• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Segregated |:|OPEN|:|


One Thousand Club
Ye 'ol CS. No need to be insanely thorough on personality and bio. Those are better shown in-depth in roleplay.




Appearance:(Any works. Face claims, anime, description, etc.)




Family:(This can simply be names and ages, or a full out encyclopedia. I'll read it all.)

Extra:(This can include any intercharacter relationships, personality quirks, whatever I forgot.)
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Luca Seslerther

  • Name: Luca Seslerther

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Luca's appearance hides no evidence that he is a full-blooded Italian. With sharp facial features and a darkened complexion, he is a spitting image of his father. Sharing the same thickly grown black hair cut to a stubble and the hazel eyes, he would appear to represent his father's youth. He is a trim and fit body person, and scarred along his chest and face minorly. His nose is permanently crooked, broken years ago. His arms are not bulging mountains of muscle, but are instead contoured into a boxer's toned figure.

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Name: Julia Klossner

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Julia doesn't really stand out in a crowd with her plain features. She has a round face, a large nose, and pale skin - true to her German heritage. Her thick blonde hair is always worn in pigtail braids. Her bright blue eyes are definitely her most charming feature. She has an average build, with subtle curves.

Personality: Julia is an extremely sweet and down-to-earth girl who just wants the best for everyone. Growing up as an only child with strict parents, Julia hasn't got out much - and it kills her. She seeks thrill and excitement. She wants nothing more than to go on an adventure. Julia's kindness and naïveté can sometimes get her into trouble, especially with some of the young men in her neighborhood. She can't help it. She's just a people-pleaser.

Bio: Julia has lived in New York all her life. Her father is a police officer - one who is definitely biased towards those of a different skin color - and her mother stays at home. She is an only child and often quite lonely. Her parents worry for her safety in the growing diversity of the city, and they don't often let her go do teenage things. This has driven Julia to perfect the act of sneaking out.

Julia's group of friends includes those of all races, religions, and social classes. However, if her parents knew this, they would most likely send her off to live in a convent - no joke.

Nationality: German-American

Family: Father / Dan Klossner / 45 || Mother / Sarah Klossner / 40

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John Monroe Buchanan






John is of a general Scottish descent and looks the part. He has curly dark brown hair that he usually slicks back and light blue eyes. He's quite tall, 6'3". He has an athletic build, but nothing too crazy. He's generally attractive, his looks have gotten him places.


John's a definite people person and can make friends quickly. Quite charismatic and enthusiastic. He's an excellent actor and can put up a convincing facade. Pragmatic, Opportunistic, Machiavellian.


John is the eldest son of a wealthy businessman and the heir apparent to fathers business empire. He grew up in a big house in a wealthy neighborhood and most everyone he knew was of generally similar status. One day, John and his family took a trip to South Africa. John was around 6 at this time. They stayed at the home of a member of parliament. Most everything was segregated into Whites, Coloreds, Blacks, and Indians. John asked his father about it all and his father responded to him by saying, "It's just the way things are, how it's always been." The trip was cut short when riots erupted and they quickly took a plane back to New York. This was John's first experience with mass institutionalized racism and segregation.

From that point on John just accepted segregation and such as normal, but really he couldn't care less about it. John generally kept his distance from non-whites. John and his family live royalty in comparison to some of many of the people John saw in South Africa as well as in the USA... and John knew this, but it didn't really bother him, "It's just the way thing are, how it's always been." Most of John's friends are upper class white males. He's never had much interest in females, but males on the other hand... thats a well kept secret, but one exception.




Father | Andrew Buchanan | 45

Mother | Maria Buchanan | 39

Sister | Anna Buchanan | 11

Brother | Andrew Buchanan Jr. | 6



Name: Connie Williams

Age: 17 (turning 18 soon)

Gender: Female



'Ni Ni'


Connie is certainly one that is like what many others would consider themselves to be. She’s a sweet girl and does her best to stay out of trouble though in her opinion it has a thing for finding her. This makes her seem as though she’s a bit mischievous (which never ends well in the aftermath with her mother) though she’ll deny it until the day she dies. Aside from that Connie can be very sociable to those she deems to be ‘safe’. She greets them with wide smiles, welcoming tones, and warm eyes. These help with the fact that she’s an excellent listener and tries her best at giving advice. Along with the sweet Connie that everyone she’s close to knows, she does certainly have darker side. She’s very silent around strangers as it’s how she’s learned to be growing up. Her demeanor isn’t always too welcoming and the same brightness shared with friends is dimmed to a small flicker that can go out at any moment. When pushed to the limit Connie can turn pretty nasty, her words becoming sharp. This can go for better or for worse and while Connie has trouble with keeping her mouth shut when anger is coursing through her veins, her actions can do the same.

Connie could be compared to oleander, she’s small and sweet but when tested out can get brutal.



Nationality: American (African American)


Mother: Rose Williams

Father: Terrence Williams


Job Williams (21)

Bobby Williams (14)

Lewis ‘Baby’ Williams (10)


Jamie Williams (21) -Job’s twin sister

Donna Williams (15)​

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