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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp


Trash that hasn't been taken out
Life's rough, so you left to find a new one. You can find your own group of friends and fellow runaways, and help each other survive. Any variety of ages is accepted from 6-17. Have fun!(Always and forever accepting)
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Crouches by the willow tree putting a small wooden board over a hole in front of the tree. "That should do" Max thought to herself dusting the dirt off her jeans and putting on a small mask. Looking left and right before going she runs off in search of food in the nearby town.
"Man am I hungry." Joseph grumbled, his stomach grumbling with him, telling him to hurry up and grab some food. He then noticed a town in front of him. "Nice! Today is gonna be very nice." Joseph grinned, heading towards the town.
Sarah: I was around, working on some food for everyone when David returned. He had been gone for a while this time. And came back with some new scars. I ran and hugged him, welcoming him back.

David: It had been a rough fight, but i had brought some supplies back for the shelter. I hugged her back, then went and sat on a bed, trying to clean one of my new cuts. "Some crazy chef threw a knife at me when i was stealing from his garbage." i said. "Got my hand good, but i got enough food for a while, so." i said, having brought a good 4 or 5 bags of food in with me. Everything from Spaghetti that had been thrown out to canned food i had stolen from semi trucks that were unattended. I had maybe a week's worth, and the best part, i had found a new spot. A couple semi trucks were parked in vacant lost, with lots of food and drinks. I would just need an extra hand to get it.
Max walks around the busy down vendors take random spots on the busy streets,"Hmm which one today" she thinks to herself observing them from a distance trying her best to blend into the bustling crowd.She then walks up to a hot dog vendor taking out a small pouch filled with tiny pebbles she had gotten from the lake nearby the willow. "Hot dog please" she asked calmly setting down the bag the vendor shaking it, then handed a Max a hot dog. As soon as she got her hands on it she bolted, not watching where she was going bumping arms with a few people
Masika walks alongside the highway, legs shaking from exhaustion and lack of food. Step by step, minute by minute, growing tireder all the while. "I'm not sure how much longer I can go on.", he thought "Will I even survive the night?". This was most definitely a valid worry, Masika had not eaten in several days, and before that it had been at least a week. "All I can do is try, and if I fail to survive this, then at least death is better than going back." Two more steps... a shaky third step... then collapse. Exhausted, and on the brink of death.
Maria sighed softly as she walked, her friends were out on a thieving trip without her. Your injury would have hurt from overexertion, was their reason. Her leg had a few bruises and cuts, but they were minor, especially since she only clumsily fell from a tree. Walking into an abandoned alley, she crawled through a small hole in the wall, to reach her home. No windows, and practically no door, her home was hidden from the public eye very well. She sat down on her makeshift bed, and began to read one of her favourite books, that she had stolen of course. A wide grin swept her sad expression away, reading was her one of her favourite past times.
"No... I can't give up now" Masika tried to urge himself onward. He pushed himself upright, managing to take a few more steps before collapsing. "You can do this", he thought "I don't want to die." For every few steps, Masika rested, and the town steadily grew closer. Little by little, holding on to some faint hope that he had left.
Joseph walked into the nearest store, casually walking in with his hands in his pockets. But as soon as he got in, he checked the areas where the CCTV's were and slipped by carefully to avoid them. He continued to grab some small things, like the chips and chocolate before heading out, going to the bathroom area, before slipping out of the window. "And that was easy." Joseph said, grinning as he made his way to another part of town, munching on his chocolate.
Finally, after about an hour of walking and resting, Masika collapsed compltely, right on the edge of town. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to get up on his own this time, he attempted to call for help, "Please, can anyone hear me?" he called, even though he didn't even have the strength to raise his voice "Please, I need help!"
Max, after a few minuets of running finally slowed down panting. As she was walking down the bend to the willow she tripped over something. It was a boy, "Oh god are you okay?" She asked worried trying to help him up
Masika gasped slightly, gathering the strength to reply, "N-not really." He seems to be on the verge of passing out. "P-please, will you help me?"
Max, her eyes darting back to hear shouts in the background, "Yes just cmon,can you walk?" She said the rush in her voice
"I can t-try." Masika replied, managing to get his feet under himself. He seems to be very unsteady on his feet, and he generally looks quite unhealthy. Skinny to the point of looking like a skeleton, dark circles under his eyes making it seem as though he hasn't had a proper sleep in years, and bruised all over.
Max gave a small growl and sighed "eat it" she said beginning to pick Masika up "we need to hurry I got some people on my tale, I have a place though." She took off running the yells becoming more distinct till we finally got to the willow tree. "Here it is" she said in between pants putting Maskia down gently as she could.
"Thank you." Masika said, truly grateful. "I... I would have been there till I died if you hadn't helped me, so really, thank you."


He walked through town with his hands in his pockets, He noticed a girl carrying someone and tilted his head while narrowing his eyes but shrugged. He put his earphones in and began listening to Strange Comfort by The Color Morale very loudly while he walked but continuously looked over at the girl and the boy.

@Frolicking Death @TerminallyTired
"Yeah whatever" Max said, as soon as she heard the music in the distance she straightened her back hearing something in the distant, "oh god no" she thought to herself as she looked over to see the boy.
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He began walking towards them deciding to see what was going on, He didn't recognize the two but then again he gets around a lot, he pulled one earphone out as he walked towards them "Everything alright?" he asked, his piercing blue-grey eyes locked with the boy in her arms for a moment before he looked at her face

@TerminallyTired @Frolicking Death
Max looked over spurting out as quickly as she could say "I didn't do it!" Beginning to back up taking off her mask
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Masika looked over at the new boy with slight wariness, but kept silent for the time being, and just nodded in response
Max sighed sitting up whispering to Masika "theres a wooden board under some dirt near that tree, remove it and theres a hideout. Just in case something backfires"


He tilted his head "Didn't do what?" he asked in annoyance "I just want to know if everything's okaaaAAAAY~" he yelled as he tripped and fell, his phone fell out of his pocket and smashed into the concrete while his other earbud came out and bounced along the ground​
"B-but...", Masika's voice remained quiet, "I can barely even move on my own right now... how am I supposed to move a big board like that?" He started to panic internally, not quite sure what was going on.

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