Cleo's eyes fluttered open and smiled when she saw Alex standing above her. A blush formed on her cheeks when he noticed his top half was bare. 

"That's a great way to wake up." She giggled and not realizing it, touched a hand to his bare chest, feeling the muscles there.

@ShadyBlaze, @Blue Jay

Alex visibly winced when he realized he over did it again with the full body electricity burst, revealing his athletically muscled yet scarred body when Cleo touched his bare yet slightly scarred chest, he moved away a little out of her reach out of instinct "we uh..should get you somewhere so you can rest, can you stand?" He asked Cleo thinking he may have to carry her "if not we'll get you to a couch" he said gesturing to himself and Yoona


Lenny Ray

Waking bright and early at the ripe old time of 2:30 in the afternoon, Lenny wakes up with a yawn. While he would love to keep on dreaming about the world within a world, he knew he had some things to do.After frying up a few eggs, Lenny made his way of his place into the big bad world  He didn't mind it as world's went, felt like a safe place, one where he could land his feet if things ever get too bad in the other worlds. He decides that a walk would help, his sleep had while been most pleasant, left him out of sorts it seemed, with a pain in his head that felt like a someone was every once in a while poking his brain with a  threaded needle. As he walked along to the more foliage filled part of land otherwise know as a park, he notices a bench. Lying down it, his long oddly coloured coat touching the ground, he wonders what the other students must be doing. Using his astral projection powers his body and spirit become separate. It was always a weird experience like for a second you lose all sensations all cognitive thought like your life has left you. Then you awake as a ghost like a figure floating away from your body. The first time you are terrified, well Lenny was anyway, then he became relaxed as he could only watch the earth never touching it. Sort of poetic if you were an artistic ponce. "Right let's see what's going on," he says as he floats away in his invisible form. Eventually, he finds three other students. "A guy with no shirt, an unconscious girl and another lass who seems to think sees the toughest thing since stale bread, what have I floated in on" he mutters though his curiosity begged him to stay. After all, they can't see him, at worst they could sense him. @ShadyBlaze @Blue Jay @PrincessKarai8
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Yoona frowned slightly when Alex said he didn't deserve to be praised.  "Are you serious? That was some pretty brave shit you did there." She supposed he must be very used to helping people as he had seemed totally unphased by the action and acted without hesitation. Personally she was still a bit reeling from the whole incident but managed to keep her emotions in check. For now this girl needed their help.

Yoona nodded in response to Alex, . "Yea couch would be good. As for the shadow magic I didn't really see anyone." She waved her hand around in the general area as to emphasize that no one around was really suspicious looking. In fact most people were watching the current scene, curios and concerned looks on their faces. Not one of them seemed capable of producing shadow magic but she was quickly learning that looks were very deceiving.

Yoona looked down at the girl when she woke up, her hand going to touch Alex's bare chest as she giggled.

 "Uhh...ok?" That was certainly an interesting way to wake up. She couldn't knock her though, it was a nice looking chest after all. 

"I think she'd prefer your help over mine." Yoona said half jokingly, half seriously with a smirk. She wasn't sure if the girl had even noticed her presence at all yet.

A sudden strange chill shuddered through Yoona's body. She had a slight feeling of something being there but couldn't quite put her finger on it. Chalking it up to just being a cold breeze, Yoona rubbed her goosebumped arms and took a glance around. Nothing.


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Alex nodded slowly hearing Yoona then looking over to her "Probably hiding in plain sight or in the shadows" he said, looking down to Cleo and frowned slightly but regained his composure and went to pick her up bridal style and carry her to a nearby couch, pausing for a second to look right at the ghost form of Lenny then proceeded to continue on his way to the couch, hopefully with Yoona behind him

Meanwhile, Aiden sighed and frowned nearby from the shadows realizing he still had a long way to go in terms of his magic he then decided to go somewhere else taking a hold of his luggage and walking away to another part of the ship.
not sure what to with my first char given he's not really sociable and were still on the ship so if there's nothing i need to change with my new char i can her interact with u 
Alex nodded slowly hearing Yoona then looking over to her "Probably hiding in plain sight or in the shadows" he said, looking down to Cleo and frowned slightly but regained his composure and went to pick her up bridal style and carry her to a nearby couch, pausing for a second to look right at the ghost form of Lenny then proceeded to continue on his way to the couch, hopefully with Yoona behind him

Meanwhile, Aiden sighed and frowned nearby from the shadows realizing he still had a long way to go in terms of his magic he then decided to go somewhere else taking a hold of his luggage and walking away to another part of the ship.

Cleo, frowned, saying, "I'm fine. You can put me down."

She winced as she felt pain shoot up her neck. Ever since a day very recently, where she had been in an accident, she had been having strange pains shoot up her neck and head. She still hadn't  told anyone about it yet, and she was determined not to. 

Looking up at Alex, she placed a smile on her face. "Please put me down. Really. I'll be fine."
Cleo, frowned, saying, "I'm fine. You can put me down."

She winced as she felt pain shoot up her neck. Ever since a day very recently, where she had been in an accident, she had been having strange pains shoot up her neck and head. She still hadn't  told anyone about it yet, and she was determined not to. 

Looking up at Alex, she placed a smile on her face. "Please put me down. Really. I'll be fine."

Alex raised an eyebrow and frowns but nods nonetheless "If you insist." He said as he gently put her down to her feet then stepped back a foot but still within reach of her just encase she lost her footing. Alex glanced over to Yoona and smiled a little "You alright Yoona?" He asked still keeping a watch on Cleo
Lenny decides to leave the other students. He had seen all he cared to. Going back inside his form, he had the requisite five seconds of 'on my god what is this breathing thing I don't even' before reality seemed to set in. Or whatever reality was to someone like Lenny. He always thought it might be a snowglobe. Lying on the park bench, he mutters about the sky while looking towards it. One of few thing all worlds share. A sky, be a rainbow of colours or like the one he found himself under today, a single colour.  Sighing, Lenny jumped off the bench and decide to wander for a while hopefully to find something. @PrincessKarai8 @ShadyBlaze @Blue Jay
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Alex raised an eyebrow and frowns but nods nonetheless "If you insist." He said as he gently put her down to her feet then stepped back a foot but still within reach of her just encase she lost her footing. Alex glanced over to Yoona and smiled a little "You alright Yoona?" He asked still keeping a watch on Cleo

((Going to get interesting now as my favorite part of the journey is starting))

Cleo smiled a little and then suddenly walked over to the railing and gasped as she noticed the ship sailing right towards a hurricane.

"Oh my gosh! We'll sink." She shouted and heard giggling behind her as her siblings came above deck. 

"No we won't." Bri grinned like a mad man. "This is my favorite part!"
((Going to get interesting now as my favorite part of the journey is starting))

Cleo smiled a little and then suddenly walked over to the railing and gasped as she noticed the ship sailing right towards a hurricane.

"Oh my gosh! We'll sink." She shouted and heard giggling behind her as her siblings came above deck. 

"No we won't." Bri grinned like a mad man. "This is my favorite part!"

Alex noticed the hurricane as well and raised an eyebrow as he studied the hurricane closely for any signs of magic. "Far to random to be normal" he mumbled

Aiden does the same as Alex scanning the hurricane for any signs of magic or if it's a portal
Alyona's hand tightened on the rail as she stood with the others watching the hurricane "You new then?" she asked Alex. "It's my second time coming as I was a transfer midway through last year" She checked that her hip pouch was secured, bringing the hood of her jacket over her head. Her Russian accent was the most notable thing about her, shortly followed by her pale and sickly complexion.

Alyona's hand tightened on the rail as she stood with the others watching the hurricane "You new then?" she asked Alex. "It's my second time coming as I was a transfer midway through last year" She checked that her hip pouch was secured, bringing the hood of her jacket over her head. Her Russian accent was the most notable thing about her, shortly followed by her pale and sickly complexion.


Alex glanced over to the girl next to him, looking her over for a few seconds then responding "Yeah brand new, what can you tell me of the classes, is their a sparring class?" He asked with a smile in a curious tone "Name's Alexander or just Alex for short by the way" he added introducing himself to be polite

Meanwhile, Aiden glanced over to Alex, glaring at him for a second remember their shared past then refocused on the hurricane.
The ship sailed closer to the storm, the water becoming violent as they did.

Cleo began panicking, and gasped again as the sky grew darker and they went into the eye of the storm.

Bri still grinned wildly, her excitement all over her face.
Alex glanced over to the girl next to him, looking her over for a few seconds then responding "Yeah brand new, what can you tell me of the classes, is their a sparring class?" He asked with a smile in a curious tone "Name's Alexander or just Alex for short by the way" he added introducing himself to be polite

Meanwhile, Aiden glanced over to Alex, glaring at him for a second remember their shared past then refocused on the hurricane.

Mizmo sees this and starts to spread her hands and then a ball of light quickly surrounds her a few others near by so they would be safe from the damage even if the ship got trashed.
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Yoona stood back as Alex lifted the girl bridal style but it wasn't long before she requested to be put down. There was a flash of pain across the girls face that almost made her ask again if she was ok, but the girl hadn't bothered to acknowledge Yoona's presence at all so far so she just shrugged and stayed quiet.

She blinked when Alex asked if she was alright and gave him a nonchalant shrug.  "I'm good." She was a little out of sorts but nothing she couldn't sort through herself later.

There was a commotion at the railings as bunch of students began shouting and pointing at a large, fast growing hurricane. Well that was unexpected. There was a mixture of panic and excitement all around. It seemed those who had been here before were pretty excited while the first timers were all fearful and panicked. Yoona herself was feeling a little worried as she made her way over to the railing to watch the incoming storm. It seemed non of the boats operating staff were too concerned as the ships captain kept them straight on course for the storm.




Yoona stood back as Alex lifted the girl bridal style but it wasn't long before she requested to be put down. There was a flash of pain across the girls face that almost made her ask again if she was ok, but the girl hadn't bothered to acknowledge Yoona's presence at all so far so she just shrugged and stayed quiet.

She blinked when Alex asked if she was alright and gave him a nonchalant shrug.  "I'm good." She was a little out of sorts but nothing she couldn't sort through herself later.

There was a commotion at the railings as bunch of students began shouting and pointing at a large, fast growing hurricane. Well that was unexpected. There was a mixture of panic and excitement all around. It seemed those who had been here before were pretty excited while the first timers were all fearful and panicked. Yoona herself was feeling a little worried as she made her way over to the railing to watch the incoming storm. It seemed non of the boats operating staff were too concerned as the ships captain kept them straight on course for the storm.



Suddenly, the ship sailed forward and the clouds opened up, revealing a bright, sunny sky.

In the distance stood a bunch of islands, formed in a kind of triangle. In the direct middle, stood the largest island. This seemed to be the one the ship was sailing to.

Cleo let out a breath of relief and turned to the pink- haired girl.

"Hey, thanks for helping earlier when I nearly fell overboard. I apologize I didn't say anything earlier. I've been out of sorts recently."
Suddenly, the ship sailed forward and the clouds opened up, revealing a bright, sunny sky.

In the distance stood a bunch of islands, formed in a kind of triangle. In the direct middle, stood the largest island. This seemed to be the one the ship was sailing to.

Cleo let out a breath of relief and turned to the pink- haired girl.

"Hey, thanks for helping earlier when I nearly fell overboard. I apologize I didn't say anything earlier. I've been out of sorts recently."

Alex breathed a faint sigh of relief as the clouds gave way to sunlight then he looked forward and noticed the largest island and pointed towards it "That's probably where the Academy is huh?" He asked anyone willing to listen "Should be a fun year.." He said softly as his eyes landed on Cleo and Yoona then he looked down realizing he needed to change his shirt still heading back to his suitcase and backpack, he grabbed a spare black muscle longsleeve shirt from his suitcase after removing the remaining shredded layers of his torn and electrified shirt and hoodie and tossing them into his backpack then putting on his spare shirt and grabbing his things not noticing Aiden nearby but sensing him, he tensed up but quickly recovered and walked away with his things.
Alex glanced over to the girl next to him, looking her over for a few seconds then responding "Yeah brand new, what can you tell me of the classes, is their a sparring class?" He asked with a smile in a curious tone "Name's Alexander or just Alex for short by the way" he added introducing himself to be polite

Meanwhile, Aiden glanced over to Alex, glaring at him for a second remember their shared past then refocused on the hurricane.

Mizmo draws her light back into her and quickly goes back into the ship and finds her room and grabs her bags and what not then comes back out and walks behind the group since they all seem to be going same place their school this is nothing new for mizmo but she never did like it much. " Another year and new people well if anything my last two years here should be interesting if they are the kind of people i think they are, but for now i'll just watch my cute kouhai do their thing and who knows what the cards have in store for us this year". 



Yoona eyebrows raised in surprise when the copper haired female from earlier approached and actually spoke to her. She smiled and nodded her head, "Hey it's no problem. You took quite fall there - I'm just glad you're ok." She turned back towards the ocean, resting her weight against the railing. They had sailed rather peacefully through the storm much to her surprise. It was almost like a portal from one dimension to the next as the weather had drastically changed from cloudy grey to bright blue and sunshine. Just ahead was a cropping of islands with one large one in the middle. She overhead Alex's assumption that the middle island was probably where the academy was situated. His guess was as good as hers. It seemed strange to have an academy stationed on such a remote island but she figured the rest of the world probably wanted them all as far away from civilization as possible anyways. 

A girl began speaking behind them and Yoona turned around to listen as it sounded like the girl had attended the school before. 

"You've been here before - what can us newcomers expect from this place?" She moved closer to the girl in question, noting her appearance was that of a mature young woman. Definitely looked like someone who knew the ropes of LPA very well. @Leo Radomir @PrincessKarai8
Alyona collected her bags, hauling them along the floor to avoid straining her heart. She deposited them near the exit of the boat with a cry of pain as her heart contracted suddenly. Small tears were running down her face as she leant against the bags for support, trying to reach into her hip pouch.

@Anyone nearby

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