Running Blood (Maureenlove and Ayezombie)

Rose smiled "I'm much stronger then you love I can take care of myself and you." She said Smiling then added "My husband was my first kill if it makes you feel better. I ripped him apart." She said with a lopsided grin. "He got what he deserved. Mary said I was born to be a vampire. Some people are just ment to be vampires I guess." She said with a shrug.
"But what id you're hurt. I'll still do what I can." She said, determined to not be undermined.

"I would believe that. From the sounds of it, I don't think I'd doubt for a moment that you were born one in the first place if I didn't know you were turned."

Alaska shivered again, her stomach not churning as much but her entire body was sore.
"You should sleep love, you still need it because your so newly changed." She said smiling kissing the girls forehead and got out of the bed and turned to her "I'll be back soon. I have things I need to do." She said with a small frown hating that she had to leave Alaska here by herself for a while.
Alaska yawned, and smiled when Rose kissed her forehead.

"Oki. I'll be here." She said, giving her a reassuring smile that she would be okay.

Pulling the blankets back up, Alaska started playing Hold On Till May by PTV, laying back and curling up on her side.
Rose smiled watching the girl curl up on her side then she left the room and then walked out of the house and started walking down the road to were a small storage place was where she kept many things she need. She had a fully stocked blood supplies in emergency times only and weapons and many other things.
Alaska turned over, not being able to sleep well. Hooking her IPod up to the neighbor's wi-fi, she got onto her face book and saw that people were freaking out, saying that she ran away with some chick, some stories even said that she murdered the man herself then rode off on a motor cycle. Quickly she deleted all of her accounts, leaving it on the table to play music as she slept.
Rose got to her storage locker and opened it and went straight to a large chest. She opened the chest and pulled out three things. A bag of guns, a bag full of boxes of bullets to go with the guns, and a whip that she wrapped around her wrist, it curled into a bracelet. She walked back out of the locker and closed it locking it again and then started walking back to her new house.
Alaska woke up to the sound of her IPod alarm clock going off. She picked it up and threw it across the room, effectively shutting it off but not breaking it thanks to the hard case.

"Ugh, fucking clocks. Screw off." She said, pulling the blanket over her head so it looked like one big lump.
Rose walked back into the house setting the bags on the kitchen counter then walked upstairs into her and Alaska's room noticing the IPod on the floor and a big blob of blankets. Laughing Rose walked to the big blob and grabbed the corner of the blanket then ripped it off Alaska "Rise and shine love. Its time to get up." She said smiling.
"Wait no! I've only just now earned their trust! I have been indoctrinated into the blanket tribe!" She whined, shoving her head under the pillow.

"I'll only come out if you promise me the blinds are shut." She said, not wanting to have her head hurting as bad as it was earlier. Rose was right, the sun would hurt her for a little while after newly being changed.
Rose smiled and nodded laughing "There closed." She said she had made sure they were all closed when she walked into the house. There wasn't a window in the house were the blind weren't shut and the curtains pulled over them for extra measure. "Its safe love."
Alaska threw off the pillow, jumping from the bed and wrapping her arms around Rose.

"Thanks, darling." She said before sitting back down on the bed, letting out a high pitched yawn.
Rose laughed at the other girl "Your welcome." She said smiling then walked over to the dresser to get a kit out of the drawer then she began to walk down stairs again "You coming love?" She asked then continued to walk down the stairs then walked to the kitchen grabbing the bag with the guns in it and set it on the kitchen table then pulled one gun out and set it on the table then set the kit on the table opening it to make sure all the gun cleaning supplies was there.
Alaska walked down stairs and smiled seeing the weapons sprawled out.

"Oh hell yeah."

Alaska examined a few sitting on the table, finding them all to be in terrific condition.

"Where on earth did you get all these?" She asked, her jaw hanging in awe struck.
Rose laughed as she began cleaning them "I'm 559, I've had a lot of time to collect them and I am on of the richest people in the world. And this isn't even a quarter of my collection." She said proudly as she looked at the guns "These things will be a big thing for us from now on. Were going to be wanted now." She said with a shrug it wasn't like she hasn't been wanted for before.
"I'm totally okay with this. Any kind of weapon is something I obsess over."

Alaska had a couple close friends, one of which would definitely going after her. She didn't want to say he ruled over a gang, but anyone who knows his name will agree on one thing, hes a dangerous man and a drug lord of the ages. He taught her to about weapons, and got her anything she needed. It was often rumored he loved her, but that was shot out of the water when she came out of the closet to him two years ago.

"I can name one... if he thinks you've hurt me or something happened to me, he's out there looking for me. I know he knows what John did, so he was probably first on the scene when we left."
Rose grinned at the girl "I'm not just talking wanted by the humans of the town your from love, I'm talking about human military and Vampire killing squad." She said grinning, she had killed many humans that belonged to both, but she had killed many drug lords, she had been the queen of drugs just over 30 years ago, she had loved it. "I'm looking forward to meeting this person that was first on the scene." She said smiling happy to feel the familiar blood lust she hadn't felt in over 100 years.
"Try not to hurt him. Before you came along, he was planning on getting rid of my father about two days from now. He only wants to help." She said, focusing herself into the weapons.

"But whats about this vampire killing squa- Oh my god is this an original Winchester? It's in perfect condition!"
Rose laughed "Its yours now." She said smiling "And the Vampire killing squad, its a military division specially made and trained to kill vampires." She said she had many run ins with the VKS and hated the whole division, even though she had found her mate she still wanted revenge for Liz, her last girlfriend, the VKS killed Liz and Taylor, Liz's sister who happened to be Rose's best friend. They had been together as a group for almost 150 years.
"I don't understand why we don't- why humans don't only get rid of the real monsters, like John." She said, taking the gun apart and putting it back together, checking that it had every part and it was all in working order. Alaska didn't wasn't to comment on Liz or Taylor, in fear of maybe saying the wrong thing. It wasn't really her place to speak, plus she knew it was a touchy subject.
"Because to humans we are all monsters. All vampires are the same to them. And nothing's going to change that." She said cringing at the thought then went back to cleaning the weapons. She hopped they would have at least three days before humans had werewolves track them down. Then the really hunt and killing would begin.
"Good thing I've had target practice."

Alaska strip cleaned the next two pistols, and one semi-automatic.

"So whats your favorite gun out of all of these?" She asked, hoping to change the subject. Alaska inspected a few, and made a calibration to one pistol's sights.
Rose grinned then reached into the bag with the bullet boxes in it and pulled out a belt on throwing knifes and a large dagger that was made of a wolfs jaw bone, "these are my favorite. And this as well." She said smiling pulling the bracelet off and uncurling it into the whip and snapping it on the floor once.
Alaska smiled at the collection, amazed by literally everything. She flinched when the whip cracked on the floor, but couldn't help but laugh afterwards.

"Haha, kinky."

Alaska took a small pouch out and looked at it's contents. In her hand was a white and silver classic styled switchblade, that flipped open smoothly.
She giggled "You know you look very sexy with that love." She said smiling the wound the whip back around her wrist. And smiled at her "I'm hungry." She said standing up and walking to the fridge and pulling out a blood bag "its not as good as the warm stuff but it works." She said with a shrug and ripping it open with her teeth and drinking it.

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