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As the ground cracked and shook into unstable crevices, Miryalia jumped up toward the wall, where she held on for balance and position.

She didn't want to fight Quart. It always sucked. But if she was going to fight him, she wasn't going down easily. Certainly light earth tremors would not do to knock her out.

As she held on to the wall, Miryalia took a deep breath. On the exhale, a light purple mist seeped out between her lips. Quart wanted her to go all out? He was going to need a physician after this.

Miryalia smiled. She saw Ori charge in with a lightning attack. She waited a moment for the dust to clear. Then she brushed the blades of her daggers with her lips. The metal began to glow purple.

From her advantageous position of attack, and with Ori's distraction, Miryalia jumped in. Kicking herself off the wall with the grace of a cat and the strength that seemed beyond her slender frame, she pounced.

With two daggers pointed downward toward Quart, Miryalia leapt into the fray. From above, she came down over her opponent in a storm of blades, slashing down with her great poisonous daggers, before landing lightly and elegantly on the damaged ground.

NeonFlow NeonFlow lunar_moth lunar_moth xAlter xAlter Lilliana2 Lilliana2
YeetBooi YeetBooi
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Quart was already chanting into his hand as Ori approached with absurd speed, throwing another brown rune at his feet causing dust and chunks of dirt to expel outwards and hang in the air after the dirty explosion.
Ori attacking first is usually what happens, him or Lalo aim to strike first in a physical conflict

It wasn't hard to notice Miryalia jump onto the wall like a spider, it was more difficult to dodge the zap of electricity. Whilst chanting again into his left hand Quart lifts his leg to avoid the sweep kick and side steps the obvious incoming airborne flurry that is Miryalia. "You'd do better following Ori's example"
Quart snided before smacking the pommel of his sword onto the top of Miryalia's head and dropping the last rune in his hand whilst moving forward towards the other Runeborn.
she doesn't understand fighting like a assassin won't work unless you start out unseen.

The rune dropped by the feet of Miryalia and Ori quickly formed into a golem of mud in Quarts own image... A six foot moving sculpture complete with the imposing figure and cruel smirk. Evening out the numbers game somewhat but Mud-Quart only focused on Ori and Miryalia. Swinging fists of mud that would harden upon impact and restrict movement, each step Mud Quart takes leaves a large muddy footprint that will subdue any who step in it.

Or at the very least keep you in place for a bit/ruin your footwear.
lunar_moth lunar_moth Naria Naria

Quart decided to shake it up a tad and use black and brown together, his left hand pulling two small black runes from his back pouch and throwing them toward Leighton shouting "Shroud!"
Sure to blind (temporarily) unless one had some way of deflecting small bits of hardened magic. YeetBooi YeetBooi

With a hand still full of runes Quart ran at Casey and Lily, he ran across the partial earthquake caused by the first rune as if it were a normal day on the beach. To fight Quart on shifting dirt will be instant defeat, at least four different times during their life in Dunwel has proved that fact.
xAlter xAlter Lilliana2 Lilliana2
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"Lungs...burning." Each gasp of air felt like swallowing literal fire. Was this how he was going to die? Was this the end? No. The manor was only a few more yards away. He didn't think he was going to make it and yet, here he was. Barret nearly blew the doors off their hinges bursting into Lord Gurt's Manor.

"I'm here!" He shouted though only half of it came out hoarse and undiscernible. "I'm sorry, I got caught up with-" Barret stopped short as his eyes came to rest on the almost empty hall. Only a few stragglers remained. A trifling cough came from somewhere in the back.

Aaaaand I missed the speech...
He thought to himself, his heart sinking even lower than it had been after his full-blown sprint across the city.

"Heyyyy, I'll just... do any of you happen to know where those cool Runeborn went, I would just love to meet them amirite?" Barret plastered a massive fake smile on his face though it did little to hide just how much he was dying on the inside right now.
Before anyone could speak up a rumbling came from a door on the other side of the room. Could be trouble, but what kind of trouble would come walking into Dunwel? Aside from the entire army threatening to lay waste to the land that is.

"Guess I'll just follow the noise then eheh~" Prying eyes returned to their conversations as Barret quickly shuffled over to the door leading out to the training grounds. The bow and swords clanked together softly as he walked. After what seemed like an eternity he opened the doors and stepped back outside to find the other Runeborn facing off against the man himself; Quart Feck. Ori as well as Miryalia had already engaged the Runemaster. Lily, Casey, and Leighton were all off to the side still, though Quart was looking to change that. Barret settled down in the dirt nearby to watch.
Casey nearly jumped when he heard Quart from behind the Runeborn. He was definitely not expecting something like this for training. Rather than speak up, Casey remained silent, to himself. He observed the situation and nodded when the fight began. Breathing in deeply, a circle of fire formed around his feet. He was a shield, he was the defense. Jumping back when Ori and Miryalia attacked, Casey brought his arms up to cover his face from the dust. They were stopped quite easily. "To be expected..." he muttered.

His eyes followed every movement, every attack, every counter. "Keep calm and assess the situation. Never let an enemy take you unaware." Casey saw Quart rush towards him and Lily after sending shards at Leighton, the ground rumbling. Summoning up his own rune, Casey slammed his palms together, bringing forth a wall of flames in front of Leighton, to block the shards sent his way. Turning back to Quart, he back stepped again. "Damn it! What did she always say? 'Never give the enemy even an inch?!' Something like that?! GAH!!!!!!"

"You're not the only one proficient in earth runes, you know!" Casey shouted grabbing one from the pouch on the back of his waist. Slamming it into the ground, he stabilized the ground beneath them, so to not fight on shifting sands. "Lily!" he shouted. "If you can, try to tangle him and his clone with vines! I'll try to hold him off!"

(Miryalia @ Naria Naria . Ori @ lunar_moth lunar_moth , Lily @ Lilliana2 Lilliana2 , Leighton YeetBooi YeetBooi , Lalo NeonFlow NeonFlow , Morgan Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage )
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From the moment the fight had started Casey had lost. A number of things happened that determined this, the first rune thrown by Quart disrupting all within it.... but mostly, for Casey anyway, it was the last rune he attempted to use that sealed his fate.
After shouting how he was proficient in earth runes.
he slammed a rune down without activating it.

Quart of course knew what had happened. The runeborn thought he could activate magic without words, like how all the runeborn use whatever magic is inside them.
But a runes magic only works if the user speaks of it.
Quart wouldnt waste this opportunity to teach the others...
Before Casey could shout instructions to the Runeborn, Quart had closed the distance between them and rammed his buckler shield into Casey's face knocking the young man backwards with a bit worse then a bloody nose
Quart shouted as if to put punctuation on his lesson, he threw another small black rune at the bleeding face. Casey would see nothing but darkness as the rune hit and enveloped his head in a cloud of shadows.
"you might be able to make fire without chanting!
but runes need vocal instructions to form what you imagine"

Without missing a beat Quart went to take down the other four. Lily was next, Quart like a demon turned and ran at her with a cruel smile, left arm rising to hide behind the buckler presumably chanting as he approached.
xAlter xAlter you have been knocked out of the tutorial fight. Your blindness will fade and someone will fix your broken nose. Member Casey should breathe through his mouth, I hate to seem unfair but no one has asked how runes work and I feel I showed what was up during these quart posts.

YeetBooi YeetBooi Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Quart is after you, I'd like to imagine Leigh reacted to save himself when yeet can post aha

lunar_moth lunar_moth Naria Naria Mud-quart is keeping you two in place, you can choose if you avoid it or attack it but to aim for real quart while mud quart is active means you shall become stuck
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Barret winced as Quart drove his shield into Casey, sending him staggering.

"He just can't help but show off can he eh Casey?" He shouted. Barret could recall a few of the matches he'd had with Quart. As a matter of fact he could remember every single one of them. The man was a monster both physically and as a Runemaster. Barret never managed to face off against him and come out on top. He wasn't entirely sure any of the others had ever managed to do so either. He wondered for a moment why the Lord of Dunwel didn't just send Quart off alone to face the army. He'd likely come back unscathed.

'Probably meant to serve as a last line of defense.' He thought to himself.

"Alright..." Barret stood up and made his way across the training grounds, doing his best to steer clear of the action. "That Quart I tell ya." He mumbled as he approached Casey. "It's alright. He can't win EVERYTIME right?" He said though his words held no confidence. "Let's get you out of the way so the others don't trample you eh?" He placed his arm over Casey's shoulders offering to guide him off the field.

Interaction: xAlter xAlter
Lily was surprised when Quart showed up now this was going to be a real challenge. Lily grabbed a handful of grass seeds and scattered them across the battle field for whenever she needed them. This earthquake shook the ground hoping to avoid the unbalance Lily willed her grass seed to grow they wriggled under her feet like snakes giving her steady tiny platforms to walk on. I don’t have the coordination to give the others grass platforms too but at least I can stay balanced. Quart took on Ori and Miryalia first before turning his attention to her and Casey. He took out Casey quicker than Lily had anticipated but before he could he told Lily to tangle Quart and his duplicate in vines, it was a good idea but she would have to think of a way to make her trap less obvious. Quart had a cruel smile on his face and looked like he was activating a rune as he rushed her.
Lily grew a large wall of grass in front of her. This was meant to be used as a distraction and cover for her next move more than as a shield. She’d used a grass shield multiple times in front of Quart during training so hopefully he would assume this was like her usual defensive maneuver and either break through it or go around it. She dropped an acorn seed from her other pocket, a sneaky surprise she hoped. She whipped her chain sword behind her so her movements could stay hidden behind her grass wall and once it stabbed into the ground she reconnected it launching her across the battlefield.
As she launched away her acorn seed erupted into a small tree staying hidden behind the grass wall it waited for its chance to grab Quart with its branches. If he broke down the wall or tried to jump over or around it expecting Lily on the other side it would try to leap on him and wrap him up into a wooden ball.
Mud Quart was not proving to be a pleasant adversary.

With her head splitting with pain from where Quart's pommel hit her, Miryalia flipped out of the way of the golem like creature. The motion, while gracefully executed, felt nauseating. Miryalia was sure she must have a concussion.

Out of mud Quart's reach, Miryalia tried to think through her headache. So now what?

She looked toward the action on the training ground. Quart had taken Casey down hard. She felt lucky to only be concussed.

Not keen on fighting a pile of rocks, Miryalia stealthily backed away towards the wall. She wasn't going to fight this battle she had already lost.

When she reached the wall, she climbed again, perhaps with less dexterity than before owing to her aching head. Miryalia sat at the top of the wall and watched the match, willing the pounding in her head to stop. It didn't.
Quart ran at Lily despite the wall of grass and sound of a exotic sword behind it. It was a risky plan the Runemaster was concocting, he only had a handful of small runes and two decent sized runes left. (all brown and black)
There I was poking fun at Casey when I should have stolen his rune... suppose he will need it later though.

The rune still in his hand was the decent brown. If this was a enemy he would simply have the earth swallow and crush any before him wanting to rely on a shield of grass. However if he was to accidentally kill a runeborn he would most likely be killed on orders from the Lord's of Slate. Waboe most likely...
Instead Quart decided to be creative. Someone with talent for black or brown would most likely make this maneuver fall apart with relative ease.
Casey is out and Lalo isn't here... Did any other rubens use brown or black? No they seem to copy each other more so then branch out.
Quart stopped to throw his rune at the ground, the soil beneath his feet seemed to come to life. Rolling up onto Quart becoming make shift armor, he to becoming a golem but much larger. Well half a massive golem anyway, it would have been a humorous sight any other time. As Quart stood more than double his height with the massive legs of dirt keeping him in the air.
(Like a wearing a mechs pants)
you'd think they would each learn the same runes to create impressive showings...
or learn something different each to become some crazy team of monster...

With massive legs and a height no one could reach. Maybe Miry could by jumping off the wall again but reaching isn't the way you win this game.
Subduing the Runeborn is how Quart wins. Drawing blood is how the Runeborn win. A hard task made even harder now that quart was mostly encased in a layer of dirt and rocks.
He looked around to see where each runeborn went.

Casey was being helped off the field.
Miryalia ran away up the wall.
Ori avoids Mud-quart.
Lily was waiting for her trap to work.
Leighton was getting off the quake zone with shaky legs.

Quart decided to call it here,
"I think we all know I've won this.. I did say three of you down within five minutes but I don't think I should be hurting you five hours before we get sent to the border. Two down in three minutes seems like my win, unless you lot want me to take a running kick... how about I take you lot to mama's for a spot of orange and lunch?"
Of course if the Runeborn still wanted to play Quart would happily oblige. But knowing when to back down and when to press on is also a lesson to teach, No one should dive head first into suicide missions.
Mud quart still tried to catch Ori as Quart awaited a answer, the answer would determine if he finished this match carefully or not.
Lilliana2 Lilliana2 YeetBooi YeetBooi Naria Naria xAlter xAlter lunar_moth lunar_moth Wicker Wicker

Lalo waited on the beach with his eyes closed as the wind picked up via Morgan.
It wasn't long before Lalo had to roll away some as the hole Morgan sat in became larger and deeper. By the time Morgan was done they had found eight orange runes. Lalo two, Morgan six.
Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
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Ori let loose a blasphemous string of curse words as the mud golem swung at him and left patches of sticky mud behind it. One of his shoes -- nothing more than a thin leather slipper, meant for movement rather than protection -- got sucked into the well of a mud patch and he growled, sparks flying from the corners of his mouth.

"Quart, you bastard!" Ori yelled out to his general vicinity. He gave a quick gasp as he scrabbled backwards out of the trajectory of the golem's swinging fist. Ori brought both arms up to fling shock after shock of lightning, small veins of white-hot, which burst against the body of the golem. A burning heat began to spread up Ori's forearms, but he grit his teeth against it and said again,

"I'm not giving up that easy! Strike me down forreal, you coward, or it doesn't count!" If Ori were anything but himself, he would've likely noticed his fellow runeborn already retreating, and may have given more thought to his words. Unfortunately or not, the booming in his eardrums and the hissing heat up his muscles drained rational thought from his mind and left only chants of win, win, win.

Quart turned his massive golem legs around with two big steps that shook the ground to scan the area once more. Ori had reduced his mud copy to half it's size but it still dragged after the young man...
"you know if i strike you for real you'd be crippled or killed. I'll be honest I don't have many runes left on me so even if I break this show of force down I'd still break bones just to prove the point Ori."

Mud quart with two arms and missing legs could still keep up (somewhat) by running with its arms in a feral fashion in a attempt to latch onto Ori, so Quart took a few dramatic steps towards the most electrifying one to get closer into kicking distance and show off the weight behind each step. The power he was wielding.
As the ground shook it painted the unspoken physical threat as well as one to the ego, almost like Quart was saying
with or without these giant stone legs I would win.
"now how about you finish off that mud copy and we go get lunch. I need to fix Casey's nose quickly so it doesn't heal disfigured"
NeonFlow NeonFlow
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Miryalia was only too happy to accept the offer of a truce and lunch. That knock on the head was enough for her for today. Looking at extra tall Quart did not make her any more willing to fight. They had lost anyway, had they not?

Miryalia breathed a sigh of relief, thinking the whole ordeal was finally over. She sat on the wall with her legs dangling off the side. She was clearly relaxing from the previous tensions and was in no mood to take up arms again at that moment.

But then Ori had to go in bellowing. Miryalia's eyes grew wide. No! Bad idea! she thought frantically.

"Ori!!" she called to him, but her words did not seem to reach.

She did not want to jump into the fray, but she also didn't want to see another one of her fellow Runeborns down and bloodied. Giving an exasperated sigh, Miryalia climbed down from the wall and closed the distance between herself, Ori, and the golem at a run.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled a large purple plume of miasma in Ori's direction. It wasn't a lethal poison, but it would be enough to stop him in his tracks if he breathed enough of it. She only hoped her crazy plan might work.
With a final shout, Ori hurled a lance of electricity at the mud golem to watch it crumble. The energy of the blow left a burnt coppery taste in Ori's mouth and he spit at the ground, stepping away slowly from the golem. He scrubbed a hand over his face with a sigh, but instead of taking a deep breath he inhaled- ergh, something gross, that made him cough into his shoulder and stumble backward till he hit the ground. He slumped back until he was sprawled on his back and peered out at his cohorts upside-down.

"Miryyyyy," he called, but his voice was thick and sleepy-sounding. "That was so gross. I had it covered." He waved a hand in the air non-committally.

"You owe me my shoe back before we go to lunch. It's over there," he said, and pointed at the hill of mud that was the golem without lifting his head. "Chop-chop. Gimme my mud shoe before Quart fixes Casey an' leaves without me."

NeonFlow NeonFlow Naria Naria
The fight was called almost as quickly as it had started. Lily sheathed her weapon with a sigh she didn’t get to see if her trick would have worked and she wasn’t even sure how he had spotted it. It was easy to tell they probably weren’t going to win anyways but that gave Lily a sick feeling in her stomach they were supposedly an elite group going to the front lines tomorrow and yet they couldn’t beat a trainer? They might be throwing us to the slaughter house. She decided not to dwell on the feeling as she watched Ori defeat the mud Quart. Miryalias poison broke up the fight and based on Oris reaction she hoped her comrade never felt the need to disable her until he future. She walked to join Ori as he laid on the ground.
”Disappointed?”She asked keeping her question short and brief. She smiled to Miryalia That poison move was pretty cool. she admitted chuckling a bit at Oris clear disgust. She looked back down at him and held her hand out to help him up. ”At least he agreed to get us some lunch, you did really good I’m sure you’re at least a bit hungry.” lunar_moth lunar_moth Naria Naria
Quart's magic slowly crumbles away and the quaking had stopped once he removed the first rune to be thrown, using the last of its energy to even out the training field. Quart began to brush dirt and rocks off himself as he went to give his thoughts.
"rubens! You all improved somewhat...
But, you all lack the confidence one discovers in battle.

Miryalia, why are you jumping in with poisoned blades when you can breathe toxic clouds or spray venom? Use magic creatively to unnerve the enemy, make them second guess their safety and panic.

Lily, you focus to much on defense. I know you like using grass but grass is the weakest bit of flora you can find. You should be foraging seeds for poisonous flowers, biting plants, boomshrooms and firevines. You need to focus on being more versatile, the Welt won't run head first into traps... they will volley everything they can before running towards a Runemaster.

Know if I gave you a easy win you wouldn't be confident in the wild...
It's funny but if you all acted like Ori i might have lost rather easily, you have numbers over me and great magic inside of you."

He touched his fingers to his cheek, the left side of his face with no visible damage, unlike the rest of his body (and face) which was covered with scar tissue and burns
"You would have forced me to become serious from the start less I be killed or left with a cut on my pretty face"
He chuckled a tad before waving for them to follow.

Approaching Barret and Casey Quart shouted out "follow me, I'll fix him up.. just guide him ok Barra?"
Mama Feck lived on the outer wall of Dunwel, a view of the long dirt road leading north, the smell of the beach where orange runes and crabs dwell, the sight of the Forrest where monsters hide.
Those who live on the outer wall are either unfortunate or very confident.

Upon reaching mama's house Quart had reminded them all to "be polite and shit"
But as he walked up the small wooden steps to reach the door, he looked over his shoulder at the beach. "maybe one of you should go get the other two"
Quart nodded his head toward Morgan and Lalo in the near distance. "hell if any of you had talent for water in your bodies you could forage deep ocean runes... change the landscape of the border and wash away the Welt."
Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Wicker Wicker xAlter xAlter YeetBooi YeetBooi Naria Naria lunar_moth lunar_moth Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
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The subtle praise from Quart ( NeonFlow NeonFlow ) left Ori cheerful the whole way there, even after having to double back and jog to catch up with the others again this time wearing a (more-dirt-than-) shoe.

After Quart had healed Casey and the aforementioned was no longer hanging off of Barret ( Wicker Wicker ), Ori gave Barret a friendly punch to the shoulder.

"Took you long enough to catch up," he said. "Hope you at least got there in time to see me take down that mud-Quart like a boss." He struck a bit of a pose, looking triumphant.

When they were stood outside the beach house, Ori scrunched his nose up at Quart's words.

"Not me," he blurted, putting a finger to the tip of his nose. "I don't wanna get any closer to that ocean than I have to." He shivered at the thought and the hair on the back of his neck stood up, static electricity as if on cue. Like a cat, or something.

"'Sides, you don't need to worry about keeping me distracted or anything. I can be well-behaved when I want to be." He winked at the rest of them and stuck out his tongue.

xAlter xAlter Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Naria Naria YeetBooi YeetBooi Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
The group went off to Mama's house. As they got closer the smell of the beach washed over Barret like a fresh wave, carried along by a cool breeze. He didn't care too much for the ocean. The water was too cold for his liking, though he did like hanging out in the sand. A chill ran along his arms. How long would it be until he saw the beach again, or Dunwel for that matter? Would he even return at all? He had been thinking about the oncoming war for the past few nights. The little spar between his fellow Runeborn and Quart had served as a nice distraction from it despite how brief it was. But now the threat of the battle loomed over him leaving him with a sense of overwhelming dread. The time had come.
They were to set out within a few hours or so. Were they prepared enough? All eight of them had spent years of their lives training for this and yet it felt like it wasn't enough. They were the main line of defense against an entire army led by a maniacal tyrant seeking to enslave all of Ayore.

His mind went numb but was dragged back to the current moment by Ori's playful jab.
"What- oh hey! Yeah ya know, I was there and all I was just... shy. I was invisible." He said nodding as though agreeing with his made up story. "And yes, I saw that. Pretty impressive until Myrialia dropped you by breathing." He teased.

Quart told the group that one of them should go down and get Lalo and Morgan.
'I was wondering where those two were.' Barret thought to himself. "I'll go down and get them I guess." He said with a shrug and a half-hearted smirk.

On his way down to the water the thought of the war seeped back into his mind. The others had such incredibly powerful abilities provided to them by their runes. What did Barret have? Oh, right, the ability to hide. Sure he was good with a bow and his dual swords, but how would that help him against an army? His glass-like heart began to throb. He didn't notice at first but he had gone from walking to jogging, then jogging to sprinting. Patches of his body began to fade along with his clothing. Why was he so afraid? They hadn't even gone out to the front lines yet but his very soul quivered. Soon enough they would be in the fray, battling against almost endless waves of soldiers, even killing them which Barret had never truly done before and all because they were chosen to fight in somebody else's war and they were too young and it was all just-

He came to a sudden stop. He had arrived at the beach and sure enough, there was Lalo and Morgan. They sat in front of a massive hole in the sand.
"Uh... hey guys?" Barret called. The panic died down inside him. Was it because he was in the presence of his friends again? "Uhm, Quart beat the shi- uh, he needs us at the- uh- at his house."

Interaction: NeonFlow NeonFlow lunar_moth lunar_moth Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
Casey dropped like a rock, his vision swarming to darkness. He just laid on the ground, unseeing, but alive. Coughing, Casey ruminated on how it went wrong and how he could improve. Stuff like this was normal, to say the least for him. Overconfidence brewed complacency, and complacency brewed failure. However, Casey knew this wouldn't be the last time it would happen.
"I need to get better..." he muttered, struggling to his feet, even though he was blind.

Once his vision cleared, Casey looked at the others and seemed to shrink in on himself. He was the shield, and if the shield goes down, there's not defense. "Do better..." he repeated over and over to himself. He watched the rest of them, just go about as normal, but Casey took the failure to heart. He got careless, and he paid for it.

(Miryalia @ Naria Naria . Ori @ lunar_moth lunar_moth , Lily @ Lilliana2 Lilliana2 , Leighton YeetBooi YeetBooi , Lalo NeonFlow NeonFlow , Morgan Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage )
By the time Barret reaches Lalo and Morgan they have found in total... ten orange runes, Seven decent sized whilst three unfortunately were much smaller.
The mention of Quart made Lalo snicker to himself. Big bad Quart Feck is basically undefeatable in a proper match...

But if one was to ambush him from the shadows it would surely wipe the smirk off his damnable face.
”who got it worst? Anyone broken or bleeding?
Lalo managed a chuckle as he placed the runes into one of the sacks he had stolen.
“If we are going to Mama’s house that means someone got hurt proper and the chance of free seafood”
immediately Lalo felt like drinking but food was more important than having the right liquid to match the salty meal that may be offered.
Throwing the empty sack toward Morgan and then grabbing the shovel Lalo began the trudge along the sand back towards the outer wall.
Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage Wicker Wicker

Quart was quick to usher the other runeborn into his mother’s house. Large for a building on the outside, rustic and homey with a smell of crab boiling wafting throughout the house.

a woman who looked much to beautiful to be Quarts mother (despite the greying hair) was quick to welcome everyone and scold Quart upon noticing Casey.
The woman muttered as she hurried over to a chest, inside was many orange and blue runes.
Mama healed Casey’s broken nose like only a professional could, and with the remaining magic inside she tended to Miryalia’s headwound.
They would feel as good as new.

The house has nothing of interest apart from the crab cooking and a large Rune glowing from within the chest, a single rune that seemed to be blue or green depending on the way one looked at it.
xAlter xAlter Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Naria Naria YeetBooi YeetBooi
lunar_moth lunar_moth
Just a post from my phone aha sorry if it’s off
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