the LK, the other 4 will end up out of focus and break the entire meaning of this RP.
I mean, its fine if they wanna do it. Im saying its ok. They just gotta realize that some things arent subject to change because I say so.
You know, I know that you guys want to make this RP better and I respect that. But I feel that sometimes you and Ele take it a step too far. I mean with the amount of detail you are gonna cram into the LK, the other 4 will end up out of focus and break the entire meaning of this RP.

Hmm, we could try to add more detail to the other kingdoms!

Im saying on whats needed. Is thr history needed? Yes. Do I need to know how they came about from the very origins? No. Be nice to hear but purely for aesthetics.

The church is something that needs to be discusded at length because it still needs to fit the mold of my world, in which christianity doesnt really have a place.

Hmm, history's got the green light, but the Church needs to be suited according to your needs. Got it.

Well, I'll go back to you every time I make a post about the history of Elysium and the Church then.
You know, despite adding so many adjustments to the lore of the Light kingdom, I keep seeing the need for more improvements.

I suggest we create a page for additional lore on the Light Kingdom or we could use the Extras page which we already have. We can't do this in OOC chat, we mostly use this place for shit posting around 80% of the time.

First off, lets start with history. We do not know how the Light kingdom started in the first place... were they a bunch of nomadic tribes settling down in a river or something like that? Were they conquered by the summer faeries and forced to serve as vassals? Were they barbarians converted to sun worship? I need a general idea of what the Elysians started off like. Were they composed of one ethnic group or one race or multiple races and ethnic groups?

Second, I would like to point out religion. It needs a larger hierarchy of priests, the rank-and-file priests to do the paperwork and administer the sacraments, the junior priests to manage the parishes, the senior priests to take care of entire regions. Hmm, and I probably need to do a general outline of their beliefs and expound on the pros and cons of each one. Also, a lot of people are going to disagree with their doctrine which will fuel heretical sentiment, so there must be arguments for each belief and counter-arguments as well.

Third, we need to think about the physiology/biology/whatever of each of the races. What specific diseases that each race is susceptible to, what treatments must be made, how is this disease spread, how can other races get this disease, etc.

Fourth, we should think about the economy... even if I don't know how it works. Let's just... think about it, OK?

Fifth, I have been saying this over and over again, we should find scientific applications for magic. People here are probably going to use this a lot anyway.

That's all for now. I shall call this post the "Five Points" which we must concentrate on improving for now.
Uwaaah, just woke up, lemme get not tired and to my keyboard and ill tell ya what I think.
Hmm, we could try to add more detail to the other kingdoms!

Hmm, history's got the green light, but the Church needs to be suited according to your needs. Got it.

Well, I'll go back to you every time I make a post about the history of Elysium and the Church then.
Well.... Say, mind helping out with the history of the founding of the WK then?

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