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Fandom RWBY: Sovereignty of Ages OOC and CS

Name: Samuel Azudo

Nickname: Sam the Hunter

Age: 18

Height: 5' 6"

Race: Human

Aura Color: Light Blue

Former school association: Mantle

Skills: Adept at close and mid-range combat with above average familiarity with certain forms of technology due in part to both his culture and his chosen Hunter Weapons. He's fairly athletic and has a surprising amount of stamina, endurance, and energy for someone that spends considerable time acting like a lazybones.

Semblance: Rebound
His aura can stretch and extend in a far more controlled manner than considered normal for most individuals, but it always returns to normal size ans shape on its own, hence the name. He can use his surroundings to affect the shape of his aura in various ways. However, he cannot separate his aura from himself in any way without technological assistance. Consequently, his aura drains more slowly than that of his peers as his weapons and equipment are built to facilitate and assist with the use of his semblance.

Fighting style: Sam's combat style is a mix of close-range and mid-range. He doesn't care for distance combat as his aura can only stretch so far and he prefers to stay in control of it as much as possible.

Weaponry/Accessories: Fullmetal Jacket is comprised of Sam's three weapons--Fistipunch, Kickstarter, and Wave Force. Fistipunch and Kickstarter both have areas for holding dust of different types, but Wave Force is designed to hold only Sam's aura.

Fistipunch: Sam's Gauntlet-type weapons. When not in use they resemble padded vambraces with cloth fittings, and they resemble steel gauntlets when active.

Kickstarter: A combination of combat boots and armored greaves that became steel boots when activated.

Wave Force: spheres that can extend or flatten as needed. These help with stretching and using Sam's aura in specific ways. They also hold a set amount of Sam's aura, thereby allowing him to freely control them within a given distance of himself.


Personality: Sam is lazy. He'll do his school work, homework, or whatever job he's been tasked with, but when he doesn't have to work he spends most of his time relaxing or falling asleep. He'll put in a certain amount of effort if his friends or family drag him into doing something, but he'll rarely give 100% unless it's something important or something that piques his interest. Same also has a penchant for humor, and many of his puns and jokes leave others groaning, and a few specific individuals screaming from time to time.

History: Samuel Azudo lived with his family in Atlas during his formative years. Unlike most individuals Samuel's Semblance unlocked and easily distinguishable the moment his aura was unlocked. Thankfully he had a lot of aura to throw around, and that gave him the room he needed to properly train his semblance. He attended Mantle Academy and it was understood by his father Gerald that he would go on to attend Atlas as well. This was not to be, however, as Samuel did not want to be a dog of the military, and he certainly didn't want to deal with the hassle of always being expected to give more than 100% in everything he did. When he told his father his plans for the future it resulted in an argument that quickly turned into a shouting match before becoming a fight as Sam's father yelled, "PROVE TO ME THAT YOU'RE STRONG ENOUGH TO SURVIVE ON YOUR OWN THEN!"

It took months for the back yard to recover from the aftermath of Samuel's fight with his father, which only ended in a draw because of the gap in experience and mastery that his father had over them. Things were tense for a while, but the tension began to fade after Samuel offered to let his father train him during their spare time. The two bonded during these times, and Sam's younger brother Percival would watch with glee and amazement when they trained at home as he exclaimed that he would follow his brother's footsteps and become the best Huntsman in the entire family. When Sam trained with his father away from home it was in the form of advanced training via hunting down and eliminating Grimm.

When Samuel wasn't busy with training, classes, or being a lazybones he would occasionally check on anything that could be related to aura research or aura science. He didn't find or hear of much until his father made an offhand remark about attempts to quantify, generate, or artificially induce aura. From that point on Gerald had Sam's undivided attention whenever the subject came up, something that Gerald noticed and immediately exploited by getting Sam to accept and devour everything he could share with him on the subject. The result of Sam's research was the creation of not one individual Hunter Weapon, but three different sets of Hunter Weapons intended to work as a single unit. When his training at Mantle Academy was completed Sam immediately began preparations for his move to Vale to attend Beacon Academy, and as he left home for the first time he found himself wondering if his teammates would be bothered by his lazy nature.
It's finally done!!! Now the question is whether I will actually use this character or not. lol
It's kind of like a shapeshifting second skin instead of a fixed second skin. Based on his movements or intent he can have his aura extend outward in controlled amounts before returning to a fixed shape. He can use this to extend the reach of his physical strikes, but the this leaves him susceptible to the possibility of someone or something cutting through the elongated pieces of aura, thereby causing him to lose the portion that was cut away until it finishes regenerating on its own. He can use his weapons to shape the aura into additional armaments such as an aura blade, or he can fire off pieces of his aura as projectile attacks. His aura usage via his semblance becomes more limited and straightforward without his weaponry though. Think Luffy from One Piece and you'll have an idea of the simpler things he can do, but he can also use physical objects as temporary mediums in a pinch. For example, he could send his aura along the ground to mold around grass before shooting out in a sort of extendable knife attack. Using his semblance doesn't really do much to eat away at Sam's aura since he's just repeatedly changing the shape of it (unless he uses equipment to fire pieces of aura off as projectile attacks), but it does take a toll on his stamina and endurance the longer he does it.

Like all semblances Sam's semblance only does one thing, but damn is that one thing complex and having way too much potential to be broken, which is why I took steps to limit his combat style as well as limiting what he can do without equipment.
Any big concerns, or were you just looking for clarification?

Also this was initially going to be a thing where he had his own aura variant of Myst's semblance where it just uses his aura instead of using dust to do the thing, but as you can see that kind of got swept away from me as I wrote out this guy's character sheet. xD
Bistre's semblance allows her to mess around with her aura as she wishes. So besides it's regular functionality, passive protection, extra sixth sense, offensive maneuvers, and more intentional defensive actions, she can potentially mold it into different shapes and structures, separate it from her body for more options, or simple use it to empower her body for more options.

Her Semblance is literally just complete control of her Aura, thus control of her own soul.
Oh...and just as I was thinking about making changes to the semblance and character personality.

Well similar semblances are things that exist. We've seen that with Yang and Adam. It's more how it's used and what minor differences exist than anything for those situations.

I'm thinking of having the guy be more of a physical fighter with how his semblance is used and creating a third character for my original idea, but that will have to wait. I have one hour in which to have my food and enjoy watching something before I have to start getting ready for work, so I'm going to be very jealous with that time. lol
Oh...and just as I was thinking about making changes to the semblance and character personality.

Well similar semblances are things that exist. We've seen that with Yang and Adam. It's more how it's used and what minor differences exist than anything for those situations.

I'm thinking of having the guy be more of a physical fighter with how his semblance is used and creating a third character for my original idea, but that will have to wait. I have one hour in which to have my food and enjoy watching something before I have to start getting ready for work, so I'm going to be very jealous with that time. lol
I personally think its cool that they have similar semblances. Mostly, because due to Bistre being physically weaker than average, she uses her semblance to greatly negate that weakness. I won't spoil anything regarding my plans but, if her aura is too low, or out, she'll be unable to wield Royal Trinity. That thing is heavy as all hell, and the most Bistre can lift is around 45-60 lbs.
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I have plans for if Zai's car is destroyed. Angry Zai would rip out his own transmission and weild it like a club lol

I am fine with similar semblances, just not identical.

Unless the characters are twins or the semblance is inherited.
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I've BEEN wanting to write fanfiction, but I suck at getting myself to do it and keep to it when it's just me. I always enjoyed the rp format more.
Also I have changed my initial character into a completely different character. I'm a bit more likely to actually use this one, but I'm waiting to see if he'll actually be needed.
Name: Lawrence Akaido


Age: 18

Height: 6' 0"

Race: Human

Aura Color: Light Red

Former school association: ???

Skills: Adept at close and mid-range combat. He kills any Grimm he comes across and constantly challenges himself to take on stronger foes. Due to constant training from a young age he's capable of precision strikes at a distance, and he's developed a number of techniques that take advantage of his semblance.

Semblance: Rebound
His aura can stretch and extend in a number of ways depending on his intent. Due to the nature of his semblance he cannot separate his aura from his body in projectile attacks, but he can lose portions of his aura if it's cut through while extended. Lawrence's equipment is minimal as he prefers to focus on improving his own combat capabilities. He can increase the range of usable techniques or strengthen his aura with the use of his equipment.

Fighting style: Lawrence's combat style is a mix of close-range and mid-range. He doesn't care for distance combat as his aura can only stretch so far.

Weaponry/Accessories: Wave Force is a matched set of bracelets, arm and leg rings, and belt that he wears at all times. These are less weapons and more items that allow him to facilitate his combat capabilities to the fullest possible extent by boosting his aura or semblance as needed, as well as using small amounts of dust from his belt to alter how his aura functions. The changes depend on the element used, i.e. more durable aura with earth dust, fire projectiles with fire dust, freezing the area around him with ice dust, etc.


Personality: Lawrence is easy going and gives off the appearance of being a bit dim-witted, although he's smarter than he lets on. He's always up for a good fight and wants to be the strongest Huntsman to ever live. This may have been influenced by his early years of training where his brother always kicked his butt. His friends are his most important treasure. If you mess with them he will kick your ass no questions asked.

History: Lawrence was born and raised in Vacuo. His family lived in a town by the sea and traded goods along Vacuo's coastal areas. Lawrence and his brother Aaron began training at a young age, as you have to be strong to survive in Vacuo. As they got older and they unlocked their semblances they would be taken into the desert by their grandpa from time to time and left to survive on their own. They had to make their own way back home in order to pass these grueling trials. Failure meant death either to the desert or the things that lurked in it.

When Aaron left on a boat to head for one of the Hunter Academies around the world Lawrence decided to do the same. He wanted to challenge himself against new and stronger foes, go on an adventure, meet new friends, and become stronger than ever. Until that day came he trained relentlessly in the desert, and when the time finally came to apply to a hunter Academy he chose Beacon over Shade and set out to fulfill his dreams.

With that said, we need to set a hard limit on accepting newcomers, and I'm for having that be when classes start. It'll be a lot more difficult to integrate anyone else into the story after that, and more so than already attempting to do so post-initiation. I know we already have two other people that are interest, but it seems like one of them has disappeared. Inufandom Inufandom , I believe SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains is waiting to hear if his app is accepted or not, so you might want to get to him on that.
Yes, it is accepted. I have messaged Ryse, and am waiting.

If there is no reply, then we'll do it this way:

Terrible accident , blah blah blah, temporarily in a wheelchair, blah blah blah, excused from initiation due to accident and excellent grades blah blah blah, is the 'back up' until a team can be made blah blah blah something something STUFF!
Zai has said he won't interfere because it's Carmine's first time playing.

And Zai is a man of his word if nothing else. I think it would be funny.

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