RpNation: The Convention

(Well I would say to look at our posts and try top get a feel of our personalities and then when you feel like your ready you cna post)
[ Question - who's even free for interaction right now? There are pages of crap I've currently been drowned in and I have no idea who

is speaking to who and who is speaking with nobody. ]
Armageddon said:
[ Question - who's even free for interaction right now? There are pages of crap I've currently been drowned in and I have no idea who
is speaking to who and who is speaking with nobody. ]
(IIIIiiii AAAAAaaaammmm~)
Liz took her hand back and clutched onto her notebook, rocking on her heels while watching the male in front of her. She hoped she wasn't being too awkward about anything, I mean, it's not like she wanted to be. "I get sick.. a lot too." she said with a nod, trying her hardest to atleast spark up a conversation. This was unusual for her but she was trying very hard. She always wanted friends. "Where do you live.. I mean, uhm.. if you don't mind me.. asking?" she questioned, twirling her index fingers together. Was she being too forward? "It's just.. someone who likes the cold must live in a cold area, r-right?"
Siging, Nat scrunched up his nose and smiled, not exactly making the most attractive face. "No! I don't mind at all! Actually, I'm from California," he replied, shrugging as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, suddenly feeling awkward. "It's not known to be the coldest place out there. Although, I don't live as close to the bay as I would like to." It was true, what he said. He lived in the more rural area of the state, if that's what it was called. It hd always been a goal of his to move somewhere closer to the water, where it would be colder; like San Francisco.
[ Time for an awkward, classic greeting from the one and only Lex. o u o ]

= - = - =

The young woman had a pinch of desperation sparking lightly in her chocolate irises now. Although she didn't exactly enjoy interaction with others, she had a strong feeling that it was necessary at the moment to prevent herself from looking like some weird loser. Her mind always over-exaggerated the tiniest things people might think of her; she was always trying her hardest to do what looked natural and fit in with everyone else, not because she was a conformist, but because she just wanted to seem like a normal human being instead of a loner. That's pretty much what she had been labeled for a lot of her life, a loser, someone who hung out with the weirdos and outcasts. She used to not mind and just brush it off, but she had changed since then.

She began to lose herself in her rambling thoughts and lost complete track of where she was heading. Her head had tilted down and she was staring blankly at her combat boots, analyzing each little scuff and gray spot, only to be snapped out of her self-induced trance when she collided with someone with a little too much unf. She blinked once, her head tilting back up quickly as she stumbled back a few steps and nearly fell on her bum, regaining her footing, her once thoughtful expression now etched with slight confusion. She came back to her senses and her head snapped back up instinctively.


In a split second, her features switched from confusion to apology and a very subtle intimidation, as they usually became when something like this happened, and it happened a lot. She had managed to run into a tall young man [ @TheKaosophile ], and her hands grabbed each other behind her back, standing up straight again.

" . . . D'heh . . . "

She did an odd chuckle before clearing her throat quietly and reaching one hand up to place on the back of her neck, preparing to apologize to the guy. "S-sorry, man, I didn't - see you there." Her words quickly trailed off and toned down before she lapsed into silence and paused, freezing up. It took her a moment to rip her gaze a degree to the side, avoiding eye contact.

Eye contact always had just made her feel . . . uncomfortable. She had this belief that emotions were more easily expressed through the eyes, 'windows to the soul', as she called them, and this turned her away from the idea of keeping prolonged eye contact with anyone. Well, she was just a generally superstitious person, as well, so that explained a bit better. She had forgotten to take a look at his name-tag, only momentarily glancing back at him for intervals of split seconds before back to the side.

= - = - =

[ It would feel much more awkward than it sounds, trust me. I hate it when this happens in public. ]
“That is the last time I’ll trust her to plan anything.”

Anger was prominent in the young teenager’s growl as she set her bags inside the hotel room. The emotion quickly left her as she took in a deep breath to shift through the situation while unpacking her belongings. First ride on an airplane was a total bust, no thanks to being sent off on the wrong flight.

Now she was in a random hotel in Florida – not at her dad’s house in Kentucky. Not only was this unknown territory across the country, but she had no known friends or relatives in the area. So, the first reasonable thing that popped into her mind was to find a nearby hotel and set up “camp”, since the next known flight to either Washington or Kentucky weren’t going to take place until the following day (hopefully). Of course she called her mother back home about her current position, and left a lengthily voice message since no one answered. But, aside from that, at least her two younger sisters hadn’t come along for the ride – that would’ve made things a hell-of-a lot worse.

With those thoughts aside, the fifteen-year-old thought of ways to kill time as she brought out her trusty (not really) laptop. After checking her emails and tumblr, as well as sending her dad a messaged about the predicament through FaceBook, she finally went on a rather familiar site – RpNation. It was there that the girl was reminded of a certain convention going on.

“I could kill two birds with one stone if I went. It seems to be close by, too,” she muttered out loud. It was settled.

Fast forward about two hours and there the Asian-Caucasian stood in all her five-foot seven and a half inch glory, decked in her favorite black skinny jeans, gray-plaid converse, Teen Titans graphic-T, and topped with her signature black & gray striped unzipped jacket and a nametag with the username “Coolaloo” written on it. Her sun-highlighted brown hair was slightly windblown from the walk, however, she noticed as she looked at the reflection of a decoration mirror nearby. As she took a moment to fix it, her left contact shifted out of place, effectively blurring her already-crappy vision. The cure? Blinking rapidly for a few seconds until the contact shifted back into place.

A jostle from behind reminded Coo that she wasn’t alone, so after a bit of shuffling she managed escaped to a less-populated area and sat on a conveniently placed bench.

((Badly written, sorry.))
Her soft features suddenly lit up when he mentioned California. Oh how different it was visiting there.. The very first thing that came to mind were the words: bright, sunny and very very hot, at least, that's what she had experienced in the Golden State a few years back while on vacation. Liz hadn't really liked warm weather for growing up in Michigan. Seasons came and went, and so did summer. It would be a brilliant one day with no sign of worry, and then a blizzard would bombard everything the next. But.. she liked it. She enjoyed the silence of the snow in winter. It's delicate manner of floating to the ground to join it's brothers and sisters that weren't ever similar to one another. There was peace there, equivalent to the stars in the night sky.

"Ooh California.." Liz whispered, pushing those rambling thoughts from her clouded mind. "I would love to live by the water.."

The brunette turned to face the window briefly to witness the snow still falling to the ground in large clumps. It was nothing but white.. covering everything imaginable. This was normal for her.. but she was concerned. One: why was there was a blizzard in Florida, and two: would she be able to leave safely? Driving on slick roads is a hassle but.. where would she go in this white sheet?
His eyes wandering around again, he focused on a person sitting on a bench against a wall. They looked rather familiar. He had never actually seen them in person, but he had seen pictures. If only he could figure out who it was...

"Squishy!" he gasped rather loudly. He noticed a few glances were thrown his way and could feel his cheeks heat up as he shrunk back into himself. Nice one, Nat, he thought. Clearing his throat, he glanced back at Liz, his eyesbrows rising as he noticed that she seemed to be distracted. He followed her stare to the window and frowned, deflating a bit. Now he was sure that he wouldn't be able to get home anytime soon.
Noticing something--correction: someone-- bump into him from behind, Tommy jumped and turned around, "Watch it! Oh, sorry; reflex. My school is more than a little crowded... @Armageddon, huh? I don't believe we've been acquainted, Tommy, or TheKaosophile, Kaosophile, Kaos, whatever really." he coughed into his arm and pulled out his Coke bottle from his TaRDIS bag, took a swig and put it back. "Sorry. Now, who might I have the pleasure of meeting? Any characters I might have heard of? I am the proud creator of Chrysos Phaidra of Akihito's High School of a Thousand Terrors, and Franco Lloyd and Romy Hildebrand from Nico's Percy Jackson RP." he smirked at the thought of his creations, he started out with almost no plans, but they grew personalities of their own.
Overhearing someone talk about characters, Patricia's head snapped up in that direction. With a large grin on her face, multitudes of characters ran through the girl's mind as she began to count them on her fingers. "Beatrice Donatello, Soran Aran, Gloria Clauzel, Eona Adis, Izazia Yekatrina, Luka Mikel," And the list continued on as the twelve year old did her best to list all the characters she had made while on the great nation of RPN. But, who else had she made? "Palace Middell, Alfred, Clara something," Man, this list was getting bothersome and long. "Bah! I give up." Leaning back in her seat, Patricia continued to stare at her phone as she played the one game that got her addicted to....Candy Crush Saga.

She would look her way for a second then stare intensely , trying to decided if she should ay something. "I have made several characters...if I can remember correctly they are Gaia, Michiko, Kiyo, Harp, ....that's all I have." She would turn her head back toward the front and flip through her playlist of songs. Clicking on Blue foundation then reaching in her back to pull a bag filled with strawberry filled candy. An oreo wrapper in her pocket and a bottle of flavored water next to her feet.
Food. Drifting over to the direction where the sweet strawberry scent was coming from, Patricia eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of the delicious treat. Cue puppy eyes. Scooting over to the woman with the candy, Patrica's lips were stretched in a sickeningly sweet manner. "Hello." Subtly looking back and forth at the candy, the girl known as paipai900 waited patiently as she was internally jumping across the room at the thought of the strawberry candy.
She narrowed her eyes a little , pressing the down button on the volume and locking the phone. She had sucked on the candy before biting down on it. "Hello there." Goddess said in a voice that would warn anyone off. She sounded annoyed but it was not to be rude, well to some. It was a defense wall, to put up to those who she instantly finds annoying. To ward them off , keep them at bay that sort of thing. However when she heard her name of names ,she knew she had to know something about role play or anime. This opened her eyes a little so she had no issue with saying hello to her.

A few more moments passed by, turning the little greeting exchange in an awkward silence. Not knowing what to say, the girl felt rather left out with all the teenagers and adults around her. Let's go back to Candy Crush now. Leaning back against the chair, Patricia opened up the phone and quickly began destroying the level. "Mwahaha...fear me little candies..." A blank look on her face, paipai900 was fully aware that she was turning into a mindless zombie that was practically stuck to her phone. Now, all she had was three moves left...
"Hang on, 'geddon. Did I just hear Eona Adis? Gotta go!" Tommy bolted off in the direction Pai had gone, spotting her eying a woman holding candy. Bingo He strolled up to the girl, grabbing a Fruit by the Foot from his bag, reaching over Pai's head and holding it in front of her face, ready and waiting to snatch it away if she tried to grab the snack. "Razzmatazz," Tommy said flatly.
She looked over toward the game. Pausing her music and leaning over, moving a fruit to the side. She blinked a little before moving the other two. Giving the girl a high score and wining that part of the level. Goddess pushed her glasses back up , the shades really and gave the girl a smirk a little before holding out the bag. "food lovers have to stick together right, help yourself I have four more bags."
Lexie just stood there and stared at the young man as he reacted to her running into him. At first, she very lightly flinched, but calmed when he apologized. He started to speak, seeing her name-tag and introducing himself as 'TheKaosophile'. She could have sworn she had seen that name somewhere on the site before, but she couldn't specifically recognize it. She kept herself lapsed in silence, watching the teenager with a blank expression on her face as he took a swig from a Coke bottle. He put it away and asked who she was, what characters he might know from her, telling her a few of his own. She remained in silence for a moment before blinking once and taking a deep breath, putting a small smile on her face before -

He suddenly interjected before she could get a word out, and in an instant, the young man was gone.

She remained still, glancing in the direction he had gone, before doing a sigh in resignation. Her expression fell, and she spun on her heel with a small squeak against the linoleum floor, strolling away from her spot in silence. Yeah, people would do that a lot, no joke there. Make some excuse or just disappear. Assuming it was to avoid her when it was the opposite, she started to wander, feeling lost and a tad depressed now.
Staring up at the Fruit by the Foot, Patricia raised an eyebrow at it. She never really did like Fruit by the Foots, or any sweet things. But, food was food and strawberries were strawberries. Falling completely for the trap, the girl snatched the Fruit by the Foot, her nimble fingers were able to get a hold on it. But, sadly, the plastic wrapper had just slipped out of her fingers as everything seemed to go in slow motion. "Nuuuuu!" Patricia cried out as the Fruit by the Foot went farther and farther away from her.

Then she got a highscore. "Oh, really?" An extreme look of happiness shot through the girl's face, it was easy to please this one obviously. Spotting the bag, the girl known as paipai900 happily took one, and only one because taking more would be selfish. "Thank you!" Because manners did matter.
"No problem, ask for more if you like." She gave her a smile before giving her a thumbs up and scooting her chair over toward her. She was a weird girl most say. Wore shades in school, dressed nothing like a lady. She had worn converses and capris, a tank and a sweater jacket over it. She had a fro that was tied up into a puff using black shoelaces. She had the candy in her lap and the phone in her hand as she typed a message on Skype, before switching over toward her messages. Constantly being spammed by her mother, She was smart when it came to thinking about plans and escape, things like that.
"Mmkay." the girl nodded her head as she quickly took another attempt at trying to retrieve the Fruit by the Foot from Kao-Kao's hands. Awkwardly, Patricia's eyes scanned the room, running over the names with both shock and amusement as she saw the faces that were once just behind the screens of their computers. Closing her phone and tucking it into the pocket of her hoodie, Patricia began to swing her legs as her feet could just barely touch the ground.

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