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Fandom RWBY Suicide Squad RP idea


The All Seeing Eye

RWBY/Suicide Squad Idea


As read in the title I wanted to see how people felt about the idea of a suicide squad in RWBY. Although the whole concept is not cannon at all, I thought it could be a very cool mix. But this is more of a test, just a dip of the toes before the full dive is taken. I have yet to fully make a plot. I do have characters already around that would work very well so it is partly there. And all info about RWBY I have in my past RWBY rps. All I would need is a plot and an explanation of what I mean.

Which is probably what you are wondering as well. Well the whole idea I was planning on having was the whole Suicide squad idea. Pretty basic if you know of the new movie or the comics. Take the idea of making villains, the worst of the worst, do missions that could get them killed or give them time off their jail sentence for the better of Remnant. In the RWBY universe it could work well if you have a good enough plot and small cast and a strong leader or leaders. You have the basic problem of grimm infestation, or further problems of major villains. Even though this would be a alternate universe the idea that vale fell could stick back and our villains could go into the city, save students, fight a bunch of grimm to clear the city and find other villains. However such an idea lacks a good enough plot. Hence why I am casting a line to see if the idea itself could catch me any attention. Enough to start the process of making the rp.

I am fully up to comments and criticisms and would gladly accept help making anything. Especially a plot, which may sound lazy but if need be I can figure it out on my own. But I was gone when the whole RPnation changed so I have little to no clue what has happened so creating an rp will take a bit of time for I have some learning to do. The rp would be detailed and no cannon characters would be around. The rp could progress mission to mission saving certain targets, eliminating some, introductions of characters who would only be around for one mission, etc. If I left anything out, which I more then likely did, don't be afraid to ask questions. I know It is a bit vague of an explanation and idea so ask if anything is confusing.
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Sounds intriguing. I'll keep an eye on this one 
I'm interested~ 

I really want to use my White Fang Character for awhile now and this will work well for them~
Making a new rp on this new format has given me quite the hard comings. If any of you know how this new system works at all pointers are well needed. But if not I shall learn on my own I just have to postpone making the rp for a bit in order to read into it.
Making a new rp on this new format has given me quite the hard comings. If any of you know how this new system works at all pointers are well needed. But if not I shall learn on my own I just have to postpone making the rp for a bit in order to read into it.

did you want to make like a hosted project? with multiple forums and stuff? or just the simple ones from "back in the day" lol
Seeing how I cannot avoid the new system roleplays forever, I wanted to make a hosted project one. A complex, hopefully long lasting, roleplay.
Seeing how I cannot avoid the new system roleplays forever, I wanted to make a hosted project one. A complex, hopefully long lasting, roleplay.

is there anything in particular that you're having trouble with in the new system?

like is it that you cant find it, or like... is there an error for you? i've made a few, it's quite easy. hopefully just the same after the most recent update.
A friend helped me out so I have it all under control as of now. It will not be the fanciest thing in the world seeing how I do not yet know how to use the new system but it shall be up soon enough.

Thanks for helping regardless.
A friend helped me out so I have it all under control as of now. It will not be the fanciest thing in the world seeing how I do not yet know how to use the new system but it shall be up soon enough.

Thanks for helping regardless.

oh okay! welp, can't wait to see it :)
I have the description and character sheets up so you all are free to make characters while I finish everything up tomorrow. My guys will be up soon enough.
I myself have some interest, but it seems there's quite a few that share that interest. Is there going to be a predetermined number of 'slots' available that'll be applied for, or are you going to accept all who apply. I simply ask as in my past experience a group getting too large tends to suffer from stalls due to increased likelihood of someone having real life pull them away and stall their response or post.
I did forget to mention that, there are limited spots. However it is not first come first serve. As if my characters themselves are looking at the character files I shall choose who should be on the team. Should probably make a rules thread now that you mention that.
Sorry if that seems mean to anyone, but do not fear. If all spots get taken I shall add you to a waitlist so that is someone does drop or does not reply I will have backup. This will probably go by first come first serve. Right now I am debating whether or not to make the roleplay pick and choose or first come first serve. But do not fear there will be a waitlist.
Sorry if that seems mean to anyone, but do not fear. If all spots get taken I shall add you to a waitlist so that is someone does drop or does not reply I will have backup. This will probably go by first come first serve. Right now I am debating whether or not to make the roleplay pick and choose or first come first serve. But do not fear there will be a waitlist.

why not just let the first people who showed interest just have the spots?
Is it cool if we start working on our Characters and then post them to the Character section of the Rp?

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