Running Blood (Maureenlove and Ayezombie)

"Now why the hell would I do that?I'm luck to have someone like you as mine." she said, awestruck that such a thing like that even exists.

"I refuse to let you go now." She said, pushing the thought out of her mind.
Rose smiled jumping up and hugging Alaska "I'm glad your mine love." She said resting her head on her shoulder taking a deep breath
"You seem very excited about this whole thing. But I'm okay with it." She said, pulling the girl in close.

"Do you mind if we lay down? My heads kind of banging... And I just need to get memories of him out of my head. But being with you helps alot." She asked, holding onto her sleeve for support. Alaska didn't want to let go of her, and right now laying down with her 'mate was what she needed right now, and honestly kind of wanted... Alot.
"I've been alive for 559 years dear, hearing about Soul mates wishing for one the whole time. I'm very excited. As for John I'm very sorry for everything he did to you my love. Its all my fault. If I hadn't had changed him none of this would have ever happened to you." Rose said sighing then laying back in the bed frowning lightly at the memories of her and John's time together 300 years before.
Alaska layed down with her, resting her head on Roses chest and her leg hitched over her hip.

"It's okay. You didn't know he'd do that all those years ago. I thank you for killing him and getting me away from him." She said, looking up to briefly kiss the girl's neck. She lingered there, sitting up slightly more so they could be eye to eye.

"I needed you and you came. Vielleicht sind wir gemeint." She said, before lightly kissing Rose and resuming her position next to her.
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Rose smiled turning slightly to look at the girl "I did know, but 300 years ago I didn't care, because I was worse then he was love. I was way worse then he was. Before I was changed my name was Lady Rose. After a hundred years I was known as Lady Rose the flower of death.I was horrible for almost 450 years but then I realized if I wasn't careful I would end up dead like many others. Ever since I only kill if I need to." She says frowning "I found John in a prison in Romania. He was going to be hung three days before I had changed him for murdering five people. Back then I loved making new vampires, I loved making vampires like John." She said hating herself for it.
"But you've had a change of heart. Don't blame yourself for the past, because we can't change that. And if you'd never changes John, I'd never have met you. Right?" She said, sitting up again and looking at her intently.

"You aren't who you used to be."
"Some times I wish I was the same person I was back then, just for no reason I get the urge to kill even though I know I can't I wish I could just go back to the way I was just for fun. But its wrong now but so right. Humans have killed almost all of us vampires. There were millions of us walking this earth now there are only about 100 of us left." She said angerly "They killed children who were born vampires they couldn't help being what they were, I couldn't, I had no choice in the matter I was dying when I was changed I didn't even have enough strength in me to drink the vampires blood by myself when I was changed." She said sadly her eyes flashing livid blue for a second or two.
Alaska pulled her in tight, whispering into her ear.

"It's okay. We don't have to visit those memories if you don't want to. I can tell it hurts you."

Alaska let go, pulling her into her lap as she leaned against the head board.
Rose sighs laying in her lap "I am glad some things happened though. I'm glad I found you, and I'm glad I got to see the world like I dream about when I was a little girl. And I'm glad that someday me and you can go around the world together with out having to worry about being killed." She said smiling.
Alaska thought about it for a minute and smiled.

"Yeah, me too. But hey, what did you mean earlier by 'marking?" She asked, playing with her hair. Alaska couldn't help but smile when she realized her situation.

She was laying in a bed with a gorgeous girl, who was forever destined to be her mate. Not only that, but she had gotten out of her abusive house and turned into a vampire. Now she just had to figure out what the hell 'marking' is.
"Oh marking is just a little thing you have to do." She said with a shrug "It just means your claiming your mate pretty much, your mark will always be on display on your mate. Usually what happens you bite their next and after that a tattoo made by magic will appear on your mate usually that represents you and your name in an old vampire language. That tells other that I am your and you are mine." She says smiling
"That's pretty bad ass." She said, snuggling up closer to her.

"Do you want to do that?"

Alaska looked down at the girl, realizing just then how lucky she was to have Rose as her own and only her own.
"Oh?" Rose giggled a blush ran across her cheeks, "I don't think you are quite ready for that lovey, because the bites have to take place while your um.. Having um..." Rose trailed of from the sentence hoping the poor younger girl got the point. Its not like Rose hadn't had sex with a woman before, she's had 559 years to prefect her sex life and she had.
Alaska blushed, then couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm 16, I'm not a virgin. But I understand, we can definitely wait on that one." She said, kissing her cheek.

"So other than markings, turning someone, and anything else you told me earlier, is there anything else I should know?"
Rose giggled "yeah don't feed in front of a human and we feed carefully making sure the person is no one that will be missed or are to out of it to know what's going on and think they just got bit by a random stranger." She said nodding

"So, what do we do now?" She asked, looking around the room. She was perfectly content laying here and talking with her, but wasn't aware if there was anything else on Roses to do list.
"These. Do you know where John got these?" She asks Alaska pulling the blood vials out of her pocket. She didn't want to open one to see who's or what's blood it was with out knowing where John got them unless there was another way. She wondered why John had wanted to show them to her in the first place.
Alaska's eyes opened in shock that she still had them, and at first was scared that shed use them for the same purpose that he did.

"He has so many more... That ones mine." She said, picking out one of the larger vials with a blue cap.

"He showed them off. Boasted. Those are all the girls he's-" Alaska couldn't finish her sentence, not wanting to. She hoped that Rose understood and wouldn't make her explain it.

"He kept a vial from each one. He had mentioned a mate before, but he only took her vial after she died apparently. She was the first." She said, cringing as she remembered how he bound her up- beat her- then did as he pleased with her.
Rose nodded feeling stupid "Oh yes, I didn't think he kept doing this. I remember the first girl. Her name was Katherine. She was a pretty girl." Rose said nodding then cringed "Well these can go in the garbage." She said taking the rest of the vials and the one from Alaska's hand and got up walking over to the bathroom and threw them into the garbage can that was under the sink "I didn't think he still did that." She repeated remembering the first time she watched him do it.
Alaska smiled when she heard them break in the bottom of the trash.

"Yeah, he did. Alot."

She pulled the blanket up from her feet and up to her chin, cold chills running down her spine.
"Well he won't anymore." Rose said as she walked back over to the bed and got under the covers smiling as she curled into the side of her mate "Its a bonus that we only have to sleep if we want to. We don't need sleep. Sometimes I'm thankful for that." She said remembering the countless nights she had stayed up waiting for humans to find her, sometimes she would go months with out sleep.
Alaska smiled, pulling her in closer.

"Well that's pretty awesome."Y

After a moment of silence, Alaska began playing with her hair, shutting her eyes. For once in her life, her mind was idle. She wondered briefly about hat her father would say if her knew where she was right now. There was probably an out roar, not that his daughter was missing, but because his favorite punching bag was. For a moment, she looked around her surroundings.

A nice room, a comfy bed, her mate, and no fear of the bruises she'd be covered in the next day. Alaska knew that Rose would never lay a hand on her, while she couldn't understand why, she knew she wouldn't.

"You're so much different from anyone I've ever known. You don't hit me or call me names. Why is that?"

She was honestly curious. When John had started abusing her a week ago, so had already been long used to it from her father. It wasn't hurtful being hit, it was strange not being hit.
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Rose gasped and looked at Alaska "because you my mate, we love each other not abuse them. I would kill anybody the second I thought they were going to hurt you. Your fathers very lucky we had to leave your town quickly or the roads would have been painted in his blood." She said nodding her head then laying back down. "You know what, I was 17 almost 18 when I was changed. I was married by then, that's why i was changed. My husband had been very abusive. One night it got way out of hand and long story short I ended up in the middle of no where dying." She said in a hushed tone "That's when she found me, her name was Mary. Back then she was known as Bloody Mary. She was just about as bad as I was, but over time she got caught. I watched her execution." Rose said remembering the day.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that... You deserve better."

Alaska thought for a second, trying to figure out what to say.

"I hate that you've been hurt like that, even if you were still a human. I'll rip anyone else to shreds. You deserve much better."

Alaska turned to Rose, resting her thumb on the girls chin, gently turning her head to look at her.

"No one will ever hurt you like that again if I'm there. You saved my life, and you're my mate. I owe you everything a thousand times over." She said, her grey eyes showing flecks of electric blue and green.

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