RpNation: The Convention

The nineteen year-old had seen a girl fall, and had been about to approach her had it not been for the sneeze that somehow managed to slip his radar and surprise him in a sneak attack. Pain shot through his head as he lightly groaned again and looked back up at the girl. Someone had already reached her. However, despite the growing ache in his head, he pushed himself off the wall, pulled out and earbud and hauled himself over to the two others, concern etched into his face.

When he reached the two he cleared his throat. Not because he wanted to get their attention, but because he needed to clear his throat. "A-" His voice cracked. Scowling, he tried again as he reached up to tug off his glasses. "Are you okay?"
Liz sat up on her knees and tried to gather her belongings, eyes wide and cheeks still holding it's lobster red hue. She was clumsy, yes, but nothing was more embarrassing than falling in front of a group of people you barely even knew. Whether they were paying attention or not, she felt like her heart was going to burst in a million pieces.

Hold it together Liz, it was a simple mistake.. just a mistake..

Her pearly whites sank into her bottom lip and she felt like crying. She didn't like this, why did she bring so many things, why did she have to fall, why-

"You okay?"

A voice broke her thoughts and she looked up, peering through her thick frames to a face she somehow.. recognized. "I'm.. okay." she piped up, her voice as small as a mouse. Who was he.. she knew him, what was his name? She wrote with him before. Aha, bingo. "Is that you Nebula.. oh uh, Ryan?" she raised a hand to remove her glasses to wipe them off and returned them in front of her chocolate pools to get a better look at him. He was indeed correct with his statement, it was weird seeing someone you knew for so long yet.. you never seen them. “You are just how I thought you are.”

Liz reached over to fetch her single leather bound notebook, her prized possession she carried around with her everywhere and held it to her bosom. If anything, she was more happy her drawings and drabbles weren't destroyed over her own well-being. The young brunette was about to say something else to Ryan, still sitting on the ground in front of him when she noticed someone else come over. He was tall, much taller than she was but also sported a pair of glasses as well. She hadn't recognized him, but he appeared very interesting to her. "Yes I'm okay." she answered, looking up to him. Her fingers smoothed the wrinkles in her pleated skirt as her eyes wandered over him, examining him. This was her chance then. "M-My name's Liz." she blurted out in spluttered syllables, "What's yours?"
[QUOTE="Angel Evans](Nico walk up to me we can be hyperactive smart asses together!)

I think I'll walk up to you too, just for the fun of it! 
(I'm in class as well at hour on this day. Lol that was silly! Anyway, who am I gonna talk to first?)

"Yup. I'm at the right place, but I never thought it'd ever snow in Florida." I thought as I look out the window, the snow dancing in the wind like dancers decked in blue and white on a stage. "But enough about the snowstorm! Dude... Get out and mingle!" I thought as I laughed at myself as I was still drawing snowflakes in my sketchbook. As I finally decided to look for someone to talk, I get the shock when I see a familiar whether I met the person. She had fell down, but I didn't see how but someone beat me to helping her up. But I wasn't gonna let it bug. I'm here to mingle, not get in a relationship, though it'd be great if that happened." I thought chuckling to myself as I calmly walked over to this woman, holding my black spiral sketchbook in my right hand. "So you're Liz." I started, somewhat nervous, but I felt easing up slightly as I walked over to her. "I don't mean to be rude or anything. But I noticed you fall, but I see someone else beat me to it. Anyway, I hope you don't take any offense. But I noticed when I walked in, and I must say, you are very beautiful."

(If I must fix, I will do so.)
Running her hands across the tops of her thighs once more, Liz dusted herself off before shakily standing up to her full height. Only five foot and a few measly inches, she was a Hobbit compared to these tall beings, mostly men, she noted. "Thank you both for ch-checking if I was.. alright." She stammered as she cocked her head off to the side. Strands of long mocha silk obscured her view while, for once, she smiled. Although shook up, she was thankful for these acquaintances to be so concerned after barely knowing her. Liz pushed the frames slipping down her nose back up and furrowed her brows in thought, watching as someone began to make their way over.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything.." His statement began and she inhaled sharply, every appendage growing tense on her body. What was he saying did he.. know her? "But I noticed you fall, but I see someone else beat me to it. Anyway, I hope you don't take any offense. But I noticed when I walked in, and I must say, you are very beautiful."


Liz's eyes grew wide and her cheeks returned to that rosy hue. No way was this guy actually.. "I uh.. uh.." she stammered, bringing her eyes down to her feet as if searching for something to say. She had seen this guy on the site before, and was pretty sure she wrote with him as well but.. what, was she really that beautiful? No one had ever said that to her, well.. not as forward and upfront. The brunette hugged her notebook and kept her eyes down, opening her mouth several times to at least say something, a single word or even thanks. But nothing came out, and she returned to that blubbering mess she had always been. "Th..Tha.. uh.. Thank- um."
@Angel Evans

A short girl entered the room quietly with a smirk on her face. She had annoyed her brother good this morning. That gave her a sense of triumph. Normally her and her brother never spoke but due to the fact that he lived in Florida and they had to stay with him. It kinda made it fun, I mean isn't that was little sisters are for? She looked around at the bustling people. "I wonder who all of them are?" she thought to herself.

She started walking around and examining each booth. She wore a black hoodie with a picture of Masky from Marble Hornets on it, a pair of blue jeans and furry boots. She had a name tag around her neck that read "Nico" on it. She had entered the lobby once more and heard it.


She chuckled and pushed her glasses up her nose and pulled her hair out of her hoodie. It couldn't be? She walked up to Darien and tilted her head "Fun Fact: Did you know that Puff the Magic Dragon, a kids song. Is actually about smoking weed?" she grinned waiting for a reaction.
Seeing as Kasai was obviously distracted by food, Tommy migrated over to a group of people playing techno music and watching someone dance. From his high vantage point, he spotted a distinctive green backpack and a Puerto Rican boy dancing... Cressy, well, he's preoccupied, soooo... Who else?

(seriously, who else?)
(Terribly sorry. I've had classes all day, but I'm here! :D )

Nat had zoned out. It was something he often did when he wasn't feeling well. Blinking, he looked up at the newcomer who had joined them. He grimaced, mentally slapping himself. I must have looked like an idiot, he thought. Sniffing and focusing back on the girl who had introduced herself as Liz, he tilted his head to the side and watched her fumble with her words. "I'm Nathaniel," he said, the scarred right corner of his lip tugging upwards. "But people call me Nat."

Clearing his throat for what seemed to be the hundreth time that day, he cleaned his glasses and slid them back on, hiding his light green eyes behind them. He didn't like his eyes, which had changed colors in the days before the convention. He missed his bluer green; he missed the blue. Shaking his head and ridding himself of his nonimportant troubles, he refocused on the two people in front of him, his eyes moving over to the newcomer.

The BetterKuja, he read from the nametag.

Darien wasn't surprised that nobody reacted to his incredibly loud yelling,Seeing as how most of the people here were anti social. His ears perked up when he heard a extremely weird fact escape the lips. The boy turned around studying the short girls features letting a grin spread across his face "Nico!" he squealed tackling the girl down to the ground with a hug "You are so pretty!"
The moment I said that she was very beautiful, I couldn't escape the notice that her eyes grew wide and her cheeks returned to that rosy hue. Could she have remembered me? "I uh.. uh.." she stammered, bringing her eyes down to her feet as if she was struggling find the right words to say. She and I have met on the site before, and I have written with her as well. She makes some pretty great RPs, and I have little doubt in my mind that she will strike with brilliance once again. But I was beginning to understand why she was acting she is now. Perhaps no one had ever said that to her, well.. not as forward and upfront. Which was a surprise to me, because she is beautiful to me. As this eye catching brunette hugged her notebook and kept her eyes down, opening her mouth several times to at least say something, a single word or even thanks. But nothing came out, and she returned to that blubbering mess she had always been. "Th..Tha.. uh.. Thank- um." I simply smiled at her, and said, "It's all right. It's not a problem at all.." At that moment, the man who called himself Nathaniel turned his gaze at him. "Well Nathaniel and Liz, am I right? It's a pleasure to meet you both." I said happily noticing the lady, noticing her name tag that said Liztopher.
Liz grew easy when Nat said his name, and she peered up towards his direction, blinking once, twice, and then nodding her head. She liked this guy, and despite him not talking as much as the rest of the people here, she knew she could easily befriend him. "Well.. hi Nat." she said, smiling gently.

Her attention drew back to the man who had complimented her and reverted her eyes back down again, brushing a single hair behind her ear. She caught a glance of his name-tag and that's when she figured it out. TheBetterKuja. Almost if all her past experiences of bumping into him in role plays had came back in that single instant. "N-Nice to meet you too.. uhm.." she paused, thinking whether or not she could straight up call him Kuja or if he had another name. Or maybe that was his name? What if his name had no internal connect- "Nice to meet you both too." She blurted out, ignoring her boggled thoughts.
Nat swallowed, the action making his throat burn even more. Nodding, his eyes shot between Liz and Marcus; he wasn't exactly sure who he should be looking at. "Likewise," he managed to say, inwardly cringing at the cough-induced, unnatural deepness of his voice. His coughdrop was gone. Glancing around at the many others in the room, he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, his gaze searching for one person in particular. Maybe they aren't here...

He looked back at Liz and gave his first genuine smile of the day. "Sorry if I don't seem very friendly," he began, his expression then one of confusion as he thought over his words. "I'm just not feeling well, is all."

(Ugh. It's short, but I really am not feeling the best right now.)
[QUOTE="Darth Cinder]Nat swallowed, the action making his throat burn even more. Nodding, his eyes shot between Liz and Marcus; he wasn't exactly sure who he should be looking at. "Likewise," he managed to say, inwardly cringing at the cough-induced, unnatural deepness of his voice. His coughdrop was gone. Glancing around at the many others in the room, he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, his gaze searching for one person in particular. Maybe they aren't here...

He looked back at Liz and gave his first genuine smile of the day. "Sorry if I don't seem very friendly," he began, his expression then one of confusion as he thought over his words. "I'm just not feeling well, is all."

(Ugh. It's short, but I really am not feeling the best right now.)

(Do you want a hug?)
"Hi Marcus." Liz finally looked up to him and smiled softly, bowing back. She turned back to Nat and raised her brows at his current state. Was he sick? Did he need anything? Her smiled faded a little, and she tilted her head. "You're friendly enough.. for me." she replied, turning to her bag to dig through it. She swore she kept at least some tissues or cough drops in her bag, considering she constantly grew sick as well due to her allergies. She had pencils, pens, a few cute band aids and lotion; typical girly knick-knacks. "Are you not used to this weather?" she questioned, finally finding at least two of the sweet medicine candies and holding them out. Her little fingers barely managed to poke out from the sleeves of her red sweater, carefully offering them to her new friend. "I l-love this kind of weather.."
She fell to the ground with a huff. She was right this was Angel, she laughed "Angel!" she said. She kinda blushed lightly when he said she was pretty. "Th-thank you." no one had ever called her pretty. She hugged him back and then laughed again. Angel was one of her first friends on RPN.

(Bleh shortpostsorry)
(But I'll get you siiiiiiiiick.)

Nat grinned and reached out to take one of the coughdrops, nodding in thanks. Popping the candy-like item into his mouth after unwrapping it, he sniffed and shook his head in response to Liz's question. "I always get sick this time of year," he said, his smile not growing any smaller. "I actually really love the colder weather, despite its affect on me." He finished with a chuckle, slipping the second empty wrapper into his front pocket.
"So what's up girl,I cna't believe I found you so quickly omg your definitely italian,What's your real name? Mines is Darien" Darien continued to babble on and on to Nico about various things. From all of the expensive clothes he bought while shoppng down to the last anime he saw "I'm sorry I have a tendency to ramble,you can speak now"
"nnnnahhaihghghfhdhf ih" Her words were all jumbled as she opened the right eye before she opened the left. "nnnnn"She groaned before turning her head toward a door then flipping the heavy comforter up and away from her body. She was short but not so short where she would be made fun of for not touching the headboard, or would she. She had climbed out of bed, her hand already rubbing the messy fro she had. Looking around as she bent backwards to crack her back. She had looked down, nothing but a shirt on which was interesting since she didn't remember undressing at all. She quickly slipped on some sweat pants, a white tank and some blue rubber bands that were extra long and would wrap around her small wrist twice. She could care less about her bed hair at the moment so she just slipped on a hat and walked out of the room. Slowly making her way downstairs with a lean, a sway and a sigh. Hitting her head against the railing as she had fallen due to something being on the stair case. "The hell"
[ Well, I mean knew you guys well enough so that I would have the courage to approach you. I haven't roleplayed a lot with the majority of you, excepting Pai and you, Angel. I'd be too intimidated, in a sense, to approach you guys since I don't even know what I would bring up for a conversation, considering I know nothing about you.

I dunno. I just feel a little lost. I'll probably just place myself on a wall or another chair or near a window or something and fool around. I don't approach people easily, man. ]

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