Lenny Ray


As Lenny walked around, he realised the time. Time to go back to the academy. He remembers when he first travelled. He was relaxed as discovering his powers mellowed him out from the wound up kid he was before. The new skills he had gained made him feel like he had gone from a caterpillar and to a butterfly. The academy made sure he didn't die or burn himself out, and all to real issue with his powers after all. Deciding to use the lesson taught to him, Lenny uses his Astral Travel skill, which different from projection actually makes you move. As he gets ready, he recalls his lessons, how intense concentration is required. However said concentration is broken as Lenny's headache strikes back again, causing his travel to fail somewhat. Instead of arriving at the academy, he lands in a carriage. "Oh bollock" he mutters as from the carriage floor as he pulls his long coat from his face.   @Leo Radomir

Mizmo and then others look at him for a few moments then she sticks up her hand to say please don't stare and then says" My my what a place to land could it be your having a lapse in your power it's pretty common but you know really should be more careful in some cases people have been killed as space pockets do really bad damage to their body's". 

Rex see a really cute girl from the corner of his but doesn't know how to talk to her right now since he hasn't had any practice in over four months and not any friends because being in two worlds he didn't fit in and he for a few reasons missed a year of school.

@Blue Jay
"Yeah well normally I don't try and use dimension hoping powers when I have a bleeding headache which I thought was gone but in fact was just hiding in my mind like a penny in the couch," Lenny says as sits on the ground with a relaxed posture. "How have you been anyway Mizmo?" he asks curiously. She was in the same year as him so he knew who she was and they talked a little but Lenny is a fairly carefree person while she was a person who apparently likes to play around with people. "Can I have a seat by the way?" @Leo Radomir
Alyona stands up, legs shaky as she makes her way towards the doors "Shall we get a carriage together then. I don't think I know your name. I'm Alyona Yurislav" 

Alyona stands up, legs shaky as she makes her way towards the doors "Shall we get a carriage together then. I don't think I know your name. I'm Alyona Yurislav" 


Aiden smiled slightly "pleasure to meet you Alyona, I am Aiden Del Rio" He said introducing himself to her as he helped her to the dock as his tendrils carried his luggage to one of the remaining carriages tossing them in the back then returning to Aiden "Need help getting into the carriage?" He asked
"I should be okay, I shouldn't have carried my luggage" She smiled as she stepped into the carriage, taking a seat inside "Thank you for basically saving my life Aiden, you probably have questions"

"I should be okay, I shouldn't have carried my luggage" She smiled as she stepped into the carriage, taking a seat inside "Thank you for basically saving my life Aiden, you probably have questions"


Aiden entered into the carriage behind Alyona then shrugged with a smile "If it's to personal for you you don't have to say anything, everyone has the right to keep secrets about themselves" He said knowingly as the carriage they were in started moving "but you are welcome" He added as he relaxed in the carriage
"I mean you have a right to know as you kind of saved me. I have a diagnosed but unnamed heart and lung condition since I was born. Over the past year and a half, I've had 4 heart attacks and gone into cardiac arrest twice" She leant back, expecting the usual treatment she received which was basically being treated like a baby.

Aiden frowned in thought deciding if she should know about Alex's use of water element magic in the way of healing, he sighed and rubbing his temples with a little stress deciding to tell her, he then looked at her "There's a guy here named Alex, he is an Elementalist..his abilities with water is on part with some healers, now I'm not sure if it will work but I would say give it a try and hope for the best" He advised then gave her his description so she can find him "Just tell him what happened to you, BUT do not tell him I told you about him" he added enforcing the word 'but' with a tone that spoke of a hard past.
Athena noted his surprise, perhaps he had heard things about Elves, and considering some of the things her father had told her, she didn't blame him. She also noticed his unrest, and she reached out, delicately holding his wrist, below his cuff and careful not to touch it, as she pulled him (all be it weakly) towards the side of the boat, next to the wooden railing. This sreved two purposes, to try and take him away from the prying eyes, even if it was only a short distance, and for a little demonstration.

"Anytime. Now, this... Is my power.", Athena placed her other hand (the one that wasn't holding to Tobias' wrist) on the wooden board, her fingers splayed a little. Before both's eyes, tree saplings began sprouting between her fingers, growing into mini trees before their eyes, the bright leaves and healthy bark growing as if by a miracle from the dead and treated wood.

An idea popped into her head, but she would ask before she did anything. "Tobias... I have an idea, um... Please would you hold out your wrists? I-I know it's a bit of an odd request, but humour me.", she smiled up at him, hoping he would let her help him.




~Tobias Genesi~

Tobias tensed as Athena grazed him, but relaxed, as her touch was gentle and soft, and he took note of how she made sure not to make contact with the bands. Tobias was touched by her kindness and sudden understanding of his state. He had spoken very little about his powers and what happened to him, and yet, she acted as if she had known her entire life. It was mind-blowing.

The genie stood, speechless as his new friend, made life grow on her fingers. Tiny plants began to sprout, and blossom into little trees, their leaves healthy and radiantly glowing green. He marveled at the minuscule plants, as Athena made her rather odd request. He gave her a guarded look, wondering whether to trust her. He had just met her, and she seemed very kind, but looks could be deceiving. He clenched his jaw slightly, the notion reminding of his mother. She had let her heart go cold, and Tobias knew he could never forgive her for what she had done. 

Finally, Tobias held out his wrists, saying, "Alright. Here."

(Sorry guys; I'm only posting the reaction of Tobias to Athena, and writing a post that reacts to all that's happened is super tiring and time-consuming. So..,...can we just pretend Athena and Tobias had already reacted to all that? xD And also, Im super mega mega mega mega sorry to @FrostFire for making her wait, and THANK YOU for waiting :P  I will not do that again to you.)
Athena nodded, noticing his reluctance. Her eyebrows furrowed, as she pulled her hand up from the wood slowly, the plants happily going with her hands, and their roots wrapped around her wrist lightly, holding on.

She put her hands together, making sure there were an even number of plants in each hand, and moved her hands so they were hovering just above his bangles. The plants slowly, as if listening to something she had said, moved onto the golden bracelets, and wrapping around the visible metal completely, so now instead of a luminous golden, they were brown and green, much duller, and much less noticeable. 

"There, at least now you won't stand out as much... It was the least I could do!", she grinned up at him, her earlier shyness completely gone. She was proud of her work, the mini trees would reposition themselves to make the bangles as comfortable as possible, and a few other things that she supposed she should tell him.

"They'll move around a little, to make sure they don't get in the way, and they'll try and make the bracelets as comfortable as possible, giving extra padding, yadda yadda yadda. If you want them to get off, just ask them, and they will, although I do ask that you take them outside, or put them in soil so they can grow. I guess you have little pet trees now.", she giggled, knowing how nice it was to have a tree as a pet, especially a magical one. As if in response, one of the tiny, delicate branches did what looked exactly like a salute, which made Athena grin wider, saluting back to the tiny tree.

"Hey, were here now! I'll show you the ropes, as they say...", she looked up at him, already knowing she had made a good friend, which comforted her. He had nice eyes too, she really liked the colour. They were very different from her own, very green eyes. If someone looked deep into Athena's eyes, they would notice that the green irises moved like fluid, constantly swirling and shifting like a green ocean, or, as her father said, like the roof of a forest in the wind.


((Don't worry about it! And I think that's probably best, so say they're walking and talking, from boat to carriage now. ^_^ ))



After she finished being thoroughly distracted by the utter beauty of her new temporary home, Yoona thought it'd probably be smart to actually get her luggage off the carriage before it pulled away. She wasn't aware the the luggage had already disappeared and been moved to her room for her so she turned swiftly on her heel and took a step forward. Directly into the muscled chest of whoever had been standing behind her. She stumbled backwards, a bit disoriented by the sudden impact before looking up at the guy with an sheepish smile. "Oh wow man, I'm so sorry!" She held her hands up apologetically though the guy looked like he wouldn't mind it too much. After all she was sure her little body hadn't moved his one inch. "Didn't uh- see you there..." She trailed off noting how ridiculous that sounded considering how massive he was.  She quickly peered around him into the carriage to see it was empty of luggage. Where had it gone? "Ah well, I guess our luggage is gone." She murmured, shrugging and figuring it was just another weird thing about this school.

Turning her attention back to the male she noticed that he was one of the people in the carriage she had rode in. While everyone else had been talking he'd mostly sat there quietly looking mildly uncomfortable.  Maybe he was just shy?

"So uh, I'm Yoona. Again sorry about slamming into you there. Who are you and have you attended LPA before?" She kind of bombarded him with too much at once but didn't really notice. @Leo Radomir 
"I've been to several healers, they can't do anything but thanks for the offer, it means a lot" She smiled "I don't want to waste your friend's powers" She tucked her legs up, falling asleep in the carriage on the way up to the school.

"Oh, please, i do not want this to happen the first day! ! No,no,no !!!"

Orlan said as the boat was going to set sail without him. Fortunately, he made it on time as he thrown his suitcase, but fell onto the parquet of the boat. A student watched him and smirked before coming over him, helping him to get up his suitcase. "Do not worry... I'm keeping that as a secret. Nobody would want to get his reputation taint the first day." Orlan forced a smile before responding back. "You got a point... Thanks by the way !" After walking away, he could saw some peoples on the boat showing of their powers. He sighed, before cheking his. It wasn't working, so he decided to wait.

After a while, the boat finally reached the ground. Orlan took his suitcase and followed the others students, and took a carriage with some others student who were silent.

Probably others first year, he thought. With surprise, his suitcase was magically teleport as he sat down onto the carriage, starting another trip.

After a while, Orlan eyes wide open at this magnificent view. It was no more then a huge castle on the horizon. "Is this really a school i'm attending?..." 

After reaching it, Orlan carried of the Carriage, without his suitcase who was apparently gone. He approached the fountain, and admired it. He could took a picture, but his phone wasn't working. 
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After she finished being thoroughly distracted by the utter beauty of her new temporary home, Yoona thought it'd probably be smart to actually get her luggage off the carriage before it pulled away. She wasn't aware the the luggage had already disappeared and been moved to her room for her so she turned swiftly on her heel and took a step forward. Directly into the muscled chest of whoever had been standing behind her. She stumbled backwards, a bit disoriented by the sudden impact before looking up at the guy with an sheepish smile. "Oh wow man, I'm so sorry!" She held her hands up apologetically though the guy looked like he wouldn't mind it too much. After all she was sure her little body hadn't moved his one inch. "Didn't uh- see you there..." She trailed off noting how ridiculous that sounded considering how massive he was.  She quickly peered around him into the carriage to see it was empty of luggage. Where had it gone? "Ah well, I guess our luggage is gone." She murmured, shrugging and figuring it was just another weird thing about this school.

Turning her attention back to the male she noticed that he was one of the people in the carriage she had rode in. While everyone else had been talking he'd mostly sat there quietly looking mildly uncomfortable.  Maybe he was just shy?

"So uh, I'm Yoona. Again sorry about slamming into you there. Who are you and have you attended LPA before?" She kind of bombarded him with too much at once but didn't really notice. @Leo Radomir 

Rex sheepishly smiles and rubs his head and keeps his eyes on her face and says" i'm rex i'm a second year and our luggage goes to our rooms the set up here's a bit unusual, i'm not really good with the whole small talk as a rule i know this might seem odd but most of the women i talked to were much older and it was my job". " i'm guessing your a first year and by the looks of things you're not hurt i would of felt kinda bad if you were i'm not exactly standing in a good place". ' this is really strange sometimes i break down when talking to pretty girls i'd like to try and be friends with her but i don't really have the confidence the pure jocks have'.

Mizmo gently giggles and moves over and then says" your as relaxed as ever and i'm doing ok even though they worked me like a dog in the last shoot bastard director, sometimes i want to shove a rod up his rear end but that aside this year looks fun bar a few i wish would drown in the sea but that can't be helped after it's not like i own the school". "What about you bar today i know we've only talked a little in out time here, thought it might be nice to throw a party for the newbies". 

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"Oh, please, i do not want this to happen the first day! ! No,no,no !!!"

Orlan said as the boat was going to set sail without him. Fortunately, he made it on time as he thrown his suitcase, but fell onto the parquet of the boat. A student watched him and smirked before coming over him, helping him to get up his suitcase. "Do not worry... I'm keeping that as a secret. Nobody would want to get his reputation taint the first day." Orlan forced a smile before responding back. "You got a point... Thanks by the way !" After walking away, he could saw some peoples on the boat showing of their powers. He sighed, before sending a quick message on his phone.

After a while, the boat finally reached the ground. Orlan took his suitcase and followed the others students, and took a carriage with some others student who were silent.

Probably others first year, he thought. With surprise, his suitcase was magically teleport as he sat down onto the carriage, starting another trip.

After a while, Orlan eyes wide open at this magnificent view. It was no more then a huge castle on the horizon. "Is this really a school i'm attending?..." 

After reaching it, Orlan carried of the Carriage, without his suitcase who was apparently gone. He approached the fountain, and took a selfie, smiling. 

((Their phones don't work on the island since they're in the Bermuda triangle.))

Cleo followed her siblings into the school, taking in the magnificent architecture. They stood in some kind of entrance hall, a spiraling staircase leading up to another floor.

Off to the right, stood a set of large double doors, slightly opened to reveal a room, full of tables set up for what appeared to be a some kind of dinner.

Looking back over to the staircase, Cleo spotted her grandfather coming down the stairs, her grandmother following close behind with a friendly smile placed on her face.
Alex looked around as he followed behind the twins and Cleo, while Luke teleported beside Alex then proceeded to walk beside him "So you seem like an interesting first year, what's your story freshie?" Luke asked Alex who just rolled his eyes and started walking a little faster while Luke grinned and kept up with him easily

Meanwhile, Aiden frowned a little but nods "If you insist, can anything be done? " He asks curiously as he carriage comes to a stop
Alex looked around as he followed behind the twins and Cleo, while Luke teleported beside Alex then proceeded to walk beside him "So you seem like an interesting first year, what's your story freshie?" Luke asked Alex who just rolled his eyes and started walking a little faster while Luke grinned and kept up with him easily

Meanwhile, Aiden frowned a little but nods "If you insist, can anything be done? " He asks curiously as he carriage comes to a stop

"Welcome students!" Cleo's grandma's voice echoed through the entrance hall. "Come in come in!"

The older blonde- haired lady ushered everyone into the school.



Leo sat awkwardly in the carriage, bouncing the little baby girl in his arms. The girl was not too happy at the moment, spooked by all the noise. He hadn't really been noticed yet, but that was fine. He needed to focus on little Amina, the baby, and getting her to not cry. "Shh, shh Mimi, it'll all be okay... Don't cry baby, look at Bebe." He held out a little plush giraffe. Amina smacked it out of his hands and began wailing, flailing her limbs and smacking the person next to him. "S-SORRY!" He cried, pulling the girl back. "Mimi shush!" Leo whispered, holding Amina tighter. He slowly got off the carriage, bouncing her in a futile attempt to calm her.

@PrincessKarai8 @ShadyBlaze @Leo Radomir @Nick Ton Cutter @Eternal Dragonchild @Blue Jay @FrostFire @Esther_Silvers @SirGrey

(Sorry for all the tags, don't know who's where)
Alex looked around as he followed behind the twins and Cleo, while Luke teleported beside Alex then proceeded to walk beside him "So you seem like an interesting first year, what's your story freshie?" Luke asked Alex who just rolled his eyes and started walking a little faster while Luke grinned and kept up with him easily

Meanwhile, Aiden frowned a little but nods "If you insist, can anything be done? " He asks curiously as he carriage comes to a stop


"Sadly not, I've accepted my fate" She sat up, rubbing her eyes to clean the dust away "Let's get back inside" Hopping out of the coach, Alyona walks into the school. Spotting the giraffe fall, she scooped it up and passed it back to the boy who was holding the baby

"Here you go"

@Echo Dreamsong 
"Sadly not, I've accepted my fate" She sat up, rubbing her eyes to clean the dust away "Let's get back inside" Hopping out of the coach, Alyona walks into the school. Spotting the giraffe fall, she scooped it up and passed it back to the boy who was holding the baby

"Here you go"

@Echo Dreamsong 

Leo smiled at Alyona, little Amina squealing in delight. "Thank you, um, what's your name? I'm Leo, and this is Amina but she likes Mimi just fine." Amina gurgled in agreement, chewing on the giraffe's head.
Aiden frowns a bit when he hears Alyona has accepted her fate deciding to leave her be when she picks up a stuffed giraffe and hands it to a guy with a little baby in hand, he shrugs and heads into the Academy disappearing into the shadows and reappearing with the other students



 "Nice to meet you Rex!" It definitely was unusual for their luggage to be taken to their rooms for them but Yoona had the feeling she'd be seeing  a lot of unusual things during her time here.

 "Oh that's alright. I've been told I talk too much so I'll probably do enough talking for the both of us." She said with a light laugh. Rex definitely seemed a bit awkward in the socializing department but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She found his comment about talking to older women a little weird but figured it would not be polite of her to ask.

Plus he seemed pretty nice, worried about her safety. She didn't want to run him off by asking too personal questions right away.

   "Oh me? Yea I'm fiiine." She shrugged then raised a hand to rap her knuckles lightly against his chest. "You're pretty solid there buddy, felt like I ran into a brick wall!" She snickered, slapping her thigh as she laughed at her own stupid joke. Then realizing he might not exactly get that it was a joke quickly made to explain herself, waving her hands rapidly in an apologetic fashion."Oh that was just a joke! Really I'm fine though, thanks for asking." Yoona smiled extra wide to show him that she was physically ok. 

"I'm a tough girl, can take a knocking. Didn't play sports all my life for nothin'" She beamed proudly.


As they stood there the doors to the great castle opened and student began to file inside. "Why don't we go inside? I don't want to miss any introductions." She inclined her head towards the doorway.  @Leo Radomir 



 "Nice to meet you Rex!" It definitely was unusual for their luggage to be taken to their rooms for them but Yoona had the feeling she'd be seeing  a lot of unusual things during her time here.

 "Oh that's alright. I've been told I talk too much so I'll probably do enough talking for the both of us." She said with a light laugh. Rex definitely seemed a bit awkward in the socializing department but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She found his comment about talking to older women a little weird but figured it would not be polite of her to ask.

Plus he seemed pretty nice, worried about her safety. She didn't want to run him off by asking too personal questions right away.

   "Oh me? Yea I'm fiiine." She shrugged then raised a hand to rap her knuckles lightly against his chest. "You're pretty solid there buddy, felt like I ran into a brick wall!" She snickered, slapping her thigh as she laughed at her own stupid joke. Then realizing he might not exactly get that it was a joke quickly made to explain herself, waving her hands rapidly in an apologetic fashion."Oh that was just a joke! Really I'm fine though, thanks for asking." Yoona smiled extra wide to show him that she was physically ok. 

"I'm a tough girl, can take a knocking. Didn't play sports all my life for nothin'" She beamed proudly.


As they stood there the doors to the great castle opened and student began to file inside. "Why don't we go inside? I don't want to miss any introductions." She inclined her head towards the doorway.  @Leo Radomir 

Rex smiles just a little and hint of warmth can be felt and says" yeah i get that a lot but i don't really think to hard on it and i'm glad your pretty solid some of the people here play pretty dirty so i thought i should give you a heads up, that aside i know i'm not the best with conversation but you seem easy enough to talk to so thanks sometimes people give me weird looks and such it's kinda annoying". " Oh what i'm i going on for yeah your right standing out here isn't going to get us into the building, i guess i should say thanks for talking to me it's not like you had to".  Rex gently moves round her careful not to knock into her and starts to walk towards the school, if she walked next to him great if not at least he has a potential friend something he hasn't had in as long as he can remember.
Cleo stood off to the side as her grandmother ushered more of the students into the mansion, her siblings having already disappeared into the room with tables.

She looked through the crowd, hoping to find Alex. Earlier she kind of just left without saying anything to him and felt bad.

Cleo stood off to the side as her grandmother ushered more of the students into the mansion, her siblings having already disappeared into the room with tables.

She looked through the crowd, hoping to find Alex. Earlier she kind of just left without saying anything to him and felt bad.


Alex watches as everyone entered the room with lots of tables as he waited outside of it leaning against a nearby pillar, his entirely right hand on fire with a blue flame as he looked into the flame with a frown as if it was showing him his worst memories.

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