Running Blood (Maureenlove and Ayezombie)

Alaska smiled, flipping it back in and placing it back in it's pouch.

"Thanks, Dollface." She said as she finished cleaning the last of the guns on the table closest to her, placing them all back in their holsters and bags. She eyed the blood for a moment as instincts took over, but it was too brief for anyone- even herself to notice. She had definitely had her fill earlier, and would puke if she had any more.
Rose smiled at the girl "So how you feeling sweets?" She said smiling but she really was worried about her mate, she was worried about how she was handling everything, and how she would handle taking more then one persons life. She would have to learn that human laws don't apply to them anymore.
"Hm? Oh, I'm fine actually. Even though you've literally just laid out an entire artillery infront of me and told me that there's these people coming after us, I feel safe. Well, safer. Things aren't ever really safe for me."

Alaska couldn't explain it, but even though it was a huge transition she didn't really mind. It's not like she had anything to leave behind that she cared about, infact it was amusing to read the stories about her online.

She'd only have an issue learning everything. Not even really an issue, she'd just have to pay attention more.
Rose nodded "That's good love." She said. The last time Rose had to do something like this lives were lost and not just human lives, Rose hated the fact that she could lose her mate to humans, or that she would be killed and leave her mate to fend for herself, those thoughts made Rose almost not want to do this.
Alaska smiled up at the girl as she finished to polish up a few of the guns and knives, making sure all of the switchblades were working smoothly and the sheathed knives were clean.

"How're you?" She asked, realizing maybe no one has asked her that in a little while. She concluded that the humans after them weren't going to stop at anything, so she checked that she still had her own switch blade from home, the blue and black handle stained with a little blood, matching the blade. Quickly she wiped that off and slid it back in her belt loop.
Rose paused to think, nobody had asked her how she was in a long time. "Fine.. I'm fine." She finally answered before smiling "So love we have about a day before humans start showing up looking for us." She said then continued "How do you want to spend that day?" She said grinning.
"I'm not really sure." She said, eyeing Rose to see if she was really okay. She could tell she wasn't though.

"With you of course. But love, are you sure you're fine? You've got something troubling you. I can tell." She said, walking over and leaning against the table beside her mate.
"Its nothing love." She said hopping her mate would drop the subject, she felt like she was being torn in half, on half wanted to run away with this girl and not fight, the other half of her wanted to stay and kill every human that got in her way as revenge for Liz. She missed Liz and Taylor so much. Even though she had found her mate a part of her would always belong to Liz and her best friend Taylor.
"Okay..." She said, reaching up to grab her necklace only to find it's not there. The memory of her putting it on the bed side table flashed into her head.

"I'm going to grab my necklace really quick, I totally forgot it up there. I'll be back in a second."

Alaska stood on her tip toes and kissed Rose on her cheek before climbing up the stairs again. Once she arrived at the top landing, it took Alaska a moment to find her way back to the room, but after grabbing her necklace and a quick glance in the mirror she decided she ought to clean herself up abit. In the bathroom she found a spare toothbrush and took care of that, finally straightening her hair and washing her face afterwards.
After Alaska had gone upstairs Rose wandered around the house until there was a knock at the door. Rose grabbed a gun of the table making sure it was loaded and stuffed it into the back of her jeans. She opened the door slowly on hand on the gun as she opened the door peaking out to see who it is. When she saw the person she instantly let the gun go in surprise "Nickolas? What in the hell." She gasped looking at the boy in front of her, he was about the same age as she was. The boy smiled at her softly "Lady Rose, its good to see you again." He said, Rose's mouth opened and closed trying to find an answer.
Alaska scrounged through the little outfits she did have with her, and finally put on a simple pair of black ripped jeans and a loose Sea Shepard t-shirt that hung over one of her shoulders. Hearing the knock at the door as well, she took the blade from her side and hand it ready in had as she went to the top of the stairs, only to see Rose had already answered it. Wearily she tried to slip past them and into the kitchen.
Rose heard Alaska go to the kitchen but didn't say anything only looked at the black haired male in front of her "Nickolas what in hells creations are you doing here!?" She finally asked looking st him with wide eyes, he stood there on her front step smiling at her "Well my lovely Lady Rose, I had a call from John last week telling me you were here." Rose frowned at him "Why did her call you?" She asked now worried "Because Rose he knew you would kill him, he wanted me to come down here and help you out. You've made quiet an up roar in the other town, you and your new toy." He said laughing Rose growled at him "She's not a toy, call her that again and in will rip your hand off and beat you to death with it.Am I understood?" She snapped, he stopped laughing and nodded once "Yes my Lady." He answered
Alaska got out a smaller sized blood packet and pierced it with her teeth, drying it completely before throwing the remnants away. As she waited to either be called out there or for him to leave, she sat on the counter flipping the switchblade, humming quietly to a song in her head with eyes closed.
Rose looked at Nickolas "And why would you help me?" She asked, "Because you were once my Lady Rose, and you will always be Lady Rose to me." He said, Rose remembered when she turned Nickolas it was just over 300 years ago, she had found him in his home, his family murdered and a large wound in his chest, she was amazed that he had survived the werewolf attack so she turned him, together they hunted the werewolves that killed his family, and then he stayed with her for almost 138 years until he went to Africa and she never heard from him again. "Alaska come here love!" Rose yelled.
Alaska's head perked up, immediantly putting the blade away and fixing hair up so she was presentable. Walking out, she stood at Rose's side quietly.

"Allos, I'm Alaska." She said, holding her hand out for him to shake, using her other to push her bright red and white hair behind her ear.
Rose hissed slightly when Nickolas shook her mates hand but said nothing. "Come in Nickolas." She said opening the door wider for him to walk in, as he walked in she grabbed his neck making him gasp in surprise "Do anything to put her in danger or any other Vampire that comes to my house and I won't hesitate to kill you. Am I clear?" She asked her nails digging into his neck "Yes Lady Rose." He answered quickly "Your crystal clear." Rose nodded and let go of him "Good." She said then started walking towards the kitchen "So Alaska this is Nickolas. Nickolas this is my mate Alaska." She said introducing them.
Alaska stood back, letting him walk in. She bowed slightly, loosening up a little bit. If Rose trusted him enough to let him in, then she could trust him enough to take her hand off the blade's hilt.

"You must have heard." She said, noting that he was apparently well acquainted with John. One way or another they knew eachother to speak of her mate.
"Alaska love, every vampire left alive knows, considering Lady Rose here is the sire to almost ever vampire still alive." Nickolas said to Alaska "I am one of those vampire included. Lady Rose is very popular. Soon every vampire will come to her call. One last noble rise of the vampire." He said making Rose laugh "No vampires come to my call. I am fighting for a new life, for revenge." She said making Nickolas nod "Yes we all heard about Elizabeth and Taylors's tragic deaths both burned alive by humans." He said shaking his head Rose nodded and ground her teeth together "Who else did John call?" She asked "Every vampire he knew were still alive. There is only old one now." He said "Who's the last old one?" She asked, old ones were old vampires who used to rule over the other vampires. "You. You are the only old one. No vampire left on this earth is older then 400, but you." He answered making Rose take a sharp breath "Well crap."
Alaska listened intently, piecing together a few thing that would happen in the near future.

"So, about how many vampires should I expect to start showing up?" She asked, rocking back slightly on her heels.

So, my 559 year old girlfriend is the Sire to nearly every other vampire on earth, and they all plan on showing up and helping us get revenge on two people named Liz and Taylor, who apparently Rose was very attachedto. Alright, this is normal. She recapped in her mind, holding back a laugh at the absurdity of it all. But it was real, and she was the new girl thrown in the middle of it. About a week ago she'd laugh at the thought that they existed, but that was changed when she first laid eyes on John.
"Nickolas you can't be serious." Rose said "All I want is a better life for me and her." She said grabbing a hold of Alaska's hand, "I just want to live in this world with out having to his. Not have a bloody f*cking war on my hands!" Rose yelled throwing her hands up in the air "Now your telling me I'm the only old one! God can this get any worse?" She asked then heard her front door open and close she went for her gun "Oh don't you even think about pulling a gun on me!" The new girl said walking into the kitchen "Apparently things can get worse." Rose said looking at the new vampire female that had walked in "Alaska this is Cassandra. Cassandra this is my mate Alaska."
Alaska was taken a bit by suprise by the new arrival, but took her side again.


Bowing slightly again, she felt better that she was holding Rose's hand. She looked Cassandra over, finding her to be nothing of a threat and just another one of her friends. Alaska loosened her grip on Rose, and stood a little more comfortably, once again having to move her hair from her face.
Rose looked at Cassandra "Please don't tell me your here because of John." She said Cassandra laughed "Hell no that guy gave me the creeps, I'm here because of Smith." Roses face fell "Smith, was the last true Old One and he told be before humans killed him to find you and give you these." She said handing Rose a bag, Rose looked in the bag seeing a book and a note she took it out and read it out loud. "Rose, it seems now that you are the last Old One. The rest of us would be proud to have had you by our sides. This book is our last book of history's, keep it safe. Fight the humans Rose, we need our world back, you are the only hope for Vampires now. Don't let us down. Don't let me down." Rose looked at the note then threw it back into the bag "This can not be happening! Okay Cassandra, Nickolas, out of my house now." She snapped both nodded bowed "Yes Lady Rose." They said then left.
Alaska took a step back, caught off guard whens she snapped at the two. She watched them leave, then looked up at Rose, not knowing if she should hug the girl or let go.

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked, knowing that whatever she just read must have sent her over the edge and the last thing she wanted to do was anger Rose.
"No love, you just being here is enough." Rose said pulling the girl into a hug. "Someone must hate me." She whispered into Alaska's neck, she felt lost. Smith had just given her the best and the worst news all wrapped into one small note and bag. She had no idea what she was going to do, all she knew is that she wanted to be with her mate. She wanted to mark her mate someday, she didn't care when she marked Alaska as long as she could she didn't want to die before marking her mate.
Alaska wrapped her arms around Rose, closing her eyes in the comfort of her mate.

"I'll always be here. For you and forever." she said, pulling away enough that she could kiss her cheek then pull her back in.

"We have this day together. So lets spend it together without worrying too much about humans."

She let go only to move one hand to the back of her neck and the other to the small of her back, pulling her close and touching their foreheads together.

"I believe in you." she whispered before pulling her into a brief kiss.

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