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Finished [Ryke – Stonewall] (Caelia Barony) How Do You Like Them Apples?

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently open to be joined. Let me know if you're interested and we'll see how your character can best join the story.


What to expect out of character:
  • The plan is to get a decently fast posting pace going (daily if possible, four day rounds maximum).
  • The RP is meant to last around a month, two at the very post if the posting pace ends up on the slower side.
  • The RP will be exclusively slice of life.
  • Multiple posts between narration rounds will be allowed. No double-posting or moving the scene (adding NPC's, changing time, resolving things, etc.) though.

What to expect in character:
Having returned to her Barony, baroness had a few rougher days getting everything back on the rails and getting back into the flow after her absence. However, one of the more peculiar things that happened during her absence? People started finding apples in the most random places. Now that she returned, the mysterious apples seem to start appearing even more frequently. Who or what could be behind such a random phenomenon?

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy Gunhild – Sneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

Baroness' Chambers
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Baroness' Chambers.
From: From court to castle: The magnificent film sets of Mary Queen of Scots - Film and Furniture

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

It was rather early, about three or four in the morning, as the baroness was still asleep in her room. She'd been up late last night, discussing matters with her advisors. Among them being the apple situation. It was most definitely weird. Enough so to have kept her even longer, making her sleep thus far restless as her feet remained cold.


Elsewhere in the barony, in one of the more luxurious rooms in the Keg or Keep (depending on if he'd have moved over after the Keep got fixed up) Retili would be waken up early by one of his men, a Zentail among the more senior ones. “Sir, it's gotten worse! The apples... there were a whole bunch of them, right in the armoury! We've sent our most capable men to go look for traces of who might've done it or what might've happened, but we found nothing. No equipment seems to be missing, but for them to manage to break into those... We believed we should've let you know with urgency.”

OOC: You can decide where he'd be or what his room would look like yourself.


Teuihua, wherever he'd spent his nights, would have an even worse experience. As when he 'woke' up, he'd find an apple had been placed neatly in the 'storage' area he'd used before in his big arm. An apple that definitely wasn't there before.

OOC: You can decide where he'd spent his nights whenever he'd not be active and/or patrolling. He'd have been offered a room in the keep or armoury, or a place to stand guard outside the baroness' room if he'd have preferred it.


Elvario Elvario
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Who would ever have trouble with warming their feet, especially a baroness. Like, just pull the cover over your feets dumdum it's there to keep you warm. How would it be so much of a problem that someone's mother would ask an entire 'nother person to assist with the matter? These were the questions that kept Gunhild thinking a lot of the time, especially since she was now well on her way tasked by Mama Caelia to help her daughter's chilly little dilemma. Thanks to said Mama Caelia also had Gunhild gained free access to the Keep as should the guards had let her be, sniffing and scuttling her way around the place in hopes of finding the room of the one she was looking for.

She was, of course, wandering the Keep in her smol size using her Size Change. Being a little 4'1 lizard was a lot more convenient than what her normal behemoth stature would have to endure walking around halls and struggling with doorways. Eventually, Gunhild would succeed in finding it and slowly open the door to the Baroness' room, lightly pushing the door open with her face to squeeze her head through the ajar door to peer around the room in suspicious glances. When it felt fine to do so, she quietly wandered in and closed the door behind her with her tail, trying her best to remain quiet as she wandered over to the bed in which Regula rested.

It didn't feel like any time at all since she was being trained to fight Kaiju-sized Monsters somewhere out of Ryke, and now she was really here on personal request to be a footwarmer. Oh, the things Gunhild did a do and the places she gone a go. Peering over the side of the bed to try and sneakily see if the Baroness was awake or asleep, she concluded that the birdie was all eepy-sleepy from their big ol' day out or whatsit to not be all awakies.
"Gunhild do a do... " Gunhild quietly mumbled, wondering if helping with this was truly the best use of her time. Then again, she didn't get much opportunity to be in here, plus ReguMom wanted her to better keep her daughter company because there wasn't as many others around to do so.
"Gunhild bestest Gunhild, yesses... do bestest a do fors Prettybirdie and Prettyrosie... " Gunhild softly murmured to herself, trying to quietly clamber onto the bed to not disturb the sleeping damsel in distress. A good Gunhild would usually want to just lay and snuggle up with her appreciation victim, but for now she had orders to attend to.

Moving over to curl up and pretty much nap on Regula's feet to keep them warm as per instructions, Gunhild debated becoming a floofhild but considered that she didn't want to end up tickling the Baroness' feet while she was asleep by becoming a furball. Curling up and wrapping herself and her tail in a ball-shape, she tightly hugged the feet to her stomach and chest since it'd probably be the most central place of said Ballhild, and that her underside was the least scaly part of her body especially since she wasn't very much of a fan of being too clothed since it was uncomfortable and got in the way while outdoors. She'd been running around a lot to get back to the Barony, let alone the keep and to her room, so Gunhild was very much a toasty and overheated Gunhild who wouldn't mind catching her breath and resting while doing a job well did a do. Maybe she could even give Regula a massage or some other care, Gunhild knew Miyuki very much liked those so maybe the Baroness would. Gunhild continued to internally think over her special Morning Gunhild-Baroness Wake-up Routine so Regula could be all happy and pleased with Gunhild.

She was surely going to get all the food and pets and appreciation in the world, it was a quest given by Regula's Mama herself, there was clearly no higher honor in the barony.

1. size change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1)
2. Special Movement (quadrepedal (f))
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Frequently the golem would have been patrolling outside near the building where Regula slept more than likely for the night, to make sure that no one was attempting to come from the outside in to do her harm. Sometimes should he been allowed he would have patrolled the inside as well. But he generally liked to keep things different, getting a proper lay of the land during higher risk times, which night definitely was one. He also was well aware that someone who wished to do harm might try to learn of a schedule or pattern so he did make sure to change things up so that it wouldn't be predictable each time he was on guard duty.

However on this particular night Teuihua was inside the keep sort of going into a semi-alert stationary mode outside of Regula's chamber, like a guard would. He probably had a room or something by this point but with the strange happenings felt being on high alert was better just in case something bad happened. He would give a nod and gentle wave to Gunhild when he was alerted of her presence, of course if he would see her, not stopping her from going in to see Regula.

What was less predictable was that after the fact it was at that point he noticed the apple resting in his sizable carved 'ear' on his arm, to which he pulled it out..and examined it, he then set the apple down on his broad shoulder and reached his hand again to make sure the bell he had been given as a reward of sorts was still there too..he never did actually get to figure out what the bell was for since it was more of a 'you'll know when the time is right' type situation. When the apple was there, Teuhiua would look around the surrounding environment with his 360 Degree Vision trying to get an idea of what was going on exactly, moving more toward the center in front of the door, even after reaching his higher state once more, his full extent of vision had not kicked in yet which was making this less than ideal otherwise he would have had some more vision tricks up his sleeve to see if anything invisible had come by discretely to leave the apple or if perhaps magic was at play.

"Baronness another apple appeared this time on me, be wary."
Last edited:
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy

Retili had stayed up late advising both the Baroness, and indulging his new hobby. The Zentox had turned into a budding amateur architect. He had always been fascinated by plans drawn up by construction workers and architects to make new public infrastructure but had yet to indulge in it himself. Until he had looked into making a bridge for the Caelia barony to improve trade between it and the neighboring barony. Ultimately the bridge had been a bust, but Retili had continued the interest in public works. Currently he was looking at a method for building cobbled roads that would prevent them from eroding over time and overall decreasing the need for maintenance. He often stayed up late to indulge his studies, and he had ended up just getting to sleep a few hours before when the knock came and the door to his chambers in the keep opened.

The room was not overly large, appointed with a bed, nightstand, wardrobe, table and chairs for eating, and a small desk with a bookshelf full of books. The books weren't just on the shelf though, they were stacked in haphazardous piles all throughout the room. Different volumes on architecture in different places all over the world. It appeared the advisor had taken to purchasing more materials for his hobby, but when he had no more room on his shelf he hadn't bothered getting another.

The Zentail was quite different from his usual composed appearance, his hair a mess and his carefully maintained beard askew from being woken suddenly. He looked up in a haze of sleep deprived confusion. He took a moment to absorb the information before he sighed and nodded. He wouldn't be getting sleep just yet. "Very well captain, i'll speak with the baroness. Double the guards in the keep rotation and search again. Dismissed." With a crisp salute and a snap of his heels, the Captain departed the room. The Zentox took around ten minutes to get himself dressed and take a moment to run a comb through his hair before stepping out into the hall of the keep. Two of his men fell in behind him, and with them in tow he made his way to Regula's rooms. Along the way he contemplated the matter of the apple depositor. It hadn't been so serious before hand, now they had apples appearing in one of the most secure sections of the keep.

He saw Teuihua stationed in front of the door. Normally this would not be out of the ordinary, but the golem was stationed to block the entrance of any intruders. The Zentox approached and looked up at the tall figure. "Good evening Teuihua. We've had an incident with apples appearing in the armory. I need to speak with the baroness. Did you see anything during your nightly patrol?" He questioned as he arrived in the hall. Retili kept his eyes out for anything out of the usual, his [Perception C] working overtime to spot any clues as to where the apples had come from.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy Gunhild – Sneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia IzuruTo be added.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister Marrok – Get approved. | Get employed.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

Baroness' Chambers
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Baroness' Chambers.
From: From court to castle: The magnificent film sets of Mary Queen of Scots - Film and Furniture

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

The baroness' restless sleepy oddly enough started to become a whole lot more peaceful. Her feet felt a tad heavy, but warmer than they'd been in a long while. Warmer than any blanket or cover could keep them... Sleepily, she woke up, confused. Lifting up the covers, she'd see the small lizard there. “Gunhild... welcome back...” She yawned, her brain not even having woken up enough yet to question the situation. “Hmmm... that's nice.” That she could confirm. “How was your adventure?” The baroness asked, though her voice sounded like she wasn't fully aware of whether she was awake or just having a really pleasant dream.

Teuihua, on the other side of the door, couldn't see anything whatsoever. However, when he spoke to her from the other side of the room, it instantly woke the baroness up fully.

Getting up straight and opening her [Pocket Dimension] to grab her Faeblade, she was combat-ready from the moment he'd warned her. Yet, well... there didn't seem to be an immediate threat. Taking a few deep breaths to calm down her heart-rate, she'd put the Faeblade away again. Then notice Gunhild, whom she'd nearly kicked away by lunging upwards. “Oh no, Gunhild, I'm sorry. Wait... why are you here?” Now that she was wide awake, she'd finally got to question things. She made way to get out of bed, putting on some clothes as she was the type to sleep without wearing anything. “We should figure out who's leaving these apples soon as...” She opened the drawer with her underwear, only to find an apple inside of it. “This is getting ridiculous...” She stammered. “Teuihua, we're going to find whomever or whatever is causing this no matter what.” She stated, as this was the final drop.

Elsewhere in the castle, Retili had replied to his captain. He'd arrive around the same time as he heard Regula state they'd solve this from inside of her bedroom.

She'd open up the door short after. “Ah, Retili. It seems you are up early as well.” Retili too, wouldn't notice a single thing despite his perception. Regula took out her boots, putting them on and using [Tremor-sense B]. “Nothing... if whomever or whatever places these apples is walking, they're long gone. If not, they might've been flying or teleporting or something.” It was extraordinarily frustrating.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece conman2163 conman2163

Gunhild grumbled and lightly squirmed at almost being kicked, thinking that Regula would have at least taken longer to get up or at least been more grateful than she had been. Grumbling and lifting her head as she watched the awaking Baroness leave her bed to get herself dressed, Gunhild partially wondered why Regula wasn't more surprised that the lizard was so suddenly present nor why the Baroness didn't have a sudden desired urge to give her well-deserved pets and affection for the good job she did. Though for the most part, it didn't seem like she was going to be getting any appreciation at all nor the ability to make Regula feel more comforted and around friends for the time being.

"Gunhild go a go'ses place. Sillyplace, smarty-sillypeople, Gunhild killieses Terry-askies, rock-feel-face-feel-lady personpeopleses. Othy-thingieses... " Gunhild muttered as she lightly squirmed around the Baroness' bed, slowly getting herself lost and tangled up within the covers until she finally found herself free looking at a Regula who was looking through her underwear drawer at something. When the Baroness had finished in said drawer, Gunhild unceremoniously struggled out of being tangled and caught up in bed-covers and loudly fell right off the bed in order to scramble over to said drawer with a curious desire to look inside it herself for whatever it could've been.

"Undy-undy" Gunhild blankly stated as she lightly swatted at said undies, before noticing the apple that was magically there somehow.
"Appy" Gunhild added again as she swatted at the apple until it slowly was rolled and pushed out of the underwear drawer onto the floor. Turning her attention to the now apple on the floor whilst Regula was getting ready and leaving, she looked back at said drawer and swatted her clawed hand at the content to attain some of the contents. Knocking one of said undy-undies out of the drawer, Gunhild continued personal shenanigans in underpants-bandit nonsense and nudged the undies before deciding it was a soft enough plaything that she should keep for her enjoyment. Regula didn't give her pets or appreciation for her welcoming presence, so this will do as a good alternative. Picking it up in her mouth, she now stared down the sudden apple also hearing and seeing the arrival of Teuihua and some other stranger she didn't recognise. But for now, her current prime distraction was this sudden invasive apple. Maybe an apple seed somehow got stuck on one of Regula's undies and it magically grew into... an apple... though didn't they grow into trees or something? Then, how did trees grow apples? How do apples grow exactly? Gunhild lightly held the undies in her mouth and nudged around the apple with her face and claws like a cat playing with a yarnball as she debated this mystery.

Well, trees grew from seeds, that made sense she supposed. But when what did the apples grow from? Thin air? They do just kind of appear on the trees and that's just supposed to be acknowledged? Why couldn't they just appear anywhere else, had this never happened before? Has nobody ever figured out the logic of why apples even materalise onto grown trees in the first place? Hm, maybe because trees bore fruit when they were of age and grown enough, maybe Regula's Barony had grown enough that it was old enough to bear fruit also. Yes, if Regula could spawn a magic baby house then why couldn't her Barony bear fruit also? Though, there was also a much more important question. Gunhild squirmed around with said undie and apple, kicking the apple around the room and pouncing on it like a life-or-death sport as she looked to the other three.

"Baronyplace is's big tree-place, makes appy's. Cans has appy-juice, Gunhild cans has appy-juice yesses? Gets appy, do a appy-juice yesses? Gunhild has, is foods, yesyes, Gunhild has appy-juice nows yesyes?" Gunhild asked, wondering if this was finally the time she was allowed to have apple juice. There was literately no better time and other excuse that she couldn't be denied it at this point. They literately had a magically spawning supply just begging to be made into apple juice.

1. size change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1)
2. Special Movement (quadrepedal (f)) + energized (F)
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy conman2163 conman2163
As focused as Teuihua had been he'd still give Retili a wave with his more dexterous hand. "Greetings, the only out of place things which I have seen on my patrol are apples in odd places, I'm not certain how much information there is to be gained from that as it's been happening right along, but I will say that I had an apple appear in my arm's compartment." He'd gesture to the carved ear space in the statue like head on his pillar arm, before pointing to the apple which was now on his shoulder.

"This one right here appeared recently and I did not see or sense anyone or anything that could have caused it making this process the most perplexing. Nevertheless, I suggest additional caution until we can determine the cause of these apples appearing. While seemingly benign, it could be something dangerous or someone with ill intentions making them appear, which should be ruled out until we learn the direct cause of this development." He would state to Zentili matter of fact, his tone a tad more serious than it had been thus far, still unable to pick up anything of interest as he looked around.

"Understood Baroness, I will gladly assist you in this endeavor." He responded matter of fact hearing her through the door. He would have moved out of the way when all was said and done so Regula and Zetili had access to one another. Teuihua might have heard Gunhild's gunhildisms as he replied,
"I am not certain if making juice out these apples and consuming it is the best idea Gunhild. we do not know the origin them or if they are safe, perhaps using high grade appraisal might tell us something more useful about them, though I suppose it is possible they are just standard apples someone with great abilities is bringing all over the place..."

By the time the Baroness was unable to pick up any data with those boots they were in a most curious situation, perhaps it was a spirit or something of the like?
Mentions: Elvario Elvario

It was early morning in the Caelia Barony. Izuru, everyone's favorite dragonkin was very lost. As to be expected, he really should have invested in a map of at least the castle town. He was somewhat certain that he was in the town square or something. The crisp morning air made him tug at his coat, contemplating if he should have stayed in bed a bit longer. He was only out and about right now because the couple renting the room next to his at the inn were BOTH SNORING. Cheaping out on his accommodations meant the walls were too thin to save his poor ears. "At least I have these apples" said the dragonkin while scooping one out of his coat. Izuru had found a whole pile of them in an alleyway while wandering the streets. His first guess had been someone had been planning an elaborate prank. However the reaction from the guards made Izuru think this had to be some kind of bigger issue when they were hauling around armfuls of apples. An issue for them but a way to save on food for Izuru. Taking a bite of the fruit in his hand. Izuru sat down so he could just watch the guards freak out. Obviously if this was some kind of apple issue there were plenty of explanations beyond pranks.

Random fruit in places sounded like work of a dedicated prankster or some kind of magic. Izuru wasn't an expert on fruit magic if such a thing existed. He did have experience with teleportation magic given the relay he helped set up on Gala'Kraoth. It may be this was the work of a magus practicing their teleportation magic. Such a theory still did not answer why it was APPLES that were being found everywhere. Food wasn't something one would waste even if they were the height of wealthy. Finishing the apple he had chosen to snack on. Izuru wondered if maybe eating a random apple that might be the result of unknown magic was really the best idea.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Retili rubbed his temples in frustration. He could feel a headache building. If not even Teuihua had spotted them, Retili suspected that it might be impossible to find anything out. Not seeing anything of note, Retili stopped scrutinizing the area around him, but he kept his eyes peeled just in case he would spot something. At the greeting of the baroness, Retili bowed to her, as was proper. "Indeed Lady Caelia. I was woken by my captain and alerted that there were apples found in the armory of all places. I've had my men start a new search, but they have already conducted one and found nothing but apples stashed all over the place." He looked over at Gunhild. A look of slight exasperation appeared at the sight of her presence in the private quarters of the baroness, especially since she had a pair of underwear of all things that she was swatting at. The look was there only for a brief moment before the studiously neutral expression reappeared.

The apples were not the only crisis the barony was facing. It was a notable problem that Regula seemed to pick up new attendants with tails left and right. While all had proven useful so far, he was concerned that the information of her... inclinations might get out as more than a rumor. Then he would have to vet all manor of new staff to make sure they weren't letting spies into the keep. Then there was the opinion of Count Sadek to consider. "I would say teleportation would be the more likely of the two options, but I won't rule anything out. This is a very dangerous prank they are pulling. Most baronies would not hesitate to execute or imprison anyone who broke into a baroness's quarters like this. At least they haven't stolen anything so far." Retili said.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy Gunhild – Sneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

Baroness' Chambers
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Baroness' Chambers.
From: From court to castle: The magnificent film sets of Mary Queen of Scots - Film and Furniture

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

She wasn't surprised at Gunhild's explanation making no sense. However... when she noticed Gunhild doing Gunhild things, Regula realised she should really learn some more animal handling skills. Seeing the girl run around munching on her underwear in particular, made Regula wonder if she should go do some sort of puppy training course with Gunhild. For now, she'd try something else, going through another drawer to take out a handkerchief, trying to ignore the apple she spotted in that one as well. “Here, Gunhild, you can have this instead. People might misunderstand if you go around with that... So come trade it and you'll get pets for being a good girl~”

Should Gunhild take the 'bait', Regula would take her underwear back and hand over a handkerchief. Afterwards delivering on her promise and ruffling through the girl's hair with one hand whilst scratching a little behind a horn with the other. “There you go~ Good Gunhild~” She'd praise the girl. If Regula's instinct for Gunhild behaviour was anywhere near correct, she had an inkling of what went wrong. She'd lean over to whisper. “Sorry I couldn't reward you properly for doing such a good do, but the apples are a bit of a big problem. If you can help me find out where they come from, I'm sure I'd be a lot more relaxed and able to reward you properly tonight with all the pets and hugs. Right?” That would hopefully be enough.

As for the apples, she fully agreed with Teuihua. “We'd need to be very careful with these apples. We don't know where they come from or why they're put... just about everywhere. They might be poisonous, cursed or perhaps even both. Until we can confirm they're entirely safe, I'd rather not risk anyone eating them.”

Having dealt with Gunhild, hopefully getting her in line, she'd turn to Teuihua again. “Perhaps t's a weird question, but do you recall if any Mictlantecuhtlian deities were related to apples? Or maybe with trickery in general?” With how little she knew about what was going on, even that might be something worth investigating.

“If not even the armoury and my private dressers are safe, we're either dealing with some powerful weird magical phenomenon or someone that's proven a point in showing they're able to get in anywhere and everywhere.” She sighed. This was the weirdest crisis the barony faced thus far. So far it wasn't harmful, yet the knowledge that someone or something could get just about everywhere unseen with so much ease was both terrifying and dangerous.

Upon hearing Retili's suggestion, she'd nod. “Perhaps it might be worthwhile trying to come up with all possible options and writing them down. We're not even sure if it's a person yet or if it's some magic phenomenon or failed experiment.” She clicked her tongue as she walked out, planning to head towards her study to try draft some sort of plan.

However, as they were heading there, they would run into two of Regula's administrative task force members. They'd take a deep bow upon spotting the baroness.


“Ah, milady, good morning.” He stated, then turning to Retili and giving him a slightly more regular bow. “Good morning to you as well, advisor.” Then to Teuihua, whom he'd simply nod at and finally to Gunhild. “Miss Gunhild.” He'd simple say.

“Would it be safe to assume you are up this early due to the apple case? If so, I should say that we are currently hard at work with the Regulators to index where the apples have appeared to spot any particular pattern.”

Kuma Lisa


From: Moonberry's AI magic

Letting their leader do the talking, she'd simply bow deeply for the baroness. For now, she'd remain silent.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Good. Did any of you manage to find anything that might be related to this in the archives?”

“I'm afraid not, milady. Reynard has confirmed there is no recorded historical precedence of anything like this happening. He did find some cases he thought might be loosely related, should you wish to have a look at them. That said, he asked me to tell you that he doesn't deem it likely for it to truly be so.”

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

Meanwhile, Izuru's decision to try one of the apples... didn't seem to do much. For now, at least. If there was any effect for them to be had, he was likely on a timer already. Yet only time would tell.




That said, Izuru's apple eating actions had not gone unnoticed, as one of the guards had caught him in the act. “You! Thou areth an apple-eating strangereth in ourth town! Thou hath brought upon thyself mine suspicioneth!” The knight proclaimed, as she headed to face Izuru. “Areth thou related to these appleth appearances!?!” She asked him to the man. She was probably being loud enough to wake half the town and attract the attention of anyone already awake while at it. Being subtle was not her strong suit.

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Elvario Elvario

This world was weird, so familiar, and yet so different from Alisters native one, though his body now deprecated of the powers he once yielded his habits didn't die along with them, they stayed. So with Alister waking up at the butt crack of dawn, he was pleasantly surprised by a big juicy apple laying just beside him on a root of a tree he was resting under. Albeit thankful for the gesture, he was worried about who was it, and how they could slip past his senses.
One more thing to worry about today it seems, but first he needed to find someone who could prove his identity, after all, he was new in this world, and having no story in the world would be suspicious to many. Thankfully he heard of the ruler of this barony, a good lady from what he heard a bit too much into tails but otherwise a good person, and a strong one at that, albeit it wasn't his type of strength.

So he cleaned himself up a bit and ventured into the town of Stonewall, while devouring the apple, including its core. It was when he heard someone speaking loudly to another. Though hearing the accent of that person did not make it easy for Alister to understand her, but being interested in what was said he came closer and asked.
"Dear Lady! Can I know what is the issue here? As far as I know apples are common foods so why is the appearance of the apple so suspicious?"
Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Femboy Femboy conman2163 conman2163 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Should Teuihua have seen he would not openly react one way or another to Gunhild doing Gunhild things in that moment, as it was pretty apparent Regula was handling it. As long as that sort of thing didn't happen in public and didn't end up harming Regula's reputation, everything should be okay with some gentle correction.

"Agreed, until we have a better understanding or clues of what is causing these apples to appear, we should assume that answers like teleportation are still possible. The fact no one has been harmed and nothing has been taken as far as we know yet also makes this case...most curious, but I personally am still on guard, we do not want to create a false sense of security that whoever we are dealing with isn't hostile just because they haven't acted so as of yet."

He was glad to hear that Regula agreed with him on the issue of consuming the suspicious apples. The next question was a bit surprising but it didn't bother Teuihua as he was always more than pleased to discuss Mictlantecuhtlia when it came up particularly with Regula given her title and what not of all things too.

"Well there is Qeotl whom you already know of the harvest, if one was harvesting them from orchards or fields she'd be related...but then there is also Tsanatl of the forest, where apples may grow naturally, While being a vital protector of nature and keeper of the forest from which so much is derived from, Tsanatl is known to sometimes have a mischievous side which is why there are some stories of travelers who don't find themselves in Tsanatl's good graces for one reason or another being let astray and getting lost in the woods, items going missing, things appearing where they don't belong or things being moved around not being unheard of."

Teuihua nodded in agreement at Regula's next words. "Right, I just hope that whoever or whatever is causing this just sticks to mundane apples and nothing escalates into being more severe..," the golem still feeling his own concerns.

When they'd run into Lowrence Teuihua gave a small wave.

"Hopefully you find out something valuable then, I wish you well on your search." He spoke truthfully. Unfortunately so far it didn't sound like there were any promising leads but it didn't hurt to check out the options thoroughly.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild continued playing around up until Regula called for her attention in order to make a trade proposition, the lizard slowing and grumbling quietly as she listened to and considered the Baroness' offer. Remaining quietly huffy and contemplative for a little moment as she paced from side to side wondering if she should give over her earned prize, she eventually caved in and delivered back the underwear upon which she received much praise and physical affection. Lightly purring and rubbing her head against Regula's hands, Gunhild wondered if taking more of the Baroness' underwear was really all she had to do in order to get such attention, keeping it in mind as she listened to Regula whisper of what she needed help with.

Although she wasn't entirely sure how she was supposed to help with it, and that Teuihua also pointed out that consuming them or making apple juice out of them might have been highly dangerous, Gunhild just quietly grumbled and looked to the others in silent reluctance that she might as well come along for the chance of getting some more pets and affection. Hearing Lowrence greet her, she just looked towards the floofy man with a blank stare.

"Aeh" Gunhild aeh'ed in his general direction, reluctantly scuttling over to the direction of Teuihua as she briefly nestled up to his leg before staring up at him and giving light pats against his body. If he'd allow it, or that she'd rather just go ahead and do it anyway, she'd try to climb on top of the big construct to lay upon his shoulder and rest her head against his.

"Hellos best-rock" Gunhild briefly mentioned.

1. size change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1)
2. Special Movement (quadrepedal (f)) + energized (F)
3. Climbing (E) + energized (E)
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

The sight of a very enthusiastic guard attempting to accuse him of wrongdoing was a pretty good way to ruin what was already a crapsack morning. Pinching the bridge of his nose with his gloved hand. Izuru tried to take a few deep breaths so that he could regain some sense of composure before he just unloaded on some poor jobber that was probably duller than a brick. "First of all, friend. Please consult the latest dictionary on the common tongue. Your vocabulary is so dated it qualifies for its own mausoleum. Second of all, I didn't think the guards of the Caelia Barony randomly pointed the finger at people eating an impromptu breakfast. Are we a member of the special forces or the SPECIAL forces? Third, these apples are literally everywhere. It makes just as much sense for the random passerby to eat what is essentially free food as it would be for an idiot culprit to out themselves. Its super early, I've barely gotten any sleep... please refrain from rattling your brain any further" said Izuru, poking enough holes in the guards assessment to fell a legion of balloons.

Noticing a wolfkin appear and question what was going on. Izuru disposed of his apple core while making eye contact with the heavily armored guard lady as if telling her NOT to give HER theories to their furry friend. "Anyway. The crux of the issue is... random apples appearing around town. Maybe a wizard, possibly some kind of interdimensional glitch. The apples themselves are perfectly edible but their origins are dubious. Given how Ms covered in plate with rocks for brains just screamed for half the town to hear. People are probably gonna start waking up and flooding the streets. It'll get harder for the guards to investigate with all the foot traffic" continued Izuru, his brain sorting through various factors that could slow the progression of this incident being solved.

"Good News, whatever your name is in the armor. You get to play assistant for me. I shall offer my services in figuring out why these apples are appearing. Please hold your applause, you've already woken up everyone in the immediate vicinity"
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

The Zentox cocked his head to the side to watch as the Baroness tried to reign in her unruly... pet? Staff member? Clingy hangaround? It was hard to put a label on what Gunhild was. Retili nodded to Lowrence as he appeared and greeted those present. He was a likeable character. Retili still didn't like that all of the recent staff had been leaning towards a certain theme though. As Lowrence made his report, Retili's closed his eyes in thought as they walked, using his keen senses to follow along with the group. There really wasn't much he could say to contribute to the conversation, so instead he tried to remember anything he knew about the barony that might have some glimmer of information or a clue as to what was causing the fruity apparitions within the most secure parts of the keep [Caelia Barony Knowledge F]. "Perhaps we should reach out to the adventurer's guild? We could post a request for someone with the knowledge involving the arcane to come and investigate. All I know is that these continuous apparitions while our guards run around in confusion is almost certainly a cause for concern for the citizens of Stonewall." Retili suggested.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy Gunhild – Sneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

She'd listen to Teuihua's thoughts on his past nation's deities being possible sources of the apples. Upon hearing that it wasn't impossible, she clicker her tongue. “Truth be told, whilst I am honoured to be considered a 'Chosen', I do hope this isn't some gift from Qeotl or practical joke from Tsanatl. It would take another round of issues with Ryke's church to explain such things all over again.” She felt a tad conflicted there, stuck between two pantheons. As for Teuihua's concerns... “Truthfully, even this is bad. A barony powerless to deal with normal apples appearing? It would not look good. As Retili said, even the confusion this is causing is rather harmful.” She'd add, fearing the worst would happen if this were to continue for too long.

Having luckily gotten Gunhild handled, unaware she'd only reinforced bad behaviour, she hoped to be able to focus on the job that was to be done.

Retili would be able to recall a lot of things. There were some particular, magic-leaning trees growing near Sootspire's mountain. He also recalled its mayor, Prisca, was an ancient Fae who might know a lot about magic. If the nature of these apples was anywhere ear magical, that would be a good place to investigate.

He'd recall that one of the barony's better known residents, Gwenith, used to work as an orchardist, before turning her sights on plant and herb research, along with tea brewing.

He would also recall one of Kirkwall's mayors had once been opposed to Caelia barony and wanting to join Highgroove barony. If someone more influential was behind it, baron Highgroove or former mayor Levin were likely candidates.

Next, he would recall the baroness, along with Teuihua, Gunhild and some others, had visited a place where a 'magic tower' had been rumoured to glimpsing through the space-time continuum. Who knows, perhaps apple trees could do the same?

Then, he would recall the mayor of Yemaya had some peculiar backgrounds. He was, to some degree, a mixtures of a butler and a rogue. He was also in charge of the vast magic dungeons below the city and would know most about the newly established branch of the Adventurer's Guild there. If anyone knew about potential 'mundane' sources of this or how to get the adventurer's aid, it was likely him.

Finally, he would recall that the baroness herself was on good terms with some forces in the See of Fae. Being Fae himself, he'd also know his species was one of trickery. It was not entirely impossible that someone or something in the See had become interested in Regula Caelia and had decided to either play a prank or sent her a gift.

As for Retili's words, Regula contemplated it for a bit. “It's not a bad thought, but I would like to avoid drawing too many people to come investigate. If this is caused by a person, they could easily pretend to join the Adventurer's in attempting to solve the case and make matters worse.” She looked at Lowrence. “Please tell the Regulators to contact the mayors, as well as our contacts with the church. Inform them we're investigating. Don't ask for their aid, but if they voluntarily offer it, tell them we'll accept it if they keep the people involved at a low and subtle number.” The latter should also help avoid things from looking like the barony couldn't solve their own issues.


Lowrence was a tad caught off guard by the sudden sound made by Gunhild, but he figured he would go with it. “Aeh to you as well, miss Gunhild.”

“Of course, milady.” He'd reply, upon getting his orders. He'd make way to leave in order to take care of the given tasks.

Kuma Lisa


From: Moonberry's AI magic

Seeing Gunhild climb atop Teuihua, she stared at her for a moment, seeming a bit nervous, before she eventually speak up. “Uhm... miss.. Gunhild? Would you mind if we spoke a bit... in private?” She'd ask, carefully. Though it got her a knowing glance from Lowrence, as he was leaving.

They group was interrupted by one of the Regulators showing up. “Madam, some strangers and miss Ethel are causing a scene at the Town's Square.” He would report.

Prompting a sigh from Regula, she'd reply. “Let's go find out what's happening.” At least they knew where to go next. They'd run into the scene at the town square short after.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox




Looking at the canine man, she'd be surprised. “Areth thou also of miladies employ?” She asked, wondering if she was talking to a co-worker, considering, well, what he was. “Thee appleth hath appeareth all overeth! In thee barracks, in thee beds, in thee closets, on thee roofs, in thee alleys! All overeth! Neigh a person knows why thee hath appearath all overeth!” She would explain.“Now whoms't areth thou?”

To her surprise, the lizard-like one picked a fight with her. “If thou lizardish brain can't neigh comprehendeth me and mine tonguethl, that shaltst neigh be a problem of me and mine!” She called back at him. “Thou impromptueth breakfast is a foul occurenceth! Only thee of foolish natureth wouldst dareth consumeth such randometh foodst! Yet thee eatest thee appelth with a neigh a concern! Thou hath to be involveth!” She'd counter-argue.

“I shalt neigh assist thee! I shalt debateh whenst I shouldst arresth thee for thy possibleth involvementh!” She called back.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Regula and the group arrived just in time to hear Ethel threatening to arrest Izuru. Once again, a sigh escaped her lips. Today was off to a really rough start. “Might I asked what happened?” She'd ask, sounding displeased and startling the knight.

“Milady baroness! I believeth this scumeth hath involvedth themselves with thee appelth!” She would immediately proclaim.

Considering Izuru was Human, he'd not notice much off with the baroness. Alister, being [Beast] and tailed, might sense hint of her [Tail Freak] upon her arrival, even though she seemed far too tired and weary about the apple situation to act upon it.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor

More then simply the matter of one day's travel had been walked so far by Watching of Reflection, as after the matter within its homeland, attempting to help out individuals which it met along the way or purchasing their travel methods as it had seen others do by manner of paying coin. It has understood the purposes of the "coin" which it had been given before by Thaddeus. Yet besides this there was little purpose to the metal disks clanking around within it's satchel. Little purpose then quickening its travel to see the beauties of the world around it, an enamored fascination warming it from its belly knowing it wanted to make the most of its time so far away from its family.

Having wandered south, it began to enter into the territories where began to call themselves differently. Where the furred beastkin slowly began to decline away, and slowly more variety began to enter, along with more estranged looks if it didn't already get enough at times.

As it began needing to write far more within the common tongue that all of these people were more accustomed to, rather then the bestial tongue it had acclimated farther towards. Though neither was a true struggle through the heartfelt help it still benefited to this day from its dearest friend. Slowly those dirt roads filled with the prints of hooves and cartwheels which made their passage through here, and the beautiful scenery of nature where it could slumber by itself inside of the burrow made by a rabbit or other animal now beginning to shift into expansive farmland, animal pastures and small towns to cities.

Which is when it truly began to feel out of its elements, the slight pensive squint, its raised shoulders, and at times crossed arms. Its head lower then at times useful when it needed to properly see where the people were coming from. Where this stemmed from? One could guess multiple things, the many echoing voices, rather then the picturesque quiet. The many tall individuals walking to and fro, noticing it just a tad too late at times. The cobblestone streets and buildings as far as its eyes could see, a space which it had no memories of comfort from.

Yet still it endured onward, in its ever growing wanderlust, immediately piqued at the sight of the non-beastkin and -humans which wandered about. People of different ancestries which it had never even thought were possible had it not witnessed them now in this moment. And the strangest of sights, high and low these apples had been placed around the city, making it question as if some sort of festival or celebration was taking place here like close to home. There weren't any colourful baubles hanging about when such was the case like close to home.

It's ears perked up not due to the words which were proclaimed, yet rather through the intensity with which they were being proclaimed. Walking toward the gathering of people who had assembled around the town square, a collection of odd figures stood there, even for what it had witnessed so far in its life. Even if not by the extremest amounts. Yet for a faint moment it seemed to shudder as it stood, shining out a glimmer of confusion on its face for a moment.

Still it approached further, standing a number of feet away to not be sharing the same physical space as the bunch, but neither hiding itself from any of them. Obviously listening in to the conversation, and sticking out like a sore thumb even for its small stature. It's overall pose having improved, as the downward look was absent, looking upwards with comfortably open eyes to see the surrounding facial expressions. Not focused specifically on any figure out all, nor immediately contributing to the conversation which it had very little understanding off in the first place.
Last edited:


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Silently finding the most comfortable position to lay on Teuihua and to use his head as a pillow, Gunhild struggled around for a few moments before finding the right spot and not-so-silently melting the tension in her body away as she lounged and lightly purred at the big metal man's soothing warmth. He was truly like a big heat-rock, what lizard wouldn't aspire to have one of those. Well, yeah, any lizard could just have  any simple heatrock, but this was Teuihua. He was the bestest one, and also a bestest friend at the same time, he was Gunhild's best rock.

" Aeh" Gunhild repeated once again to Lowrence's request, deciding that she wished to remain well placed in her position of not needing to act so serious and fancy in methods of speaking much like all of those in Regula's command tended to do. Gunhild did not care for such civil manners when she could be Gunhild and just make random noises instead that people would just accept for the best possible answer to hear from Gunhild. Why would a Gunhild ever need to concern herself with deep philosophical conversation and debate, or immensely important political or societal issues, when she could just answer something as meaninglessly simple as " Aeh" and it was an answer that people could be more than happy with when it came from Gunhild.

Though when things seemed comfortable and good enough to aid with the mission whilst not sacrificing her own comfort, considering it wasn't like Gunhild was on an actual payroll or contract, the sound of someone she didn't all too recognise or remember called for her. Turning her head to look to Kuma Lisa, she didn't remember seeing the floof from anywhere before nor were they a flavour of Miyuki. At least she thought, she didn't look it. A flavour of Miyuki was a lot more recognisable... by real Miyuki-esque characteristics. There were a lot of Miyuki's all of a sudden recently, weren't there? Thinking that wasn't important to think on for the moment, Gunhild wasn't sure if this serious and straight floofa was mad at her or if she was in trouble or something.

Was she the panty-police or something? Was she also here for the panty-drawer? The elusive panty-apple? It feels like Regula would've been paying more attention to this if she was in trouble or something, and she did want to help with the apple thing so she could get her well-deserved pets and cuddling time. And hey, that was with a Baroness, that wasn't something just anybody got to do, that was Gunhild privilege at work... whatever a Baroness was anyway, what fancypants silly people make up these silly titles?

Softly grumbling in contemplation, Gunhild eventually folded and agreed.
"Mhm, oks. No silly smarty Baronplaceperson qwesty-ones, Gunhild no do smarty-talk peoples do's. Gunhild do Gunhild do's. Gunhild not smarty-talk-do likeses Pretty ReguLady" Gunhild answered as she moved to scoot off of Teuihua... which once again resulted her unceremoniously and quickly falling off the metal giant as her squirming and flailing self hit the ground flat and hard with a loud thud. Getting up off of her face, she patiently sat like a pet looking up at their owner as she looked up at Kuma Lisa waiting to wherever it was in private she wanted to ask questions. Huh, nobody had ever wanted to ask Gunhild questions in private before that wasn't Miyuki. This was the kind of thing that it felt Regula would tempt her with so she could take a little break from Baroness duties but it'd never happen. Maybe her employee-peoples wanted a break from all the seriouses? Hm, the wonder, the wonder of what the secretive questions were about. Oh, what could one ever possibly want to ask a Gunhild, Gunhild thought to themselves.

1. size change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1)
2. Special Movement (quadrepedal (f)) + energized (F)

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Elvario Elvario , Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia

Alister enjoyed a bit of this free comedy/drama act in front of him after all rarely one would get front-row seats to one. But even then he needed to speak up as he was addressed by one of them, so albeit a bit reluctantly he answered.
"Aye the appearing apples are weird I can tell that much. Pretty good apples though, sometimes an extremely bitter or a tart one appears and I can't really stomach those."
Alister then turned to the little guard lady and looked from above her down to her as he spoke once again trying to mimic her accent a bit.
"Thou aren't in Miladies Caelia's employ just yet, thou those wish to be in one. Thou those speak in the Elden tongues accent, which is hard to understand sometimes."

It was soon after those words that his intuition told him his own tail was in danger. Even though Alister rarely felt as such, his tail instinctively rose up as much as it could essentially leaving the tip of his tail on his own shoulder. His own tail refused to listen to him, so he knew something was up. He then looked at those who arrived one by one, and that feeling increased as he looked at the one who the guard was speaking to.
"Thou must be Lady Caelia, must you not? It is a good day to see a Milady such as you on this fine day. Though I must say, thou is the third person who I know to have caused my tail to react on its own. The first one being my previous lord, and the latter being a dear friend with whom I often butted heads with. I assume you require help with this incident. And it just happens that I'm looking for a new lord to serve. So what about considering this as a small test before you employ me?"
Though Alister himself was calm and collected his own tail wasn't as it tried to hide behind Alister as well as possible, as if it had a mind of its own. Even when Lord Medici or rarely Klein wanted to pet his tail even though he did not want them to it wouldn't try to hide this aggressively.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

Izuru was very much entertained by how annoyed the little guard lady was getting by his prodding at her thought processes and ego. Although once the Baroness herself showed up, Izuru quickly toned down his antics. He'd briefly encountered her during the mission to set up a relay at Gala'Kraoth. However they nary exchanged a word beyond basic pleasantries. The two of them were strangers unsure of the others allegiances or natures. "Greetings Lady Caelia. I am the troubadour, Izuru. A troubadour who was just accused by this guard right here of being connected to the appearance of random apples... her evidence.... I was EATING an apple" said Izuru gesturing at the end to emphasize how ridiculous the very thought was. The request of the wolfkin to become a retainer to Lady Regula was a confusing one. Who would come this early in the morning to ask for work? Seems like the work of the dreaded tryhard. Izuru himself was only conscious during such a time due to the actions of others.

"Such a matter is dismaying but manageable. As for now, I was about to begin my own investigation into the incident myself. This carries the scent of magic that I've yet seen so easily utilized. I had kindly asked Lady Caelia's enforcer over there to accompany my search if she was so worried about finding culprits. Alas, she seems dead set on pointing the finger rather than doing any deep digging" stated the dragonkin whilst juggling an apple from one hand to the other. He hoped Lady Regula would offer some kind of official sanction so he could get into the nitty gritty of this particular mystery. He had introduced himself as if he were a simple bard, yet had offered to partake in an investigation concerning the area. If Regula were a Baroness worth her salt, she would an answer that Izuru would find most interesting.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy Gunhild – Sneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

A tried expression showed when she heard the furred man speak as if she witnessed the birth of a second Ethel. It was too early for this. “Correct, I'm baroness Caelia.” She would confirm. Though the next part nearly made her choke on the very air she'd been breathing. The third person to what now..? 'Make his tail react.' Is that what he said? She hadn't even focussed on it. It made her wonder for a moment what her more 'alternative' interests had turned into, but she decided to disregard it.

His offer was more interesting, so she decided to focus on that bit. “If you wish to seek my employ, I take it you won't mind if I were to use magic to appraise you for security reasons?” She asked. Were he to agree, he'd feel a somewhat familiar sensation of whenever he'd have entered a town, city or guild and was scanned by a black orb as Regula would use [Appraisal B] on him. Concluding there was nothing of worry there, she'd nod. “If you believe you can aid us in finding out what's happening, by all means, you'll have your test.” It seemed like a decent enough offer for both sides involved.

The other one, however, displeased her. Now that he addressed her and she got a closer look, she faintly recognised him. He was among those that she attempted to give a friendly 'It's a pleasure to meet you as well sir' too but whom hadn't deemed it worth replying even a single word back to her. It honestly made her desire to give him the very same treatment and to utterly ignore his existence, yet she decide to be the better one.

“You were 'eating' one of these apples?” She asked. Even though Ethel was rather unique, she honestly sort-off understood how that could be suspicious given their circumstances. “Given the early time of day and the fact you were eating one of these apples that randomly appeared, which might be poisonous or cursed for all we know, I must admit I somewhat understand her suspicion.” She'd turn to the guard herself next. “Though suspicion alone isn't enough to accuse someone and shout half the town awake. Be more subtle next time.”

Then again, if he'd eaten an apple, that would be a perfect test subject. “Although seeing how you did eat them... Did anything stand out about the taste, flavour or even the feeling after eating them?” As for the answer, nothing would've stand out. Except that they were surprisingly sweet and juicy. They were talking about some high tier apples all around.

As for the next question, she was baffled by the sheer audacity and ridiculousness of his request. “You are a total stranger to my domain and got caught in suspicious circumstances, after which your decision is to attempt to command my guards around as if you're the one in charge of them?” She'd rarely heard something so absurd. “If you are interested in helping figure this out, I welcome you to assist mister Marrok here, in his research.” She would state (assuming she'd have been allowed to appraise him and learned his name through it). That should also ensure that someone had eyes on Izuru, should Ethel actually be correct in assuming his involvement. Then again, she did wonder about something. Looking at both Izuru and Marrok. “Would either of you have a plan on where to start your investigation?” They both sounded confident enough, so she figured they would know where they wished to start.

As for her guard. She had another mission for that one. “Ethel, go meet up with captain Ezekiel and tell him that Lowrence and the rest of the Task Force could use some aid in finding out the exact locations where these apples appeared. It might give us some valuable clues if we spot a pattern in it.”




She looked at Marrok, confused, as he spoke to her. “Thou arth wrong! Me and mine areth in miladies employ! For I am Ethel, guardian of the Stonewall!” She would reply, probably misunderstanding him. “Mine speech is neigh an issue for thee who hath understoodeth!” Whatever that meant...

As for Regula's words, she would salute. “I shalt fullfilleth mine dutieth!” She stated, though as she was walking off, she did point out one thing. “Milady baroness! I believeth anothereth suspiciouth creature hath entered upon thee grounds!” She stated, pointing at Purpler... though she would otherwise ignore it in order to go complete her given task.

With the attention now suddenly onto Purpler, Regula would look at it curiously. Seeing how she'd seen and encountered many odd creatures before, she did not wish to immediately assume 'pet' or 'animal' upon seeing it. That said, as she wanted to ask it if it could speak, she did notice a lack of mouth. Probably not. Seeing how it was Beast, Purpler too, might sense some [Tail Freak] vibes.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.

Regula herself, for what it was worth, was debating something totally different. Which was worse? Asking a mere animal if it was sentient, or writing something sentient off as a mere animal? She ended up assuming the latter, so she would call out. “You! Do you have any means of introducing yourself or explaining your reason for being here?” In a worst case scenario, she would just make a fool out of herself speaking to an animal, which would hurt her [Prideful] nature but not her [Well-Meaning/Gregarious/Earnest/Amiable] one.

Kuma Lisa


From: Moonberry's AI magic

Upon hearing Gunhild's answer, it was mostly as expect. She would nod in turn. “Of course.” She would reply. If anything, she herself might be the fool if she were to ask Gunhild 'smarty-talk' questions. She'd take Gunhild to a nearby bedroom (most likely her own), which was rather small, but big enough for two people to sit. One of the bed, another on a chair. Or both on the bed. Whichever Gunhild would opt for, as Kuma herself chose the bed.

As for the question itself, she took a moment, before she carefully attempted to phrase it. “My friends and I, well, we couldn't notice you managed to achieve a certain... closeness. With the baroness.” She stated, but as she said it, she realised she was going about this wrong. This was Gunhild she was talking about. Being subtle and nuanced wasn't going to do a good do. She sighed. Best be as direct as possible. “What I'm trying to ask is; how did you get the baroness to feel comfortable enough to pet you? We're all pretty sure you're one of the few that she feels comfortable enough with to let her guard down and we want to know why or how, so we can help her relax as well.”

There was also another thing that was on her mind. “That... and I personally was wondering if there is something about 'petting' you that is different than other cases. Besides... ehm... my previous masters always said [beasts] were 'filthy' and 'should never be touched' as a result, so I wondered ehm... are there any tricks to it that I'd not know about? Things to keep in mind, you know. About petting or being pet?” The latter, she spoke with a tad more nervousness to her.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Retili had much to consider on his journey from the keep, and so he was silent as he contemplated the information that he could remember. Certainly his knowledge gained during his trip around the barony had some dividends to pay after all. He thought it would be best to speak with the mayors of Sootspire and Yemaya respectively to see if more knowledge could be gained regarding the mysterious issue, but given that Regula had already ordered them contacted the former scribe chose to stay silent instead. As they left the keep around ten of his men stepped in behind him to follow him into the town.

The first stranger nearly caused Retili to fall over. The third person to make his tail react in that manner? What was he implying? Furthermore, why was it that his baroness was eliciting such a reaction from beastkin who, as far as Retili knew, were total strangers. Certainly the Baroness's perversions had taken on a new and unwelcome level. The Zentox tried, with some effort, to look past the words as Lady Regula engaged the beastkin. He seemed as though he would be at least somewhat useful as a part of Regula's retinue. Though his results in this "test" would prove whether Retili's initial assessment was correct or not. As the second stranger spoke, the advisor shifted his focus to the newcomer.

Greeting lady Caelia? Retili's gaze bored into Izuru balefully as he ignored any sense of protocol and simply addressed the lady Regula without leave, invitation, and only the barest of introductions. Not only that, but he had presumed to order the town guard to assist him in whatever task he saw fit for them to join in. Sure, the beastkin had spoken without invitation, but he had been requesting to join the retinue of the baroness. Not simply complaining. Retili did however see fit to offer them both introductions given that they were now joining the investigation. "My name is Retili Loxinofican. Advisor to the baroness. Please approach me if you need anything for your investigation. If Lady Regula permits it, I will grant any reasonable requests." The advisor said with a cool tone. His eyes were an unnatural shade of red in the daylight.

As the Baroness spoke up, and catching the tone of her words, Retili's own gaze snapped over to the target of her suspicion. Without a word, the men of his own personal guard stepped up behind him, hands on weapons as they looked to the beast. It was a stranger in the town, and with the current investigation the Zentail were restless.
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163

There was an ample moment of silence as the little purple critter's head turned towards Ethel, staring directly towards her as she addressed it, its eyes sneering for a moment at the prospects of her words. A moment of brief pause given to itself to think. Before reflexively shaking its head, not in a grand gesture or such, but more in a manner that seemed to be towards itself. Like it shook away a thought from within its own mind, or pushed it back to not be of grand importance concerning the situation. Given the time it had stood listening, it had likely understood the prospects well enough, because after Ethel's words its gaze went straight for Regula as well who had her attention focused in on it.

Watching of Reflection's tail seemed to raise for but a moment, its expressive and long ears standing taller on end for a moment, as if somebody was seeing a cat responding to a moment of stress. It seemed quite aware of said fact though, as it began to take a deep breath through its nostrils, with regulated breathing and slowly calmed down once more.

As Regula addressed Watching of Reflection, the purple critter jossled the leather satchel on its waist which hang upon its left shoulder, taking out of which a small wooden carved jar, which it poked the end of a finger within. A thicker greenish paint in an almost mossy colour seemed to cling to its finger, as it started to finger-paint in small lettering upon a wooden board which had been soaked in a variety of paints still leaving a mark. Taking its time, before presenting the message back to Regula. "Excuse me for my language, I do prefer beastial over common. I can understand your words though, and thank you for the understanding to think more of me. It's very kind. I refer to myself as Watching of Reflection, it's closest as can be to a name." It grabbed from the satchel a paint soaked but cared for rag, which it slowly used to clean up the paint, as it began to write again afterward. "Pardon me, I shall leave if unwelcome. I'm but a pilgrim. Not a reason more then curiosity and introspection for now. Though what brought me to you, who I understand is the lord who concerns this land? I heard a racuous, and now word of cursed fruit?" It cleaned the board once more, though it didn't put it away or write any more, simply holding it to the side as it looked towards Regula with full attention. Especially as having to take the time to write all of such down had given Regula ample time to think as much as it had. Though every once in a while, as it looked towards Regula, it eyes obviously wandered towards Retili.

Looking at the creature, one which stood at its own stature, if a little smaller. Yet with an obvious bearing of arms, and muscle to be disconcerting in many facets. It's tail shuddering for but a moment, as the spines riggled within, its physicality was on edge as the men stood there with weapons drawn of all things. Though it seemed to be assure to keep itself on good behaviour, it was obvious too that this critter if provoked was less one which had lived its life through subsurvience even if it may know when to pick fights and when not. As an animal of course can become unreasonable when driven into a corner.
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(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Elvario Elvario

Gunhild scuttled along to follow Kuma Lisa to another room, presumably said kitsune's room, as the lizard looked to the bed that they sat on. Clambering also onto the bed without even thinking of asking, Gunhild gave a very blank and confused look to Kuma Lisa as they explained their questionable ask and not really having any idea why they were needing to ask her about it. Gunhild wasn't really the question asking type, so trying to think of how to answer it wasn't something that was coming to mind. Especially about something she had been thinking about not that long ago, primarily because not even she was sure or had an answer to it. Gunhild doing Gunhild things just occasionally worked out in her rather Gunhildesque benefit, there wasn't much art or reasoning behind it as far as she knew.

"Mhm, uhmm, Gunhild no knows. Gunhild do a Gunhild do, is jus Gunhild do's, is Gunhild do do. Peopleses and ReguLady likeses Gunhild and Gunhild do, Gunhild thinkies. Gunhild do a do thinkies. Gunhild no know no do smarty baronplace thingies and smartypeopleses stuff, not Gunhild do. Gunhild simples, Gunhild honey-st. Gunhild no lieses, Gunhild very true do Gunhild do. Gunhild do fren do, Gunhild happies and makeses fren happies, is Gunhild do, all peopleses happies. Is a simplys. Peopleses nots Gunhild, peopleses nots a simplys do, buts Gunhilds simplys do. Peopleses like Gunhild simplys, simplys makeses peopleses happies. Gunhilds helpses smarty-peoples do's simplys. Is good. Gunhild no fancy's. Gunhild no im-porty-tanties, or baronplacey-thing. Gunhild is Gunhild, very simplys. Gunhild fren, happy fren, happies frens Gunhild do" Gunhild blankly explained with a gallic shrug, she didn't entirely believe there was anything special to it or any sort of secret trick. Gunhild was just being normally casual as a Gunhild would, and things worked out. Sometimes it just felt like that people of society so unnecessarily overcomplicated interacting with eachother that people don't realise just the simplest things can be enough to please or get on good terms with someone. Kuma Lisa and the rest of Regula's staff must just be so serious and stiff about their work that they don't even consider getting casual.

"Gunhild do Gunhild do, no not-Gunhild do. Gunhild be's honey-st Gunhild. Peopleses likes Gunhild becauses is Gunhild, nots not-Gunhild. Gunhild a simplys fren, a goods fren. Is goods, is simplys. Peopleses shoulds do a honey-st-ie. Is goods, is trues" Gunhild added, not really sure what else to say about how to get closer to Regula. Gunhild only managed to do so well because she was just fully honest about who she was and what she wanted, Gunhild didn't believe in needing any sort of immense social clout or riches to be happy and was just simply happy in the basic appreciation and praise she received from time to time. Being around friends and those she could consider family was good enough, everything about 'nobility' and 'social hierarchy' and all that was just the world's unnecessary complication of things and something of which Gunhild would never truly understand why people would want to abide by when people could just be nice and get along.

On the next question however, she was aware that most people didn't take so simply to the idea of petting or being pet. She could only suppose people didn't want to be treated or degraded into being viewed like animals, one thing of which she felt she might have been targetted so from time to time but chose to just not care. Getting pet and hugged and all sort of attention and affection was a gift and great praise to Gunhild, one which she took great enjoyment in, so she didn't care if some people or places believed it as disgusting and degrading. It was what Gunhild wanted, she didn't care what they thought. Gunhild was gonna do what Gunhild do. Plus, Gunhild had seen the proof. People found enjoyment from petting and hugging and being around Gunhild, it was a gift of joy she was able to spread from letting people do so. Maybe it was a hidden superpower or something, or just something people wouldn't know made them so happy until they got to try.

"Gunhild no do others do. Peopleses thinkies petting grosses, petting bad. Gunhild no cares, Gunhild do Gunhild do. Gunhild likes pets, if peopleses or blondie-floofa likeses pets, do gets a petteds. If no's, dont'ses. Peopleses who's sayses happytime likeses that no hurts peopleses is bads, are bads peopleses. Deys is a wrong do, Gunhild no listen, Gunhild no do's care. Gunhild do Gunhild do. Gunhild gets petted, is happies timeses. Peopleses petses a Gunhild, is happies timeses. All peopleses happies-do. Floofa, pets Gunhild, yes do? Pets de Gunhild, do's nows, yes" Gunhild answered over the matter on peoples' views of petting, something coming to mind that she wanted to try although having not gotten the chance to do so yet. If someone couldn't think of petting her how she was now, then maybe she'd just have to concentrate her talent to find a way to become even more cute and huggable and lovable. Plus, maybe petting her would help Kuma Lisa feel more at ease and understanding of the subject in some sort of way. That, and she did deserve some sort of reward for doing this. Trying to focus on her Size Change, she wondered if Gunhild was ready to focus it enough to shrink herself even further past her normally shrunk self to one of a much cuter stature (2') in order to crawl onto Kuma Lisa's lap and stare big baby-doll eyes up at her in an attempt for praise and affection.

1. size change (E) + Energized (E) (2')
2. Special Movement (quadrepedal (f)) + energized (F)

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Elvario Elvario , conman2163 conman2163 , Giftvi Giftvi

"While I might have things to hide at the moment Lady Caelia, they are not things I wouldn't tell you over time as we both earn mutual trust. So please appraise me if that will put your mind more at ease." Replied Alister as he strewn his arms to the side rolling up his sleeves, as to signify no weapon, and allowing at the same time Regula's appraisal upon himself, truthfully it was the first time he was appraised in this world, but it felt similar to how his previous lord would peak at his soul once in a while so it didn't bring nearly any discomfort to him.

"As Lady might already figured out from her appraisal I don't know much about this world and its magic's, but I am willing to help. After all, it is hard to fool a dog of war's nose and eyes."
Ascertained his words and standing to Lady Caelia, after all, he was no miracle worker, he wasn't from the pathway of the fool to work miracles. He then looked at the man he spoke to not too long ago, as he was berated by Lady Caelia. Stepping out of rank and status in his old world could result in death so Alister knew better not to anger the one he wished to serve under.

"Sadly my Lady, all I can safely say is the apples were freshly picked before they appeared, as I can ascertain considering the apple I found near me when I woke up this morning. Although a local map would be appreciated or a guide, as checking local orchards could prove useful, I doubt someone could produce ones via magic alone, so they will probably source them from somewhere close as I don't think someone powerful would have any need to prank your lands by teleporting apples from across the continent." Explained Alister, partially hoping for some aide from Lady Caelia as Alister was unfamiliar with those lands or from her proxy Retili, or even from the bumbling fool beside him with the name of Izuru. One thought crossed Alister's mind 'Thankfully that little person left, talking in the old accent is tiring.'
"Alister Marrok greets Baroness Caelias advisor. And hopes his small request shall be granted." Spoke up Alister while doing a small bow in Retili's direction, after all, they were his senior in this situation. But what took Alister by surprise was the arrival of the purple creature, even though his approach was announced Alister was still wary. The epochs spent in his old world did leave him wary of creatures such as this, after all beyonder creatures might have looked like normal animals sometimes but wielded power that could destroy cities. So albeit reluctantly Alister did not raise his guard, and didn't prepare to fight, such calm beast who approaches one by their own will is the worst kind to provoke since that usually spells confidence in their survival.


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