Running Blood (Maureenlove and Ayezombie)

Rose shook her head laughing "you need more blood then that. Trust me." She tells Alaska and continues to drive towards the town.
"You've got to be kidding me. Approximately how many people's worth will I need?" She asked, kind of laughing to herself as she looked over to Rose.
"About two more. But there's another way as well but I don't think you would really like to do it." She says trailing off as she begins to drive into the town.
"Won't know until you tell me". She said, raising an eye brow to the girl. For now her stomach pains have subsided. But for now the only thing bothering her was her hunger.
"Well you drink some of my blood, then I drink some of yours, then you drink more of mine. I'm one of the oldest vampires still alive, my blood is one of the purest things you can get." She says looking at the houses in the town.
"Whatever's safest for us. I'm going to guess and say it's that one." She said, kind of scared at the thought of hurting the girl. She'd saved Alaska's life, so she owed her the same.
"Yeah it is." She says pulling up in front of a small house on the out skirts of town "new home sweet home." She says stepping out of the car and walks up to the front door and waits for Alaska.
Alaska pulled herself out, following close behind Rose.

"It's nice." She said, not exactly commenting on the house it'self. It was really nice for her to be leaving, and she wasn't exactly that heart broken over it. Infact she was kind of happy.
"Well let's get in the house before you collapse on me and I have to force feed you." Rose says grabbing Alaska's hand feeling an intended tingling sensation run through her arm she stopped dead in her tracks "Do you feel that?" She asks quickly.
Alaska stopped dead, only now noticing the tingling running into her arm. She couldn't explain it other than she might be setting off her magnetic implants. But... those were on her other hand?

"Yeah... I've got implants but they're on my left hand, and you're holding my right." She said, looking up at her with her red bangs in her hair, and her pure white hair still messy and damp. As she started to get dizzy, she used her hand to lean on the door frame. Her magnetic implants were slightly buzzing, but that was only due to the electricity running throughout he house. The sensation in her entire arm was much different.
"Oh god, I found you! I can't believe it! I thought they were just myths! I can't believe I found you!" She says smiling then pulls the girl into the house "we need to give you blood now." She says walking the girl up stairs to the master bedroom then pulls her jacket off and her shirt away from her neck "You bite here." She said showing the girl where to bite her neck "And don't work about it hurting." She adds
Before Alaska could respond to the girl's random excitement, she was dragged into the house.

Alaska stared at the girl for a moment before cautiously putting her hand on the back of her neck and pulling Rose closer. Looking up at her, she eventually got the nerve to bite her, one of her hands still clutching Rose's.

Her teeth extended, she slid through the skin surprisingly easy, but once the blood started to come out she moved into it more, pulling Rose even closer so their stomachs were touching.
"That's it good girl, feed." Rose said holding onto the girl at her neck, her whole body was tingling and it felt good, she wondered if Alaska felt the tingling as well. She felt the girl ease into feeding and when the girl had enough "Time to let go sweets. I need some of yours now." She said gently pushing at the girl not wanting to hurt her.
Alaska pulled back, breathing heavily.

"I-I'm sorry." She said, not feeling as sick now but just guilty. She didn't want to hurt her. For some reason, she already cared a lot for Rose, perhaps it was just because she had saved her or for some other reason, it didn't matter. She still just wanted her safe.

Alaska shook her head lightly and moved her hair out of the way, not scared anymore of the idea of fangs. Not it was just intriguing.
"Its okay, I only need a small amount sweet cheeks." She replied flashing her a smile her fangs exposed she put an arm around Alaska's waist and a hand behind her neck, kissing the spot she was going to bit softly before sinking her fangs into the girls neck and began to drink. Soon she pulled away rubbing any traces of blood of her lips then looked at the girl smiling as the two small puncture holes healed instantly "Another vampire bonus. Now come here finish feeding." She said opening her arms for the girl again.
Alaska nodded her head, making quick work of it. She repeated just what she had done earlier, but was a little softer, pulling her in closer.

Once she was done, she drank the last on her neck as it healed and licked her lips, resting her head on Rose's shoulder. All she could do was breath heavily and hold onto the girl, a tingling sensation running through her entire body.

"Danke... Bitte geh nicht..." She mumbled, barely loud enough to even be audible.
"Your welcome my beautiful mate." She whispers wrapping her arms around the girl holding her there softly the tingling sensation buzzing through her making her feel wonderful.
What had she just say? Mate? Alaska shook off the thoughts, and focused more on the girl holding her. She wrapped her arms around her waist, finding herself simply tired, violated, and frightened. But Rose made those feelings go away. Laska felt safe in her arms, and the tingling sent an energy through her body that was addicting. As long as she was touching her, she could go against China's entire army.
Rose smiled at her new Mate, the only one she would ever have, she had thought mates were just things people had made up, but the girl in her arms proved her very wrong "How do you feel my sweet beautiful mate?" She asked liking the way Mate roled off her tongue.
Okay if she keeps calling me that I might have to ask her why... but I kind of like it. She thought, pulling back a little bit and wiping her chin.

"Better. Alot better." She said, deciding it best to not tell her how she really felt. She feared Rose would get upset, and find someway to wrong John more. Now she just wanted to rest and be with Rose.
"I'm glad you feel better love, now we need to have a talk my little mate." She said smiling looking at the beautiful girl that was to be hers and only hers forever.
"Okay..." She said, looking around. An explanation would be amazing at this point. She thought, gripping onto her hand.
"Well Mates are well your mates the one person your meant to be with forever. Some people call them Soul mates. I always thought it was just a myth, until I found you. That's that tingly thing we feel when we touch its tell us that this is the person were supposed to be with forever and that you have to mark them." She says smiling pulling the girl into her lap to look at her.
"Well shit... that's a handful to swallow." She said, not quite feeling the same pure excitement that Rose was, but was still understanding of it. I guess she still needed to fall for her, not like that would be difficult or like she had a choice.

"What do you mean by mark them?" She asked.
"I'll tell you about that later. But before I say anything else I want to tell you this. Soul mates can reject each other. Say you don't want to be with me you can say 'i .. Your name... Reject name. As my mate.' And if you do there's no take backs once a mate is rejected they will never find a true mate again but they can take another mate if they want." She says slowly her smile fading quickly.

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