
Onyx smiled even though she hated to admit it "Well, that is great" Onyx blended into her shadow so no one saw her joy. She came out calm and collected and said "thank you Garnet, thanks for this opportunity".

She was heading back when she heard Alistair. "Where?" She shouted back, her hand cupped to the side of her mouth.

The Temple door opened up and Blue came out of her room with her head in a book called 'The No Home Boys: On the Run', recommended by Steven. Blue was actually really enjoying the book, it had such a great adventure and Blue was on edge. She placed the bookmark Steven had given her to save her spot and looked up, she saw Garnet on the warp pad. Opening her door quickly with her gem she threw her book in, and turned to Garnet, "Can I come? Please?" she asked, receiving a simple nod from Garnet, she jumped and landed softly on the warp pad. She saw Alistair was there too, and she became speechless, she heard Garnet give a small chuckle, and Blue turned back to her, "Hey!" she whispered, but she was smiling too. She stood next to Garnet waiting if the others would join them.

  "T-To a Gem Kindergarden!" Alistair responded to Morgan, his voice shaking with anticipation. Let's face it; he honestly couldn't wait. "We-We're g-going to f-follow th-that H-Homeworld sh-sh-ship and k-k-kick b-butt! I-I think...." Alistair added. He noticed Blue coming over and waved shyly, a small smile on his face.  She was a nice gem. Alistair liked her. "H-Hello..." he said to her, smiling calmly. 
  "T-To a Gem Kindergarden!" Alistair responded to Morgan, his voice shaking with anticipation. Let's face it; he honestly couldn't wait. "We-We're g-going to f-follow th-that H-Homeworld sh-sh-ship and k-k-kick b-butt! I-I think...." Alistair added. He noticed Blue coming over and waved shyly, a small smile on his face.  She was a nice gem. Alistair liked her. "H-Hello..." he said to her, smiling calmly. 

Morganite nodded and kept walking till she reached the warp pad and waited for who ever else was coming.


    "Well I wouldn't say there nicknames but rather distinguishing features.... I'm sure if I said that to their faces... which I never would. They'd be upset. But, frankly don't think they care for people much so I doubt I'll get the chance." shrugs slightly when a low rumble from the beach could be heard. 

    "What the?... ." she turns around and see's a teardrop shaped ship careening through the upper atmosphere becoming more and more heated through each layer as friction passes it's chassy. "Is that another... no wait... oh crud." the ship hits the beach a few meters from Cassidy and the as of yet unknown named girl causing the sand to superheat into spikes of glass.

    Being the brave girl she was Cassidy stood with her back to the crash between it and Delia. The heated bits of sand flecking towards them and causing little streams of ribbon smoke to come from her green plaid shirt she loved. "Ah!, hot hot hot." She stabalizes her stance and tosses off her over shirt stamping out the little flames and turning to look to the wreck.

   Not saying anything she leaps over the divide between boardwalk and beach and ran to the ship, "Geez, please be okay spaceman... or woman... astronaut... just... please don't latch onto my face." She took a deep breath and grabbed the ships door panel and with all the strength she had pried the semi fused door open, Cooking her hands in the process

   @Enmyira @RaddyECHington
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The previously mentioned Ruby was currently struggling in the water. "Stupid... Earth... Fluid!" she cried, choking on seawater.

She eventually made it to the shore and tossed a green gemstone down onto the sand. It was a Nephrite, likely poofed during the crash. "You were supposed to pilot the ship!" she shouted, not caring that the Nephrite couldn't answer. "Not CRASH IT!"


     Cassidy blew on her hands furiously as her ankles became soaked in seawater. "Owwie... yowch... ." she quickly peered into the rather large on the inside ship and didn't see any moving objects. "What on Earth, is this a T.A.R.D.I.S.?" the nerdy thought would be relinquished as she looked back to the boardwalk to check on the girl in the sundress. She seemed about to call out to her when she heard some extra splashing from behind.

     Cassidy turned around to see a remarkably short... Square... and Red person? For a moment her mouth was slightly agape and she shuts it seeing the rather expensive looking gem tossed on the ground by her. "Red... ." she mouthed in befuddlement shaking her head almost forgetting about her charred hands.

    "Hello there," she sloshes over through the water to the small woman, "You okay? This yours?" she directs a thumb toward the ship and stops a few feet from the Ruby. "Please tell me you understand me... my umm... alien or whatever you may speak isn't good.... ah...hehe.. ." she seemed a bit disillusioned in her confusion and solely operating on her decent morality and desire to help others.

@Enmyira @RaddyECHington


     "Oh, thank goodness... you speak English. And here I half expected you to talk on some higher tier of vocal range and me just loosing it. Wait?... Umm what am I?... You seriously don't know?" Alot of Cassidy's suspicions of her home town and alot about the blogs from the Eldest Fry she had been reading were being confirmed right before her eyes. This was a bonafied Alien. Martion... Little Gre... errr. Red Woman.

    It was then Cassidy noticed the weapon and took a half step back, "Whoa now lady, look I mean you no harm. Just trying to see if your okay and all that. Welcome to Earth.... guess you could call me an Earthling... hi, Umm... your not hurt are you?"

"Wait a second..." she said, walking up to Cassidy and poking her, "...You're organic life! And you're useless! Haha, stupid organic life. I'm... super above you!"

Ruby looked over at the Roaming Eye, and then kicked the Nephrite, shouting.  "G'AUGH, YOU SCREWED UP EVERYTHING! THANKS A LOT!"


    Blinked in utter disbelief as the small Red woman had the gall to come up to her and poke her outer thigh and call her Useless. Useless? Really what a presumptuous little half pint. "Excuse me?" Cassidy walked over putting her hands on her hips. "I rush over to /your/ ship to see if /you/ are alright... /you/ burn my favorite plaid shirt then poke me directly and call me useless? That is rude, little miss thang."

    Cassidy scowls and crouches picking up the green gem and placing it in her backpocket. "And, stop throwing a tantrum I bet you can fix your dumb ship and I'm sure kicking a gemstone isn't gonna help you Little Miss Hothead." Cassidy didn't change her attitude for anyone; and, she wasn't about to start for some red under the collar Alien who has a Napoleon complex.

Garnet gave a small nob to the gem, "We are the remaining Crystal Gems, who fought in the rebellion. Actually here comes one now" she said slightly too early, after two minutes of waiting Alistair Aqua waved and started to speak to her. She listened to Alistair, "Are you okay?" She asked, hearing they had been poofed. A small smile appeared on her face as fusion was mentioned, "Thanks Alistair. You're a good leader" she said putting her hand on her friends shoulder. She always did her best to reassure Alistair that they were doing a great job. (Random side question: Alistair Aqua uses male pronouns right? I used gender neutral pronouns because I was unsure)

Another gem had been introduced, Black Onyx who wanted to join the Crytsal Gems. She had a genuine smile on her face," We're happy to take in new recruits, welcome to the family" she said, seeing into the most possible outcome Onyx should become a close friend for everyone. She turned back to Alistair, "The Homeworld ship, it's most likely at the Kindergarden, we should go" she informed Alistair. She walked to the warp pad, turning back to face Alistair and waited to see what the other two gems would do. 

"Well," Turquoise said after seeing the other two gems come up to the beach house "Is this it? I thought their was supposed to be a few more plus Rose Quartz herself but I heard something about her being in some alternative weird form, mind if you explain that?". Turquoise had come to Beach City under the assumption that there would be at least 6 gems but 3, this just had to be wrong. When she heard the tall gem say something about going to the Kindergarten, Turquoise said "Alright, lead the way,"

@CelestialBunny @Galen Ardila @Fem the Huffling Riceball

((Yes, Alistair uses male pronouns as that's what he is most comfortable with.))

  "....I....I'm all right...." Alistair said with a slight blush on his blue face, scratching the back of his head. "....It was c-certainly rude of that gem to just hit me with a laser, though...." he mumbled. "B-But really......it wasn't anything that special....l-leading, I mean....I-I mean....well....a-all I did was what I th-thought was the right thing to do....." He nodded at the mention of a gem kindergarten. This would certainly be interesting. Who knew that today would be more eventful than normal? And he was actually considering writing another essay on mundane human cooking supplies! Heh....guess that was out of the question now. Alistair walked to the warp pad as well, then turned in the direction Morganite had gone. "M-Morgan, would you like to come....?" he called out towards her. 

(Idk if I tag all the right people but whoever near will do)

Amethyst... young lovable Amethyst, casually eating a packet of crisps walking out of her own magical room ''Woa! who are these clowns?'' Mentioning the unknown world gems in their house, she thought they had been desperately trying to be like the crystal gems maybe since she only knew there was a couple except corrupted and poof gems. However she walk towards the window seeing ships- her jaw went completely loose and those crisp crumble to the ground ''Uh.... sup?'' Amethyst didn't know how to react towards this new gem. Not like it already happen before but it was so quick and out of the blue, she didn't see it coming from miles away. ''Uh... Garnet, are these gems other.. crystal gems or Homeworld? do we have to go KABAAM on their butts!?'' putting the crisp to one side and smashing her fist in her hand, she merely threaten with her whip half way out her chest.

And you had a Topaz- a young gem who seem like a defected pearl, not able in doing their duties. Her shuttle was a shape of an arrow. It done the job, taking her out of Homeworld's solar system and pinning into the earths crust. It was indeed a bumpy ride and she could only think if she made the right decision. The doors open automatically and she climb out into this bizarre world- she manage to hit the shore- thankfully not in the sea... even though gems could breath it was just nice not to be..yet? ''*coughcough* where am I now?'' looking at her surroundings she was dumbfounded and took steps back, unsettle and then her shoulder blades hit the edge of her ship. Jolting back forward she knew the ship was completely damage, there was no hope in returning so she had no choice but to continue her journey on Earth- she didn't know that however, she knew nothing about planet Earth, only that it was written on the walls with the Diamonds.  ''H-Hello?!'' She called out where people was run to avoid the spaceship ''Wait! fellow... squishy things!'' 
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Morganite nodded and kept walking till she reached the warp pad and waited for who ever else was coming.

Morganite nodded and kept walking till she reached the warp pad and waited for who ever else was coming.

Onyx heard what they were up to and decided to help, as a former homeworld gem she new a lot about kindergardens and if someone was there that gem has o be stoped "I'll go, Onyx said with her usual neutral expresion, I'll like to help" she walked to the warp pad and standed besides Morganite.
"Hehehe... It worked! It actually worked! And those pitiful Crystal Gems are nowhere to be found!" Verdite's ship lumbered into the Kindergarten, "I can practically smell the corrupted gems in here! Along with... Something else..." Verdite shook the feeling off. It was probably the terrain. It was completely devoid of any substances found in gems! How long Is it going to take those pesky Crystal Gems to get here? 

"Log date 2 7 16. I have arrived at the Prime Kindergarten in facet 9. It is a marvel of technology! These holes are all uniform, each gem came out ready to fight, it looks like. Wait... There's one hole that is smaller than the rest. These markings are about 500 years newer as well... This Amethyst must have come out defective. This whole place is so interesting!"
"It's not my fault you burnt your... your, um... Um." She looked at Cassidy's shirt, scratching her head. "...Your thing, rummaging through MY SHIP! What part of this planet am I on, anyway?! This stupid Earth! GRAAAAAH!" She yelled as she kicked up sand, and recoiled when it got in her eyes.

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Location: Prime Kindergarten

Decrepit ancient ruins, Flourite scoured the massive expanse of the Prime Kindergarten during her search. This was... strange. Usually she'd be finding signs of the target by now. But the more recent markings on the injectors were not caused by the corrupted gem, from regular gem weapons instead. This was irrelevant information that could be relayed back to the captain at a later time.

Flourite scaled another cliff and turned to look out over the kindergarten's expanse with a scowl. There was no time limit for this mission, technically, as a gem she knew it was only a matter of time until she found the beast, bubbled it, and was off to whatever next task base had for her. Yet speed was a sign of efficiency, getting things done quickly always made the captain look at her with pride. Flourite hoped whatever corrupted beast she found at the end of the search was as smart in battle as it was in concealing it's position. 

Flourite figured that now was a good point to check the prime kindergarten control room, just to rule it out as a hiding location for later. I she was lucky, perhaps there she'd find something to help her pinpoint where it could be hiding. Perhaps enough systems were still salvageable to start scanning the area on a larger scale than what her eyepiece was capable of. Though she wasn't a technician, she figured having a look at least would be necessary.

Flourite began walking aling a ridge that ran alonside one of the many cliffs in the kindergarten, working her way to the control room, when she saw it.

The warrior gem heard it first, glancing up into the sky to find a gem ship lumbering through the kindergarten. Flourite nrrowed her eyes and let her eyepiece do it's job. The ship didn't register as one of her squad's, and wasn't listed as one of the other ships that had been procurred for this mission. Perhaps this was another mission? Perhaps these gems were the ones leaving fresh weapon traces all over the place. If that were the case then perhaps they had some idea where the target could be hiding, if anything knowledge of their mission could keep them from interfering with each other later on.

With that settled, Flourite began using her eyepiece to hail the unknown ship.

"Unknown Homeworld vessel, this is Flourite requesting designation and purpose. Respond." @ferociousfeind

If she were lucky she wouldn't have to repeat herself. Repeating things just annoyed her.


    "Gah!" she shields her eyes just in time from the small red woman's tantrum. "Geez lady... take a chill pill. Your in Beach City. Listen maybe if you stop trying to beat up sand for half a bloody minute you could actually I don't know.... act sensible." Cassidy crossed her arms and blew some bangs into place.

    This red woman sure was a piece of work. Cassidy was almost regretted being worried for her. Cassidy would look to her burnt palms and wince. "Oh man... ." she slowly closed the hands and the pain got worse. "Just perfect... I won't be able to make any jewelry or play any music... ."

"What's a chill pill, and will it enhance my performance?" she said, curious. She then realized Nephrite wasn't where she left her. "Gah?! GAH! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY PILOT?!" She pointed an accusing finger at Cassidy.



     Cassidy seemed more focused on her hands then anything the Red girl had to say. "What am I gonna do.... I hope this isn't bad enough I need to go see a doctor. I mean I can move my fingers at least. Maybe I should soak them in Sea Water?.... No the salt would burn." It was around this point amidst her self contemplation that she returned to paying attention to the Red woman.

     "Pilot?... what Pilot? There was no one in the ship.... I checked... with no thanks from you I might add." she crossed her arms really getting annoyed with how this girl with all her superiority complex was treating her. "I mean, wouldn't kill you to say thank you or something. I was actually worried for your safety Red."

"Nephrite! The Nephrite pilot! I had her gem right HERE!" she exclaimed, pointing to the spot where she had left Nephrite. "Gah! I don't have time for this! I have a very important mission."

She smiled wide, very proud of this 'mission.' She then leaned in towards Cassidy, speaking in a whisper out the side of her mouth. "You haven't seen any... rogue gems around here, have you?"


      "Gems?" what was this... this... this vividly hue'd girl? Wait.... Steven, Birdnose, the Walking Trash Compactor, and Block head.... Block... head??? Now that Cassidy was giving it more thought. Red, had a block head too. So Gems were... aliens? And the gem in her back-pocket was an alien too. A Nephrite? Was this girl, Red, a evil gem out to harm Steven and his Aunt's?

     "Sorry if I had seen any weird colored aliens like you... I think I would remember it." she rolled her eyes. But, in truth all she was thinking about was running to Steven's and telling him about this Red character and handing over the Nephrite in her back pocket. Maybe they would know what to do.

(Alright @Tulani, no worries!)

Ruby crossed her arms. "Good! That means I won't have to deal with anyone else on my mission. Hm..."

She narrowed her eyes at Cassidy, suspicious. She still didn't know where Nephrite was.
Astra finally pulled herself out of the water, shaking and trying to dry her hair off. Because she was angry, she threw her bent spork in the ocean. The leg, or stump of a knee, had already healed. Still, there was no chance it would grow back. She pulled her full leg up to her chest and sobbed quietly. It was a simple reaction of fear. She didn't understand why the shark bit her, or even if she was going to live. Astra wouldn't be able to even walk on her own anymore. Scary to say the least. Her little body was wracked with small silent sobs as she tried to call for help. Her vocal chords refused and she turned to looking pleadingly at anyone nearby. She didn't trust people, but Cassidy helping had given her a slight hope.

{Open to interact with}

{And @Tulani for the mention of Cassidy}
Garnet turned to see Amethyst come out of her room eating a human snack. She nodded at Amethyst's question, "We're going to the Prime Kindergarten. There's some homeworld gems and we need to find out what they're up to" she signaled her purple friend to come on with them. But she knew the Kindergarten was a touchy subject so she wasn't going to pressure her.

Blue looked back at Alistair, he waved at her, smiled and said 'hi' to her! Blue smiled back, "H-hiya" she said back, a tint of darker blue on her cheeks. She saw Morganite and waved to her as well, "Hi Morgy!" she said sweetly to her friend. She noticed a new gem, they looked like an Onyx, "Hello I'm Blue, well Blue Topaz to be exact but just call me Blue" she said politely. "So..who's going to warp all of us to the Kindergarten?" she asked, she was still learning how to use her gem powers, so she could only warp one other person besides herself. 
Amethyst titled the end of the opened packet so the rest of the food would fall into her mouth, her whip was push back into her gem and she skillfully threw her packet into the bin ''Hehe...uh~ okay!'' Needing just a second moment to think about her conclusion she felt it was okay, for now... she been to the kindergarten a few times however nothing too deep happen until Jasper and Pearl. ''Yo, where Steven and Pearl?'' She questioned curiously, she walk past the newbies- in all honesty she wish they would be weaker, she didn't want to be the runt along with being so vulnerable because of her skill set. ''Stand back, let me show you how a pro warps this!'' as she stood on the portal she waited. Feeling confident so far. 
Verdite clambered back into the ship, and it lifted back into the air, "A mapping of this place wouldn't hurt anybody. Where to start?" the Nova coasted a few feet above the ground, automatically cataloguing exit holes. Optimal soil conditions at the time produced a very expansive batch of strong, loyal soldiers.


Verdite opened the frontal camera to see an angry-looking  Fluoride-based gem. "How many more gems are on this place?" she thought to herself, before responding to the hail,  "I'm responding all right. I'm here for scientific and archaeological research on gem technology on Earth. My designation is none of your business, what are you doing here?"

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