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Saxygirl15 and Wizard Justin's rp

"Mhm.." Sometimes, it sure didn't feel like it. She even gave herself to him. He was her first, but he didn't seem to put forth the same effort.
He sighed and looked at her kissing her on the lips. "I'm guessing sometimes you don't" he said to her lifting her up and grabbed her hand.
"Sometimes it doesn't feel like you do." She squeaked as he lifted her up. Placing her head on hi shoulder she intertwined their hands, sighing. She the looked up at him, placing her free hand on his neck, and kissing him ever so softly.
He picked her up and sighed. "A person can change... I'm pretty sure Miss Kelly can agree." He told her and smiled kissing her neck multiple times.
(Maybe we could time skip a month and she went to the doctors and was told she was pregnant. Then when she got back she would tell him) 
Justin was called over to Kelly's she seemed to be excited but he don't know why maybe he would find out when he got to her house. He sighed and got to her house then knocked on the door.
Kelly happily walked over to the door. Opening it, she tackled him in a hug.

Earlier that morning, she'd gone to the doctor's because she's been sick for a while. After persuading herself to go, she'd found out she was pregnant.

Kelly buried her head in his chest for a minute, then brought it back up to look at him. "Guess what?" She shut the door behind him, and she hugged him again, and pulled him into a long, soft kiss. When she released him, she whispered. "I'm pregnant."
He heard those last two words and he freaked out. He couldn't handle being a father. He had another way around "Kelly! Was that why you wanted to have a go with me to be pregnant?!" He yelled at her and smacked her face. "You know what your just too much, we are done."
Kelly fell to her knees when she was suddenly smacked hard in the face by... him. "I thought you would be happy! I thought you wanted a family, you.. you liar!" She yelled through tears. "Get out! Get out of my f****** life, Justin. I never, ever want to see you again! EVER!" She screamed as tears rushed down her tears, and she stood. "Yeah, we're over. Forever. " She sighed, and pointed to the door.
"I was happy but that was too much a baby! What is wrong with you!" He yelled at her and left the building storming away.

(Wanna do the year time skip now?) 
Ten years passed by Justin was having an amazing job until he was fired because his friend in a building had drugs and he got the same fine and he lost his house and everything. He had no one left but he could only go to one person who probably never take him in but he had to try. He arrived at his ex-girlfriends door steps and knocked on the door.

(How big was her house btw) 
Kelly and her daughter, Marie who was 9 now, lived alone in a small little house in the outer parts of New York. Kelly never told her daughter of her father, and had never planned to. If she asks, he left a long time ago.

Kelly was reading to Marie, when there was a knock at the door. "Go to your room, I'll be there shortly, Marie." Marie simply nodded and vanished down the hallway.

" Who is it?" Kelly called unwillingly. Her heart stopped when she looked through the door's peephole.
"Kelly, I need your help your the only one left... I'm sorry about 10 years ago..." He said to her through the door and he sighed. He knew she wouldn't forgive him for what he did. He regretted what he did his whole ten years it just happened to never ask for her forgiveness now he was here at her doorsteps.
"It's a little late for that don't ya think?" She growled, not opening the door. After she opened the door, she simply laughed. "You're uglier than you were! Ha.. I can't believe I let you talk me into you." She chuckled, and then shook her head. "Nice of you to finally see your daughter, huh?" She frowned, and shook her head.
"Your just saying that because your still mad at me though in reality I look the same... But you on the other hand your body formed well. So we had a daughter. Though please Kelly I'll do anything I just need to have a place to live in and find a new job. Then I would leave you Kelly. I wouldn't care if you put me in a dog cage and give me dog food long as I have shelter." He said to her. While he was speaking he got on his knees and hoped she would agree.
"Will just fucking shut up already?" She yelled, slamming the door behind her, so their daughter wouldn't hear. "You don't ask me for something, then insult me like that, you jerk. Now, first of all, I told you I never wanted to see you again. Why are you even fucking here? Even if it is to get somewhere to live. I don't even think about you anymore, much less like you. Our Daughter thinks you're dead, so, you better get walking before I fucking call the cops on you, Justin." She crossed her arms, dialing on her phone.

(I know it seems like it's going nowhere, but it is going somewhere.)
"please Kelly I'm in huge favor to people... Kelly don't I'll even act like a pet anything you and your daughter wish. You don't even need to tell you daughter who I am... Kelly please take pity on a person who had nothing." He was still on his hands and knees trying to beg for her assistance.
"Fucking right that's MY daughter. You piece of shit." She growled, and smiled as the policeman answered. "Yes m'am?"

"Hi, I need a cop out here right away, there's a mysterious man on my front porch." She said in a somewhat panicked voice, "Please, I have a daughter."

The cop answered immediately, "We'll dispatch a man out right now. Do you want me to stay on the line?"

"Yes, please." She whispered, and shut the front door as she'd walked in.
He sighed he was just gonna stay here he had nothing left. She didn't want to see him again and she meant it. Now he was probably gonna spend his life in jail since she probably telling the terrible info about him.
Kelly suddenly reappeared on the porch, the phone not in her hand. "I never want to know you're here. There's a shed in the back." With that, she turned and went back inside.
He smiled kindly at her kindness "Kelly, thank you". He got up and walked to the shed in the back and he went inside. He sighed knowing Kelly, she was gonna make his life miserable.
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Kelly sighed as she locked the front door tight, and was greeted by her daughter. "Mommy, what was that?"

"Nothing, dear. C'mon let's go play."
Justin sighed there was nothing in her shed to help comfort his sleep. He thought about how he reacted to Kelly when she told him about the baby. He even hit her once this happened. Now it was taking revenge at him. He was living in her shed and forced to stay out of sight from his child that he abandoned. 
She sighed at how she cracked for him. She did kinda sorta have feelings still. But that was only natural as he was the father of their child.

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