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Fandom Sailor Moon CLOSED

But yeah, that was more me trying to find the color scheme than any purposeful edits. My bad. But wow, I am going to have to play around with 3.0, I've been waiting for it forever and I totally forgot about it until just now
Glad to have been able to help you in remembering this game ^^ I got fed up with waiting and just donated to the site to be able to play it xD

And yeah it's great. The amount of options for the males is a little minimal, but it's at least something!

It's not really a thing on the appearance, but I've found out that when making the gradient skirt (From color to white with the two white under layers) that going 'color/white/white' creates a very harsh line in the gradient of the skirt. What I've done was go 'color/lighter shade/white' that way it has a smoother flow from the color to the white edge.

Like I said, not an official thingy, but just something I found out after experimenting with the colors too.
Olissa said:
Glad to have been able to help you in remembering this game ^^ I got fed up with waiting and just donated to the site to be able to play it xD
And yeah it's great. The amount of options for the males is a little minimal, but it's at least something!

It's not really a thing on the appearance, but I've found out that when making the gradient skirt (From color to white with the two white under layers) that going 'color/white/white' creates a very harsh line in the gradient of the skirt. What I've done was go 'color/lighter shade/white' that way it has a smoother flow from the color to the white edge.

Like I said, not an official thingy, but just something I found out after experimenting with the colors too.
To be perfectly honest, I am just too tired to remake those character models right now. I updated my post a bit, and removed the flawed image, and I'll either remake it, or just kind of go with the standard blank slate.
Oh, right!

1) The characters do not know they have been asleep for 50 years.

2) The leader of the resistance is Shin Tsukino, child of Ryuu Tsukino.

3) Taken Planets include: The Moon (Reserved), maybe mercury (Reserved by me), Mars (Taken), Venus (Reserved), Jupiter (Reserved), Saturn (Taken), and Pluto (NPC)

4) The cat is named Mina, and is a blue male.
Cat's name is Mani :P but I'll forgive you for that one.

Alright, she's accepted and it's up to you to decide what you do with the image ^-^
Alrght! Thank you. I wasn't sure if we were waiting until we either got a couple more people or we had some sort of formal "start," but thank you!
Initially I indeed was waiting, but then I figured that the best chance to have the last spots filled would be to have this thread active and more easily findable for people if it rotated back to the first page every once in a while ;)
I spent half the night last night in the ER so I didn't get to finish my CS

This morning the page forced me to restart and I lost the entire Cs, I'll try to get it done as soon as I can.
Yeah I fractured my Talus bone Sunday, I went to the ER to see why it seemed worse.
Yeah helps the foot move.

It is painful, seriously painful. At least I got some strong meds for it or I'll be breaking some doctor necks.
Well, I wasn't exactly questioning why it hadn't been posted yet for you guys, but I just wanted to make sure you were all still in the game and aware of it :) and that I hope you'll have time soon to be able to create the sheets. The quicker we have everyone, the quicker we can get this RP fully rolling :D
I'm incredibly interested! Could I reserve Neptune perhaps?

My names Sephera, I'm a friend of Celebi ^^ She referred me over here *hugs*
Welcome, glad to have you.

I'll place Neptune on reserved for you, and will be looking forward to him/her!
Randomly, if we find ourselves short a player after a while, I can take Uranus just to fill in a gap. I have a couple of ideas, but if somebody wants it, that is cool with me.
That's a very kind offer of you ^-^ I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Most of the reserved characters haven't been completed yet, so we're not in a complete crunch yet ^-^
I'm super excited. I grew up watching Sailor Moon, pretty much my childhood to now obsession.
haha. Grew up with it too, loved it to pieces. It somehow seems to be difficult at times to find roleplayers for a sailor moon roleplay though O.o

Oh, sidenote. I've almost completed a tutorial for creating the sailor senshi appearance xD Both male and female.
Olissa said:
haha. Grew up with it too, loved it to pieces. It somehow seems to be difficult at times to find roleplayers for a sailor moon roleplay though O.o
Oh, sidenote. I've almost completed a tutorial for creating the sailor senshi appearance xD Both male and female.
Excellent, you are my hero. I've always wanted to RP sailor moon, but the problem I always seem to have is that everyone wants to roleplay a different version. The old english dub, the original uncut anime, the manga, crystal, there are too many different versions of this story

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