"Well ain't you just the brightest ray of sunshine," Lenny says in a sarcastic manner. Going into his long psychedelic coloured coat, the man of dimensions takes a key from it, using to unlock their dorm. "Well this is home for the next few months of your life so I hope you get used it,"  Lenny says in a, trying to be reassuring but coming across more threating, way.  The room was fairly sizeable, with two desks one on side of the room and some bunk beds on the other. There was a window letting in the afternoon sun. Overall it was very much like Lenny's previous room. "So now the most important question you will ever get asked while you are here- which bunk, oh actually you can make you mind up while I get my stuff," Lenny says before going silent and standing stock standard for a while. In a flash Lenny disappeared, using his powers of dimension hopping to grab his travel bag. Great power and something-something. Travelling back Lenny looks back to his roommate with a fairly casual look, before saying "Decided?" @Leo Radomir
Cleo followed the girl. "I'm Cleo. It's my first year here. My grandparents run the school."

Athena nodded, "That's cool. Ah, I think this is it.", she slowed as they approached their room, and gestured that Cleo should go in first. She was looking forward to unpacking and feeling at home in her new room.
"Well ain't you just the brightest ray of sunshine," Lenny says in a sarcastic manner. Going into his long psychedelic coloured coat, the man of dimensions takes a key from it, using to unlock their dorm. "Well this is home for the next few months of your life so I hope you get used it,"  Lenny says in a, trying to be reassuring but coming across more threating, way.  The room was fairly sizeable, with two desks one on side of the room and some bunk beds on the other. There was a window letting in the afternoon sun. Overall it was very much like Lenny's previous room. "So now the most important question you will ever get asked while you are here- which bunk, oh actually you can make you mind up while I get my stuff," Lenny says before going silent and standing stock standard for a while. In a flash Lenny disappeared, using his powers of dimension hopping to grab his travel bag. Great power and something-something. Travelling back Lenny looks back to his roommate with a fairly casual look, before saying "Decided?" @Leo Radomir

Rex doesn't have the energy to take it either ways and then says" bottom please don't want to fall on you by accident and my powers well not much use in combat but i can remove poison from people and things and i'm immune to poison and radioactive materials and such i know pretty naff but at this stage i'm used to being laughed at and so on". Rex picked his bag which would be a big problem for many to pick up let alone carry but chucks it on the bottom like a rag doll then and then brings his case in and puts to the side and then starts to unpack his bag first.
Athena nodded, "That's cool. Ah, I think this is it.", she slowed as they approached their room, and gestured that Cleo should go in first. She was looking forward to unpacking and feeling at home in her new room.

Cleo grew excited as they opened the door.

Off to the left was a fairly large kitchen with an island in the middle of it, and a full sized fridge pushed.against one wall. To the left was a large living room with a flat screen tv playing some kind of news program. Looking further into the dorm, she spotted a hallway that led down another hallway, three rooms scattered down the second hallway.

Cleo grew excited as they opened the door.

Off to the left was a fairly large kitchen with an island in the middle of it, and a full sized fridge pushed.against one wall. To the left was a large living room with a flat screen tv playing some kind of news program. Looking further into the dorm, she spotted a hallway that led down another hallway, three rooms scattered down the second hallway.

((All dorms are like this. They have up to four rooms in them.))
Cleo grew excited as they opened the door.

Off to the left was a fairly large kitchen with an island in the middle of it, and a full sized fridge pushed.against one wall. To the left was a large living room with a flat screen tv playing some kind of news program. Looking further into the dorm, she spotted a hallway that led down another hallway, three rooms scattered down the second hallway.

Athena sighed in relief, she was going to like this dorm. She wandered down the hall, and found her bags in the furthest room, which she was very pleased about, and went to it, promptly pulling out some tiny flower pots, and a bag of dirt.

"Is it okay if I put some plants in the other rooms? You don't have hay fever or anything... R-right?", she asked Cleo, as she put the bag of dirt on her bed for now, and placed a few pots around her room, most on the windowsill, and walked around the other rooms with the pots, not putting any down yet as she waited for her roommates reply.
"Well ain't you just the brightest ray of sunshine," Lenny says in a sarcastic manner. Going into his long psychedelic coloured coat, the man of dimensions takes a key from it, using to unlock their dorm. "Well this is home for the next few months of your life so I hope you get used it,"  Lenny says in a, trying to be reassuring but coming across more threating, way.  The room was fairly sizeable, with two desks one on side of the room and some bunk beds on the other. There was a window letting in the afternoon sun. Overall it was very much like Lenny's previous room. "So now the most important question you will ever get asked while you are here- which bunk, oh actually you can make you mind up while I get my stuff," Lenny says before going silent and standing stock standard for a while. In a flash Lenny disappeared, using his powers of dimension hopping to grab his travel bag. Great power and something-something. Travelling back Lenny looks back to his roommate with a fairly casual look, before saying "Decided?" @Leo Radomir

((I have a description of the dorms already and they're downstairs. 

Here's the description:


Off to the left was a fairly large kitchen with an island in the middle of it, and a full sized fridge pushed.against one wall. To the right was a large living room with a flat screen tv playing some kind of news program. Looking further into the dorm, she spotted a hallway that led down another hallway, three rooms scattered down the second hallway.


And the room itself:

After opening the door you look into the room to see a full sized bed straight ahead, a wooden desk with a black rolling chair, a small shelf above that, and a bathroom with full sized tub, a toliet, and sink, to the left of the room. Also, I'm either side of.the her Sat end tables with three drawers, lamps on each of them. To the right of the bed, there's window that looks out and down where a large crystal sits at the very bottom of the dorms))
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Athena sighed in relief, she was going to like this dorm. She wandered down the hall, and found her bags in the furthest room, which she was very pleased about, and went to it, promptly pulling out some tiny flower pots, and a bag of dirt.

"Is it okay if I put some plants in the other rooms? You don't have hay fever or anything... R-right?", she asked Cleo, as she put the bag of dirt on her bed for now, and placed a few pots around her room, most on the windowsill, and walked around the other rooms with the pots, not putting any down yet as she waited for her roommates reply.

"Sure." Cleo smiled and went to find her room. Her's was right next to Athena's a small sign above the door saying her name. She turned the handle and stepped inside, smiling at the sight.

Straight ahead, sat a full sized bed with a purple comforter, gray pillows and lighter gray sheets. Also, on the comfort the words LPA were embroidered in dark gray lettering. On either side of the bed, sat, light gray end tables, three drawers in each one and a lavender lamp sitting on top of both of them. 

A small window stood to the right of the bed, looking out and down at a large glowing purple crystal.

Looking to her right, she spotted a wooden desk with a black rolling chair, a small shelf sitting above the desk with many books appearing to be Text books on it.

To the left Of her, she saw a door that led into what she discovered was a bathroom. The bathroom had a full sized white tub, toilet, and sink with a large mirror hanging above it. The sink itself also had lots of counter space.
Athena nodded, and started dotting the pots around, quite a few were in the kitchen, considering the surface space there. After all the pots were down, she went back into her room, grabbing the dirt bag.

First she filled the pots in her room, thankfully she had experience with this so no dirt went anywhere but the pots. Then she moved around the other rooms, finishing in the kitchen, having the perfect amount of dirt for all the pots.

Staying in the kitchen, she sat on one of the counters, swinging her legs a little. As she sat there, plants slowly started sprouting in the pots, curling bright green shoots growing much quicker than any normal plants. As they grew, the room got a bit cleaner, a bit brighter, and the air a little bit fresher. She breathed in deeply, noticing the difference where most people wouldn't.

She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders as the plants got to a point where she was happy to leave them to their own devices. She meandered into her room, and unpacked as the same thing happened there, and when she was finished unpacking, which didn't take long, she moved into the other rooms, finishing with the living room.

"Ah... That's better.", she felt at home again, the familiar plants breathing along with her, making the whole dorm cleaner and fresher.


A few pictures;

How her room will look in a few weeks


The kitchen is full of herbs and edible plants


You get the idea lol.
Athena nodded, and started dotting the pots around, quite a few were in the kitchen, considering the surface space there. After all the pots were down, she went back into her room, grabbing the dirt bag.

First she filled the pots in her room, thankfully she had experience with this so no dirt went anywhere but the pots. Then she moved around the other rooms, finishing in the kitchen, having the perfect amount of dirt for all the pots.

Staying in the kitchen, she sat on one of the counters, swinging her legs a little. As she sat there, plants slowly started sprouting in the pots, curling bright green shoots growing much quicker than any normal plants. As they grew, the room got a bit cleaner, a bit brighter, and the air a little bit fresher. She breathed in deeply, noticing the difference where most people wouldn't.

She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders as the plants got to a point where she was happy to leave them to their own devices. She meandered into her room, and unpacked as the same thing happened there, and when she was finished unpacking, which didn't take long, she moved into the other rooms, finishing with the living room.

"Ah... That's better.", she felt at home again, the familiar plants breathing along with her, making the whole dorm cleaner and fresher.


A few pictures;

How her room will look in a few weeks


The kitchen is full of herbs and edible plants


You get the idea lol.

Cleo unpacked her things from her luggage. She placed a small photo of her siblings on in the right end table.by the bed and one of her parents on the other table.

She pulled out another photo which was of her grandparents next to the one of her parents.

She proceeded to unpack the rest of her things, stopping when she felt another wave of pains go through her neck 
Alex, this time from a stronger pulse of magical energy falls onto his bed and passes out calmly asleep now.

Aiden relaxed and read a book from his backpack as his shadow tendrils stood guard over him and Alex waiting for their roommate.

Luke casually relaxed on the couch switching through the channels with a bored look.

Jason Alagash

He almost jumped when she approached. He wondered why he was so in edge in this place...still, he didn't let down any guard. "Um..." he struggled to find his tongue, then "Ah yes I'm...a bit lost. I always get lost here I don't know why..." he glanced past her, still looking around, then remembered himself. "I'm Jason. Jason Alagash."
Is it to late for me to join sorry if this is in the wrong thread I don't really know my way around the site)))
(Did you not see the ooc chat thread before deciding to enter the rp thread and posting here? Anyway it's not to late just make a character in the character creation thread for this rp then be patient and wait to be accepted by Karai our GM, just a fair warning use the ooc chat to ask these sort of questions, a lot of RP'ers get really difficult about rp stays in the rp thread and ooc chat stays in the ooc chat thread stuff lol, I don't mind it as long as it's for a good cause, anyway good luck and welcome!)

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