School For The Exceptional

Astarte Prend wasn't one to just walk around aimlessly. She always knew where she was going, she needed a purpose. However, today was an exception because today she was as aimless as could be. She focused her light blue eyes on every window of every building, slowly taking it all in. She didn't expect to come here at all. Correction: She didn't think she'd be able to come here.

She didn't apply and she didn't take a test. Perhaps it was her aunt who signed her up. If Astarte knew, she would never allow it. Who would pay for such a school? The real question was who could? However, somehow they still welcomed her with open arms here at the school.

She was desperate for human interaction at this point. She hadn't met anyone since she came, and she wanted dearly to make friends here. She wanted to be that girl with all these friends, the nice boyfriend, and a bright future. This is what the school meant to her. It meant a future.
Maggie made her way outside her dorm building, walking easily towards the main building. Goodness, she loved no longer being considered 'new'. If anything, she was experience now. She was the one to look up to. She was finally the best. She had always found someone to compete with in years previous, but she didn't think there would be much competition anymore; she was genuinely talented at what she did.
Astarte was walking still when she suddenly bumped into a girl. "Oh crap I'm so sorry!" she apologized, more than a little nervous about meeting someone at the school for the first time. She really wanted to make a good impression, so she picked up something of hers that dropped and handed it to her.

"I'm really new here, and I can't find my dorm. I also have no idea who my roommate is," she said, prompting the girl to help her out even just a little bit.

"I've been awfully rude," she said, reaching her hand out. "I'm Astarte," she said, introducing herself. She kept her hand out, hoping to make a friend out of this girl before she went crazy. She hadn't really talked to anyone here so far, and it was mostly because she was afraid of what she might do. Most teens think they might be too dorky, but Astarte was bipolar. She didn't even know what she might do. Her moods were exaggerated to the point of insanity, but now she seemed all right.

As long as she was all right, she could maybe get some help from this girl. After all, she really did need it. She secretly hoped her room mate would be really cool, but knowing her luck he/she'd probably be a dork. However, nobody here seemed like a dork. Everyone was just so... so... talented.
Maggie adjusted the sheet music in her hands, blinking slightly in surprise at bumping into someone. She cleared her throat slightly and shook her hand, trying to absorb the things she told her. "You've not been rude," she replied, shaking her head slightly. "Do you know what dorm building you have?" she asked her, pushing her hair behind her ear. "And I'm Maggie. I'm a third year."
She was a little shocked by her forceful tone. "I'm not really sure about anything. Nobody told me shit about anything," she said, laughing a little and adjusting her brown hair.

The girl who introduced herself as Maggie looked really... well... intimidating? She was really beautiful, not in a les way, but she just was. Astarte got even more nervous about talking to her. "I was supposed to have a male roommate," she said, repeating what she'd been told earlier.

She assumed that Maggie was here for music because of the sheet music she was holding. That seemed a lot cooler than sports. She could just picture her writing music. It all seemed so elegant.
Maggie nodded slowly and inclined her head towards the main building. "Follow me, then," she said, adding, "if you would." She hadn't meant to dictate anything. It was kind of what she was used to. She waited for her to walk a moment before walking to the building. She set her music on the front desk, giving a smile to the receptionist and informing her that she would be back in a moment. She walked over to the bulletin board and ran her eyes along the names before spotting Astarte's name and looking over the dorm and room number. She grimaced slightly sympathetically. "It's a little bit away from the main campus. Closer to the sporting center," she informed her. "I can show you if you'd like?"

She offered, not wanting to just throw her to the wolves.
She slowly walked with Maggie and looked around. She took in the entire setting, still amazed just to be here. It was amazing. Her mind wandered toward the topic of her roommate again. She really wanted to get along, but something told her she'd probably get paired up with someone as crazy as she was.

When they reached the bulletin board, she came crashing back to Earth again. She completely forgot to look for her roommate's name. "Yeah, that would really help," she said, trying not to push her to do it. She had no idea where anything was, and Maggie appeared to be knowledgeable. Sports center? she thought. Sounds like my kind of place.

She also wondered if they paired people based on why they were here. It might be nice to room with someone similar to her. They might also be able to show her around.
Maggie headed back towards the front door, her mind shifting towards autopilot as she walked, remaining quiet. Music notes began playing through her head automatically, allowing her to fold into her thoughts. It wasn't that she wasn't antisocial; she just...wasn't used to talking to people. And she fully planned on being polite if she was asked questions. She stepped outside and turned left at the bottom of the stairs.
Astarte felt really awkward just trailing behind Maggie the whole way. She wished she could say something, but she just didn't have a clue what to say.

Perhaps the girl was just not a big talker, she thought. She kept on following.
Maggie finally stopped in front of a building. "That's your dorm," she told her. "The athletic fields are that way," she said, pointing," the classrooms are back that way, and the dining hall isn't too far from here," she informed her. "Your luggage has probably already been brought to your room."
She walked with Maggie until they reached the building. "Thanks," she said. "I kind of would have been really lost without you," she admitted, rubbing the back of her head. She went on in.
Maggie shrugged her off, waving slightly before heading back towards the main campus. She frowned slightly, realizing she should have given her her number so she at least knew how to contact one person on campus. She sighed quietly but continued walking.
Matthew knelt on the grass and swooped the camera up and towards the sky and then around to focus on the sun setting. He moved over slightly and got the name of the school lit up golden by the sun. He laid down on his back and filmed the underside of the trees for a moment and then a few bird perched on the flag pole. He really did love all of this. He was good at it. He knew what would make a good shot and he knew how to edit his videos. It took him a long time to come to terms with the fact that he was talented. As the sun finally set behind the hills Matthew retired to the library. He wanted to get a a couple of books on writing and a few new piano books before all the good ones were taken. He swung open the door and headed to the piano books first.
Maggie relaxed once she got back to the piano room, grabbing her sheet music and taking a seat. Her fingers began trailing automatically over the keys, causing her to close her eyes at the sweet music that resulted.
Astarte looked around the room, still not seeing anyone. Her things had been brought up just as Maggie predicted. The whole room had a very clean look to it. It was exactly the way she liked everything.

She walked in, sitting down on the bed that had been made with sheets she brought herself. She laid down, taking everything she'd seen in. This entire place and its inhabitants were just... so... foreign. She felt like she was speaking a whole new language.

She hoped she'd be able to meet more people, and that she wouldn't have to venture out to find any. She'd really just like to meet a best friend and get all of that shit over with.
Matthew found the books that he needed and took them to an empty practice room. He sat down at the bench and took a deep breath. He loved the smell of the practice rooms. It was weird, but it was comforting. He liked the peaceful dull hum that came through the walls. Every now and then he could hear notes of other students practicing. He placed his fingers gingerly on the keys and pushed down gently. His fingers danced across the smooth surface of the keys. He closed his eyes as he soaked in the individual notes and listened carefully to their harmonies within each other. He was in the zone and it was all flowing. There was nothing quite like when he dedicated pure time and energy into his talents; especially piano.
Maggie finally sighed and got up, collecting her sheet music after a few hours of playing. She paused slightly in her footsteps when she stepped outside of the practice room, her ear picking up the notes from another piano. The lovely thing about the rooms was the fact that they were all soundproofed inside so you couldn't hear people outside, but you could still hear what went on from outside. She smiled slightly before walking out, heading towards her dorm.
I havent rp-ed in a while so I might be slow at first. :)

Name: Annabeth Rose Atwell

Age: 18

Are you a first year?: no

--If not, what year are you?:2

Nationality: South african

Please enclose a photograph: View attachment 11766

Tell us about yourself: (Personality) I'm only nice to people I like. If I accept you, then I am funny, I keep your secrets, and I'll never judge you or push you. But, I don't like opening up to people. So if I shut you out, don't be insulted, I shut everyone out. I listen and I do honestly care, but if I don't like you, don't expect anything nice from me. I don't spread rumors, but if you get under my skin, expect it. I came from a rich but broken home, my brother still lives in South Africa, my father refuses to let him move to America. We've lived in America since I was 14. My mom believes in family so she is struggling to keep her failing marriage. Anyway, I'm kind, athletic, intelligent and and humorous.

What is the talent you were selected for?: (May be up to 3) Dancing, writing, photography

Roommate: [X] Female [ ] Male [ ] Either ((You can say who you would like to room with, if you'd like))

Will you need financial help? [ ] Yes [X] No

----Do you have a crush? If so, who would you prefer to have a crush on? No

Can I post a guy tomorrow?
Name: Ezra Marks

Age: 18

Are you a first year?: no

--If not, what year are you?: (There are 6 years) 3

Nationality: American

Please enclose a photograph: (Real, please)View attachment 11778

Tell us about yourself: Well, I'm not shy. I will speak my mind and tell you if I like you or not. I worked a long time to get here so I am not going to let anyone stomp all over me. If I like you then I'm nice, pretty laid-back and joke around. I like to play guitar so your probably going to see me play it a lot. I'm not going to be all in your face, if you bother me or pose a threat then I'm going to fight back.

What is the talent you were selected for?: (May be up to 3) Guitar, Singing

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [X] Either ((You can say who you would like to room with, if you'd like))

Will you need financial help? [ ] Yes [X] No

----Do you have a crush? If so, who would you prefer to have a crush on? ((This does not necessarily mean that you will end up with this person)) No

Annabeth grabbed her bags and rolled her eyes at the driver who wasn't even attempting to help her, just waiting for a tip."Not gonna happen." To his dismay, she walked away toward the school and hesitated to open the doors.
Annabeth grabbed her bags and rolled her eyes at the driver, who wasn't even attempting to help her, he just wanted a tip. "Not gonna happen." She got to the doors and hesitated to open them.

Ezra was mad, he never wanted to be here, his guitar/singing teacher applied for him. He grabbed his bags and his guitar and sat on a bench. "I really hope this school is good, I want to leave".
Maggie pushed her sheet music carefully into her folder, jumping slightly when she opened the doors of the main hall and saw a girl standing there. "Whoops," she said, a little embarrassed. "Pardon me," she stepped out of the door way so the other girl could go inside.
Annabeth smiled softly. "Its fine" she said. She walked around the campus and started taking pictures.

Ezra finally walked to his dorm and started to hum.
Nichole walked out of her dorm looking around. she sat on the steps singing a little''~just trust in your heart it will not lie it will set you free allow you to fly just listen to your heart it has love and warmth you are filled with happiness as you ing a tune....your color turns from red and blue.....~"

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