News RpNation Post Completer

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This thread is to talk about the new Post Completer feature coming soon to the site. Take personal topics to PM's and further, do not attack anyone. The rules of the site will be enforced in this thread. Respect is rule 1.
Yeah. It used our search results too? *Proceeds to search up How to use Diabetic Goat blood in Dark Rituals 8000 times*
*How to scale a trout with the teeth of a three week old lamb who won't stop struggling* I'm way ahead of you man
[QUOTE="The Master]*How to scale a trout with the teeth of a three week old lamb who won't stop struggling* I'm way ahead of you man

This is going to be fucking hilarious
I personally think this is a bit of a waste of time, considering the punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors, and a computer doesn't know your writing or Rping style. It only knows what to create as an input, not emotions. Example one, for instance, has many punctuation and grammar errors, as compared to the one written by a human. All of them have errors. Look at them without being blinded by, "It's an update, it must be for the better of the people and the site!" And look at it like a real rper who enjoys doing what they do. Now, I know I'm not exactly being optimistic with the post, but look at it. I pity the people who are subjected to the torture of having to read material that was half-ass written by a computer with neutral feelings on subjects of great importance. Regardless of my opinion, I'm sure many people will enjoy it, and I hope they have a wonderful time with it.
[QUOTE="Subject 019283747592]I personally think this is a bit of a waste of time, considering the punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors, and a computer doesn't know your writing or Rping style. It only knows what to create at an input, not emotions. Example one, for instance, has many punctuation and grammar errors, as compared to the one written by a human. All of them have errors. Look at them without being blinded by, "it's an update, it must be for the better of the people and the site!" And look at it like a real rper who enjoys doing what they do. Now, I know I'm not exactly being optimistic with the post, but look at it. I pity the people who are subjected to the torture of having to read something that was half-ass written by a computer with neutral feelings on subjects of great importance. Regardless of my opinion, I'm sure many people will enjoy it, and I hope they have a wonderful time with it.

What if I told you this was most likely an April Fools joke
I laughed quite alot at this. If it's made official, I will repeatedly search up the most fucked up things imaginiable, as I stated earlier.
Although I agree with Subject on only HALF of that statement (None of you are ever going to know which half ;P) I think he could have been more refined about it.

And it IS hilarious (> :D )

I'd search up things that would make even the most warped people cringe in disgust and fear.
[QUOTE="The Master]Although I agree with Subject on only HALF of that statement (None of you are ever going to know which half ;P) I think he could have been more refined about it.
And it IS hilarious (> :D )

I'd search up things that would make even the most warped people cringe in disgust and fear.

"Help! I have committed murder to appease my dark Lord, and have skinned the corpse using a Ram's horn, but the ram's horn broke, and my pentragram is sorta lopsided. Can I still succesfully summon demons? Also, the diabetic goat I kidnapped won't stop squirming, so I cannot break its legs and feed it goat's meat until it dies."

SirDerpingtonIV said:
"Help! I have committed murder to appease my dark Lord, and have skinned the corpse using a Ram's horn, but the ram's horn broke, and my pentragram is sorta lopsided. Can I still succesfully summon demons? Also, the diabetic goat I kidnapped won't stop squirming, so I cannot break its legs and feed it goat's meat until it dies."
We must be searching the same things
[QUOTE="Subject 019283747592]Oh wow, this is actually pretty awesome. Thank you for showing what good grammer, dark humor, punctuation, and spelling in one reply looks like.

Is this sarcasm? *Suspicion*


Gabauchi said:
We must be searching the same things
I can make another account and see how I would role play with myself, I assuming yelling at myself for using one liners xD I swear I'll have a longer post next time...
Can't believe I fell for this one. I saw this and then thought "Oh cool! Also, is RPN going to have an April Fools joke?" I realized later that this was a joke. Several hours later. And by several I'm talking like 12.
This would very helpful for me since exams are coming up and a lot of testing so thanks guys!,,
I tried this today, and I have to say, I think it's busted. It didn't do anything for me... I think it might be broken. Can you please add a "fix everything' button so that it will work? Thanks. ;)
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