RpNation: The Convention

(Oh dear, mind me, I'm too lazy to read five pages at the moment.. xD )

"Alyssa, it's time to get to that RpNation convention or whatever you're going to!" Alyssa's mom called from the door of the hotel room, it was clear that she had already had breakfast and showered. "Moooom.." Alyssa groaned and rolled out of the bed and onto the floor, getting up and slumping to her suitcase. "Why don't I own any shorts?" "Because uhm, we're Wisconsinites and it's always cold.." "LIES!" Alyssa laughed and grabbed a pair of shorts from her suitcase, matching the shorts with her favorite oversized cat shirt. Her black hair was up in a ponytail and her glasses rested on her nose, sliding down as she spoked. "Can we stop at McDonalds or something?" "No." "Whyyyyyyy?" "There's free breakfast in the lobby." "Ugh. Fine." Alyssa mumbled as she grabbed her phone and walked with her mom to the lobby of the hotel.

It wasn't until a few hours later that they actually got to the convention. Weird enough, the traffic was terrible. But then again, there WAS a snowstorm around the whole state. Alyssa immediately felt her anxiety get a bit out of control as she walked in, so she decided she'd just put her earbuds in and walk around until hopefully someone noticed her as the magnificent OneHellOfACatLover.
((OOC//: Let's do this.))

"Good morning, America!" A short statured, tanned girl kicked the doors of the convention open as she unintentionally let the cold wind blast through the building. Oh, well. She was her own personal heater most of the time, but not today. A shiver went down her back, if only she had brought her golden retriever to keep her warm.

It was a miracle that her parents even allowed her to go to some convention all the way in Florida, but the promise of souvenirs and gifts seemed to have tipped the scale. With her older brother off somewhere in the city, Patricia Melgar stood confidently before the rest of the roleplayers, her nametag displayed proudly around her neck.

The name "paipai900" was clearly written on the nametag in a messy and rushed way that had actually taken the girl hours to perfect. She did have chicken scratch for her writing. Yes, yes, this was paipai900. A twelve year old girl from Canada was behind the genius Legend of Pai.

((OOC//: I'm definitely creating a roleplay about that now. "The Legend of Pai" will be epic.))

An awkward silence reigned throuugh the room as Patricia slowly inched over to the side, her straight raven haired pulled up in a high ponytail, signalling that she was a) too lazy to do her hair b) too lazy to comb her hair or c) all of the above. Besides, when did twelve year olds even worry about their appearance? Oh, yeah. Since this generation.

Standing at a super tall height, Patricia is rather small, just barely making it over 5'2 feet. If you looked at her shoes you could spot a hint of a heel that subtly caused her to look taller. Maybe she'd just have to jump higher this New Years.

((OOC//: Does anyone else jump at New Years to be taller? Haha!))

Taking a seat off to the side, Patricia slowly reached for her phone - which had been gracefully passed from her mother who barely knew how to se it - and began to try and see if she should get WiFi. Without internet connection, the world is a sad and lonely place. Sh had to check if her roleplay was doing well, but wasn't she already at the RpNation Convention? Whatever, WiFi's too important to ponder upon such trival matters. Now perhaps she could get that third bar.
A teenage boy currently stood outside the building, appearing to be in deep thought. Today was the day of the RpNation convention, a gathering of people from a site he had joined no more than five months ago. He joined on a whim and that somehow led to him standing in the cold in an entirely different state. How snow had even came to Florida, he had no clue. Things like global warming or an act of God had crossed his mind, but of course they weren't actual theories. In the end, he had decided not to question the odd weather. After all, he had experienced snow in Texas, so having the white flakes fall upon Florida didn't seem that strange. He hadn't expected it, so he was lucky enough to have packed appropriate clothing.

His black Jordan's sunk into the snow, the white trim invisible. He had never wanted these shoes, but they had been forced down his throat. Apparently he had to have new shoes every year. If it was up to him, he would never buy another pair unless his shoe size changed, which he doubted would ever happen. He wasn't too crazy about the brand either. He had never been a person to focus on what's popular or what the trends were, so having something as popular as this brand didn't really make him feel comfortable. Well, at least he wasn't wearing Converse. Oh how he hated those shoes so much. He could never fathom why they were so popular. They looked exactly like bowling shoes! Other than the shoes, he was comfortable with his apparel.

Today he was wearing he favorite black jeans. He liked them for some unexplainable reason and they were one of the items that didn't slide off of his body. Honestly, he lost weight too fast for his own good. Besides the pair he was wearing, a belt was required whenever he wore pants. If he didn't, they would slide right off and reveal his undergarments, which a lot of kids seemed to do these days.

His shirt was nothing special, just a plain white color. It was a bit larger than him, as all his shirts had to be (seriously, this high metabolism is awful.), but it wasn't excessive. It was baggy enough to provide comfort provide warmth. He had brought others, but he preferred this one the most.

Over the shirt, he wore a stripped hoodie, a combination of gray, black, white, turquoise, and other dark tones. It remained unzipped so he wouldn't get too hot, but it still managed to shield him from the cold. He hadn't worn a jacket since last year, a time where he wouldn't leave the house without one. Now he would go out into freezing temperatures without so much as a long-sleeve shirt.

He felt fine with his appearance, as he always managed to do pretty well with clothing, but one thing troubled him. It was the reason why he hadn't entered the building and was so deep in thought. 'Should I put on my glasses or leave them off?'

It may have seemed silly, but it was actually a tough decision. On one hand he could actually see and on the other, he wouldn't look ridiculous. He was still getting used to them and would often forget to put them on, as he had only gotten them over the summer. It had taken about a week for him to find a pair that he was comfortable with and it wasn't exactly a pleasurable experience. However, it had only taken him about two minutes to pick out a pair of spares. He wasn't quite sure how to feel about his spectacles, but he wore them nonetheless. Some said he looked nice and he thought he looked a bit weird. He didn't care much about what other people thought of his appearance, they just weren't very comfortable. If it didn't feel like his face was constantly lifting weights, he would be wearing them right now.

With a slight sigh, he slid the rectangular lenses on his face, the black-colored frames sliding behind his hair. His hair was another thing he wasn't so crazy about. It was almost impossible to manage and would resist any kind of taming, as if it had a mind of its own. There was a time when he had considered that his hair might've possessed artificial intelligence and had a main goal of making him look like a bird. He had managed to get it to a neat style after finding a person who was able to cut it quite well, but he could already feel it starting to grow. The tips of his soft locks were nearing his eyes and he knew that it would be back to its long length soon enough, rather than the medium length he preferred.

As he adjusted his glasses and strands of his hair came into view, he began to wonder what he usually did. 'What color is it?' For the life of him, he could not get a definite answer. In bright sunlight, the color was easily brown, but it was black in any other situation. He had eventually settled on calling it a dark brown, but he wasn't sure if that was even right.

Putting away useless thoughts, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and walked inside. He stared at the name tags available on the small table for awhile, before eventually waking away. He wasn't so sure he would like it if people actually knew who he was. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he was ready to meet any of the people he had come to know over the last few months. He had no idea how he would even recognize them. He only knew them by their avatars and writing. As far as they knew, he was some pale, white-haired person who acted like a fourty year-old man. Well, the pale part wasn't that off.

His skin tone mostly showed his Caucasian side, but his Hispanic heritage was evident as well. However, his darker tones were covered by his clothing and he wasn't about to reveal that to the world. He remembered a time where he was a golden brown tone, contrasting greatly from his current one. He guessed being almost every race in existence gave him a wide variety.

After getting lost in thought about his skin, which he had done before on a few occasions, he realized he had just walked aimlessly into the center of the room where most of the people were. He felt the need to facepalm or at least some form of punishment for doing something so careless. For now he would settle with mentally insulting himself, which he tended to do quite often. He was not good with meeting people for the first time and he had walked straight into the most populated area. He quickly turned his body and made his way to a nearby wall.

He leaned his back against the painted white and released a sigh as he closed his eyes. He was accustomed to doing this quite often. He was a wallflower for the majority of his life (still is, mostly.) and he would often seperate himself from others. He hadn't really had much experience in the interaction or friend area until his last year of middle school. Until then, there was almost nothing positive that he could talk about.

He continued to lean against the wall, getting lost in his thoughts once more. Why was he here in the first place if he didn't intend to do anything? What was he expecting to happen? He should've seen this coming, it was very typical of him. Unless someone approached him first or he knew someone for awhile, more so the latter than the former, he would be very introverted. Was it a mistake to have even come here? Yeah, it probably was. He should've just stayed in bed.

He honestly couldn't Care less what people though of him, he just wasn't up for the early stages of interaction. Things were always awkward and it was hard to start conversation when you knew almost nothing about someone. If he actually knew somebody long enough and the awkward stages were over, he would talk all the time and would be pretty outgoing. He just didn't like the early stages was all, not unlike many other kids his age. There were even memes that described how he felt about this, so he was pretty sure that many others had the same feelings that he did
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Alyssa looked at her ipod, seeing a weak-ish wifi signal. Perhaps she could contact one of her "friends" on RpN and meet them up somewhere. She had no replies to her roleplays. Bummer. Alyssa sighed and moved her hair out of her eyes, scrolling through her roleplays and frowning. No reply, no reply, no reply, et cetera.. She looked around the convention room and didn't see anyone she recognized, which wasn't surprising. Alyssa didn't remember faces well, let alone paid much attention.

The 14 year old walked to a wall to lean against as she scrolled through her tumblr, instagram, facebook, everything. Alyssa was legitimately addicted to the internet, and food... And cats.. And sleep..
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](I have no idea what I did...)

(You're like, "Ooooh, these glasses might make me ugly, and these shoes. This is the worst problem I have." "Ohhh, what if no one likes me." "Ooooh, I'm so awkward." "Ohh, I'm not that great at things." In reality, you're pretty much Mr. Perfect. And the way you write! It's so well and descriptive and long and expressive... ;n; Shame on you, for making other people feel like crap. Like the complaining when it's worse for some people.

But really, you can take this as a compliment.)
(I don't think they make me look ugly, just weird. They don't exactly fit my face. The shoes, I just don't like them, I've never been one for fashion. It's 2:10 A.M., so my writing is not at its best write now. It's not so much as complaining, but more of general thoughts that tend to cross my mind. I'm not really a person who enjoys complaining. If I was, I'd probably have a Facebook or something. I could've gone into a lot more actually depressing stuff, but that's not really what I tend to think of. I'm not Mr. Perfect in any sense of the word. If I was, I'd probably be taller and have some existing muscles.)
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](I don't think they make me look ugly, just weird. They don't exactly fit my face. The shoes, I just don't like them, I've never been one for fashion. It's 2:10 A.M., so my writing is not at its best write now. It's not so much as complaining, but more of general thoughts that tend to cross my mind. I'm not really a person who enjoys complaining. If I was, I'd probably have a Facebook or something. I could've gone into a lot more actually depressing stuff, but that's not really what I tend to think of. I'm not Mr. Perfect in any sense of the word. If I was, I'd probably be taller and have some existing muscles.)

(That.... you really don't get my point, do you?)

Sent from my BNTV400 using Tapatalk 2
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](I probably don't, I'm pretty sleep deprived at the moment...)

(Ah, nevermind. Me. Too.

It's 2:17


See you on the other side.) -Signing off
TheKaosophile said:
(do you have a southern accent? Do you wear chaps? How many snakeskin boots do you own? How many hogs can you wrastle at once? Is your hat capable of containing ten gallons? These are the things that we all want to know.)
I think I'll post later today or tomorrow. I've just been lost at where we are at the moment.
(People are just arriving at the convention. There's no big events that'll happen soon, so it's relatively easy for people to join.)
( So much ooc in this thread, had a hard time finding any real posts. )

The brunette lowered herself in one of the chairs and peeped through her chocolate curtains at the new arrivals. Most of them didn't even bother with approaching anyone and somehow she felt at ease. She wasn't the only one in this type of situation, and she was sure she wasn't the only one who wasn't a social butterfly. Maybe, just maybe if she went up to one of them..

Come on, come on..

Liz pushed herself to a standing position once more to go say hello to one of the newcomers, someone she probably had seen on the site before but never got the opportunity to get to know. It appeared most of them had acquaintances of each other, and somehow, she still felt distant. As if she was standing outside looking in through a frosted window. I mean, it’s harder to talk to someone face to face rather than through text on a screen so you could see her current mental state.

Taking a deep gulp, she shut her eyes tightly and started inching her way out. Her nails dug into the spine of her notebook, scraping and wearing them down almost to the point her knuckles bared white. She was fine when someone came up to her, but her going to them.. it was disastrous. Every nerve in her body was going crazy, almost like pure energy flowing through them to the point she could snap up and bolt out of the room to hide. This wasn't her typical environment, so she was trying her best.

Nearly there, come on, you can-

Liz’s right foot wedged into one of the chair legs, causing her to get caught and fly forward. Her bag, her notebook and few drawing pencils slipped from her buttery fingertips and clattered to the ground in a small heap next to her fallen body. Just her luck. Cheeks a blistering red, she tried her best to gather her things before someone seen.
(lucem you sound incredibly hot just thought you should know that ,anyway imma post when the teacher isn't looking
Ryan yawned, trudging through the snow that just so happened to come down in the most unlikely state ever. Today was the RPNation convention, and Ryan was one of the many who had been invited to participate in the lovely convention. Sure he didn't have many friends, but he seen some people he knew here and there and was more than ready to make some new friends. Yawning again, he pulled his jacket tightly and entered the building, kicking the snow off his boots before going on. There was talking in one room, and that's where he made sure to follow. It wasn't very loud, nor were there many people talking either but... this was it. Almost if he were to bust through the doors and shout "Hello everyone!", he stopped and casually walked in. Almost half the people in here were either sitting alone, or not even bothering with each other. It was an RPNation convention, so those who already knew each other were already talking up a storm. No surprise. Ryan took his name-tag and slapped it on the red cardigan he was wearing.

"There's gotta be someone I know here.."

Just as those words came from his mouth a girl a couple of feet away nearly face planted in the ground, scattering pencils and papers all over the place. Ryan knew who that was without even having to catch a glimpse of her name-tag. Smiling, he tucked his hands into his pockets and walked over. "You okay?" he said, trying to hide his fits of laughter. He bent over slightly and cocked his head. "Weird seeing you in person.."
(... I just realised this was up. No matter, hyperactive smartass with a dark humor coming through~)
[QUOTE="Angel Evans](Nico walk up to me we can be hyperactive smart asses together!)

(Lol that works x3 Gimme a moment to type somethin up)
[QUOTE="Angel Evans](lucem you sound incredibly hot just thought you should know that ,anyway imma post when the teacher isn't looking

((Pffffft! Ikr? Oh, Sebastian, you're so funny.))

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