School For The Exceptional

Cindy watched the boy leave and turned to Nichole. The girl was pretty, with hazel eyes and tanned skin, and was not a bad singer. Cindy held her elbow out for Nichole to link her arm into her own. "To your dorm room, Ms. Houston?" Cindy said, lowering her voice so she could impersonate a security guard for the singer Whitney Houston. When Nichole wrapped her arm in Cindy's she pulled her away, towards the dorm rooms and bombarded her with questions. "So I'll bet you're here for singing but what else? Do you have a mom and dad? Siblings? What do you do in your free time? What year are you, I don't think I've seen you around before? Maybe we can sing together one day."

As Cindy pelted her new roommate with questions they reached the hall holding their dorms. Some doors were open, letting bright lights flood into the hallway along with giggles and murmurs. Other doors were decorated or had luggages and shoes in front of them. She remembered running around the school with her old roommate, always barefoot. Since they never left campus they didn't have a care in the world and Cindy's feet were usually covered with calluses, bruises and layers of dirt by the end of the day. She remembered the way he laughed from outside as she giggled maniacally, trying to scrub her feet but tickling herself in the process and the way she laughed when he was in her position. Her chest hurt with these memories and she realized she had been in love with him. He was a senior though and ready to get out of the school and make a life for himself, not hesitating when it came to leaving Cindy either. She sighed shakily and turned to Nichole, deciding she would make even better memories with this new roommate.

"So, you wanna get settled or do you wanna knock on doors and mingle?" Cindy asked, making sure to mask her pain with a happy voice.
((Islandlife, go ahead!))

Maggie jumped in surprise, nearly dropping the picture frame she had been attempting to hang. She flushed in her embarrassment before setting it down and shaking his hand, giving him a slight smile. "I know. We've gone to school together for a couple of years," she pointed out. She was a little bit...surprised, to say the least. She hadn't really expected administration to take her seriously when she checked the 'either' box. She had done it to piss off her father, if she was being entirely honest. "You're in your...fourth year, right?" she asked him, moving to try and hang the picture once more.
Matthew tried to hide a smile when she said she knew who he was. He'd always figured he was invisible to someone like her. He walked over to his bed and and pulled up two of his suitcases and unzipped them.

"Yeah, this is the beginning of my fourth. I'm excited and grateful to be here another year," he said taking out pictures and posters and a few trinkets. "How do you feel about being back?" he asked trying to keep up conversation and try not to be too awkward. Pulling out one of his sweatshirts, it unraveled and bright pink stuffed pony fell to the ground. Embarrassed Matthew scooped it up and shoved it back in his case trying to hide it. A piece of paper fell to the ground.


I hope that yu wil like my gif. Mommy let me by it with my muny. Pinkie Pie is my favrite ponee. Take good care of her!

LOVE- Leslie

A smile appeared on his face as he read the note. She must have snuck it in his suitcase when he stopped by his parents house to say goodbye and let them know his new number he had gotten just that morning. Leslie was his youngest sister. He was the oldest followed by Craig, Hannah, Trevor, Kevin, and then Leslie who was six. He set the note on his desk and lifted part of the sweatshirt to peek at the pony again.
Maggie shrugged a bit. "I'm excited. I like it here better than at home," she admitted. She raised her brows at the pony. "Is that Pinkie Pie I saw?" she asked, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Any particular reason you had a stuffed horse in your sweatshirt?"
Matthew turned around quickly and shrugged guiltily.

"Er, yeah. It's from my little sister, Leslie. She...she bought it for me. She's a sweetheart. Here, look." Matthew handed Maggie the note that Leslie had written him.

"She really likes that new My Little Pony show that has come out. She has been begging me to switch over to animation so that I can have her meet Lauren Faust. But...I don't know if that's something I want. I told her I would figure out some way to get her that wish," Matthew said almost nostalgically. He picked Pinkie Pie up and fixed her mane. He found a shelf to put her on. "Mind if I display her here? If it doesn't bother you?" he asked stepping on his bed and reaching to put the pony on the top shelf.
Maggie waved her hands slightly. "You can put anything anywhere you'd like," she replied. "And that's sweet. I only have one brother, and he's like...a lot older than me. And he's only a half brother. So what are you here for?" she asked him, unzipping her suitcase and starting to put her clothes in the dresser near her bed.
Nichole blushed and said''thanks. hey are you cindy?'' she picked up he bags and followed cindy. she looked around the school in wonder. i might like it here after all! she smiled then bumped into someone. she said''sorry!'' she sighed as her phone rang. she said''hello?'' her mom said''how is it?'' nichole hung up.
"Yes I am Cindy! Sorry for not telling you before all of this, you must have been confused." Cindy replied, inspecting her roommate as she stumbled around. Clumsy one isn't she? Cindy thought, her hands jammed in her pockets. The phone conversation ended quickly and Cindy could tell Nichole was still angry over something. "I would ask who that is but I'm not sure that's safe." Cindy leaned against one of the doors in the hallway, praying no one decided to come outside.
"Something wrong?" Cindy asked, running her red painted nail along the wooden door she was leaning on. She only half listened to Nichole and wondered who was in the room behind her. She imagined a girl with blonde hair so messy it looked like a mop on her forehead. She was wearing a hoody and had a skateboard in hand, at this school for some kind of talent in athletics. She knew it was a silly thought but Cindy was still incredibly curious as to who was behind the thin wood door.
Nichole said''no im ok....'' she sighed looking at her books. she wanted to get to their room to rest. she looked at Cindy and said''what are you doing?''
"Thanks," Matthew said placing a few photos of his family on the shelf next to the pony. "Only one brother? Wow. Yeah I have five younger siblings. Most of the time I love it, but it can get a little overwhelming sometimes," Matthew admitted. He took out some more of his clothes and placed them in the drawers. "I'm here for piano, writing and movie directing. Last year I was hit pretty hard with the writing and they told that this year it would be a nice balance between piano and movie. So, basically to keep up with writing I'll have to do it on my own. I won't have time for a writing class or anything." Matthew was surprised that he was talking so freely with Maggie. He had always imagined what it would be like to talk to Maggie and now that it was happening, it was a little surreal.

"What about you? What are you here for exactly?" he asked sitting on his bed and refolding some of his shirts.
Maggie mouthed the word 'five', surprised that he would have so many. "You're lucky," she said, a little wistfully. She had been kind of lonely growing up. "I actually play piano too," she told him with a slight smile. "But I sing and dance too. So I'm in a lot of the school musicals for those reasons," she said with a shrug. She wasn't bragging about herself; just telling the truth.
::Sorry I was gone for awhile. I'm back now! ::

Matthew nodded listening to her. He remembered seeing her in the musicals.

"You must be pretty talented. I believe they call what you are, a triple threat." Matthew said not looking at her.

"Who do you have as your piano teacher?" he asked still afraid to really look at her. He was afraid that she would be able to see right through him.
Maggie rolled her eyes slightly at that, having heard that particular statement way too many times in her life. She shrugged a bit. "I'm no threat," she informed him, glancing over. "I play with Miss. Diana," she informed him. "I used to play with Mr. Sawyer, but that didn't work out too well."
"Uh, I'm just waiting around for other people." Cindy asked, not realizing she hadn't answered her new roommate. "You get settled in the room, I'll wait here." She said, sliding down the door and sitting in front of it, hugging her knees to her chest. She nodded at their door and flashed a warm smile at Nichole, letting her know that it was fine to leave.
Name: Astarte L. Prend

Age: 18

Are you a first year?:

--Ummmm I guess that would be a 4th year?

Nationality: Caucasian

Please enclose a photograph:


Tell us about yourself: (Personality): Astarte is generally a good person. However, she's bipolar, so she can be set off easily in odd ways. She can get abnormally sad, angry, or happy with even the slightest trigger. However, she hates it and tries to be very kind and altruistic even though she can't help it sometimes. She's quite outgoing and charming also.

What is the talent you were selected for?: (May be up to 3): Astarte was accepted for sports. She can play basically anything, but she enjoys volleyball and soccer most. She wants to play soccer professionally.

Roommate: [ ] Female [ X] Male [ ] Either ((You can say who you would like to room with, if you'd like))

Will you need financial help? [ X ] Yes [ ] No

----Do you have a crush? If so, who would you prefer to have a crush on?: We'd have to see after she interacts with everyone.

"Aw, Miss Diana. I had her my second year and Mr. Saywer my first. Right now I am with Vj Singh. He's amazing and I'm super lucky," Matthew said hopping from his bed with a newly folded stack of clothes. He put them away and then turned to Maggie.

"Well, I'm headed out to continue video taping. I like the lighting around this time of day. It will be a nice ending to my video. I'll leave my number just...just so that, uhm, you can have it if you need anything?" Matthew said starting to blush as he tumbled over his words. He wrote down his number quickly and left if on his desk. He reached for his camera and tucked it away in his jacket. "See ya," he quickly said and headed out the door.
Maggie blinked, slightly surprised at his abrupt departure. She glanced down at the paper with his number on it. She frowned slightly, wondering if she had said something rude or something that sounded like she wanted him to go. She had a habit of pushing people away bluntly when she was done speaking with them. She sighed and picked up her sheet music, going over and writing her number beneath his in her perfect cursive- 'I've gone to the practice room; here's my number too.' She entered his number into her phone before heading out, grabbing her room key and tucking it into her pocket.

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