News RpNation Post Completer

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So, this thing, is basically, an AI that acts like you when you got better things to do than write? That, both intrigues and scares me, haha.
Guys if you've used Cleverbot, you'll know what this is gonna be like, if its not an April fools joke.

All in all: Do NOT let it post for you. It'll write something stupid or something smart but take the story in a direction you don't want it to go.

Smart idea though.
RIPSaidCone said:
Guys if you've used Cleverbot, you'll know what this is gonna be like, if its not an April fools joke.
All in all: Do NOT let it post for you. It'll write something stupid or something smart but take the story in a direction you don't want it to go.

Smart idea though.
What if you are already cleverbot though
I don't like this, not at all. The posts don't make sense and take away from moving the story forward. I don't want to role play with a computer.
Guys, notice that when you click on the "Post Completer" button down at the bottom, it takes you RIGHT BACK TO THIS THREAD.


Hmmm... The fact that this was posted on April 1st leaves me in a skeptical mood.
This is by far the best feature on the site, hands down.
...but really guys...if it is that much of a pain for you to make a post in your role play...then why are u role playing..? I mean seems kinda pointless to have a computer post for you... ( O.o ) ((...still thinking its APRIL FOOLS!))
Hopefully it is an april fools. otherwise, I have no more reason to use this site. I'm sure there are other role-playing sites out there.
[QUOTE="Guardian Angel]Anybody else find this kinda creepy? . . . Just me? Okay then.

Well the thought of a computer imitating a human so well is a bit unnerving...but looking at the examples provided, it doesn't seem like THAT smart of a system anyway (yet). O_O
[QUOTE="Primordial Primrose]Hopefully it is an april fools. otherwise, I have no more reason to use this site. I'm sure there are other role-playing sites out there.

Do not fret, as this is indeed just an April Fools joke. Surely you've noticed that pushing the button simply leads back to this forum page?

Also, praise Helix :helix:
[QUOTE="Primordial Primrose]No, I did not, because I will never have a reason to use it.

Very well then.

My advice to you; trust no man on April Fools day.
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