News RpNation Post Completer

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So after this announcement we've received a ton of feedback about the post completer! In fact, the amount of comments were surprising, we never expected so much passion to be spurred by one site feature.

However after a long lengthy discussion between administrators, the Staff has decided to scale back development for the Post Completer. There simply seems to be too many bugs and other issues associated with the thing.

We hope to get something similar online for RpN members to utilized probably sometime next year. If development goes as plan, maybe we will have something just as good as the ideal post completer to share at the beginning of April 2016.

Until then, Happy April Fools. We hope you all had a wonderful day and enjoy roleplaying.
Feedback of announcements is of less then pleasant news. ( :( )

Elongated administrators scaling back of the [me] is many sad. While a class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum that have a chitinous exoskeleton is of association with [not found reference: thing].

Hoping for get of online members: 450+. With development hopefully 1 year is beginning changes. Will enjoy roleplaying for until April.

Sorry (:'()
Nooooooooo! Post compiler-chan! Come back! (:'()

/gazes forlornly in to the sunset
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