
  Well. They were screwed. 

  Alistair watched the battle with wide eyes, waiting for an opening and trying to think. Then, the Aquamarine ran towards Morgan. "M-Morgan! Aquagen!" he said, coming up with a brilliant idea. Nobody but he and Morgan would know what he was talking about, but he held out a hand towards her, looking determined. "L-Let's stop this gem.....t-together."

She gripped his hand and nodded. "Lets!"
Carefully balancing in the craft, Verdite grabbed the controls, and stabilized the craft, "Both engines at 65%. The craft will stabilize after some violent equilibrium." The Verdite then snatched the Gem Destabilizer, turning around to point at the intruders.
She gripped his hand and nodded. "Lets!"

Carefully balancing in the craft, Verdite grabbed the controls, and stabilized the craft, "Both engines at 65%. The craft will stabilize after some violent equilibrium." The Verdite then snatched the Gem Destabilizer, turning around to point at the intruders.

  Alistair began to do his part of the Fusion Dance, trying his best not to pay attention to the FREAKING GEM DESTABILIZER BEING POINTED AT THEM. "Uhhhh....." he said, still dancing. Then he quickly sent a wave of water at the Verdite, then created a bubble shield around him and Morgan as he finished his part of the dance. 
What do these clowns think think they're doing? Dancing won't help them... Do whatever they were trying to do? "I think an Aquamarine and a Morganite would do nicely as a token of my aaaAAAA-" the Verdite couldn't finish her sentence because she was flushed out of the ship, nearly falling into the ocean. By now the temple had become a speck in the horizon, and the Verdite was sure she was the only one who new how to pilot those highly physical, ancient-esce controls.
  Alistair began to do his part of the Fusion Dance, trying his best not to pay attention to the FREAKING GEM DESTABILIZER BEING POINTED AT THEM. "Uhhhh....." he said, still dancing. Then he quickly sent a wave of water at the Verdite, then created a bubble shield around him and Morgan as he finished his part of the dance. 

She smiled and then did her part. They were completely different- but oddly went togeather quite well. She did the last bit and stuck her pose- waiting for the finishing bit.
What do these clowns think think they're doing? Dancing won't help them... Do whatever they were trying to do? "I think an Aquamarine and a Morganite would do nicely as a token of my aaaAAAA-" the Verdite couldn't finish her sentence because she was flushed out of the ship, nearly falling into the ocean. By now the temple had become a speck in the horizon, and the Verdite was sure she was the only one who new how to pilot those highly physical, ancient-esce controls.

She smiled and then did her part. They were completely different- but oddly went togeather quite well. She did the last bit and stuck her pose- waiting for the finishing bit.

  Alistair smiled as his water worked, then did the final part—lifting Morgan in the air and spinning around. Then his gem glowed. He held the pose for a few seconds, letting their Fusion take their places. 
Verdite did her best to pull herself back onto the ship to find... A fusion!? Verdite's hands slipped, and she fell into the ocean, shrieking all the way down. Slamming into the ocean surface was an otherworldly experience. It came to an end, however, when Verdite lost sight of daylight, slowly sinking beneath the waves...
  Alistair smiled as his water worked, then did the final part—lifting Morgan in the air and spinning around. Then his gem glowed. He held the pose for a few seconds, letting their Fusion take their places. 

Verdite did her best to pull herself back onto the ship to find... A fusion!? Verdite's hands slipped, and she fell into the ocean, shrieking all the way down. Slamming into the ocean surface was an otherworldly experience. It came to an end, however, when Verdite lost sight of daylight, slowly sinking beneath the waves...

Morganite setteled into her place in the fusion. It was a happy expierence. "Gotta save em all!" She commented as their form solidified.
Verdite did her best to pull herself back onto the ship to find... A fusion!? Verdite's hands slipped, and she fell into the ocean, shrieking all the way down. Slamming into the ocean surface was an otherworldly experience. It came to an end, however, when Verdite lost sight of daylight, slowly sinking beneath the waves...

Morganite setteled into her place in the fusion. It was a happy expierence. "Gotta save em all!" She commented as their form solidified.

  Alistair made their head nod at that, hoping that this was what Morgan meant as he had them run towards the edge of the ocean, took out their trident, and used the water to lift Verdite out of the ocean and onto the ship. 

  "To injure or not to injure, that is the question. You've done quite a lot of damage, you know. So it's justified."
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  Alistair made their head nod at that, hoping that this was what Morgan meant as he had them run towards the edge of the ocean, took out their trident, and used the water to lift Verdite out of the ocean and onto the ship. 

  ".......P-Please, ma'am.....we would like it if you could at least hear us Crystal Gems out......"

((Remeber- they are a FUSION xD  their personality is a bit changed.))
Verdite thought she was gone, doomed to the bottom of this planet's ocean, when the water suddenly lifted her up, and launched her back into the ship. Must be the work of that Aquamarine. They aren't nearly as incompetent as she had previously thought. Verdite hesitated, but did holster the Gem Destabilizer, "What is it that you want?" She slowly edged her way around the room, trying to slowly make her way to the controls.
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T was sitting at the bottom of the ocean meditating 'It's Peaceful down here ain't it?'  Turquoise was talking to Lapis while they were fused as always, 'I was always fond of this planet' Lapis said observing her surroundings as some of the local fish swam away. Turquoise was about to comment when they looked up to the surface of the water and saw something strange 'You saw it also?...' 'Gems...' Turquoise and Lapis knew that they were not the only gems on earth but the question was if the gems on the ocean surface were Crystal Gems or Homeworld Gems. T's eyes opened and she slowly stood up remaining on the ocean floor and she slowly raised her left hand, a solid water platform appeared under T and started to carry her up to the ocean surface while her combat mode was slowly turning on. T's hair started to have water colored streaks in it and an Aztec-like mask appeared on her face as her Pancho grew out to around her knees, T reached to her gem at her neck and it glowed to life she slowly pulled out her war hammer just in case. T breached the surface slowly looking at the two gems infront of her.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @ferociousfeind @Enmyira

(Sorry if the scenery is wrong, if it is tell me and i can change it, also the turquoise color is turquoise and the dark blue is the lapis when they are talking inside of T's head)
Verdite thought she was gone, doomed to the bottom of this planet's ocean, when the water suddenly lifted her up, and launched her back into the ship. Must be the work of that Aquamarine. They aren't nearly as incompetent as she had previously thought. Verdite hesitated, but did holster the Gem Destabilizer, "What is it that you want?" She slowly edged her way around the room, trying to slowly make her way to the controls.

"We want to talk. Peacefully. Calm your fusion guard and we will all convene.." Aquagen said.
Verdite thought she was gone, doomed to the bottom of this planet's ocean, when the water suddenly lifted her up, and launched her back into the ship. Must be the work of that Aquamarine. They aren't nearly as incompetent as she had previously thought. Verdite hesitated, but did holster the Gem Destabilizer, "What is it that you want?" She slowly edged her way around the room, trying to slowly make her way to the controls.

"We want to talk. Peacefully. Calm your fusion guard and we will all convene.." Aquagen said.

  "Who knows? Maybe we could come to an agreement," Aquagen added, a hint of Alistair's voice somewhere in there as they sent the water back into the ocean. 
T rose to the ocean surface right as Aquagen put the water back into the ocean, As T stepped onto the ocean surface the gem at her neck and back lit up. Water climbed T's back and formed broken wings and a huge turquoise shield formed at her left forearm while her war club was in her right hand ready to fight the worst case. 'Remember if they are Crystal gems don't hurt them' Lapis said to Turquoise 'If they hurt us ill hurt them' T's wings stretched out and she slowly started to fly up towards the other gems.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Enmyira @ferociousfeind
Marcus was relaxing as it was his first day to relax after his training trip back from America. He was walking down the beach until he noticed a fence, he hated fences so he jumped it. He had no idea what he would expect to see on the other side.
Mountains and mountains of boxes sat comfortably between silver arms, a pair of twins cheerfully adding more boxes with the use of a ladder they found laying around in the yard. Jais smiled, piercing sky blue eyes staring triumphantly as the boys added the final box of silverware onto the top of what they dubbed as Mount Boxiest. From above the ladder one of the twins, a small brunette, pouted his cheeks flushed with anger at his own defeat as his brother, younger only by a few seconds, clapped in awe. 

"You're so cool Jais." he clapped, innocent brown eyes looking on with utter amazement.

"Uh, yeah. I know." she agreed, sticking a cyan tongue out at Keith who crawled down angrily from the metal ladder.

What did he expect to happen, hmm? He had never succeeded at beating her at Tetris, so what made him think he could beat her in a test of strength? Jais chuckled, as she focused on the sullen face of the loser before her.

"Did you really think you could beat me in a strength test Mr. Two Boxes. Get on my level first will ya." She mocked, the blood beginning to rush to the child's head. It was his fault really. He should've never challenged her in the first place, and to think this was all because he couldn't beat her at Mortal Kombat. A smile ran across her pale lips at the thought  of it all. The five of them were taking a road trip to their new homes in Beach City, her best bud and his wife deciding to rent a moving truck and drive twenty four hours to get there. It was a crazily stupid idea seeing it was logically better to just take a plane to the nearest city and to travel from there, but eh. He did what he wanted, and it didn't bother her so who cared. Right? So after about five hours in, she and Keith were battling it out on their rather out of date gaming systems, the PSP. It had been a duel akin to first degree murder as she slaughtered him without mercy having fifty wins under her belt while he only carried his puny 1 which she let him have to stop his crying, and because his dad told her to. It was around game 65 when Keith raged quit, saying that the game was dumb and stupid. She teased him a bit calling him a loser, a sore one at that, and even went about comparing him to his wimpy father. The kid took it as an insult, a subtle burn to the man in the drivers seat, and boasted about being able to carry all of their belongings inside the new house. The ebony gem debunked his claim nonchalantly telling the nine year old that he couldn't even lift up his chair let alone a box full of clothes. Thinking back, she did kinda egg him on a bit. Oh well, let by gones be by gones. Who told him to bet his shiny Giratina and Diancie, not her. Although she had graciously accepted his offer.

"You cheated Jais! Didn't she George!" Keith cried. He looked at his brother for back up, but received none.

"Uhm, skid. How in the universe am I cheating holdin' boxes. George, you think I'd cheat?" she inquired, her head turned a little less than 180 degrees at the child. George shook his head in response, tears gliding down Keith's cheeks at his twin's betrayal.


"Keith, I'm gonna cut you off right there. Darla and Jordan are calling ya'll so you better skedaddle. Don't want to hurt your dad's feeling again now do ya?" she interjected, jerking her head in the direction of the entrance.

A woman of small stature waved for the twins to come in, her blonde hair radiating underneath the sunlight. A cheerful grin decorated her heart shaped face, a dash of blush adding a bit more life to her high cheeks. She was what humans considered beautiful. Turning her head slightly she saw what seemed to be a extremely large Matryoshka doll standing beside her. Oh wait, she took it back. It was Jordan. He was a very round dark skinned man to say the least. A mangy mess of brown curls stood slightly above the nape of his neck accompanied by a scraggly beard that screamed bum. He wore a  simple t-shirt with a shield decorated in american colors, a single star in the middle of that old red, white, and blue. Something Marvel related no doubt. Examining the family from behind Mount Boxiest, she really had to question how he got a gal like her and produced children like that. He was her friend and all, but honestly this scene had been quite baffling to her. The ninth wonder of the world. 

"Hey Jais,  come over here for a sec! Kids, go inside with you mother real quick." he commanded. A quick nodding of their heads, and the two scurried inside, Darla following not far behind.

"So what'cha need Jordan?" she asked as she attempted to balance the mountain in her grasp.

"Jais, you've helped us ... put the boxes down for a second I can't talk to you seriously with you wiggling all over the place." he noted, Jais balancing attempt leaving her wobbling like a clown on a unicycle. After putting the boxes down he continued. "You've helped us quite a bit on this entire move. Ya know, with all this packing and moving and stuff. It's kinda weird doing this father thing and even after nine year of experience I still have no flipping clue of what I'm doing. I mean the diaper changing, the soccer games, the after school activities it's all so confusing. Then there -"

"Yeah, I know. I was there remember. You didn't just call me over to start yapping about your struggle did ya bud?" she interrupted, Jordan rubbing his head in apology, a strange habit of his.

"Yeah you're right." She always was. "What I'm trying to say is that you should take a break. See the town, and enjoy yourself for a bit." Jais felt the need to speak but was cut off by a wave of his hand. "I know you're a Gem and all, but you gotta have a break sometime to you know. Here's twenty dollars, go treat yourself." he demanded, forcing a crumpled up Jackson into her hand. She looked at the bill for a moment and then back to Jordan. With a sigh she patted him on the shoulder and nodded, the black wool covering her back fluttering at the sudden motion.

"Yeah yeah. I get'cha. But you know, this ain't even enough to buy a girl a decent meal let alone me. And you wondered why you had so much trouble on your dates with Darla." she chuckled, shoving the bill into the shoulder pad of her right skull.  With that, she found her way to the sidewalk, the exhaust of the moving truck making what would have been a nice view foggy and undesirable.

"Oh and Jais." he stopped her.

"What is it now?"

"Give me back my ID. You aren't buying cigarettes with that."

"How did you kno- ... AH DAMN IT! Here!" she tossed the piece of bent plastic back to him.

"I didn't, but thanks for being honest with me." he winked at her before as he caught it. Shit. He got her. She scratched her head, feeling a slight tinge of black energy coming from behind her. She grinned.  Jordan began grabbing one of the middle boxes of Mount Boxiest. A minor tug and the boxes came raining down on him.

"Saw that one coming." she laughed before running into town. Served him right for tricking her like that.

Now a few blocks away from their home, Jais took a gander at her surroundings. There had been a Donut shop further down the road, a large oval shaped delicacy notifying her of that. Near the docks was a French Fry restaurant if the gigantic fry display was anything to go off of. Next to it had been a small arcade filled with some amazing looking machinery, but what really caught her attention had been a small hat stand showing off a variety of different head wear. Wow. Her eyes shone brightly as she saw the pitch black cap with the number 1 stitched in it, the sides of the hat holding two empty pouches with straws dangling from both ends. Jais pushed her hands against her face. Oh, she wanted it!

"How much?" she asked the old fella behind the table.

"Ten buc-"

"Give it to me." she interrupted, the twenty she had stashed away now lying flat in front of the short man. The old fella examined the bill, placing it in front of the sun to see if it had been the genuine. Once he observed the invisible picture of Mr. Jackson, he went into a small envelope hidden within his pocket and gave her a crisp ten along with two warm beer cans he threw in for free. Excited, she took all four items, stuffing the ten back into her right shoulder pad while placing the warm beer cans in the empty cup holder attached to both sides of the hat. Jais smiled as she opened them, the warm liquid slowing changing the clear white plastic into brown warmth that slid down her throat.

Happy with her find, she had to wonder. What was she going to do next?
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  "Who knows? Maybe we could come to an agreement," Aquagen added, a hint of Alistair's voice somewhere in there as they sent the water back into the ocean. 

Black Onyx waited until something happened she started to realize the only thing she could do now, was wait for something to happen "I'll just blend into my shadow and wait for something to happen" Black Onyx blended into her shadow and stayed behind Verdite just in case she wanted to use the Gem Destabilizer.

(Sorry for the separate responses, I had limited internet access but today I return Home and I can post regularly)
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With squinted eyes, Verdite agreed to a 'talk', "what sort of agreement are you looking for?" Verdite continued to slowly edge her way towards the control panel with every word.
With squinted eyes, Verdite agreed to a 'talk', "what sort of agreement are you looking for?" Verdite continued to slowly edge her way towards the control panel with every word.

Black Onyx waited until something happened she started to realize the only thing she could do now, was wait for something to happen "I'll just blend into my shadow and wait for something to happen" Black Onyx blended into her shadow and stayed behind Verdite just in case she wanted to use the Gem Destabilizer.

(Sorry for the separate responses, I had limited internet access but today I return Home and I can post regularly)

T rose to the ocean surface right as Aquagen put the water back into the ocean, As T stepped onto the ocean surface the gem at her neck and back lit up. Water climbed T's back and formed broken wings and a huge turquoise shield formed at her left forearm while her war club was in her right hand ready to fight the worst case. 'Remember if they are Crystal gems don't hurt them' Lapis said to Turquoise 'If they hurt us ill hurt them' T's wings stretched out and she slowly started to fly up towards the other gems.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Enmyira @ferociousfeind


  "Wellllll....." Aquagen said in Alistair's voice, stretching their arms. "You did kinda crash-land onto our beach and shoot one of us with a laser beam. So why exactly are you doing this for the Diamonds?" The eyes that belonged to Alistair (they had four eyes) cocked a brow. "I mean, one of us has seen what it's like in the Homeworld. Not exactly puppies and unicorns."
"It's not my fault the left engine shut off! And you attacked my escorts!" Verdite exclaimed defensively, "They're probably duking it out with the rest of your renegade gems." She slid towards the panel, slowly making progress, hoping the fusion, Aquagen, doesn't notice.
"It's not my fault the left engine shut off! And you attacked my escorts!" Verdite exclaimed defensively, "They're probably duking it out with the rest of your renegade gems." She slid towards the panel, slowly making progress, hoping the fusion, Aquagen, doesn't notice.

Aquagen sighed and rolled its eyes- Morganite's personality showing through. "Look- its obvious little Verdite, that you are going for the controls." Aquagen shifted their trident into full complete view. "Land us will you? Or- we could just poof you and.. maybe perhaps destroy the whole ship."
"It's not my fault the left engine shut off! And you attacked my escorts!" Verdite exclaimed defensively, "They're probably duking it out with the rest of your renegade gems." She slid towards the panel, slowly making progress, hoping the fusion, Aquagen, doesn't notice.

Black Onyx stayed near Verdites shadow, she noticed movement and decided to reappear behind the gem blocking her movement "What's the hurry Verdite, are you tired of talking?"

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