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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

kickboxer108 said:
Royce rolled her eyes at Steph's comment before choosing to continue. "Okay, now that all of that is decided, I would like you all to privately come up with identities. You can choose to keep your names but I suggest you all come up with some backstories for yourselves in case anybody asks."
"..... Grew up in Clarksville, Tennessee as a

Basketball player and fan. Moved here because my par......because of the colleges in the area. Guess I'll have to get popular by being the best on the basketball team there. I'm set....but this is, just so you know, a necessity to talk. This was is not becoming a normal thing." Kuro said, before sitting down again. He didn't like having to talk. But all he had to talk to was Royce and now the teenagers at this school.he wouldn't see them again, so they were fine. And Royce, well she was okay, her being boss and all.
kickboxer108 said:
"Okay, that settles it," Royce announced. "Freya and Pat, do you have anything that you feel will help with the mission?"
@Enmyira @Lyndon
Freya grinned and titled her head. "Why yes.. I infact do. A pair of contacts with facial recognition software carefully integrated in them... several pair of glasses that have cameras linked to them, and are easily paired with our earpieces. They also can take pictures of what ever the wearer is looking at. The pictures are directly uploaded to our databases." She hummed. Several other gadgets and tech ran through her mind, and she was having trouble decidingwhich would be the best.
Enmyira said:
Freya grinned and titled her head. "Why yes.. I infact do. A pair of contacts with facial recognition software carefully integrated in them... several pair of glasses that have cameras linked to them, and are easily paired with our earpieces. They also can take pictures of what ever the wearer is looking at. The pictures are directly uploaded to our databases." She hummed. Several other gadgets and tech ran through her mind, and she was having trouble decidingwhich would be the best.
"I also have something," Pat began, after Freya announced her idea of contacts. "It's a paste that helps to seal wounds and cuts without using a bandage or stitches. It's similar to surgical glue, but this is more like a piece of tape you can put over a wound and it dissolves into the skin. I don't think we'll need very much this mission but it's still helpful."
"Okay, it seems like everyone but me has a specific job," Steph pointed out. "I mean, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum over here are for like tech and med support. Kuro is working the target specifically and Jordan is helping him get popular. What am I supposed to do?" Steph was still trying to get out of going to the high school but was running out of reasons to present to Royce.
"Steph, you're going," Royce told the girl. "Just try to fit in, get information out of people and see if anyone had noticed Liza's powers. We'll need to work on damage control if too many people know about her power."

@Ninja Warrior

"Pat and Freya, both of your inventions will be helpful," Royce told the two scientists. "Please find the time to distribute them to the team."

@Enmyira @Lyndon
kickboxer108 said:
"Steph, you're going," Royce told the girl. "Just try to fit in, get information out of people and see if anyone had noticed Liza's powers. We'll need to work on damage control if too many people know about her power."
@Ninja Warrior

"Pat and Freya, both of your inventions will be helpful," Royce told the two scientists. "Please find the time to distribute them to the team."

@Enmyira @Lyndon
"Yeah no problem boss." She said and grinned at the fellow scientist.

Lyndon grinned back at Freya. The girl's entire face lit up when she smiled, it was rather adorable, the spark in her eyes when she talked about her inventions. Then, remembering Steph's earlier comment about "getting a room" Pat looked away.

"Right, no problem," Pat reported, reaching up to loosen the tie at his neck slightly.

Steph rolled her eyes as the scientists made lovey eyes at each other. She assumed their immediate connection was over science and the world of inventions. But, she personally preferred a good fight.

"So, this whole blending in thing. I'm good at pretending I belong places," Steph began. "But, how exactly am I supposed to dress and stuff. I'm not exactly up on the newest trends."
Jordan smirked and looked over at steph "yeah I could tell, I guess I'll have to help you with that, we don't want you looking like too much of an idiot." He stood up and stretched. "By the way how good is the schools security? I can sneak in a knife right?"
"If you help me find clothes, I'll make sure no security system in the world will pick up the knife," Steph told Jordan. "If he gets to bring a knife can I bring my bo staff?"

Pat noticed that the meeting seemed to be winding down. Leaning over towards Freya he said, "I have an idea for an invention but I don't have the technical abilities needed to complete it. If you have time soon, can you possibly help me out with it?"

Lyndon said:
Pat noticed that the meeting seemed to be winding down. Leaning over towards Freya he said, "I have an idea for an invention but I don't have the technical abilities needed to complete it. If you have time soon, can you possibly help me out with it?"
"Absolutely!" She exclaimed, thrilled by the idea to help. "I'll have some time after getting the other things for the mission ready."
Enmyira said:
"Absolutely!" She exclaimed, thrilled by the idea to help. "I'll have some time after getting the other things for the mission ready."
"Sounds perfect," Pat responded, smiling glad he would be able to get a second opinion on his idea. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go get my bag ready and I also have to make some packages of the healing tape. Ladies, Gentlemen, Boss." Pat excused himself and left the briefing room headed to his bunk to go and get his things ready.
As Pat left the room, Steph began to plan out her new persona. She figured, if she was stuck going might as well make it interesting. "Am I allowed to say my name is Mulan?"She asked Royce, only half joking. "Also, can I try out for cheerleading? It'll help me blend in."

(Sorry, I fell asleep)

Kuro got up and looked at royce,. "Do I need to stay, or can I work on the stuff I'm bringing? I know how to dress for this, but basketball wise, I haven't played in a while. I should be good, but I doesn't hurt to practice." He spoke, but in a smaller voice so that only age would hear. He still wasn't comfortable talking to the others. Royce was the only person he could trust, but at the minimum level of trust.

Freya hummed as she walked back to the lab. Despite just being told that it was a good idea to come up with a new identity- she'd already forgotten. Her mind was busy. She grabbed several special little briefcases that were all lined with special felt and padding. Back when she'd successfully tested her devices, she'd made sure to replicate it for as many as the team was strong. Likewise with the contacts. She hummed and carefully programed each case so the felt would morph to make the proper enclosures for both the glasses and contacts. She put each item into each case and nodded. "Job done."
Kuroko said:
(Sorry, I fell asleep)
Kuro got up and looked at royce,. "Do I need to stay, or can I work on the stuff I'm bringing? I know how to dress for this, but basketball wise, I haven't played in a while. I should be good, but I doesn't hurt to practice." He spoke, but in a smaller voice so that only age would hear. He still wasn't comfortable talking to the others. Royce was the only person he could trust, but at the minimum level of trust.

"You're all free to go and pack," Royce told the team.
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Steph walked back to her bunk wondering what to pack for this. She pulled a duffle bag out from under her bed and tossed in her bo staff, numchucks, and flying kamas. Then, she tossed in a variety of shirts and tank tops with a few pairs of cargo pants. Do teenagers still wear cargo pants? Ulgh, this was going to be hard.
kickboxer108 said:
"You're all free to go and pack," Royce told the team.
Kuro knew how teens dressed, so he put those clothes in a duffel bag. Basketball.... He hasn't played since joining, so he grabbed his basketball and went to the gym, leaving a note tapped to his door saying where he went. Once there, he went through everything. Dribbling, crosses, shooting, blocking, defense... He did it all. But what did surprise him though, was how good he was. Usually, you lose some skill after no practice, but he was still great.

Shit. He was late. He sat aboard the small, but sleek helicopter which was taking him to the SHEILD base. Ever since its deactivation, he had worked for the FBI, but hearing of the agencies reopening he quit the job in a heartbeat. He looked down at his watch through his aviators and frowned, he was really late. "We're almost there right?!" He said in the small headset he was wearing to protect his ears from the roaring of the blades. The pilot nodded, taking a hard turn around a large skyscraper, he had probably already missing the meeting.

About 20 minutes later, the helicopter was touching down. Not wanting to take anymore time, he removed the headset, and leaped onto the roof from about 10 feet up. He waved to the pilot, giving him the ok to leave. He turned back around, fixing his hair since the wind had messed it up. He was wearing sleep aviators, a light blue jean shirt, jeans, and brown dress shoes. He made his way inside, pressing the down button on the elavtator, and tapped his foot impatiently. Finally he arrived in the room, only to see Royce. "
My apologies, seems I missed the debriefing" he said removing his glasses, then tucking them into his breast pocket.
ReverseWells said:

Shit. He was late. He sat aboard the small, but sleek helicopter which was taking him to the SHEILD base. Ever since its deactivation, he had worked for the FBI, but hearing of the agencies reopening he quit the job in a heartbeat. He looked down at his watch through his aviators and frowned, he was really late. "We're almost there right?!" He said in the small headset he was wearing to protect his ears from the roaring of the blades. The pilot nodded, taking a hard turn around a large skyscraper, he had probably already missing the meeting.

About 20 minutes later, the helicopter was touching down. Not wanting to take anymore time, he removed the headset, and leaped onto the roof from about 10 feet up. He waved to the pilot, giving him the ok to leave. He turned back around, fixing his hair since the wind had messed it up. He was wearing sleep aviators, a light blue jean shirt, jeans, and brown dress shoes. He made his way inside, pressing the down button on the elavtator, and tapped his foot impatiently. Finally he arrived in the room, only to see Royce. "
My apologies, seems I missed the debriefing" he said removing his glasses, then tucking them into his breast pocket.
"Don't worry about it," Royce told him as she powered off the projector. "We're approaching a powered girl in a high school. Jordan, Kuro, Freya, Pat, and Steph are all going undercover into the high school. You and me will be remaining at base to run backend and follow any leads that we get." She walked over to the counter and set her mug into the sink, the tea gone from inside.
When Steph was done packed she walked into the hallway, workout gear on. "Does anyone want to spar?" She asked loudly hoping someone would hear her through their open door.
Harrison nodded, "Well what a exciting way to get back into things. How many teen agents do we have? And how well are they trained?" Nick Fury never really had teen agents, and he didn't like the idea of getting kids into it.
ReverseWells said:
Harrison nodded, "Well what a exciting way to get back into things. How many teen agents do we have? And how well are they trained?" Nick Fury never really had teen agents, and he didn't like the idea of getting kids into it.
"There are five teen agents, their ages range from 15-19. They're all remarkably trained. Patrick Fox and Freya O'Brein are our scientists, both of whom have extensive training in their fields of bio and engineering. Then there is Kuro Vortigern who is a Black Ops specialist and skilled interrogator. Jordan Newman is one of the best strategists SHIELD has seen. Oh, and if you look down the window you can see Stephanie Wang. She is a specialist with Shield, she has a black belt in five forms of martial arts and was trained by Melinda May herself," Royce described each of the members of the team.
Listening to Royce, he did look at the window at the woman on the other side. He nodded, satisfied with the answer he had gotten. "Good enough for me. Have you gotten any new info about "the case?" He had been secretly digging through the files in SHEILD on powered beings with the ones he had seen that night. It was glitch-like, and powerful. Nothing he'd ever seen before.

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