Alex watches as everyone entered the room with lots of tables as he waited outside of it leaning against a nearby pillar, his entirely right hand on fire with a blue flame as he looked into the flame with a frown as if it was showing him his worst memories.

Cleo, finally spotting him, walks over to Alex, smiling. 

"Nice flames." She stared causally, leaning against the pillar by him. "But I don't think we're supposed to be doing magic outside of class"

She points up to where she noticed a sign indicating just what she said.
Cleo, finally spotting him, walks over to Alex, smiling. 

"Nice flames." She stared causally, leaning against the pillar by him. "But I don't think we're supposed to be doing magic outside of class"

She points up to where she noticed a sign indicating just what she said.

Alex blinked shaking his head as the flames instantly disappeared, his hand lacking any burn marks, looking over to Cleo he smiles and shrugs "Didn't notice the sign" He says chuckling softly "So what's going on now?" He asked gesturing to everyone else heading into the big room with tables "assuming some sort of introduction?"
Alex blinked shaking his head as the flames instantly disappeared, his hand lacking any burn marks, looking over to Cleo he smiles and shrugs "Didn't notice the sign" He says chuckling softly "So what's going on now?" He asked gesturing to everyone else heading into the big room with tables "assuming some sort of introduction?"

"My siblings say it's a Welcome Back dinner. After the dinner we get our assigned dorms and then go unpack. Classes start tomorrow morning." She explained. "Hey, want to sit together in there?"
"My siblings say it's a Welcome Back dinner. After the dinner we get our assigned dorms and then go unpack. Classes start tomorrow morning." She explained. "Hey, want to sit together in there?"

Alex smiled at Cleo then nodded "Sure, that sounds fine, hopefully we can make some more friends tonight as well" He grinned gesturing for her to go ahead "Ladies first" He said with a sly smile then a soft chuckle
Alyona smiles at Mimi "So cute, you have your whole life to achieve your dreams." She turned to look at the boy who'd spoken "I'm Alyona, we should head inside, foods gonna be served and I am starving" Alyona walked ahead before taking a seat at one of the tables

@Echo Dreamsong
Nichole hummed as she stepped off the carriage looking around jamming out to her music as she rolled her suitcase behind her then blinked as it disappeared. She munched on a chocolate bar holding a stuffed animal close to her. Nichole smiled and messed around a bit with her water manipulation walking around in a water bubble not getting soaked. She giggled softly floating around wearing skinny jeans and a cream colored blouse with a bow on the back, flats and a blue jean jacket. Nichole smiled softly her hair floating up in the water. She went into the mansion after making the water bubble disappear and landing on her feet. Nichole looked around the place in awe smiling softly as she followed everyone else to the dinning hall.

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Leo walked after the girl, smiling nervously. Amina waved her arms around, making it very hard for Leo to see. "She's about eighteen months now, so she's getting big. Little Mimi's learning words now." Amina squealing in delight, smacking Leo in the face once again as he took a seat across from Alyona. "I think she just likes getting in the way... Mimi, eat the giraffe, not your hands." He sighed, handing her the giraffe again.
@Eternal Dragonchild
Nichole hummed as she stepped off the carriage looking around jamming out to her music as she rolled her suitcase behind her then blinked as it disappeared. She munched on a chocolate bar holding a stuffed animal close to her. Nichole smiled and messed around a bit with her water manipulation walking around in a water bubble not getting soaked. She giggled softly floating around wearing skinny jeans and a cream colored blouse with a bow on the back, flats and a blue jean jacket. Nichole smiled softly her hair floating up in the water. She went into the mansion after making the water bubble disappear and landing on her feet. Nichole looked around the place in awe smiling softly as she followed everyone else to the dinning hall.


Aiden looked behind him noticing a familiar face from his past, he blinked then rubbed his eyes thinking he was seeing things "Nichole?" He questioned loudly to get her attention as he stopped letting other students walk by as he stared as the her

Meanwhile, Alex frowned hearing the name of his sister from someone, looking around he spotted someone who looked eerily familiar to his sister who he thought had died, stunned he looked at Cleo for a second then back to the Nichole look-alike in clear fear and surprise as he says to Cleo "I'll meet you at the table Cleo, I have to investigate something" He said then left quickly strolling over "Nichole?" He whispered as he neared.
Nichole took out her earbuds and moved her bang from her eye. "Aiden?" She whispered before smiling and ran to him hugging him tight. "I missed you so much!"  Nichole said tearing up before seeing alex. "Alex!" She said tackling him to the floor.  Nichole smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long guys.." she said softly.

Aiden while stunned still hugged Nichole back tightly as well "I missed you too...so much" He whispered then let go and frowned when she tackled Alex to the floor.

Alex grunted stunned with seeing his sister after so long he held her to him trying not to cry but failing miserably "Where have you been?" He asked softly as if not believing she was here with him while on the floor , he looked into her eyes as if checking to see if she was real.
Nichole sighed still sitting on his stomach. "I had left to stay with grandma for a while...I didn't want to but she didn't want me stressed out. But that just stressed me out even more and I lost control of my powers..." she said softly biting her cheek. "Then I ran...I had hurt her with my powers and I didn't want to hurt anyone else. So I basically blocked myself off from my powers for a while. I only just got back to using them a few months ago and trained with them."  Nichole explained gripping a necklace their grandmother had given her to control her powers. She still had the same brown eyes he remembered.

Nichole sighed still sitting on his stomach. "I had left to stay with grandma for a while...I didn't want to but she didn't want me stressed out. But that just stressed me out even more and I lost control of my powers..." she said softly biting her cheek. "Then I ran...I had hurt her with my powers and I didn't want to hurt anyone else. So I basically blocked myself off from my powers for a while. I only just got back to using them a few months ago and trained with them."  Nichole explained gripping a necklace their grandmother had given her to control her powers. She still had the same brown eyes he remembered.


Alex smiled softly then sighed kissing her forehead like he used to do as her big brother "Atleast you are alive.." He said "you could of texted or called you know" He added frowning at her then standing up with her in his arms then looks at Aiden and nods to him who nods back signaling a somewhat peace treaty for now since Nichole is back
Nichole nodded and apologized then tackled aiden to the floor. "I missed you so much love.." she said softly and looked into his eyes before blushing crimson at their position. "S-sorry!" Nichole apologized.

Nichole nodded and apologized then tackled aiden to the floor. "I missed you so much love.." she said softly and looked into his eyes before blushing crimson at their position. "S-sorry!" Nichole apologized.


Aiden blushed deeply when he realized the position he was in with Nichole looking away for a second then putting on a brave face and leaning in he kisses her deeply on the lips pulling her closer

Meanwhile, Alex looks away with a frown on his face then sighs and coughs to get Aiden and Nicole's attention after a few prolonged seconds
Nichole blushed more and relaxed kissing back closing her eyes. She smiled into the kiss letting the kiss last longer. Nichole had missed this very much. She broke the kiss after a while and smiled. "I still win~" Nichole whispered into his ear. They always had a competition on who could make the other either blush the most or embarass each other in a harmless way when they weren't almost stuck together.

Leo walked after the girl, smiling nervously. Amina waved her arms around, making it very hard for Leo to see. "She's about eighteen months now, so she's getting big. Little Mimi's learning words now." Amina squealing in delight, smacking Leo in the face once again as he took a seat across from Alyona. "I think she just likes getting in the way... Mimi, eat the giraffe, not your hands." He sighed, handing her the giraffe again.
@Eternal Dragonchild


Alyona laughed , shaking out her dinner time pills into one hand, she quickly swallows them with a gulp of water "Down the hatch" The sentence was uttered in her native Russian as she gave Leo a smile "Sorry, got distracted there" She replaced the container in her pocket and stretched up before looking to Amina "What do you like to eat sweetie"
Nichole blushed more and relaxed kissing back closing her eyes. She smiled into the kiss letting the kiss last longer. Nichole had missed this very much. She broke the kiss after a while and smiled. "I still win~" Nichole whispered into his ear. They always had a competition on who could make the other either blush the most or embarass each other in a harmless way when they weren't almost stuck together.


Aiden growled lightly then smirked "Actually you blushed first so you lost" He teased then chuckled helping her up as he got up himself "We should probably head to the dining room" He said as Alex nodded without saying anything and walked inside looking for Cleo
Nichole giggled and nodded hugging his arm walking with him. "So what all did I miss in my absence?" She asked looking up him smiling softly. Nichole nuzzled him and hugged her stuffed animal then went back to her chocolate bar.

Cleo Sat at a table by herself, her siblings already having found a seat and stood up when she spotted Alex.

"Hey, Alex!"

Alex smiled seeing Cleo and sat down beside her gesturing for Nichole and Aiden to sit down across from them "Sorry about that" He said "had to see my sister" He gestured to Nichole "Cleo meet Nichole my sister and Aiden my...friend? I guess anyway..Nichole and Aiden meet Cleo, my new friend whom I saved from one of Aiden's shadow tendrils who went rogue" He says looking at Aiden with a frown while Aiden grimaced then sighs "sorry Cleo" He says
Alyona laughed , shaking out her dinner time pills into one hand, she quickly swallows them with a gulp of water "Down the hatch" The sentence was uttered in her native Russian as she gave Leo a smile "Sorry, got distracted there" She replaced the container in her pocket and stretched up before looking to Amina "What do you like to eat sweetie"

Leo looked a bit puzzled by the pills, a small frown on his face now. He was tempted to ask what they were, but figured that would be intruding. His only hope was that they weren't weight loss pills. He'd seen plenty of those, and they always seemed to make things worse. Leo was about to say something when Amina raised her arms and cried "Affles!" She meant apples, but wasn't quite on the words yet
"Wh-what does she mean Leo? I am not the best at English, as I was born in Mother Russia" She had a look of pride on her face when she said that "It means I sometimes struggle with English though" 

Reaching into her bag, Alyona took a bite of the chocolate bar she'd packed for the trip, hopefully it wouldn't be too long now

@Echo Dreamsong

Rex is sitting on his own eating watching the people from time to time not that he really gave a crap about most of them and them him,  as he continues to eat he starts to think' that yoona girls prob with her friends it would of been nice to have company but i don't want to come over to needy so this is for the best'.



Yoona followed Rex into the school, the pair of them making their way to what she could only assume was the dining hall. Spotting a head full of coppery hair Yoona grinned as she recognized Cleo amongst the sea of students.  "Oh look there's Cleo! Lets go sit with her." She grabbed Rex by the wrist, dragging him along towards the table where Cleo, Alex and Nichole were sitting. Well not so much dragging as there was no way she could move Rex if he didn't allow her to.

When they approached the table she let go and waved to her newly made friends. "Hey guys, mind if we join? This is Rex by the way." She smiled as she introduced him to the others.

"That's Cleo, Alex and....? Sorry don't think we've met yet." She was looking at Nichole, finding the girl rather adorable with her teddy bear. She didn't realize such young students attended this school as well. @Leo Radomir @twilight sparkle @PrincessKarai8


(A rather uninspired post meh)
"Wh-what does she mean Leo? I am not the best at English, as I was born in Mother Russia" She had a look of pride on her face when she said that "It means I sometimes struggle with English though" 

Reaching into her bag, Alyona took a bite of the chocolate bar she'd packed for the trip, hopefully it wouldn't be too long now

@Echo Dreamsong

Leo chuckled and pulled a packet of apple slices. "She has a thing for apples. Always has, but she won't eat apple sauce, she's picky about the type." He opened the package and set it on the table to remove Amina from the baby pack. He probably looked really funny with it on, but now it was off and he looked normal. Amina stood up on the bench and grabbed at the slices eagerly. "Affle!"

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