


     Cassidy woke up in her loft apartment lazily confused as always. She didn't even notice stepping on the half full pizza box from the night before. The squish of cheese against cardboard fell silent on her half awake state. She moved to the restroom which was so tight a simple turnaround would have the shower curtain clinging to you. There was bout a five square foot standing space between standing shower, toilet, and sink. She quickly hop'd in for a shower and gargled some mouthwash. It was around then her eyelids decided to separate.

     "Ugh... what day is it? Do I have work?.. computer... computer."

     She leapt onto her bed and reached for her laptop and saw the most amazing sight she hadn't seen in about a week, Not Scheduled She withheld a joyous squeal as she moved for her closet and put on some tight fitting jeans with patches and fabric paint abound. She tossed on a White T and a green plaid over-shirt that despite missing a button or two was of fine quality.

    About this time she would notice her pizza box. Cassidy simply shrugged grabbing a slice and putting the rest in her tiny fridge/nightstand. It still tasted great despite looking like roadkill. At this point it was two sandels, a wallet, a phone, and out the door. She got in her Hummer and put on some stylin shades before inspecting herself one last time.

    She drove out to the beach front where tourists would pad the street buying all sorts of things. She set out a hippie shiek rug and her jewelry kit. She also pulled out her bass case she decided to try another way to pull the crowd.

    "Handcrafted Jewelry for sale. Fair prices for good quality." And it was good quality. Cassidy could easily make a profession from her craft if she just got through the door. Heck maybe she could use materials better than ones she got from Hobby Stores.
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((Yes, Alistair uses male pronouns as that's what he is most comfortable with.))

  "....I....I'm all right...." Alistair said with a slight blush on his blue face, scratching the back of his head. "....It was c-certainly rude of that gem to just hit me with a laser, though...." he mumbled. "B-But really......it wasn't anything that special....l-leading, I mean....I-I mean....well....a-all I did was what I th-thought was the right thing to do....." He nodded at the mention of a gem kindergarten. This would certainly be interesting. Who knew that today would be more eventful than normal? And he was actually considering writing another essay on mundane human cooking supplies! Heh....guess that was out of the question now. Alistair walked to the warp pad as well, then turned in the direction Morganite had gone. "M-Morgan, would you like to come....?" he called out towards her. 

She was heading back when she heard Alistair. "Where?" She shouted back, her hand cupped to the side of her mouth.
Astra lay in the sand under the board, making little drawings in the sand. The water came closer and she quickly recoiled. Her little stomach growled and she got up, glancing around. Sure, she was smaller than most other's at age seven, but she didn't care. At the moment, her grey tank top was torn to near shreds, revealing the many scars in her side. She'd been cut and stabbed at so many times, it was hard to count. Forget the ragged shorts, she needed food. So, she stumbled up in torn clothes and headed towards the top of the board walk. Many people could be seen, but she ignored them. Running around the back of a store, she snatched up the fry bits. She couldn't read, so she didn't bother. She took the whole pan too before running off to the beach. Astra sat just out of the waves reach behind a rock, staring at the sun.



     Cassidy had managed to scrounge up some money selling some of her better pieces. She found herself doing a happy little dance with her tush bobbing a bit as she counted the bills. Suddenly a strange sight caught the corner of her eyes, well eye as her one eye is eternally shrouded by the enigma that is her hair. It was a rather pinkish toned girl moving behind the fry guy stand.

    "What the?" she was a bit curious, the girl looked a bit... raggidy and that wasn't that common for Beach City. There were very few homeless people in the city and though there were... well some strange colored woman that moved about from time to time. She never really got a close look at any of them. Fact most her knowledge base came from some cooky blogger... the Fry Guy's eldest son actually. 

    After a moment the girl reappeared with some... unsatisfactory looking fry bits. "She didn't... did she?... did she get those from the can?" Cassidy suddenly felt a looming sense of morality and all she could do was curse herself for it. She stared at the money she just earned a bit teary eye'd "Oh Abraham.... Lincoln.... Jackson. I barely knew you... ." she sighs and gathers her things moving them in the Hummer's trunk and ran to the local Pizza shop. She got herself a rather large traditional pie, then paid the Fry Guy's some money for the bits she may have stolen and began searching for this pink girl.

   Soon she saw her near a rock and Cassidy just groaned under her breath, "Damn your sensible morals... ugh.. here we go. Just don't be a crazy person and like... attack me." she pleaded to herself mostly. She would approach the girl with the delicious smelling pizza on her shoulder with a palm to support it.

   "Hey you... umm, girlie... look take this, and don't you dare say you can't got it." she demanded as she held out the steamy delicious pizza encased in it's tight cozy box.

@Echo Dreamsong
The Temple door opened up and Blue came out of her room with her head in a book called 'The No Home Boys: On the Run', recommended by Steven. Blue was actually really enjoying the book, it had such a great adventure and Blue was on edge. She placed the bookmark Steven had given her to save her spot and looked up, she saw Garnet on the warp pad. Opening her door quickly with her gem she threw her book in, and turned to Garnet, "Can I come? Please?" she asked, receiving a simple nod from Garnet, she jumped and landed softly on the warp pad. She saw Alistair was there too, and she became speechless, she heard Garnet give a small chuckle, and Blue turned back to her, "Hey!" she whispered, but she was smiling too. She stood next to Garnet waiting if the others would join them.


     Cassidy had managed to scrounge up some money selling some of her better pieces. She found herself doing a happy little dance with her tush bobbing a bit as she counted the bills. Suddenly a strange sight caught the corner of her eyes, well eye as her one eye is eternally shrouded by the enigma that is her hair. It was a rather pinkish toned girl moving behind the fry guy stand.

    "What the?" she was a bit curious, the girl looked a bit... raggidy and that wasn't that common for Beach City. There were very few homeless people in the city and though there were... well some strange colored woman that moved about from time to time. She never really got a close look at any of them. Fact most her knowledge base came from some cooky blogger... the Fry Guy's eldest son actually. 

    After a moment the girl reappeared with some... unsatisfactory looking fry bits. "She didn't... did she?... did she get those from the can?" Cassidy suddenly felt a looming sense of morality and all she could do was curse herself for it. She stared at the money she just earned a bit teary eye'd "Oh Abraham.... Lincoln.... Jackson. I barely knew you... ." she sighs and gathers her things moving them in the Hummer's trunk and ran to the local Pizza shop. She got herself a rather large traditional pie, then paid the Fry Guy's some money for the bits she may have stolen and began searching for this pink girl.

   Soon she saw her near a rock and Cassidy just groaned under her breath, "Damn your sensible morals... ugh.. here we go. Just don't be a crazy person and like... attack me." she pleaded to herself mostly. She would approach the girl with the delicious smelling pizza on her shoulder with a palm to support it.

   "Hey you... umm, girlie... look take this, and don't you dare say you can't got it." she demanded as she held out the steamy delicious pizza encased in it's tight cozy box.

@Echo Dreamsong

Astra jumped at the sound, letting out a whisper of a scream as she backed away. The food could be poisoned,she should ask. Well, that's a problem, she couldn't! Dumb vocal cords rotting or something. Her nerves were probably clear on her face, but the fry bits had been scattered into the ocean. Not that she was above ocean food. 

Keeping one eye on Cassidy, she slowly poked at the box. Yep, definitely poison! She was sure this strange person wanted to kill her, because that is certainly normal logic. She gave a small whimper, pulling herself away from the odd human before attempting to bury herself in the sand. Hey, it worked sometimes! She shoved her feet in the sand before giving up on that tactic and hiding behind the rock. The pizza smelled really good though, Astra wasn't sure what it was called. She'd had old stale pieces in dumpsters, but never fresh or none moldy.

Creeping back towards Cassidy, she slowly opened the box, tensing to run. Seeing the streaming food, she looked up at the girl then back at the box, then repeat. Eventually she rapidly snatched up a slice and dashed off to try and escape. Then the stupid sand betrayed her and she landed face first in the sand. The pizza landed in it too. Astra pulled herself back up and rushed to behind the rock where she nibbled on the Sandy slice. Her eyes widened and the kids tried to shove the whole thing in her mouth. By the time she was done, sauce was added to the list of grime covering her. Licking her lips, she poked her head out to stare at Cassidy. 


   Cassidy was needless to say a bit bewildered by the whole affair. This girl... how old is she... likely younger than me. "I hate that I have to say that now." she mumbled under her breath unintelligibly. To this strange girl Cassidy likely sounded a bit annoyed and that was the only reason Cassidy could assume the girl actually tried to bury herself. "Uhmm... you.. uh?"

     She watched the girl move about more and finally she came up to inspect the pie and *BOOM* she flopped like a puppy on a sand dune and the slice became a mass of grit and cheese. "Hey don't worr... E??" Cassidy could only look on in horror and mild disgust as the girl ate the slice. "Dang, you must have been really hungry... glad I got the Deluxe Extra Large."

    At this point Cassidy was assured the girl was crazy; but, not the bad kind. "So.. Imma sit now kay? No running away or tossing sand at me. I just wanna share this pie... I mean, err... pizza with you kay?" Cassidy moved to a seat and set the pizza box on a jetty of the rock behind here so it was raised just a bit above sand level. She took out a clean slice and ate it to supreme satisfaction.

   The half Asian American girl smiled with a cheek full of ooey gooey goodness and spoke, "Sheee, it's gewd." Cassidy swallows, "Heck of alot better without sand in it. And won't get you jailed for stealing." she looks to the floating fry bits, "I paid for those too.... but, seriously. The Fry's are good people... I mean you could probably just ask for some bits and I'm sure they would give you some."

@Echo Dreamsong


   Cassidy was needless to say a bit bewildered by the whole affair. This girl... how old is she... likely younger than me. "I hate that I have to say that now." she mumbled under her breath unintelligibly. To this strange girl Cassidy likely sounded a bit annoyed and that was the only reason Cassidy could assume the girl actually tried to bury herself. "Uhmm... you.. uh?"

     She watched the girl move about more and finally she came up to inspect the pie and *BOOM* she flopped like a puppy on a sand dune and the slice became a mass of grit and cheese. "Hey don't worr... E??" Cassidy could only look on in horror and mild disgust as the girl ate the slice. "Dang, you must have been really hungry... glad I got the Deluxe Extra Large."

    At this point Cassidy was assured the girl was crazy; but, not the bad kind. "So.. Imma sit now kay? No running away or tossing sand at me. I just wanna share this pie... I mean, err... pizza with you kay?" Cassidy moved to a seat and set the pizza box on a jetty of the rock behind here so it was raised just a bit above sand level. She took out a clean slice and ate it to supreme satisfaction.

   The half Asian American girl smiled with a cheek full of ooey gooey goodness and spoke, "Sheee, it's gewd." Cassidy swallows, "Heck of alot better without sand in it. And won't get you jailed for stealing." she looks to the floating fry bits, "I paid for those too.... but, seriously. The Fry's are good people... I mean you could probably just ask for some bits and I'm sure they would give you some."

@Echo Dreamsong

Astra licked her lips and crawled out from behind the rock. She looked at Cassidy on confusion, seeing as most of the words didn't make sense. The small girl looked at the pizza longingly before nervously wasting into the water. Her breaths became short and she whimpered slightly, fishing up the soggy fry bits before sprinting out. There were far to many fish in water, something she wanted to avoid. She squeezed each piece to try and remove the water before finally just shoveling then all down. 

Astra sat several feet away from Cassidy, starting at her with wide eyes. She wasn't sure why the girl had helped her, but maybe she'd give some more! With shaky hands, she began signing at her. 

'More? More food?' Astra asked through cracked ASL. Surely everyone knew sign language. All of her old street parents did, so would Cassidy! At least she thought. She tilted her head, looking at the box hopefully. 
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     Watched the girl go for the fry bits and she cringed speaking up just before she ate them to no avail "Dang dude... listen chica think we are having some sort of language barrier here... please don't eat that bacteria infested crud.... I soo don't envy your stomach."

    She watches on as the girl stares at the pizza she bought for her longingly and it was clear she really didn't get it did she. Maybe she was foreign? Suddenly she started flailing her fingers about at a crazy pace. "Oh crap, ASL... uhh uh man, stupid college course I didn't pay attention to cause I thought it was impractical and pointlesssss.... gah." she blurted out rapidly and began watching closely as she nibbled on her white bangs. A clearly nervous twitch when mentally stumped.

    "Okay that was food... I remember that from baby sign language that my foster parents were on about with Tulip... but... that other word. Umm plus?... more maybe? Thank goodness it's only two words." she pulls out her phone and seems to punch something in, "Okay so... this." she knocks her fist forward with thumb to second finger then rubs an open palm across her heart signing {Yes Please} to the girl. 

    Cassidy then directs her attention to the pizza, Then she swipes two open palms with palm upwards for {Bought} then a single finger to her forehead and out {for] then two fingers up with thumb on third finger, fallowed directly by a closed fist. {Us} 

   It was clear Cassidy didn't know sign language well and was very slow signing what she wanted too.

@Echo Dreamsong
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     Watched the girl go for the fry bits and she cringed speaking up just before she ate them to no avail "Dang dude... listen chica think we are having some sort of language barrier here... please don't eat that bacteria infested crud.... I soo don't envy your stomach."

    She watches on as the girl stares at the pizza she bought for her longingly and it was clear she really didn't get it did she. Maybe she was foreign? Suddenly she started flailing her fingers about at a crazy pace. "Oh crap, ASL... uhh uh man, stupid college course I didn't pay attention to cause I thought it was impractical and pointlesssss.... gah." she blurted out rapidly and began watching closely as she nibbled on her white bangs. A clearly nervous twitch when mentally stumped.

    "Okay that was food... I remember that from baby sign language that my foster parents were on about with Tulip... but... that other word. Umm plus?... more maybe? Thank goodness it's only two words." she pulls out her phone and seems to punch something in, "Okay so... this." she knocks her fist forward with thumb to second finger then rubs an open palm across her heart signing {Yes Please} to the girl. 

    Cassidy then directs her attention to the pizza, Then she swipes two open palms with palm upwards for {Bought} then a single finger to her forehead and out {for] then two fingers up with thumb on third finger. {Us} 

   It was clear Cassidy didn't know sign language well and was very slow signing what she wanted too.

@Echo Dreamsong

Astra perked up instantly, moving forward slowly, as though afraid Cassidy wad lying. It had happened before. She finally was on her knees next to the box. She grabbed a slice and held it tightly, looking at Cassidy nervously. 

The girl suddenly lunged out, grabbing one more slice before dashing off back towards the boardwalk. She nearly tripped with every the steps, leading to her falling on a rock. That drew a bit of blood, but Astra kept going. 

She ran down the planks, feet bare as her torn shirt feel slowly began to fall apart. She finally jumped down into the sand, crawling through the sand to her little burrow. With the pizza hidden under her, she curled up and slowly drifted off. 


    Cassidy was thrilled the girl seemed to understand her poor attempts to communicate. When she took the second slice Cassidy had a cheeky full mouth grin from cheek to cheek as if proud of herself for doing a good thing; but, suddenly the girl flew off with more than half a pizza still left. Cassidy stood up and cupped her hands over her mouth and called out to the speed demon of a girl.

    "Hey Chica, hold up... you can have.... ." she stopped cupping around her mouth and let her arms fall limp. She quirked a dissapointed sighing expression and shook her head speaking, "More... ."

    She looks back to the pizza box and wonders what to do with it. The girl was rather agile and strong for a malnourished little chicken bone; but, she was clearly starving on some level. "If I leave it here.... the birds will get it." she turns to the direction she ran and based on the pink silhouette she saw she knew she must have hunkered down just a bit further down the way.

    Cassidy walked to her Hummer and pulled out a used Tupperware case and began putting the pizza slices left in a fat stack inside. She sealed it shut and walked to where she could only guess the girl went. She was close enough she could be heard by Astra; but not skilled enough to detect or see her. "Hey Pink girl... Chica!... listen not sure you understand what I'm saying so Imma say it simply. The Food was yours, not mine. I have it in here." she jiggles the Tupperware case,  "I am going to leave it here, come and get it please. Ohh... ." she pauses, "My name, is Cassidy."

    Cassidy sets the Tupperware container down on ratty beach towl she used to clean up spills in her hummer and hoped the girl would find it. "What a weird friggin day man." she rubs the back of her neck and walks back to her hummer not too far from the spot she left the pizza and pulled out her bass. She plugs it into her vehicles backboard speakers and began playing.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIOmFDIpqR8   ((For audio reference only))

@Echo Dreamsong


    Cassidy was thrilled the girl seemed to understand her poor attempts to communicate. When she took the second slice Cassidy had a cheeky full mouth grin from cheek to cheek as if proud of herself for doing a good thing; but, suddenly the girl flew off with more than half a pizza still left. Cassidy stood up and cupped her hands over her mouth and called out to the speed demon of a girl.

    "Hey Chica, hold up... you can have.... ." she stopped cupping around her mouth and let her arms fall limp. She quirked a dissapointed sighing expression and shook her head speaking, "More... ."

    She looks back to the pizza box and wonders what to do with it. The girl was rather agile and strong for a malnourished little chicken bone; but, she was clearly starving on some level. "If I leave it here.... the birds will get it." she turns to the direction she ran and based on the pink silhouette she saw she knew she must have hunkered down just a bit further down the way.

    Cassidy walked to her Hummer and pulled out a used Tupperware case and began putting the pizza slices left in a fat stack inside. She sealed it shut and walked to where she could only guess the girl went. She was close enough she could be heard by Astra; but not skilled enough to detect or see her. "Hey Pink girl... Chica!... listen not sure you understand what I'm saying so Imma say it simply. The Food was yours, not mine. I have it in here." she jiggles the Tupperware case,  "I am going to leave it here, come and get it please. Ohh... ." she pauses, "My name, is Cassidy."

    Cassidy sets the Tupperware container down on ratty beach towl she used to clean up spills in her hummer and hoped the girl would find it. "What a weird friggin day man." she rubs the back of her neck and walks back to her hummer not too far from the spot she left the pizza and pulled out her bass. She plugs it into her vehicles backboard speakers and began playing.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIOmFDIpqR8   ((For audio reference only))

@Echo Dreamsong

Astra heard her and froze. The girl had come to attack her for taking a slice! Not on her watch! She picked up her little plastic spork and crawled up the side of the boardwalk. Seeing the pizza, she looked around for a trap. With none in sight, she sped over and snatched it up. 

Astra would have been fine, if she hasn't fallen off the dock. The water was deep and murky at that point, leading to major fear. She slashed about,struggling to stay afloat. Even if she was land agile, she wasn't water agile. Astra gave a slight whimper, struggling to make it back to the dock. 

That failed. Nope, instead a shark began to circle. Astra panicked and began trying to calm for help. She managed to at least be sort of loud as she cried. This was why she never went in the water. A sudden sharp pain just above her knee brought a full out scream from her. Her vision seemed to change red with the water as she watched, slowly sinking. The girl weakly tried to stay afloat, splashing weakly as the shark swam off, taking half of her left leg with it. Astra finally passet out, going under


     Cassidy having left the Pizza for the potentially homeless girl was now a ways from the actual beach and dock. The boardwalk was a great place to attract the tourists and make some money. She decided to put her kit out there again on her green handy fold-able table. There was a variety of necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings for the passerby. They were fairly priced and the gem stones she wrapped silver or gold wire around for centerpieces were sadly low quality cuts. However; tenderness and care was taken in the craft and they were made to look fabulous.

     No one was buying for the moment and Cassidy had a niche for situations like this so she pulled out her bass and plugged it into her Hummer's rear speakers. She slowly began playing a instrumental version of "Carry on my Wayward Son." even going so far as to sing some of the lyrics.Her case was open and there was loose cash from passerby's nothing over a Jackson though if she was lucky.

    She spotted the relatively cute girl in the white sundress walking by and she missed a note and it showed visibly on her face. Her fingers acted quickly though and only those familiar with the song would have noticed. To Cassidy this was her love... if she could bum it out and practice the arts... that be the dream.

   She wore a relatively fashionable green plaid shirt that was missing a button or two, a white tank top underneath the open faced over shirt. And a pair of patched and hand painted jeans with tares at the knees. Her feet had sandals on them with painted toe nails with chibi fruit cartoon characters



     Cassidy having left the Pizza for the potentially homeless girl was now a ways from the actual beach and dock. The boardwalk was a great place to attract the tourists and make some money. She decided to put her kit out there again on her green handy fold-able table. There was a variety of necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings for the passerby. They were fairly priced and the gem stones she wrapped silver or gold wire around for centerpieces were sadly low quality cuts. However; tenderness and care was taken in the craft and they were made to look fabulous.

     No one was buying for the moment and Cassidy had a niche for situations like this so she pulled out her bass and plugged it into her Hummer's rear speakers. She slowly began playing a instrumental version of "Carry on my Wayward Son." even going so far as to sing some of the lyrics.Her case was open and there was loose cash from passerby's nothing over a Jackson though if she was lucky.

    She spotted the relatively cute girl in the white sundress walking by and she missed a note and it showed visibly on her face. Her fingers acted quickly though and only those familiar with the song would have noticed. To Cassidy this was her love... if she could bum it out and practice the arts... that be the dream.

   She wore a relatively fashionable green plaid shirt that was missing a button or two, a white tank top underneath the open faced over shirt. And a pair of patched and hand painted jeans with tares at the knees. Her feet had sandals on them with painted toe nails with chibi fruit cartoon characters


Someone was playing. It was nice. A smile pushed onto the girl's lips and she quietly hummed along while traveling closer. She was careful to keep some hair behind her shoulders as to hide her odd raised-diamond birthmark.  A younger lady was playing, singing, and possibly selling handmade jewelry. Delia loved handmade jewelry.. to which she blames her father.

The gemologist always brought home the rejects and carefully bound and hung most of them. From the ceiling even. On rainy days they'd always had a tradition to turn off all the lights in the house, go into the special gem-hanging room with a plethora of blankets and pillows and a few slow moving automatic lights. They'd make a type of.. blanket-pillow cesspool in the middle of the room and then put the special lights in the room's corners. They'd turn on the lights and go plop down in their comfortable nest to enjoy the wonderful light show the gems would give. 

Delia wandered even closer and slightly leaned to get a closer look at the jewelry. One with a quartz crystal immediately caught her eye. "Do you make these?" She ask quietly, hoping the lady will just nod so she doesn't have to stop the nice song.


     Cassidy couldn't help but smile as the girl in the sundress came over to inspect her wares. The inner bum who only thought of the next junkfood to buy or buy for others was making cha-ching sound effects in her head. Money would always burn through Cassidy's pockets as half the time it went to liven up someones day or get donated to foster care homes.

    She smiled from ear to ear a proud cheeky grin and nodded as the song drew closer and closer to a close. Her fingers dancing cross the strings showing she had certainly enough talent to be in a band of some kind. Even a local one. With the flourishing finish and the ending lines "Don't you Cry no more... ." she set the bass in her lap and blew some stray bangs into place eternally hiding her one eye.

     "Howdy Chica, I most certainly do. I also make custom orders long as I have the supplies." she takes a moment and opens a second display case under the green table, "I also do chain, and knitting too.... though they don't sell as often... cause. Well time consuming." 

     The chainmail was alot like the ring's of the main products; but, far superior and clearly far more time consuming. A series of multiple color interlocking chain weaves with similar gem adornment. The knitted stuff of course didn't have gems; but, there were some nice scarfs and beanies.



     Cassidy couldn't help but smile as the girl in the sundress came over to inspect her wares. The inner bum who only thought of the next junkfood to buy or buy for others was making cha-ching sound effects in her head. Money would always burn through Cassidy's pockets as half the time it went to liven up someones day or get donated to foster care homes.

    She smiled from ear to ear a proud cheeky grin and nodded as the song drew closer and closer to a close. Her fingers dancing cross the strings showing she had certainly enough talent to be in a band of some kind. Even a local one. With the flourishing finish and the ending lines "Don't you Cry no more... ." she set the bass in her lap and blew some stray bangs into place eternally hiding her one eye.

     "Howdy Chica, I most certainly do. I also make custom orders long as I have the supplies." she takes a moment and opens a second display case under the green table, "I also do chain, and knitting too.... though they don't sell as often... cause. Well time consuming." 

     The chainmail was alot like the ring's of the main products; but, far superior and clearly far more time consuming. A series of multiple color interlocking chain weaves with similar gem adornment. The knitted stuff of course didn't have gems; but, there were some nice scarfs and beanies.


"I bet those would be really warm. I just recently moved here so.. I'm not sure if winter is a thing? At the other home it wasnt." She commented.
Meanwhile, a heavily damaged Roaming Eye was falling down towards the coast. As it spun towards the ground, what looked to be a single Ruby ejected and landed in the ocean below. The Roaming Eye hit the sand and burst into flames, although they were very quickly put out by the beach's tide.


   "Ah a newbie huh," she sets the bass aside carefully and hops up to a stand. "Well I've lived here my whole life really. We are a... hmm rather tight knit community. Lots of kind faces... and alot of weirdness to be sure. But umm, that's a whole nother story. Anyways." she rubs the back of her head and quirks a ehh kind of expression.

      "Winter's are really non-existent here; but, this is a tourist city and well some people buy stuff like that cause Winter may be heck for them back home. I wouldn't advise cold weather gear... ." chuckles.

    "Any-whooo, the names Cassidy Coles, or CC for short. Local Bum... and Pizza Delivery girl. How do you do?"



   "Ah a newbie huh," she sets the bass aside carefully and hops up to a stand. "Well I've lived here my whole life really. We are a... hmm rather tight knit community. Lots of kind faces... and alot of weirdness to be sure. But umm, that's a whole nother story. Anyways." she rubs the back of her head and quirks a ehh kind of expression.

      "Winter's are really non-existent here; but, this is a tourist city and well some people buy stuff like that cause Winter may be heck for them back home. I wouldn't advise cold weather gear... ." chuckles.

    "Any-whooo, the names Cassidy Coles, or CC for short. Local Bum... and Pizza Delivery girl. How do you do?"


Deli smiles and nods when appropriate. "I do just fine. I must say, I really do like your jewelry.. It reminds me of my father's collections." She smiles. Then she blinks and fishes around in her pocket. She.. felt like it would be kinda mean to her father if she bought a piece of jewelry with a gem from someone when he makes them for her, so, instead... she was going to leave a hopefully generous tip of a $20 in the woman's case. 


    Cassidy's eyes lit up for a moment as she eye'd the Jackson. Her mind cooing to it softly as if it was a lover. She turns to look at the girl with a bright smile. "Well thanks a bunch, that's sure gonna help me or someone else down the line. Listen, your new right?... gotta give you fair warning. Not sure if you have heard or not... but, there are some crazy umm vividly hue'd skinned girls and more recently according to a blogger I read... guys that do kinda run a little on the wild side around here. If you see people running one way... best to fallow you know."

     Kinda half shrugs, "Never met any personally mind you. Though saw this purple shortie with white hair coming out of the doughnut shop with like.... 10 baker's dozens once."

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    Cassidy's eyes lit up for a moment as she eye'd the Jackson. Her mind cooing to it softly as if it was a lover. She turns to look at the girl with a bright smile. "Well thanks a bunch, that's sure gonna help me or someone else down the line. Listen, your new right?... gotta give you fair warning. Not sure if you have heard or not... but, there are some crazy umm vividly hue'd skinned girls and more recently according to a blogger I read... guys that do kinda run a little on the wild side around here. If you see people running one way... best to fallow you know."

     Kinda half shrugs, "Never met any personally mind you. Though say this purple shortie with white hair coming out of the doughnut shop with like.... 10 baker's dozens once."


Delia's eyebrows shot up. "Ten!?" She exclaimed questioningly. Needless to say, never mind a purple girl, 10 bakers dozens!? That was... alot! "Surely not all for her?"


     "Well maybe, I mean the girl kinda shoved one of the bags in her mouth whole. But, I think she and the bird nose and Big O'l Square head are like Steven's Aunt's or something. Ohh yeah, Steven.... he's kinda like the towns little butterfly. Always helping people, caring, considerate.... talented. Guy's gonna be something when he grow's into his neck. Can't miss him really... got this cutest little fro deal going on. His pops... awesome guitarist... owns the car wash which Beast over there." Looks to her Hummer, "Visit's monthly... gives free wax coats too."



     "Well maybe, I mean the girl kinda shoved one of the bags in her mouth whole. But, I think she and the bird nose and Big O'l Square head are like Steven's Aunt's or something. Ohh yeah, Steven.... he's kinda like the towns little butterfly. Always helping people, caring, considerate.... talented. Guy's gonna be something when he grow's into his neck. Can't miss him really... got this cutest little fro deal going on. His pops... awesome guitarist... owns the car wash which Beast over there." Looks to her Hummer, "Visit's monthly... gives free wax coats too."


"This place does sure sound different.. but thats just fine by me." She smiled. "And those sure are some odd nick names.. Cant wait to meet more people."

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