School For The Exceptional

"I've been writing the longest, with piano coming next and then directing is something I got into when I was in middle school. That is the main reason they picked me up was because of piano. Later on I was asked to pick some other things I thought were talents and then they picked what they thought was the most. I don't mind though, I really like writing and directing was something that came as a surprise but I am actually quite good at it and I love the creative freedom," Matthew said with a smile. As he was talking about directing he remembered that he should probably get back to his dorm and start editing the footage he got today.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," he said with a smile and started to walk back to his dorm.
Nichole walked out of her dorm and stretched. she strummed her guitar and sang ''Last Friday Night'' ''~theres a stranger in my bed theres a pounding in my head! glitter all around the room! pink flamingos in the pool! i smell like a mini bar! DJ's passed out in the yard!~''
Maggie laid back on her bed, opening her binder over her lap and chewing the tip of her pen. She glanced over towards Matt's bed, wondering if if he would hate having her as a room mate.
Annabeth sat on her bed and started writing in her binder labeled "Don't Open." She was always too embarrassed to show anyone her writing.

Ezra played his guitar and sat on campus.
Nichole continued singing. ''~Barbie's on the barbeque! theres a hickey or a bruise! pictures of last night ended up online!i'm screwed. Oh well its a black top blur. But i'm pretty sure it ruled! Last Friday night we danced on table tops yea we took too many shots! think we kissed but i forgot!~''
Matthew came to the door of his dorm and paused. He wasn't used to sharing a room with a girl so he wasn't sure if he should just walk in, or if he should knock, or if he should cover his eyes... Taking a chance Matthew knocked on the door lightly and opened it at the same time. He saw Maggie on her bed with a notebook in hand. He waved at her a bit awkwardly and set his new books on his desk. Matthew rummaged through his drawers and found some pajamas and a shirt. He stood there a moment before walking to the bathroom to change. This was going to be difficult to get used to. Once he was changed he came back and sat on his bed.

"So, how was your first day here?" he asked as he got under the covers. He reached for his notebook and pen and began to scribble out new short story ideas.
Maggie glanced over at him with a slightly amused smile, shaking her head slightly. "Okay, the knocking while you opened the door thing? That was brilliant. But, unless you're really shy about changing in front of people, you don't have to go to the bathroom every time. I mean, we're roommates, so we should probably get used to it, right?" she asked. "And my first day was great, I got a couple hours of playing in, but you're trying to write right now so I'm just gonna quietly sit here. You can ignore me for a few moments, promise," she said, looking back at her papers.
Name: Lyfe Xavier Maxwell (Snow)

Age: 19

Are you a first year?:

--If not, what year are you?: 4th Year

Nationality: British

Please enclose a photograph:

Tell us about yourself:Snow is emotionally detached from the world, due to his lack of social skills and patience. He is a fighter and prefers to express himself through action rather than words. With his tall frame and straight face, he tends to come off as intimidating, also the fact that he never smiles doesn't particularly make him look friendly either. He is extremely blunt and speaks in a deep yet monotonous tone of voice that seems to carry a rather wise and enlightening air about it. His face is like stone: unmoving and giving nothing away. He is a rather intelligent man, but has a tendency to express his thoughts through dry monotonous sarcasm that people usual find either brilliantly funny or utterly offensive. He is also oblivious to other people's emotions since he barely feels them himself. Described as heartless and cold as Snow, he is a walking blank canvas. Because of his empty and icy exterior he adopted the nickname Snow.

What is the talent you were selected for?: Art, Cello, and Cooking

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [X] Either (I don't want a roommate -_- )

Will you need financial help? [X] Yes [ ] No

----Do you have a crush? -_- Seriously? The answer is no, you twit.

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