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Fantasy Seiunita OOC

When is Desh and Emilia coming to the Dark kingdom? Me and Skittlez are writing a post and we wanna know if its possible for you guys to be a part of it at the end or if you will be part of our second collab post
Methinks they're gonna head over the next day when Desh is sober enough to drive, right shadowz?
When is Desh and Emilia coming to the Dark kingdom? Me and Skittlez are writing a post and we wanna know if its possible for you guys to be a part of it at the end or if you will be part of our second collab post

Possibly at the end. There's going to be lotso mind controlling mishaps, interrogations, and bar fights.

A simple collaboration, as Nogood states herself, that had turned into an entire mini-arc. Somewhat sad, somewhat sordid.
Possibly at the end. There's going to be lotso mind controlling mishaps, interrogations, and bar fights.

A simple collaboration, as Nogood states herself, that had turned into an entire mini-arc. Somewhat sad, somewhat sordid.
Use smaller wprds with my brother. Youre gonna lose him
If you make it good? Yes

Desh'll be fine. The pegasus will do most of the work and after the few hours of flying he will be sober again
That would be impressive.
I'll try to make it good.

Here's a rough intro to the song:

Gather around as the fire dies down,
You'll hear of a man that some called a clown,
And if you listen real close to the wind in the trees,
You'll hear the ballad of Samael Telfree

So gather real close to the smoldering coals,
Soak up the fable and strengthen your souls,
And recall when you're out there and seeking your goals.

If you're ever in need of a hero,
Or a man that can walk across the sea
Just give a murmur, you need not look further,
Than the man they call Samael Telfree.
I'll try to make it good.

Here's a rough intro to the song:

Gather around as the fire dies down,
You'll hear of a man that some called a clown,
And if you listen real close to the wind in the trees,
You'll hear the ballad of Samael Telfree

So gather real close to the smoldering coals,
Soak up the fable and strengthen your souls,
And recall when you're out there and seeking your goals.

If you're ever in need of a hero,
Or a man that can walk across the sea
Just give a murmur, you need not look further,
Than the man they call Samael Telfree.
This is neato.

You didn't get the meme

This is... okay I guess?
Hello, Heis.

Eleph... remember the Two Cities book I said I was reading earlier? Its really good, you should take a look at it!

Problem is that it costs around 40-120 dollars in amazon. While I paid only 360 pesos for it. 1 dollar is roughly equivalent to 40 pesos so I've practically paid 9 dollars for it.
Eleph... remember the Two Cities book I said I was reading earlier? Its really good, you should take a look at it!

Problem is that it costs around 40-120 dollars in amazon. While I paid only 360 pesos for it. 1 dollar is roughly equivalent to 40 pesos so I've practically paid 9 dollars for it.

WTF? Why the hell is everything so cheap in Asian countries?
Eleph... remember the Two Cities book I said I was reading earlier? Its really good, you should take a look at it!

Problem is that it costs around 40-120 dollars in amazon. While I paid only 360 pesos for it. 1 dollar is roughly equivalent to 40 pesos so I've practically paid 9 dollars for it.

Oh, and I've revised the outline a bit. You should take a look at it.

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