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Realistic or Modern Salvation

The alcohol burns but not as much as the wound itself, he tenses up and bites harder on the rag.
"Sorry." She says and disinfects the needle before putting the string through it and beginning to stitch the wound.
"It's okay, keep going" he looks outside to try and see the other ground, but he's too low to the ground to see them.
Asaya, a bit surprised by the sudden gift, blinks and replies a bit puzzled, "Oh hey, tell Hotshot I said thanks too." She replies before turning her body to grab her backpack from behind and stuffing the items into one of the zipper pockets. Looking over to see Adrian had already taken her leave she looks over at Rue, Tyler, and Argorn, "You guys going with Hotshot too?" She asked, "In fact..." She looked over at the hospital, "Should we wait for them in case something happens?" Her voice fades.
Adrian nods her head and continues to stitch up the wound. A few minutes later she finishes and wraps in up in gauze. "There. Good as new. Just..... Try and not get shot again?" She says, jokingly.
"Huh?" Asaya changes her attention towards Tyler and raises an eyebrow, "Just say it." She responds as she leans back in her seat with a sigh. As her eyes focused on him.
Aragorn looked around as he turned conscious again. " Where are we?" He asked in a weak voice, his eyes gazing around, he was surely a little bit confused. To him he was not sure if this was a dream or not.

( sorry for short replies :/ phone I have no idea how long they are.)
"Oh hey, look who's awake." Asaya chuckles, "Just go back to sleep buddy." She says softly as she searches through her pockets and pops a new piece of gum into her mouth, "You need to regain your strength."

(It's all good haha :) )
Asaya then turns her attention back to Tyler and raises an eyebrow, "Alright let's talk." she opens the door and steps out, peeking her head back inside to grin at Aragorn and Rue, "Be back." The door shuts and she begins to walk away from the car, a good distance away before stopping and looking back at Tyler.
" my strength!" He repeated with a grin, he surely had something on his mind. He slowly pulled out his knife, it was tiny but extremely sharp, he grin became bigger as he glared at Asaya, " I think I have an idea on how to do that" he said as she left 
He slowly punctured the back of a seat, slowly creating a hole, gradually he moved his hand inside as if looking for something. " nothing better then vodka in the morning" he said with a Russian accent and a smirk. He was totally unaware that it was not the sunrise but the sun settin. He drank the whole bottle in a gulp and smiled
"Trust me, it's not something I enjoy..." He smirked as he said it but his eyes narrowed as he thought about the sniper again. "I shoulda shot him..." He scolded himself immediately about the thought "no, I'm glad I didn't, it woulda made it worse..." His face depressed but stern.
After Tyler told Asaya what he was going to say (Ash, we'll rp this when you get back as a recap) Asaya returned to the car. Opening the car door, she looks in to unexpectedly find Aragorn drinking, "What the hell?? Sniper Boy where did you get that??" she sighs, "You know... You shouldn't be drinking in your condition you idiot." She hissed
Adrian glances at him and nods her head. "Yeah. It would have made things worse." She says, and places a hand on Jason's shoulder.
He smirks when he looks at her "Thank you. Where did you learn to do that?" Glancing at his leg wound.
Rue glanced out the window at the hospital as soon as they stopped; lingering after several of the others went inside since such a building must have once housed quite a few of the Undead considering the purpose it used to serve. But she saw no reason to stay in the car so instead she slid over the seat and began to push open the door, pausing when Asaya returned. "I'm going to take my leave now, thanks for everything though." she said quickly before pushing open the door and standing up, glad to stretch her legs. But before she closed the door she paused and turned back, this time facing Aragorn. "And you; try not to shoot anyone in the back. I certainly wouldn't put it past you." she said, no hint of humor on her voice. She knew that he had shot Jason in the leg without cause and the thought made her sick. Without waiting for an answer from either of them she took off, her steps purposeful and leading her toward the hospital where the other three had went.
Adrian smiles slightly. "Shannon. She was going to college to be a doctor. She taught me when all of this went down."
"That's amazing, this is how I learned to do it in-" he sees the other girl approaching them, he gives a friendly smiles and tries to get up. "H-hi there." he said extending his hand for a handshake.
Finally Rue reached where Jason and Adrian were talking and immediately her eyes went to Jason's wound and she inwardly grimaced. "Hey." Rue said, trying for a smile. "Sorry about everything that happened before." she stammered as soon as she reached them, though she couldn't stop herself from keeping a little distance from them since she wasn't officially a part of their group, feeling an apology was owed.
Asaya looks over at Rue, a bit speechless and sighed before making a smile, "Alright." She replied softly, but her words went unheard as Rue quickly made her way after the others. She glares over at Aragorn and smacks him on the back of the head, "You're an idiot." She sighs and crosses her arms, "I'll take you to your ranch. Try anything funny, and I abandon you right then and there. It'll take you weeks before you heal and gain your strength, so you'll be an automatic goner unless your lucky." She looks over at the hospital once more, a bit curious and tempted to follow after but shook her head and looked away towards the road, "Something's in this world must get done regardless of how you feel." She mumbled softly to herself before slowly starting the car, "Tyler, join the others. It was nice meeting you!" She called out with a forced grin.
"I still feel like I should though." Rue said softly, looking at the ground for a moment as if it contained an answer before looking up again. "I guess I put my trust in the wrong person with that sniper. But, I was hoping anyway, maybe I could join up with your little group? Safety in numbers and what not, not to mention I would love the company. And I'm sure I could find a way to make myself useful. If you're all fine with me joining that is." Rue said, not trying to keep the hope out of her voice.
"I'M okay with it. But i refuse to be a leader here." he chuckled "There's no reason for you to be sorry, you tried to stand up for him, you didn't know what he would do" he smiled "It's fine, and you're more than welcome here, it's fine with me. as long as everyone else is okay."

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