RP between RP Otaku and jabberwockey19

"Don't have to ask me twice." Connor said turning around and waiting


Alex smiled and follow, she got into the car and started driving, when a thought came to her she looked at May "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"
May smiled, "Kaykay. Have you ever been in love?"


The doctor replied, "Not long. You can leave if you like."
Alex looked at May and took a deep breath "Yeah, yeah I have." She said a little sad.


"I'll stay." Connor sad sitting down.
May slipped her hand into Alex's. "Aww what happened?"


Jasper smirked, "You can go, i couldn't care less."
"I don'y really like to talk about it." Alex said thinking about telling her.


"Fine, I'll leave, bye." Connor said walking out of the room.
May nodded understanding. "Kaykay."


Jasper sighed, "I changed my mind, get back in here right now."
"What?!?!" Connor asked standing in the doorway looking at Jaspere.


"Thanks for understanding. By the way your brother is really good looking." Alex said.
"What do you mean by that?" Connor asked cunfused.


"Yeah he is." Alex said, pulling into the parking lot of the hospital, got out of the car and walked to the door. She stopped and waited for May to follow.
May followed her, "You're so gross." she shivered. "Jasper's...well Jasper. How would you feel if I said connor is cte?"


"Massage my head," Jasper said again.
"No way, dude!" Connor said dicusted that he would ask that.


"I get you poit." Alex said stopping if front of the door of the office.
"Well, I am not rubbing your head." Connor said, standing firm.


Alex opened the door and walked into the room "Hey, guys." She said to Connor and Jaspere. "So do you guys want to go to the pool when we are done here, if Jaspere is feeling up to it, of course."
Jasper immediately stood up. "Of course let's go. By the way, Connor was extremely cruel to me."


May walked back in, "What you guys talking about?"
Alex hit Connor on the shoulder "Bad Connor!" she yelled at him. "Lets stop bye my apartment and get changed." Alex walked out the door, stopped and waited for them to follow.


Connor followed alex with a pout.
May followed and patted Connor's shoulder, "Poor little blonde boy." She then skipped off ahead.


Jasper smirked and linked his arm through Alex'.
May linked her arm through Connor's, "I'm sorry about whatever Jasper did."


Jasper flashed Alex a charming smile, "Don't you think i'm hot even when I'm injured?"
Jasper snickered, "I'll take that as a yes."


"You're welcome," May smiled. "By the way are you in love with Alex?"
May turned to face Connor, "Do you think I'm a bad person?"


Jasper took out his phone and called the gang leader and left a very rude message.

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