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Realistic or Modern Salvation

"Good idea." Rue said, following after Jason since despite his hobble he still walked this area with more confidence than she could muster. It had been his home after all; Rue trusted his judgement over her own while they were on his turf. For someone who was originally reluctant to be a leader he was pulling the job off well she couldn't help but note. "You do have this building cleared, right?" Rue asked as she trailed behind Jason; suddenly nervous that while their minds were preoccupied a threat might catch them off guard. Although her swords were still close, she had somehow managed to tuck them away in their sheathes before, the thought hadn't crossed her mind to draw a blade since entering the old hospital.
"I cleared it from top to bottom excluding the basement, I sealed that off there's no way in or out of there; the door is welded shut. I cleared this place out about a month ago, and sealed it up tight before I left. So I'm pretty confident when I say it's cleared, just in case though, let me go around corners first." He said making it to the second floor and walking through a series of hallways, hisself first, on his way to too access. "I lived here for 5 years. Know it better than I know myself." He smirked.
Rue couldn't help but feel impressed by Jason's foresight; he had really thought everything through. She was always used to moving around herself and never settling down; she had never even stopped to consider the possibility of staying in one place for more than a few days. "Five years, huh? You must be strolling down memory lane right about now. What made you leave this place, it seems safe enough considering." she commented, despite Jason's reassurance still reaching behind her to find security in the feel of the oh-so familiar hilt that had been with her for years now, though it felt much longer as if the blades had always belonged with her.
"My father died here. He had some type of sickness...i don't know. It couldn't be treated with what we had here. One day i woke up and he was gone. I buried him outside in the cemetery. I stayed for a few more days, but the place reminded me too much of him, I couldn't stay. I heard through some travelers of a place call Salvation, so i made that my new destination." he hobbled down the hallways with a satisfied look on his face. "I'm just glad he's not on this world anymore, he hated those things." he chuckled referring to the undead "He called them Satan's minions... He wasn't even religious." he chuckled some more "Yeah, i had some great times in here."
"Oh...I'm sorry." Rue said lamely, wishing she hadn't asked as soon as he mentioned his father's death. She didn't want to make him relive any unhappy memories; this world was choke full of them and some things are better left forgotten. "So by coming back here I guess that means you haven't found 'Salvation'? I don't blame your father for hating the Undead though; I pity them myself. To be locked eternally in the state they are, as if death isn't bad enough, is what's truly tragic."
"Don't be sorry." He said with a smile "Agreed, it's sad, luckily my father never went through that. And no i haven't yet. That's where Zero and I are headed. Most people say a place like that doesn't exist. Some people say it does. I believe it does. I'm gonna find it, or die creating it." He smiled as they approached a door labeled 'Roof Access Authorized Personnel Only'. the door itself was white, and was the padlock Jason had put on it years ago. next to the door was a crate of unlocked padlocks with chains. Jason propped his crutch against the wall, took the padlock and chain that was holding the door shut, and heavily dropped his elbow onto it. The chain was unharmed, but the padlock seemed to break perfectly between the silver metal bar and the lock itself. Jason shook his elbow out. "The trick is to hit it right on the dial." he chuckled and said to Rue. he walked though the door, passed something huge that was covered by a tarp and smiled. he then walked to the edge of the building looking for anything out of the ordinary.
"Well if or if not this 'Salvation' exists it's nice to have something to hope for at least. It's better than resigning ourselves to a future of futile wandering." Rue said as she pulled to a stop behind Jason seeing the words that marked the door's purpose out clearly. "Well aren't you handy to have around." Rue said with a smile of admiration as he easily broke the padlock. "I never heard of a trick like that before; I'll have to try it out for myself if I ever happen to find myself in such a situation where a padlock is keeping me prisoner." she said, her eyes dropping to the crate of unlocked padlocks and chains briefly before she continued through the door a few seconds behind Jason. Throwing a glance around her she took in the large tarp with only mild interest, instead more concerned with the view which she had to admit was nice.
"I don't see anything. Do you?" he said squinting into the distance for anything the was alive and moving. "Sounded like it came from the North-West..." he said pointing to the forest on the border of the city.
"No, I can't see anything." Rue said with disappointment although she had told herself not to expect anything. It wasn't likely they'd just see the survivor as clear as day; that would be foolish on the human's part. "Maybe we'll get lucky and hear something again." Rue said, forever cursed to find hope where hope wasn't due, taking a few steps closer to the edge as if that alone would let her see the world in a whole new light. It didn't.
Jack Came into town, he had stopped singing, but was now whistling as he walked. Some of the buildings were much taller than he had expected; the buildings casting large shadows across sections of the road. He slowed his pace down and walked down the center of the road, whistling away. Jack was foolish, and at times, didn't seem to realize just how dangerous the world he had been plunged into was. As he walked he looked about the tall buildings, admiring the architecture. In his defense he was smart enough to have his gun drawn and in hand, the lever cocked back.
Jason stared blankly at nothing while he put all his metal focus on his hearing. he closed his eyes and took long, quiet breaths. He could hear a whistling-type, echo-like noise in the distance, but he didn't know where it was coming from. "Do you hear that?" trying to pin point the location.
Carried by the wind came the sound of whistling; it was unmistakably human. "Yeah, I heard something." Rue said, making sure to keep her voice low so they wouldn't miss any noises which might lead them to whoever had found their way into the town. Although she didn't say so aloud she wondered what made the person whistle, wherever they were. Such an act was reckless; it was no doubt attracting any Undead who happened to be near by.
As jack enjoyed his stroll down the street, his whistle began fading away as he suddenly became aware of the eyes watching him. He stopped and looked all around him to gauge the number of undead that had been lured in by his whistling. Four, that he could see, he checked the gun, it was loaded, that meant he had six shots. All four ran at him, two from behind, and two from the right; Jack decided he would run. Sprinting as fast as he could, and jumping, he crashed through the window of an old gas station. He was back onto his feet quick, running, but the pain was already hitting him, he had a dozen tinny scrapes and cuts, though nothing serious. hiding behind some shelves he tried to keep his breathing under control, pangs of pain pulsing through his body. The four undead had entered the gas station. They meandered through the gas station, searching, sniffing, craving for his flesh. One came around the corner of the shelf he was behind, with no time to think, he pointed and shot. the undead dropped to the ground, a hole through its head. The three other charged, Jack was backed into a corner, three more shots rang out. He had killed two more, but there was one left. 'Where did it go?' he thought, looking about, not seeing anything. He pasted through one isle, and turned to go down the next, and just as he did, it leapt out at him. Jack dove forward sliding on the floor, his back on the ground, as he slid he fired again, he missed. The undead creature came barreling down on him, he shot, it was his last chance.
"I'm going to crash this car if you keep poking me!" Asaya responded to Aragorn with a pouting voice before looking forward once again, "Why did I have to get stuck with a drunk lunatic." she muttered with a small sigh, "Nope nope nope! No party until we get you to the ranch. Make yourself useful and go to sleep or something." she chuckled, "And while you're at it... try to get well too mannnn." she whined slightly, "Eventually I'm going to have to rest too you know." she looked over at him, "Try to calm down drunkie."
Hearing a crash and an array of gunfire, Jason could tell where it was coming from now. "That's the gas station...if people are shooting around there, that place could go up in flames. There's still some gas in there in a broken pump." He said as he rushed toward the door to get downstairs. "We need to get over there right now."
" As milday it you pleases to " he said in a drunken tone making no sense, soon falling back on his seat and falling asleep yet again it seemed that he had recovered atlest a little.
"Of all places..." Rue muttered under her breath but she didn't waste time as she took off behind Jason. This time there was no mistaking the shots for what they had been; all she had left to wonder was if the human was still alive and uninfected. "Don't push yourself too hard!" Rue called after Jason with concern evident on her voice, remembering his leg injury after having forgotten it for a moment. He shouldn't be pushing himself so hard but at the same time without him she wouldn't know how to locate the gas station.
"I'll be fine." he said running through the door and throwing a new lock on it after Rue comes through. "We gotta go to the gas station." He started for the main lobby area.
"If you need anything just say the word; I'm right behind you." Rue said, despite what Jason had said still worried for him. A leg injury could very well turn out fatal when running from the Undead though as long as she was around she wouldn't let that happen. "You'll have to lead the way; I just hope we can get there in time." Rue said, the last words more for herself. The shots worried her; whoever it was had run into trouble and they had no way of knowing how bad it was.
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"I know how to get there. Don't worry." He walked out if the lobby area and towards town. He checked the area ad liked the door behind them before leaving. He started walking with the help of his crutch down a block or two before they came across the gas station. He saw a few dead corpses on the ground. "Hope not of those bodies belong to whoever shot..." He looked inside to see another undead that seemed I be towering over somthing. "Huh?" He stood up from his crouched position and started for the gas station, dropping his crutch and grabbing his shot gun.
Asaya shook her head, "What's with this "milady" business?" she blinked, "Hmm..." she looked over at him, "Hey, you should probably eat something to help you gain back your strength. Do you have any food in this car?"
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" Eat? want me to bite you again? " he asked curiously, " OH! food! " it came to him in seconds. "well i do have some beans if you might like, rest I think is all canned and would need to be heated prior to being consumed " he ended. "Well i do have my supplies at the ranch, but well it is still half a hour drive away i think ". He was getting back to normal now, no longer delusional due to consuming a whole bottle of vodka.
She paused a bit, "Do you run solo at your ranch?" She asked, raising an eyebrow before chuckling, "No biting, you're not a zombie." she stopped at her words, finding some unease in joking about such a topic before looking at the map she held with her left hand on the steering wheel.
" Well not alone, i do have Candice with me, We have been together for years now" he said with a grand smile as he remembered her. he did not comment over the ' biting' topic he could see how Asaya felt about it. " you would enjoy the ranch it is practically zombie free " he said as he reached out for a packet of potato chips.
"I don't believe in places being zombie-free." she replied, "But, it would be rather nice to stay somewhere for longer than a week. I haven't once settled down since all this sh*t broke loose." She looked over at him, and blinked, "Oi! I want some!" She laughed, "No fair! You never told me you had chips." She rose an eyebrow, "Oh~ who's this Candice?" she smirked, "Awww sniper boy has a girlfriend!" She joked, leaning back in her seat slightly and nudging him, "That's adorable." She smiled cheekily.

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