
While talking with T Black Onyx heard what Verdite was saying and said to her self "Man, she is so annoying, homeworld sure turns gems into mindless robots" while remembering her past as a home world gem. "The questions for precautions, you never know if you are in front of an enemy" She looked back at the nervous Alistair and then said "A long time ago 2 home world gems disappeared in this coast as a fusion, they were, swallowed by the sea...... But never make Ns I am in no position of asking so many questions. Black Onyx blended into her shadow and stayed near Alistair not trusting the fusion.

(I am going to stay as an observer where I live it is 1:00 am and I need sleep)

"A ...researcher?" Verdite questioned in an unimpressed tone, "You have so much potential! Iron out that stutter of yours, and you could be leading this rag-tag team of... What are you, anyways?" Verdite was quite the curious gem. Perhaps too curious.

Morgan suddenfly got distracted by something shiny down the beach and started walking to follow it.

Alistair blinked. Potential....? Really? HIM?! But....that wasn't possible! He couldn't lead the Crystal Gems! He was a terrible leader! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! However, he only just awkwardly nodded. 

  "Th-The C-Crystal G-Gems, ma'am, a-and while I a-appreciate the compliment....I....I didn't come here to l-lead anything. I-I came h-here b-because I knew enough about the H-Homeworld....m-maybe t-too much. So....t-to quench my thirst for knowledge, I-I moved here. Y-Yes...it was p-putting my entire p-potential on the line....b-but it was all worth it! C-Call me s-silly for it, b-b-but I have actually learned a lot from this planet....." Alistair trailed off, clutching his arm. Then, seeing Morgan walk off, he cocked his head. Had she seen something? 
Onyx, moved next to Alistair and reappeared next to Alistair as support, it seems he was really nervous and as Morganite went down to the beach Alistair was alone talking with Verdite. "Alistair, I think you already noticed Morganite went to the beach, I think she saw something" Onyx crossed her arms and then said "Are you going to stay here or are you going to go with her?" Onyx kept her emotionless face as she awaited her response while in her head she kept showing her disgust for Verdite.
Morgan suddenfly got distracted by something shiny down the beach and started walking to follow it.

Alistair blinked. Potential....? Really? HIM?! But....that wasn't possible! He couldn't lead the Crystal Gems! He was a terrible leader! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! However, he only just awkwardly nodded. 

  "Th-The C-Crystal G-Gems, ma'am, a-and while I a-appreciate the compliment....I....I didn't come here to l-lead anything. I-I came h-here b-because I knew enough about the H-Homeworld....m-maybe t-too much. So....t-to quench my thirst for knowledge, I-I moved here. Y-Yes...it was p-putting my entire p-potential on the line....b-but it was all worth it! C-Call me s-silly for it, b-b-but I have actually learned a lot from this planet....." Alistair trailed off, clutching his arm. Then, seeing Morgan walk off, he cocked his head. Had she seen something? 

Onyx, moved next to Alistair and reappeared next to Alistair as support, it seemed that he was really nervous and as Morganite went down to the beach Alistair was alone talking with Verdite. "Alistair, I think you already noticed Morganite went to the beach, I think she saw something" Onyx crossed her arms and then said "Are you going to stay here or are you going to go with her?" Onyx kept her emotionless face as she awaited a response while in her head she kept showing her disgust for Verdite.
Quartz finally stepped out of the house-temple thing, not knowing how to operate a simple door, she just slammed through it. She let out a small grunt and went on her way to explore the world outside of the house-temple thing.

She started by looking at and around said house-temple thing and scooping up handfuls of sand to inspect. She even picked up a lost hermit crab and deemed it to be a friend and companion.
T was still standing there blankly staring off into the distance 'Yep, yep that went great' Lapis said in a sarcastic manor worried that she just signed her death warrant  'It's alright they won't hurt us'  T walked into the water until she was ankle deep and she sat down in the water and closed her eyes. Slowly T's gems lit up and started to shine brightly. 
Garnet warped into the Beach house, she was surprised to see that no one was there. She had been gone for three days on a mission, which she decided to go on alone, she held a bubble in her hands and let out a devastating sigh. The corrupted gem had been a good friend of theirs, Garnet could somewhat guess the reaction if the others had come along. She couldn't allow them to go through that, which was why it was her mission and her mission alone, but she hadn't been expecting to be gone for as long as she was. She opened the temple door to the burning room and walked in, looking at the gem inside the bubble as gave a small smile. She reached out and let the bubble stay floating, You're safe now, she thought. She wiped a tear from her left eye, walked out of the room and house, onto the beach. "I could use a day off" she said to herself as she started looking around for the others.

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Turquoise was walking down the Beach City beach, looking for some sign of the gems that she had heard rumors of a rumor about. "I will say, it's quite beautiful" she thought as she reflected upon the magnificence of the beach. She eventually saw a small beach house with a figure with some sort of gem in her chest. Turquoise smiled and said "Well, glad that rumor was correct," as she began running up the stairs to the door and knocked on the door, saying "Hello, anyone home?"

Location-The Desert


"-will emit tremors coinciding with its movements. So you should feel evidence of its movements anytime soon."

Fluorite crested what must have been the hundredth sandy dune since she'd been dropped off in this heated wasteland. The heat didn't bother her, the anticipation did. The voice of the researcher constantly explaining what was supposed to happen once she reached her target. Scanner on, she walked with the researcher's dialogue turning into white noise as time passed. Finally she felt it, a tremor going by underground heading east. Finally, something to report,

"Tremors have been-"

"I heard it you buffoon, hurry up and go after it!"

Fighting the urge to roll her eyes, Fluorite took off East following behind the tremor as it shifted the sands it passed.

Soon enough she found it, what seemed to be a temple which had fallen into a sinkhole. The remains of the temple were lodged inside the sides of the massive hole which seemed to go down for a while until emptying into a large underground cave.

"Finally." Fluorite mumbled

"Oh my! I wonder whether this cavern was formed by the Gem or a natural-" "Lieutenant."

The voice that interrupted the researcher shocked Fluorite, she immediately stood straight and tried to remove the rampant boredom of the last hour from her appearance "Captain!"

"At ease Flour," the Captain's voice responded "Just checking up on you, I hear this one will be bigger than the last targets."

"It won't be a problem Ma'am." Flourite said with determination as she pulled out a Destabilizer and flipped it open for a quick test drive. "Agate will have her Freak by the day's end."

"As you say, Flour." the Captain said slowly "Then please, proceed."

Putting away the Destabilizer, Flourite leaped into the hole "Yes sir!"

As Flourite landed, she stood and immediately began searching for the Corrupted Gem located in those caves.
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Seeing a Garnet fusion, Verdite hurried things along much faster, and... The Crystal Gems? This was bad, "Alright, see you all soon! Cinnabarite can catch up later." Pushing the thrust vectors up to around 70% each, Verdite's ship, the Nova, took off into the sky, and shot towards the Prime Kindergarten.

"Log date 1 7 16. The renegade group of gems are actually a small faction associated with the Rebellion, going by the 'Crystal Gems'. Don't send reinforcements, by the time anyone reads this they'll be far enough away, but that doesn't help the fact that I have only barely escaped the vision of a Garnet Fusion. I might not have, though, who knows with future vision? End log."
Garnet heard a knock on the door, she approached it and opened the door. "Howdy" she said calmly, as she saw what appeared to be a gem, but once she realized itwas not one of her friends, "Are you a Homeworld gem?" She asked her tone monotone as always as she summoned her gauntlets, ready to attack if necessary but once noticing that this gem was alone so she put her weapon away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a suspicious ship," A Homeworld ship! "She mumbled under her breath. Where is it off to? What's it doing here?, she thought to herself. Using her future vision she thought of places where the mysterious ship went off too. The battlefield? No. Sky arena? Not likely. Temple? Nope. Barn? Not even remotely possible. The kindergarten? High probability, she decided after looking through multiple possibilities. She had forgotten about the mysterious gem until she snapped back to reality. "Who are you and What are you doing here?" She asked bluntly.


Garnet heard a knock on the door, she approached it and opened the door. "Howdy" she said calmly, as she saw what appeared to be a gem, but once she realized itwas not one of her friends, "Are you a Homeworld gem?" She asked her tone monotone as always as she summoned her gauntlets, ready to attack if necessary but once noticing that this gem was alone so she put her weapon away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a suspicious ship," A Homeworld ship! "She mumbled under her breath. Where is it off to? What's it doing here?, she thought to herself. Using her future vision she thought of places where the mysterious ship went off too. The battlefield? No. Sky arena? Not likely. Temple? Nope. Barn? Not even remotely possible. The kindergarten? High probability, she decided after looking through multiple possibilities. She had forgotten about the mysterious gem until she snapped back to reality. "Who are you and What are you doing here?" She asked bluntly.



((Try retagging. It didn't work. They'd display highlighted in yellow if so.))
"Look," Turquoise said seriously "I'm not a Homeworld gem, God knows what happened after they destroyed my battalion that I have no allegiance to-". She then saw a ship fly off into the sky with Homeworld colors and Turquoise wiped out her pistols, which were ineffective against the ship, and screamed "Ya, you better run you Homeworld piece of shit!". She then turned back around to the gem and said "Look, I don't know if you were in league with them or not, but my name is Turquoise or Turq as I was called and I lead the sector 28 part of the rebellion. I came here because I heard rumors that 6 gems where here and I wanted to see that if there was any part of the rebellion left or that it just me,".

It had been three weeks and five days since Blue Tourmaline had slipped away from his patrol at the now-unused main Kindergarten. Thankfully, he didn't need to eat or drink anything to stay alive. As an extra precaution, he had wrapped a piece of cloth around his waist, covering his gem and adding what little protection he could. He wasn't afraid of it cracking, but he had slipped on the rough ground more than enough times to potentially crack it, and he wasn't near anything he could use to heal himself.

Blue looked to the horizon, squinting and shading his eyes with his hand in an attempt to get a closer look. He could see something on the horizon - buildings. Only a few buildings, but buildings nonetheless. They were on the same shoreline he'd been walking along for miles, and seemed to be clustered in a small colony. The whole area seemed to be overlooked by a large cliff, nestled comfortably in its shade. Right in front of Blue was a sign. It read "Approaching Beach City".

Blue smiled with relief. Maybe here he could finally get some rest - or, even better, some information.
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Onyx, moved next to Alistair and reappeared next to Alistair as support, it seems he was really nervous and as Morganite went down to the beach Alistair was alone talking with Verdite. "Alistair, I think you already noticed Morganite went to the beach, I think she saw something" Onyx crossed her arms and then said "Are you going to stay here or are you going to go with her?" Onyx kept her emotionless face as she awaited her response while in her head she kept showing her disgust for Verdite.

Seeing a Garnet fusion, Verdite hurried things along much faster, and... The Crystal Gems? This was bad, "Alright, see you all soon! Cinnabarite can catch up later." Pushing the thrust vectors up to around 70% each, Verdite's ship, the Nova, took off into the sky, and shot towards the Prime Kindergarten.

"Log date 1 7 16. The renegade group of gems are actually a small faction associated with the Rebellion, going by the 'Crystal Gems'. Don't send reinforcements, by the time anyone reads this they'll be far enough away, but that doesn't help the fact that I have only barely escaped the vision of a Garnet Fusion. I might not have, though, who knows with future vision? End log."

Garnet warped into the Beach house, she was surprised to see that no one was there. She had been gone for three days on a mission, which she decided to go on alone, she held a bubble in her hands and let out a devastating sigh. The corrupted gem had been a good friend of theirs, Garnet could somewhat guess the reaction if the others had come along. She couldn't allow them to go through that, which was why it was her mission and her mission alone, but she hadn't been expecting to be gone for as long as she was. She opened the temple door to the burning room and walked in, looking at the gem inside the bubble as gave a small smile. She reached out and let the bubble stay floating, You're safe now, she thought. She wiped a tear from her left eye, walked out of the room and house, onto the beach. "I could use a day off" she said to herself as she started looking around for the others.


"Look," Turquoise said seriously "I'm not a Homeworld gem, God knows what happened after they destroyed my battalion that I have no allegiance to-". She then saw a ship fly off into the sky with Homeworld colors and Turquoise wiped out her pistols, which were ineffective against the ship, and screamed "Ya, you better run you Homeworld piece of shit!". She then turned back around to the gem and said "Look, I don't know if you were in league with them or not, but my name is Turquoise or Turq as I was called and I lead the sector 28 part of the rebellion. I came here because I heard rumors that 6 gems where here and I wanted to see that if there was any part of the rebellion left or that it just me,".


It had been three weeks and five days since Blue Tourmaline had slipped away from his patrol at the now-unused main Kindergarten. Thankfully, he didn't need to eat or drink anything to stay alive. As an extra precaution, he had wrapped a piece of cloth around his waist, covering his gem and adding what little protection he could. He wasn't afraid of it cracking, but he had slipped on the rough ground more than enough times to potentially crack it, and he wasn't near anything he could use to heal himself.

Blue looked to the horizon, squinting and shading his eyes with his hand in an attempt to get a closer look. He could see something on the horizon - buildings. Only a few buildings, but buildings nonetheless. They were on the same shoreline he'd been walking along for miles, and seemed to be clustered in a small colony. The whole area seemed to be overlooked by a large cliff, nestled comfortably in its shade. Right in front of Blue was a sign. It read "Approaching Beach City".

Blue smiled with relief. Maybe here he could finally get some rest - or, even better, some information.

Garnet heard a knock on the door, she approached it and opened the door. "Howdy" she said calmly, as she saw what appeared to be a gem, but once she realized itwas not one of her friends, "Are you a Homeworld gem?" She asked her tone monotone as always as she summoned her gauntlets, ready to attack if necessary but once noticing that this gem was alone so she put her weapon away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a suspicious ship," A Homeworld ship! "She mumbled under her breath. Where is it off to? What's it doing here?, she thought to herself. Using her future vision she thought of places where the mysterious ship went off too. The battlefield? No. Sky arena? Not likely. Temple? Nope. Barn? Not even remotely possible. The kindergarten? High probability, she decided after looking through multiple possibilities. She had forgotten about the mysterious gem until she snapped back to reality. "Who are you and What are you doing here?" She asked bluntly.



  Alistair nodded at Onyx when she said that, about to go check it out, when Garnet returned. The shy Aquamarine waved cheerfully at her, deciding that now would be a good time to report the news. 

  "Ga-Garnet...! S-So glad you're b-back....th-there's so much to t-t-tell you....a...a Homeworld ship crashed here....th-they were able to f-fix the ship and get out of here, b-but I kinda splashed one of them with w-water, s-so we kinda b-battled....a-and then I w-won....and then I got hit by a laser and p-poofed....then I came back and Morganite and I fused a-a-and they left....!" he babbled on. "I-I was called 'Sergeant' by one of the Homeworld gems, though....sh-she didn't seem to know that I'm not affiliated with them a-anymore until I corrected her....." Finally, Alistair stopped talking, waiting for a response. 
Delia hummed quietly as she crossed her arms behind her back. Today was her third day in Beach City. She'd gotten all unpacked, and with her father out on unexpected buisnesss in the next state over, she decided to check out the board walk. She had on a rather plain yet pretty white sun dress.
  Alistair nodded at Onyx when she said that, about to go check it out, when Garnet returned. The shy Aquamarine waved cheerfully at her, deciding that now would be a good time to report the news. 

  "Ga-Garnet...! S-So glad you're b-back....th-there's so much to t-t-tell you....a...a Homeworld ship crashed here....th-they were able to f-fix the ship and get out of here, b-but I kinda splashed one of them with w-water, s-so we kinda b-battled....a-and then I w-won....and then I got hit by a laser and p-poofed....then I came back and Morganite and I fused a-a-and they left....!" he babbled on. "I-I was called 'Sergeant' by one of the Homeworld gems, though....sh-she didn't seem to know that I'm not affiliated with them a-anymore until I corrected her....." Finally, Alistair stopped talking, waiting for a response. 

Garnet warped into the Beach house, she was surprised to see that no one was there. She had been gone for three days on a mission, which she decided to go on alone, she held a bubble in her hands and let out a devastating sigh. The corrupted gem had been a good friend of theirs, Garnet could somewhat guess the reaction if the others had come along. She couldn't allow them to go through that, which was why it was her mission and her mission alone, but she hadn't been expecting to be gone for as long as she was. She opened the temple door to the burning room and walked in, looking at the gem inside the bubble as gave a small smile. She reached out and let the bubble stay floating, You're safe now, she thought. She wiped a tear from her left eye, walked out of the room and house, onto the beach. "I could use a day off" she said to herself as she started looking around for the others.


Onyx stood besides Alistair and realized that she arrived before Garnet did and decided to present herself "You must be Garnet, I am Black Onyx,  I used to be with homworld but I separated from them a long time ago and I'll like to join you, to join the Crystal Gems".
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Location-The Desert: Underground Caverns

Flourite's eyepiece emitted a glow which she used to scan over the vast cavern she was in. The walls were mostly sandstone, with large chunks of broken temple lodged in the walls. Flourite hopped over what seemed to be a piece of a staircase and let her eyes skim over the surroundings quickly before leaping off onto the sandy ground below.

"It seems to have dragged chunks of the temple around with it while it traveled," the sudden voice in her earpiece made Flourite's movements halt in surprise  "interesting."

"You don't have to keep commentating, you know." Flourite grumbled before continuing her search "It's just a little bit distracting, and annoying, getting real close to infuriating at this point."

"Oh hush up," the researcher said plainly "gems on homeworld would be honored to be allowed to hear my observations. If I were you I'd feel like quite the lucky little brute."

Flourite grumbled before bracing herself for another tremor and taking off after it, "I get it I get it." she replied before finally coming across her target

At the end of another large cavern was a massive yellow and black reptilian gem monster, as Flourite slowly drew her destabilizer once more she watched as it reared back and blasted the cave wall before it with a massive mouth laser which carved through it immediately. As it roared and began crawling towards the extended cave's end, Flourite's destabilizer sparked to life.

"A Heliomander!" the Researcher's voice caused the gem monster to dart it's head back to spot the intruder

"Are you kidding me?!?" Flourite roared to the researcher before charging the beast and reaching for her gem with her free hand, the Heliomander reared back with another massive mouth blast when a large purple hammer careened into its jaw throwing it off. The blast instead tore through the cave's ceiling, carving another massive hole above them.  The Heliomander shook its head as Flourite stayed on the approach, but swung one of its massive claws wildly in front of it prompting Flourite to seamlessly slide under the attack. She came out near the rear of the Heliomander and had to take caution of its wildly swinging tail, leaping onto it as the Heliomander thrashed. The Homeworld soldier climbed along the Heliomander's back looking for the best place to zap it, when the corrupted gem suddenly took off along the cave floor at a speed she hadn't been expecting for a beast of its size.

Now focused on keeping her grip on the gem beast, Flourite gritted her teeth as the Heliomander traveled through various twists and turns in the caves before  finally crashing into a massive chunk of temple. There the Heliomander switched to attempting to shake her off, and twisted and flailed its body in various ways until it managed to dislodge the Homeworld soldier from its body. Flourite slammed into a pillar, snapping it in half, with a groan as she immediately whipped out another hammer. The Heliomander turned and roared at her before quickly letting loose another mouth blast, which Flourite immediately leaped to the side to avoid. The Heliomander gave chase, roaring after Flourite as she spotted another pillar. Flourite sped up, running along the pillar before leaping off and throwing her hammer into the approaching Heliomander's face, dazing it again and causing it to crash right into the pillar as Flourite landed on its back again.

"Come on freak," Flourite barked as the Heliomander struggled to shake of its dazed condition, right before she jammed her destabilizer into "dissipate already!"

It took some time, filled with violent sparks and the Heliomander's roars, until finally its physical form dissipated out from under her.

Flourite landed on her feet, then glanced up at the falling Heliodos Gem. Flourite extended her hand and caught the corrupted gem before bubbling it in a purple bubble.

"Target obtained." Flourite said as her eyepiece scanned over the gem "Sending to base."

Tapping the bubble, Flourite watched it vanish.

"Aw," the researcher's voice reappeared "Its such an adorable little creature!"

"An annoyingly persistent freak." Flourite commented with a grunt "Anything else for today?"

The researcher seemed to take her time with answering "Hm? Oh yes, next target will be sent to you shortly. Do try not to take forever this time, eh?"

Flourite cut off the communication with a grumble before putting away the destabilizer and beginning the long trek back to the surface.
Quartz and her hermit crab companion went together along the beach, surprisingly not being noticed. Maybe it was because she was pretty much the same color as the sand below her aside from her silver colored sleeves and light grey hair. As she walked the hermit crab made itself cozy on her shoulder, she was only a few yards away from the beach house when this.. ship zoomed past. She shrugged it off.

((Haha I'm bad at this rip me))
When Morganite arrived at the shiny, she huffed and pulled it up from the sand. It was a circle thing. A shiny silver circle thing that Mr. Universe had on the wheels of his car. She didnt know what they were called, but thought Amethyst might like it.  After a few moments she looked around. The shiny thing had been farther from the house than she'd thought. She was basically by the board walk now. "Pizzaaaa." She grinned and then bubbeled the shiny thing and sent it off to the temple. 
"Look," Turquoise said seriously "I'm not a Homeworld gem, God knows what happened after they destroyed my battalion that I have no allegiance to-". She then saw a ship fly off into the sky with Homeworld colors and Turquoise wiped out her pistols, which were ineffective against the ship, and screamed "Ya, you better run you Homeworld piece of shit!". She then turned back around to the gem and said "Look, I don't know if you were in league with them or not, but my name is Turquoise or Turq as I was called and I lead the sector 28 part of the rebellion. I came here because I heard rumors that 6 gems where here and I wanted to see that if there was any part of the rebellion left or that it just me,".

  Alistair nodded at Onyx when she said that, about to go check it out, when Garnet returned. The shy Aquamarine waved cheerfully at her, deciding that now would be a good time to report the news. 

  "Ga-Garnet...! S-So glad you're b-back....th-there's so much to t-t-tell you....a...a Homeworld ship crashed here....th-they were able to f-fix the ship and get out of here, b-but I kinda splashed one of them with w-water, s-so we kinda b-battled....a-and then I w-won....and then I got hit by a laser and p-poofed....then I came back and Morganite and I fused a-a-and they left....!" he babbled on. "I-I was called 'Sergeant' by one of the Homeworld gems, though....sh-she didn't seem to know that I'm not affiliated with them a-anymore until I corrected her....." Finally, Alistair stopped talking, waiting for a response. 
Onyx stood besides Alistair and realized that she arrived before Garnet did and decided to present herself "You must be Garnet, I am Black Onyx,  I used to be with homworld but I separated from them a long time ago and I'll like to join you, to join the Crystal Gems".

Garnet gave a small nob to the gem, "We are the remaining Crystal Gems, who fought in the rebellion. Actually here comes one now" she said slightly too early, after two minutes of waiting Alistair Aqua waved and started to speak to her. She listened to Alistair, "Are you okay?" She asked, hearing they had been poofed. A small smile appeared on her face as fusion was mentioned, "Thanks Alistair. You're a good leader" she said putting her hand on her friends shoulder. She always did her best to reassure Alistair that they were doing a great job. (Random side question: Alistair Aqua uses male pronouns right? I used gender neutral pronouns because I was unsure)

Another gem had been introduced, Black Onyx who wanted to join the Crytsal Gems. She had a genuine smile on her face," We're happy to take in new recruits, welcome to the family" she said, seeing into the most possible outcome Onyx should become a close friend for everyone. She turned back to Alistair, "The Homeworld ship, it's most likely at the Kindergarden, we should go" she informed Alistair. She walked to the warp pad, turning back to face Alistair and waited to see what the other two gems would do. 
"Well," Turquoise said after seeing the other two gems come up to the beach house "Is this it? I thought their was supposed to be a few more plus Rose Quartz herself but I heard something about her being in some alternative weird form, mind if you explain that?". Turquoise had come to Beach City under the assumption that there would be at least 6 gems but 3, this just had to be wrong. When she heard the tall gem say something about going to the Kindergarten, Turquoise said "Alright, lead the way,"

@CelestialBunny @Galen Ardila @Fem the Huffling Riceball
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When Morganite arrived at the shiny, she huffed and pulled it up from the sand. It was a circle thing. A shiny silver circle thing that Mr. Universe had on the wheels of his car. She didnt know what they were called, but thought Amethyst might like it.  After a few moments she looked around. The shiny thing had been farther from the house than she'd thought. She was basically by the board walk now. "Pizzaaaa." She grinned and then bubbeled the shiny thing and sent it off to the temple. 

Garnet gave a small nob to the gem, "We are the remaining Crystal Gems, who fought in the rebellion. Actually here comes one now" she said slightly too early, after two minutes of waiting Alistair Aqua waved and started to speak to her. She listened to Alistair, "Are you okay?" She asked, hearing they had been poofed. A small smile appeared on her face as fusion was mentioned, "Thanks Alistair. You're a good leader" she said putting her hand on her friends shoulder. She always did her best to reassure Alistair that they were doing a great job. (Random side question: Alistair Aqua uses male pronouns right? I used gender neutral pronouns because I was unsure)

Another gem had been introduced, Black Onyx who wanted to join the Crytsal Gems. She had a genuine smile on her face," We're happy to take in new recruits, welcome to the family" she said, seeing into the most possible outcome Onyx should become a close friend for everyone. She turned back to Alistair, "The Homeworld ship, it's most likely at the Kindergarden, we should go" she informed Alistair. She walked to the warp pad, turning back to face Alistair and waited to see what the other two gems would do. 

"Well," Turquoise said after seeing the other two gems come up to the beach house "Is this it? I thought their was supposed to be a few more plus Rose Quartz herself but I heard something about her being in some alternative weird form, mind if you explain that?". Turquoise had come to Beach City under the assumption that there would be at least 6 gems but 3, this just had to be wrong. When she heard the tall gem say something about going to the Kindergarten, Turquoise said "Alright, lead the way,"

@CelestialBunny @Galen Ardila @Fem the Huffling Riceball

((Yes, Alistair uses male pronouns as that's what he is most comfortable with.))

  "....I....I'm all right...." Alistair said with a slight blush on his blue face, scratching the back of his head. "....It was c-certainly rude of that gem to just hit me with a laser, though...." he mumbled. "B-But really......it wasn't anything that special....l-leading, I mean....I-I mean....well....a-all I did was what I th-thought was the right thing to do....." He nodded at the mention of a gem kindergarten. This would certainly be interesting. Who knew that today would be more eventful than normal? And he was actually considering writing another essay on mundane human cooking supplies! Heh....guess that was out of the question now. Alistair walked to the warp pad as well, then turned in the direction Morganite had gone. "M-Morgan, would you like to come....?" he called out towards her. 
Garnet gave a small nob to the gem, "We are the remaining Crystal Gems, who fought in the rebellion. Actually here comes one now" she said slightly too early, after two minutes of waiting Alistair Aqua waved and started to speak to her. She listened to Alistair, "Are you okay?" She asked, hearing they had been poofed. A small smile appeared on her face as fusion was mentioned, "Thanks Alistair. You're a good leader" she said putting her hand on her friends shoulder. She always did her best to reassure Alistair that they were doing a great job. (Random side question: Alistair Aqua uses male pronouns right? I used gender neutral pronouns because I was unsure)

Another gem had been introduced, Black Onyx who wanted to join the Crytsal Gems. She had a genuine smile on her face," We're happy to take in new recruits, welcome to the family" she said, seeing into the most possible outcome Onyx should become a close friend for everyone. She turned back to Alistair, "The Homeworld ship, it's most likely at the Kindergarden, we should go" she informed Alistair. She walked to the warp pad, turning back to face Alistair and waited to see what the other two gems would do. 

Onyx smiled even though she hated to admit it "Well, that is great" Onyx blended into her shadow so no one saw her joy. She came out calm and collected and said "thank you Garnet, thanks for this opportunity".
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Location: Open Sky/ On Board Roaming Eye

Flourite had left the desert some time ago after joining up with the Rubies, they were to transport her to the next location then return to scanning for further Corrupted gems for retrieval. They spotted and transported, simple enough for grunts like them. Except...

"Hey, why are you two fused?" Flourite pointed out who she had initially thought was the Ruby squad's captain. As time passed, she noticed she was larger than she remembered, and there was one less than there often was.

"Ah!" the fusion Ruby said before placing a hand to her chin and smirking as she turned in her chair  "Heh, it was a good idea Ma'am. Ruby came up with it on the way to pick you up!"

Flourite tilted her head to the side as the fusion stood and began pacing before the soldier.

"Ruby said, 'Why not try staying fused for a while longer?' It makes us better, stronger, potentially smarter, and a leader such as Ruby could not deny such obvious logic!"

Flourite directed her glare to the other three rubies who seemed preoccupied at their stations.

"Now we're 25% more effective! Eh? Eh? Ruby knows its genius, Ma'am!" the Fusion seemed giddy for some reason.

Flourite rolled her eyes and made a note to mention this to the captain later "Whatever, how long till we reach the target?"

"Ah! Of course, Ma'am, at our rate I suspect that we should be-"

"We're in range Ma'am!" called one of the other Rubies as the Roaming Eye came to a sudden hault.

"Hey look at that!" Fusion Ruby said with a grin and gestured towards the viewport "We're here! Good Luck out there soldier, not that you'll need it."

"Yeah, but what's a Corrupted Gem doing here of all places?" Flourite couldn't help but openly ask.

"Well" the sudden return of the researcher's voice coming from her eyepiece nearly made Flourite dissipate the nearest Ruby out of reflex. "Perhaps that adorably fragmented mind is trying to find places of familiarity." 

"Damn you!" Flourite scowled "I thought I told you to give me a warning before popping up like that!"

"Inconsequential." the researcher waved it off before continuing "Take a long look soldiers, before you lies what I do consider a historical monument to the ingenuity of Pink Diamond's design, may she glitter."

Flourite rolled her eyes once more and patted the Ruby Fusion on the shoulder before gesturing towards the exit hatch, the Fusion nodded and soon Flourite descended from the still hovering ship before landing on the ground with a thud. The Roaming Eye took off as she rose and took a look at her newest hunting grounds.

Location: Prime Kindergarten

The place was big, but finding one corrupted Gem among this trashed relic should be no major challenge. And so the Homeworld soldier traveled deeper into the Prime Kindergarten, searching for her latest target.
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